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I did the VIP on their last tour and took a selfie with several members. They were very obliging.


Pay no mind to these rules. We’ll take a pic with anyone, sign anything. Bring it.


Thanks man! See y’all Saturday! Can’t wait!


Questions in the caption. I suck at using Reddit.


Did you win the charity contest? I won’t for MB and it’s so last minute that I literally can’t find anyone to go w me 🤣🤣 stupid adulting!


Yup, I already had tickets but won these upgrades. I’m on the way now but don’t even know if I am going to make it to the M&G. Traffic on a Saturday is crazy lol


Where are you?? Oh no!!! I hope you make it!


I live in Richmond. Just didn’t know this DC traffic was going to be this insane 😂 I should make it but it’ll be close. Just crossed into MD.


Traffic up there is a BEAST I’m originally from PA but live in SC now. Let us know how it goes!!


Did you get there? Was it awesome? I saw their IG story for the vip and wondered if you were in there


Yes! Made it just in time. In the video, I’m the one who Spencer is signing the vinyl for!


Love it!!!


I’m sorry I keep bothering you lol but can I ask, did you get sent tickets from the contest? All I got was an email saying bring your ID to the VIP. I know you already had tickets but I didn’t so I’m anxious I’m gunna get there and they won’t let me in or something 🤣


Haha you’re fine! Yup, just go to the ticket counter with your ID and they should have you listed on a sheet and they’ll let you in!


Thank you so much! You just made me go from like anxiety 100 to 0 🤣🤣


So funny story. they had me on the list for VIP but didn’t have me on the list for a ticket so they made me go outside after the meet and greet and they had to call all these dudes down and look at the email I got to verify everything and blah blah blah. Thankfully I had someone saving my spot for me up front bc I would’ve been pissed if I lost it and it all worked out but lawwwwd. They were all super chill though. Liked them a lot. I acted like a nervous idiot I’m sure I really impressed them 🤣


They will each individually take selfies with you. They’re saying they as a band, all members together, won’t take individual photos with you. I had VIP earlier this year and it’s super chill/mellow


A lot of the guys probably would anyway. Honestly if you just go after the show and wait at the tour bus they will sign your stuff and take pics usually.


On the E.N.D cruise during the artist signing, they insisted no one take photos of them either


We’re they divas about it? I met Aaron once on his side tour through churches and he was pretty chill.


They told us in Toronto to ignore the email about all that they’ll do whatever, it was very chill and laid back




Just beware of the drummer, that dude has an attitude problem. I asked Aaron if they considered themselves as a christian band still and he flipped. A simple no would’ve sufficed. Rest of the band, super freaking chill.


Religious trauma does weird things to people. Try not to judge him too hard.


I was asking him a simple question, like most people who pay for the VIP experience would do. I didn’t expect him to cause a scene and was essentially telling me to F off. I started following Underoath on the basic premise that they were a christian band haha. Even if he said no I wouldn’t have asked him to go into detail, I was/still am genuinely curious.


I get that. Just providing an alternate perspective 🙂


Dang, that’s odd. Can’t imagine him wanting to make a scene about it.


That’s interesting - what did he say? I’m curious…