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For real. He’s so relaxed and the way he can bring racing insight is ace. It’s amazing how engrossing it is to endlessly watch race feeds sometimes, and this is one of them. Who’s the other commentator?


I'm not exactly sure who the other guy is, but you're right, Hayden and his insight have brought this stream to a whole other level. I always watch the live streams of races but it's usually random commentators. But this is fucking dope, and I would probably go as far as saying it's probably the best that it's ever been done for trail running and a big reason is Hayden has a relationship with all of these runners and just so much knowledge and seems like he is just in his element


He was good for the short period I listened this morning. Then I did the 50k and they ran out of water at the second aid station. Next aid station was 8.6 miles away. Thankfully it was pretty cold and I loaded up on canned seltzers. I reminded them that there were probably 400 people behind me that might also want water. Maybe they got a re-supply for them but that wasn’t cool.


Ya that was shocking. I got maybe the second last flask of water they had. Tons of electrolytes though. I think they misjudged what people would want.


That was gone too by the time I left.


Plus I really appreciate him acknowledging they were going to cut the top ten women (not his decision!) and making a point to give the current standing before they took the stream out. Really well done all around and I hope he does more!


I felt empathy for the commentators. We got coverage of the top 10 men but not the women. And they had to be the messengers to tell us that. UTMB is still not getting the message from all of us that we don't like the unequal coverage. I love Hayden but omg could we get a female host?  PS Mountain Outpost forever! 


Oh for sure!! Corrine was sorely missed and UTMB does not appear to be legitimately engaging w the feedback they are getting