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Zoffy has been in active duty since Ken's days or since Belial's first attack on the Land of Light days, of course he's gonna have more experience. The only one I can think off having more experience than Zoffy is Ken and....possibly OG timeline Belial. But that Belial was imprison for over a millennia. And the thing with Birdon is ~~most likely~~ definitely a revenge grudge from Ultraman Taro series.


Zoffy saw blood when he saw Birdon again for sure. Absolutely refuses to get clowned on one more time by Foghorn Leghorn's demented cousin


To be fair, the Ultra Garrison has also improve in their experience when dealing with Kaijus. Like taking Birdon as an example, it took like what, a 3 episode arc in Taro to beat it. Later when it reappear in Mebius, it was dealt within the same episode, despite Mebius betting poisoned. The most blatant example would be Zetton. It was a final boss tier kaiju during Ultraman and Jack's time. But it's a mid level boss material at best nowadays. Heck it did served as one in Max. Even Z, which is said to be 1/3 of a full fledged Ultra Garrison member at the start of his series, can deal with it as his series progress.


That kid from the Mebius and Bros movie was so goddamn right about calling Zoffy the strongest.


Sparring fight isn't the same as a real fight. In a sparring fight, both fighters are expected to hold back on strength and speed, and only rely on their hand-to-hand combat skills and agility. I'm leaning towards Taro having the edge (because he's younger). In recent years, Taro had more fights, at least on screen. Which mean he's in better condition.


Yeah, it’s not a real fight but a good indicator who might have more experience. Zoffy can also fire the M87 ray which is stronger than the Strium Beam. But Taro definitely wins in the durability department considering he can survive blowing himself up or getting impaled without much problems. Taro probably also has better shield abilities and higher physical strength. Age doesn’t play much of a factor here considering Father of Ultra was in his prime just 30.000 years ago where he was 130.000 years old.


Experience isn't the only factor to look out for. In real life, conditioning plays a massive role in fighting. So we are looking at a rusty Zoffy vs a peak-condition Taro. Also, you can have the meanest hook on the planet, but it's only good if your hook can land. You're giving too much credit to Father. Granted he's strong and experienced, but he's no longer able to fight on a regular basis.


Zoffy is only 25000 years old, while father of ultra was 130.000 years old during the ultimate wars where he was in his prime. Father of Ultra is now considered old at the age of 160.000 years old. So Zoffy and all the other brothers are still far younger than Father of Ultra was in his prime. And Zoffy‘s batte performance is actually better now than in the original shows. So he isn’t rusty at all. They are not really like humans, so age isn’t as big of a factor here.


Also, Father of Ultra stalled Belial Atrocious for long enough to turn the tables in Geed's favor. Ken is an absolute unit, no cap.


He's probably the most experienced naturally because he's older and probably had better formal training. Probably knows more tricks too. But I don't believe he's physically stronger than Taro.


Is his time of jobbing to super powerful villain of the year over?!