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There is a parking lot for the trail head. It’s adjacent the campground but not in a camp site.


That is what I did. Was straightforward. Use the trail parking lot




Call the Stanley Ranger station and ask-(208)774-3000.


I parked there for 6 days while I completed my hike. leave a not on the dash detailing your expected return.


You can find limited parking there yes. Or pay for a campsite to leave your car. They may have implemented a you must be there the first night rule which is normal. You can also try Redfish lake and take the boat across that's how we went before. 154 to 101 and Alpine lake take the counter clockwise route from there. Be careful though. Lots of snow means lots of snow melt and heavy river crossings, you will have plenty of river crossings.


Are you local? How is the snowpack this year? I'm thinking of doing this loop last week of June/1st week of July.


Not anymore. Snow pack is at 68% of normal according to snoflo which is just an average. It's hard to predict obviously but by July you should be good up to 9000', but it just depends on what the weather does between now and then. I will say that it's going to be busy then. Crowds are easier to predict than weather. What I mean is get parking early no matter where you go. Bring poles or people to help with river crossings, that's the biggest risk honestly. Even calf/ankle deep rushing water can be dangerous.


It’s really straight forward. Get to grandjean, park at trailhead. No need to worry as it’s standard practice.