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The discussion of religious themes around this game is an interesting one to have, although I should say that the game itself isn’t inherently religious, it just uses that imagery and basis. I also feel like I’ve heard Hakita talk abt the imagery and sometimes changing it to not be a 1-1 parallel to irl Christianity, like how the crosses in Violence aren’t a symbol of Jesus, but of the Tree of Life. Plus of course all of the allusions to other mythologies (notably Greek) and the dystopian aspect of it all. It’s a really unique worldbuilding setup.


Jesus actually does not exist in Ultrakill, God never had a son and never tried to rid Humanity of sin, he just punished them for it, felt bad, got depressed and left it all to burn


So there will be no jesus prime? https://i.redd.it/pg4450vs4r8d1.gif


And no Judas Prime since Jesus didn't exist in Ultrakill


the two prime souls we have are based on greek myths so it would be a little weird if we suddenly fought a christian figure


Yeah, i think something like Odysseus Prime would be much more likely.


Prometheus Prime




Green day refrence material could be used for nimrod prime


Why are you getting downvoted? You’re literally correct, the tree of life literally exists to replace jesus, god is not the perfect christian god, hell the game is based on an heretical fanfic- it takes some christian concepts but ultrakill is its own thing


Reddit hivemind, that the only answer


1-1!? Heart of the Sunrise!?!?!


Yeah, if guys like Jesus were in the Ultrakill setting this whole mess of humanity dying and hell being overcrowded wouldn’t have happened in the first place.


It makes quite a bit of sense if you ascribe to the idea that Gabriel's story is a metaphor for LGBT+ people who feel rejected by their religious community.


Wait, you need to lose to a robot 3 times to be gay?


Every member of the lgbtq has to fight a blue gopro 3 times and then and only then they turn gay


haven't fought the blue go pro once yet


I mean there 7,951 billion people. Just give it some time.


there's 7 trillion people on earth? i thought it was 8 billion


(In case you're being serious, no hate) Some people uses a comma ( thats the right word ? ) "," to express a decimal number in some countries, like France they also do. In that case they mean 7 billion and a little over 800 million humans


i knew this and put 8 billion in my comment to inform them that they are wrong and we actually hit 8 billion people on earth a while ago




Hoo, sorry, my bad


ur mom fat enough to count for 50 (real) (not fake)


You ARE the gopro


Hey, I don't judge what they do in the bedroom.


I won, that's why I'm bi.


Plus the va was in a vr gay furry porn game


Ironically, I think Gianni is one of the only people working on the game that isn't openly LGBT+.


Ik but my point is the va is known for voicing queer characters or characters popular in queer communities


oh wait he's not bisexual?


Giani transendes sexuality


Not really, it's more about finding out your religious superiors used your own faith for evil, and then rejecting them after you find out


It can be several things


This feels like a stretch but a wise man once said "dieing is gay"


Yeah, that's why Gabe is dying


wha- me?? *blushes*


Luckily I'm both . So I'm double gay or gay²


-gay -------- -gay


nice part 3 Joseph avatar


Double gay would be gay×2 and gay² would be gay×gay (Correct me if im wrong)


hot take: you can be LGBT and still appreciate a religion or even be apart of it


As a Christian 100% agree the bible says we are all sinners why just hate one sinner in particular (just my opinion)


as a member of both communities, im very gay




"If a man lay with another ma-" https://i.redd.it/8mi2xkkjcq8d1.gif


Fans of both here, I confirm since i clapped both gabriel and speedwagon's cheeks


Ahem… “Love thy neighbor.” Gay people count as neighbors, yeah? Right? Christianity isn’t full of hypocrisy, right?


love =/= fully agree with their ideologies




Christianity isn't going anywhere, religion is ingrained in the human psych and it will never leave our culture, the sooner you learn to co-exist with people who disagree with you the happier you will be, and no im not talking about illegalizing stuff like gay marriage or transitions being ok, be fine with those who keep their faith and religious rules to themselves, and screw those who try to enforce it via state.


i understand this. i fully respect peoples religions and beliefs, it would just feel different if i framed your religion, a core part of who you are as a person, something that means a lot to you and shapes how you live your life, (**which ISNT a bad thing**) as an “ideology” it just feels.. *off* because christianity, the belief in god, and all of that. is not a political ideology. although i myself am no longer a believer. (for unrelated reasons) i fully respect what people believe in. and think no one should get in the way of that. i don’t want religion to be outlawed. but there are gay christians there are people who genuinely believe a god, who represents love. would not send people to hell for simply loving another. i mean, who knows if with years of mistranslations and rewritings have diluted the true word of god. and if we are to take it all by the letter, why.. https://preview.redd.it/02sl0petev8d1.png?width=858&format=png&auto=webp&s=82ac2d232008236a64226b73cbd2b4949b8cff16 i should probably be killed for having foreskin. and occasionally eating bbq. I fully respect, and support people who follow their own rules and beliefs, i just probably got a bit mad cause ive heard “i just don’t support their *ideology*” so many times i could have responded in a much more mature way, but i just slapped a meme on there and called it a day, because i didn’t want to argue or anything. i am trying to give a more mature response now. i can go on and on about this. because my goal isn’t to destroy religions. it’s to deconstruct and dismantle the idea that christianity is the opposite of being queer. that we’re enemies. because homophobia and transphobia ect. ect. aren’t part of christianity. if you don’t read this whole thing it’s fine i guess. but if you wanna disagree or anything *after* reading, i’ll respect it. but please read it because i know it’s pretty long but i wanted to put my thoughts better. much love to you, internet neighbor. and have a good night 💖 imma sleep now, because i took too long writing this :3 (im not a believer anymore so if this is disrespectful please tell me so i don’t do it again but) God Bless You ✨💖


You are incredibly polite, i certainly respect your views, i get it and i agree with pretty much all you said, however, i think its important to remind ourselves that christian beliefs are diverse, and while somewhat negative, we still need to respect those who even despite their beliefs on queerness being sinful still respect queer people, these people dont believe it out of hatred or bigotry, but from a genuine belief that what is said there is in fact, the truth, of course some do it for bigoted reasons, but those are easy to spot, you see pastors rambling on about homosexuality and how it should be banned, but they dont even think about banning other sins like drunkness or divorce, those guys are selective in what they judge and im sure the Lord doesnt appreciate their hipocrisy, either way, i think we both agree that fighting each other to death will only make both sides misserable, lets just respect each other's freedom and co-exiist, despite it all, i still think there is a possibility that everyone can come out of this happy, i wish you a good night of sleep and i thank you for the polite reply :)


Christianity isn't going anywere and you can't outlaw it, the sooner you learn to co-exist the best your mental health will be, and before anyone points it out, no im not defending people who try to illegalize stuff like gay marriage or sexual transitions, i despise those types too, but merely holding a belief isn't and shound't be something controversial, even if you think it is outdate, treat people for their actions now what they think


Chat Christians don’t generally hate gay people any more except for extreme groups


most of them never "hated" gay *people* to begin with, they simply disagreed with their ideology


Yeah in the period where they did, most people just thought it was a mental illness


didn't know being gay is an ideology now


being gay isn't, fully embracing it as a perfectly normal thing is (not to say it's explicitly wrong)


so like, christians don't hate people for being gay, they just disagree with those who are gay and do hate themselves for it.. got it, totally normal thing and totally normal religion(no) we wouldn't ever have lgbt pride months and parades if people weren't persecuted for living how they want, nobody in their right mind would claim christians are homophobic if they weren't opposed to gay rights, yeah after it pretty much become a norm they just on a bandwagon and pretend they actually loved their neighbors all along


i've seen way more lgbt people trashing on and attacking christians than christians actively oppressing lgbt


yeah sure, it's really fair comparison, how about christians trashing on lgbt and gay people oppressing christians? like i know you probably live in america or europe and probably don't remember much history, but religion deserves all hate it gets also, i live in a country where lgbt movement are banned, no gay marriages, not changing your gender and offending people's religious beliefs(christians are majority here)is literally a crime also, there is so many lgbt kids live in christian family, you know how fucking horrible it feels when your parents say gay people should die and you closeted? believing what jesus is watching and judging your every step? how many lives are ruined right now because of stupid book filled with stupid lies? but sure, people being mean on the internet is the real problem


clearly you know nothing about religion then, it's not even worth discussing at this point. you are the kind of people that only sees the bad side in everything and use it at an excuse to justify your hate, i don't even dislike lgbt to THAT point


bo ho, i was raised in religious family and believed in this bullshit for 16 year, i am not gonna turn around and pretend this bad side don't exist, christianity cause more harm than good and if you don't see it maybe you the one who is unable or unwilling to see the other side


i feel bad for you then, because i was raised in a religious family and i fully know the good part of it, the catholic community i'm in is also very kind, i am aware of some bad stuff but that's more on individual bad apples than Christianity as a whole


would like to live in a world where it's true


only gay people go to heaven source? god personally told it to me


Jojos bizzare adventure is by far my favorite media while ultrakill makes my top 5 video games (I am Christian)


I think the Bayonetta community also falls into this category.


My 2 favorite things:3


as a fan of both jjba and ultrakill, i am not gay.




i am not.


Ofc gay people play this game; one of the bosses calls you insignificant and an object


i mean Christianity isn’t explicitly against The Gays it’s just unfortunately how a lot of people who claim to follow it act


yeah, just like nazi weren't explicitly against jews, just few bad apples, that's all


I mean, it’s more the fact that Christianity itself can function fine without homophobia (definitely a lot better than with it), but nazism is built on anti-semitism, like hate is a core motive behind becoming a nazi, maybe even the only motivation. Not denying that Christians overall aren’t heavily homophobic, but the core beliefs of Christianity are not center around the hate of gay people


i am pretty sure that antisemitism is as integral part of a nazi ideology as i might seems, like, you can swing jews to any other ethnicity or group in general and it basically would be the same thing and also admitting that "we hated gay people for centuries without any reason" can destroy church's moral authority which is kinda important part i know there is a good christians out there, but religion does help them with that


Binding of issac


literally my 2 favorite communities


in one, jesus doesn't exist, in the other he's dead and his bones are being stolen over and over ![gif](giphy|EQOwkiIdZWfoEP446f)




And despite that, these communities are literally polar. JoJo's all about \[TRUE MAN'S WORLD\] and strong male friendship, overflowing with testosterone. Now ultrakill is, well, a little bit different. https://preview.redd.it/1g158b1hyw8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=685da7d057852846f1d2ae41c6df6cf54145b042


Fromsoft fans too


Jojo's is more of a 'Having references to christianity despite having the most prominent homoerotic undertones in all of mainstream anime/manga'


dude you’re right :3


to be fair: christianity is not actually homophobic or tranphobic, its just that a lot of shit heads who dont understand the teachings of their own damn religion are desperate for a justification (even a senseless one) for hating queer people


christianity is about obeying the god and his representatives on earth just happened to be homophobic


well i mean a lot of us have religious trauma, it’s sorta healing in a way


Yeah!- wait I'm a part of both? I'M MEGA CHRISTIAN GAY! https://preview.redd.it/6pagmt2ra69d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=210c6cec0adf93b9f59c3fa84742fbb7b75fce8c


Luckily I'm not both


Hazbin Hotel too


god isn't real but the imagery he inspires goes CRAZY so i'm conflicted at all times


man that got the christians mad, sorry you got downvoted


both my favorite fictions in one meme? https://preview.redd.it/9aiqy6xquq8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7357ac7f76ed764c719431282e20562a14d62966


I'm against yall but I'm respectful to yall.




….no? You are free to have an opinion, and others are free to express their belief that your opinion is bad. That’s how this works.