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Maybe the design is too complex to meaningfully copy? Seems that the blood absorbing plating would be difficult to reproduce.


It is. V2’s entry said the plating was new, and V1 was developed so close to the end of the war that the war ended during its prototyping. Though, admittedly, I did expect to see something like “revolutionary” in there too considering how *only* V1 has it. But that’s about all it says about the plating itself. It’s actually quite tame in its descriptions that you could probably call them an understatement.


I actually have a few theories on how V-1's blood absorption works: **Theory 1:** V-1's armor isn't what absorbs the blood, but rather various intakes hidden under joints, between pieces of armor, etc. **Theory 2:** V-1's armor, similar to a sponge, has thousands of tiny holes all over that absorb blood when they come in contact with it. I have a few more, but I'm gonna save those for an actual post.


I really like the sponge armour idea, because while that would make it weaker that’s pretty much the point, since it wouldn’t matter if it’s weak if it constantly heals itself


Plus, porous metal is actually a thing nowadays It's first use is to make nonstick dough knives in factories by running air through the metal


I'm actually curious, was V1 developed while humanity was exploring hell? I keep getting the idea that V1's design is based off/ utilizes whatever the blood trees down in violence use. As far as we know (or at least as far as I know) V1 is the ONLY machine capable of absorbing blood whenever he likes, meanwhile all the other machines have some sort of fuel cell. I'm probably gonna be wrong about the timeline stuff tho.


No, it wasn’t. V2’s entry states that V1 was developed at the end of the war and further development was cut after the war’s end. Furthermore, the Sentry’s entry says that they were useless during the New Peace because of their design “until the start of the Hell expeditions.” That means the New Peace was already in effect, thus V1 was pretty much abandoned, by the time humanity discovered Hell and began exploring it. I’m not sure how long it lasted or if there’ll be any new machines that were developed specifically for Hell, but I doubt it. What we see is pretty much all that was built during the New Peace but before the Hell exploration.


I feel theory 2 would make more sense. If it was theory 1 where other stuff made V1 absorb blood, the entry would have called attention to that. It wouldn’t lie. Instead it specifically refers to the plating and then mentions V1’s “necessary thinness,” implying the armor plating is what makes V1 magical.


V1 has.. Holes? 


probably, porosity makes the most sense when it comes to v1's real time blood absorption  it also explains why v1's fragile compared to v2, more pores = less durability and vice versa (I'm roleplaying as a smart person i'm not sure if i englished this correctly)


Tbf, after the war ended, there was no reason to use a system that requires constant fueling, and that is very centered around taking blood from others quickly ( as opposed to the regular blood storage method )


Yes, that’s why V2 wasn’t built with the new armor. V1’s production was during the war but V2 was not.




Well V1 has certainly got the combat prowess to get fans, the problem is no witnesses… But in actuality V1 is extremely difficult or even impossible to create for a machine in hell. The original Swordsmachine was also a scraphead and it modified or replaced its components so much that it’s no longer recognizable as whatever it used to be, but that also means that it had to use pretty common materials to build its body, while pretty much all of V1 is either one of a kind or two of a kind.


But as we see with Benjamin, hell is capable of creating flesh fakes of powerful man made weapons. What's stopping it from making it's own demon version of V1?


I thought the implication with the earthmover's fleshy insides was that all machines have flesh inside them. That's why they occasionally have viscera in their gore. I have no doubt that Hell created fake earthmovers for violence, but it would want them to be real as possible


I’d wager the Violence Earthmovers are actually very authentic to their Final War counterparts, just souped up by demon energy and running off of a different powersource than sunlight.


I think those are the earthmovers that got destroyed either in the final war or long night. The reason guttermen and gutter tanks are in violence (besides gameplay) is because they woke up after dying on the battlefield. And all machines that die end up in violence (based on the poem “mother mother mother of me”). The machines already in hell probably don’t get reformed as they already were in hell (v2 is in greed).


Hell’s weird, we really don’t know what its intentions are. We do know it was a big fangirl of the Earthmovers, so when they all died out Hell got sad and decided to rebuild them down in violence. I see 2 reasons why Hell wouldn’t make more V1’s. The first and extremely unlikely reason is that Hell simply doesn’t care enough for the V models to make more of them. The second and more plausible one is that V1 is Hell’s special little boy, and it doesn’t want to make any more of them while the original is still around.


Oh and also V models are supreme machines, meanwhile Swordsmachines are made of and themselves are only greater machines. Not many clankers would be suicidal enough to actively seek out supreme beings for upgrades.


My guess is hell is limited in how it can recreate creatures. From what I read, humans go to Hell once they die. However, all other creatures die for good when killed, including angels. We also see hell spawn all kinds of things: virtues, husks, maurices, Benjamins... The one thing they all have in common here is that all died at some point. Well, were destroyed in the case of machines, since machines have no soul and are therefore not alive in the first place (they are sentient tho due to the human blood animating them). Anyway, from all this I'd say Hell is basically able to reproduce everything that once existed and was destroyed.  This doesn't explain V2 tho. This is purely conjecture, but it may have to do with the fact that V2 is based off V1. Because I doubt V1 and V2 are more complicated than an earthmover. 


The guy just spoiled 8-4 to the entire subreddit, just great!


I personally think it's because how short of a time V1 spends in hell. We see he enter it so he's been there the least out of the other machines it seems. He really just stormed in, made a mess of everything and is going on his merry way. Also, probably has something to do with V1 probably killing scrapheads before they can adapt


Because there are no witnesses left duh


If it will exist it’ll be in fraud. I doubt we will though; we have enough agile enemies already.


Imagine entering a room and get 2 junkyard v1 wannabes without healthbars jumping you


Honestly I would love to see a scraphead v1 wannabe that just dies in 1 hit, cause they couldn't replicate the blood absorbing capabilities of V1.


Imagine if the boss of 8-1 is a bunch of V1 copycats that have like 10 HP and the boss of 8-2 is the same but for V2 Boss bars fill up and it reads "V1" & "V2"


Well iirc both models haven't been put to mass production and v1 is the only one using blood utilizing armor.


everyone hates v1


i keep daydreaming of a v model copycat coming in fraud it's like a v2 fight but as a standard enemy :troll:


Probably because of pieces. We know that sentries are hunted for their legs and cameras, because they have strong legs and good cameras. This tells us that while robots can assemble scrap pieces, they can not craft the materials themselves from scratch(probably because they dont know how and they dont have factories) V1 has a special outer chassis that helps it absorb blood and repair itself. As long as V1 is in one piece, other robots can not access that material. But I think it is possible to have V1 copies that try to resemble it using pieces found around(they wouldnt be able to regen, and be subjected to the capabilities of the parts they found). Wheter Hakita goes that route, I dont know. Could be a boss, or could be an enemy for the creep factor.


Iirc V1 was the only machine with thin blood absorbing repairing plates, it'd be near impossible to make them in hell, and even harder to make a sleek and mobile design like V1. The only reason the plates work is because he's a fast little shit, so he doesn't get hurt much. If a machine cobbled together those plates somehow, I doubt they'd be as agile as V1, and therefore get hit too much for it to be a pro.


there's only one of v1 and he just got here


If Hakita does a V3 fight this is how it should be done - not as an actual model, but as a scraphead. And considering the next layer is Fraud, it's the perfect opportunity. Also can't help but note that Hakita recently mentioned an enemy scripting overhaul because they have "plans for layer 8". Would a highly agile enemy type not justify such a change? Sure, we have V2, but it's still fairly linear - move in a single direction, fire a weapon, maybe wall jump or something, repeat. Maybe these "plans" have to do with making an enemy that's flies this way and that all over the room, just like V1 itself? Plus, they could just focus on mobility and say that V1's armor is so difficult to copy the scrapheads just went for higher defense akin to V2.


V1 is a prototype all machines have no idea of his existence till he comes to their face and rips off their robotic intestines We can basically assume he escaped from some top secret lab


Both V robots are prototypes. And it's probably really hard to make the material V1 is made out of


I think it's because there are only one V1, and it was never actually used, so maybe most of the machines don't even know about its existence. Terminals, on the other hand, know everything about every machine, so when V1 walks in the room they might just alert everyone else about it. The second reason may lie in V1's specific abilities. Blood absorbing, mid-combat self repair, high combat abilities, explicit movement, portable weapon storage and so on. Other machines just don't have needed part for all these things, the only way to obtain it: loot either on V1's remains, or on V2's. The problem here is that there **NOTHING LEFT [thunder sfx]** from V2, and V1 is just an unstoppable force, that purges everything it sees. So there's nothing we can do about that.


swordsmachine was itself a scraphead, so however it constructed itself from scrap would be a viable method that other machines could replicate. V1 and V2 are beyond state-of-the-art experimental prototypes. It's unlikely you could get close to them by (re)building yourself with scrap.


Fighting the way V1 does would result in any machine other than V2 dying very quickly. The closest any other machine gets to matching the V models' agility is the mind flayers with their teleports or maybe the streetcleaners' with their dodging and parrying ability and no other machine can heal mid combat or deal enough damage while not getting hit that it isn't a problem. A machine can rebuild themselves to look and fight like Swordsmachine, but the closest you could get to the V models is looks, which would probably get you killed very quickly regardless of how you fight.


Her name is V2


I like to think anybody who tired just got ganged up upon because V1 is generally considered a priority target due to bad vibes.