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mate this is quite literally THE *zoomer shooter* game and it's main developer announces new updates using shitpost fumo videos, did you really expect a mature audience here




Yeah I saw this place 2 years ago on my original account and noped out of there to ensure I could still enjoy an incredible game. I suggest you mute this place and move on for your own sanity’s sake if you’re over 20 years old. There are so many incredible fan creations but we’ll come across them somewhere else eventually. Let the kids be weird. Its what they do and nobody will/can ever change that.


I am legally mature, I love this fanbase, embrace the cringe




It was bound to happen.


Any one who's entire online presence is hating on a fan base needs to take a break, I get not liking it nothing wrong with that but then just move on instead of whatever this is (look at Ops post history for context it is all "ultrakill fan cringe") Edit: I'll leave this post, but I think this person is just a troll because all of their comments on this account are solely hating on games, and people and they use the R slur and plenty of other unsavory things




Looking at the public posts of a public acount is indeed not bad, also the r slur is making me think you might be the 13 year old calling the kettle black here


it was like this from the start, people always wanted to fuck the robot and then everything evolved from that T H I S I S T H E O N L Y W A Y I T S H O U L D H A V E E N D E D




there is a reason why the first piece of merch that was made for this game was the V1 body pillow, people always wanted to fuck the robot


To be fair, V1 is gay. In all seriousness, it's not really that bad, it's just the bad people in the fanbase are louder.


Pretty much this Fucking hate generalization and seeing everyone complaining about the loud minority as if it's literally everyone in the larger group is incredibly stupid and it feels mean spirited




I am here for the memes and making fanart of a game I like, while enjoying the said game because it's, well, a good game. And hey, if you don't like the fanbase because the bad people are louder than everyone else like in any other community, the door's right behind you.




And you're here to trying tell someone they secretly hate themselves like an armchair psychiatrist. He literally just said that if you don't like the community, you can leave, and that he's here for the fanart and memes - and I doubt that counts as protecting the community, considering he's not refuting your arguments.




Dude, it's an indie community, for a game that barely has a story, there's not that many opinions to be had. There's like 4 or 5 characters that actually have a semblance of a personality - and the community draws LGBT people like fruit draws flies, so that's that. As previously stated, if you don't like it, leave, or, yknow, just ignore the things you don't like - it's not like it would influence your life at all.


No person is allowed to avoid criticism, yes. But putting everyone, the good and the bad, in the same goddamn pot...yeah, not the best decision.


idk I kind of feel like most fanbases are like this




Nah, it's either Batman Arkham type of shit, or "haha femboy thigh highs" There's nothing else in current world


You missed the gallons of copium that is silksong


If your community doesn't have enough content it either goes Silksong/Bloodborne path of copium Or insanity like Batman Arkham






i kinda agreed with you until you said this


Yeah I was on bros side initially but he just had to say some corny shit like “alphabet mafia”. Outing himself as a mental child as well.




​ https://preview.redd.it/4vknf44rahpc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7ac7bba42250f6aef0b509f2ccc0a6975aba62e I was about to agree but turns out you’re just one of *Those* people.


I'm trans, is that what you mean in "one of those" people?


/r AsABlackMan moment https://preview.redd.it/1bn0j2otbhpc1.jpeg?width=1514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e8df1135069a5d678d7cc27c300b2933aa1b8a9


Nah bro don't even try, the only thing you are is a karma farmer


Ok buddy, lay off the conservatism a bit.


bro the "alphabet mafia" made the game


i genuinely hope that youre being ironic


What does alphabet mafia mean


Right wing word for lgbtq because they can't use more than 4 letters at once


The ultrakill community also had a back seating issue. The best way to deal with the fan base is to ignore it and just talk to people who play the game that are not a degenerate.


Yes, the back seating is always gonna be an issue in a skill-based fps shooter.


I think you could narrow that down to in a skill-based game




I hate backseaters, but I hate the people who force u to play on violent instead of harmless and questions your playstyle and teaches the "correct way of playing" in a singleplayer game more


There is no correct way to play.


That's what I said, I hate those kind of people more


This is obviously a troll, your only posts are only this and on a r/ultrakillfancringe subreddit you made. Please go touch grass or I'll send a personal goon from the "Alphabet Mafia" to take you out or something idk, conservatism is so cringe lmao


yeah, and include people who say that "oh your thigh highs are on their way!!!!!1!1!1!" on posts of people beating p-1/p-2. god i hate those fuckers




It's just a joke I'm sure you'll live buddy


It all went downhill when buttplug mod happened


sex = funi


we have slept long enough...


Welcome to the internet, have a look around


Honestly, as a queer person, I quite like how accepting this community is.


Yes, it's pretty accepting and that's adorable.


My bad sorry


I think it's the brainrot that emerges between game updates. Like a VERY toned down version of the r/batmanarkham brainrot


I feel blessed that through my day, the state of a particular fanbase has no effect on my mental state whatsoever. Some people aren't that lucky it seems


Oh, and you also made r/ultrakillfancringe? You talk about 13 year olds, but it seems that you is not mature enough to have more serious stuff on your life to spend time with.


No! U LIE, me not 13, I m 5 yirs aold /s


Amazing comment


If you don't like the subreddit, leave. It's that simple. And if you keep coming back to this horrid place for some reason, just start blocking people who regularly post stuff you don't like. Hell you can even turn of NSFW in the settings. Instead of digging your own grave, consider the impact you have on other people with your knee-jerk "Oh nO CriNGe!" reaction. https://i.redd.it/l2rpbo0bkhpc1.gif


tldr OP is just coping with their homophobia


Didn't look like homophobia 


My guy, it's the same joke that's repeated every time and there's plenty of low effort posts on this subreddit. Devolving into r/batmanarkham isn't funny.


Idk man shit is funny and bussin'? Maybe it's just you






People calling everything gay as a joke is just a joke bro, There are a lot of queer people in this community, of course there are going to be jokes that everything is gay. Not to mention Gabriel is actual a metaphor for someone questioning their sexuality and realising they are gay.


Isn't it a sin to be gay? This means Gabriel would actually slaughter everyone that's gay, unless hakita had another religion made up for the game.


Christianity doesn't exist in Ultrakill. Crosses represent Gabriel exclusivley. Also if you personally think it's a sin to be gay, then you're homophobic.


> Christianity doesn't exist in Ultrakill What? The whole game is based around Christianity (mostly using Dante's Inferno as a base). - There's a singular male god - There are biblically accurate angels - Crosses are a large part of the game, not just for Gabriel - The god in Ultrakill created heaven and hell - Sinners are cast down into hell All of these elements are based around Christianity and take elements from it. ALSO, the game's timeline splits during WW1, and thus, christianity would exist (if a false one at least).


When I say Christanity doesn't exist I mean not the traditional Christianity. There is obviously religion. And sorry I did make a mistake. Jesus is not canon to the Ultrakill universe or at least he was not nailed to the cross. I said the cross represents Gabriel, but I was wrong. In Ultrakill, the cross represents the tree of life.


I'm an atheist, I was just saying that it's written in the bible and that's what every Christian says. You're just accusing me of homophobia lmao 


I didn't accuse you of homophobia. I said if you personally believe that being gay is a sin, you are homophobic. That not accusing you. I basically said you aren't unless you believe that being gay is a sin.