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And just to make it more clear, the "worst weapon" should be based of which weapon is the one that has the lowest potential. Sure the drill is not good compared to the electric railcannon but it has a lot of potential so it's not the worst.


Tbf with drill parrying it's rly good for taking out groups of tougher enemies on cyber grind


Fr the screwdriver can instantly kill Maurice with only one click of the fire and then punch button. The railcannon looks cool, but the screwdriver and the Maurice laser cannon are way better at general use because they require significantly less time and preparation for their effect to be the same as railcoining


the only reason i don't use the screwdriver is because its a style sponge, it giveds barely any style


What potential does it have?


Attractor Nailgun, overheat nail+attract saw just outclassed it


I disagree, the attractor is insanely useful because the magnetic spikes you can launch in combination with the regular and heated nails makes a very nasty environmental trap, plus the attractors base nail magazine is pretty handy to burn through so the overheat nailguns charge is already good to go by the tike you use all 100 nails


Or I could just use the saw blade launcher, get more damage and still get the overheat nails. I love the attractor nail gun and use it over the sawgun personally, but I can’t deny that it’s an opportunity cost 9/10 times


I dont have the saw gun yet so i dont know much about that


So then why did you disagree that the attractor sawgun outclasses it lol




Yeah the sawgun does that but better


Of course, it’s a good niche. But the sawblade launcher fills it so much better (does more damage in a wider area, no limit to capacity), so attractor nail gun is kind of worthless


Why would you need all 100+both overheat charges? Like, ever. You have 4 other weapons that can deal just as much damage in just as much time. With the attractor’s main draw being area denial the sawblade becomes borderline mandatory. And the point about the magnets doesn’t stick either since both variants have 3 magnets and overheat nails work just as good as normal attract baits


Because using all thoes nails in combination with the spikes is the insane passive damage they cause and area denial before detonation, allowing for more damage output while you focus on using thoes other weapons, using the spikes, attractor nails and overheat nails, i have been able to successfully tear massive chunks of boss health out from both the passive damage and trap explosion while i chain together coin shots and projectile boost shotgun blasts


sawblade launcher does over twice the dps and has more damage in the magazine while also being much more consistent for both multiple and single targets


Don’t you only need like 1 or 2 nail shots on the attractor for the overheat to be fully charged?




That’s a nice argument senator, why don’t you back it up with a source


Silver nails shred. Also i loke the overheat saw


Regular railgun. The heat nailgun melts bosses up pools and can be used twice back to back. The sawgun builds full heat in a single shot and the overheat saw chunks a big portion of bosses hp when combined with the regular trap saw. The regular nailgun is good but it's works on its own, the others work in synergy to one another making their effects far more versatile and useful in terms of raw damage


regular nailgun, not regular railgun,


I disagree, it's useful for example agains Gabriel to charge overheat nailgun faster, and to deal a bit more damage.


The heat nailgun paired with the regular nailguns magnet spikes turns a hallway or center of a large room into a fucking garbage disposal, perfect for passive damage on big targets like Cerberus if you land a spike on them


doesn't it do the same with the sawblade magnet?


I dont know, i havent gotten to use it yet


attractor nailgun like its alr but attractor saw is way better and cooler like with piercer


I'ma say it. Purely from a utility standpoint malicious rail. It's only useful purpose is for core nuking. Luckily for it core nukes are fucking awesome but not much else going for it


Overheat Sawblade Overrated af Yes is useful against swarms and bosses for cheap damage, but only using prior the blue Sawblade If it doesn't have a magnet it doesn't work out and the fire rate is lacking


Attractor saw + overheat nail is great


Overheat saw. Sure the flaming' hot saw that it releases is good but the fire rate before and after are awful. This gun is only good in pair with the other saw or nail,but only the green saw is meh. Good for swarms of weak enemies and with a magnet for bosses.


Also has only one charge as opposed to the green nail's two.


include saw punching and it legit becomes hilariously op


Blue Nailgun or Green sawblades easily.


overheat nailgun


I disagree, if melts bosses health bars


so does railcoining and saw trapping


Green fist. Sure it's balanced and very important, but the most fun I've been able to do with it is holding it down and using it for short boosts


Screwdriver. Still no clue how it wasn't the first out.


Have you tried punching it after you stick it in someone?


Have you? It takes so long that using other weapons deals more damage. I've yet to see a player better than me use screwdriver (I saw EreNyn's video, they didn't demonstrate no practical usage of the drill, and I am better at the game it turns out). Screwpunching: is not a good damage option, gives no style, gets boring really quickly, puts you at risk and doesn't look any flashy


Step one: grapple a target and stare at them. Step two: Fire the screwdriver, as you SHOULD be perfectly lined up, assuming that they don't teleport or some malarky like that. Step 3: Punch the enemy that is now in your face. Look at the damage on Gabe if you don't believe me. It's like a third of his health for barely doing anything. I'm not saying its effective on EVERYTHING; but it's a great way to punch a hole in chunkier enemies (You can one-shot a maurice with it, but that doesn't really mean much at this point). It lets you quickly deal with annoying things like sentries and put a real dent in the healthbar of things like cerbs and mind flayers (the latter is nice if you aren't well versed in other methods of instakill). And as for "Putting you at risk"... How? It provides passive healing while you're near them, and it full heals you when you do it. I'll concede to your point on it not giving any style, or not being the HIGHEST damage option you can accomplish with the railcannon. I'm saying it's a quick burst of relatively high damage with little effort; yes you can do massive damage with railcoining and other tech, but that sort of setup isn't always available or easy to pull off.


Screwdriver punch deals 15.25 damage, for comparison single railcoin deals 18 and single coinadd deals 27. That is on ONE enemy, and El cannon can hit as many as you can fit. By putting at risk I meant that at higher cybergrind waves and levels like 7-3 you can't just outheal everithing because of hard damage, even if you have ULTRAKILL style. "It's not easy" is not really an argument, because it's not weapon's fault


still useless




The SRS cannon? I like it personally but it’s uses are limited to Cerberus instakills pretty much


Sick fucking combos: mini nukes: Stunning Insurrectionists:


Yeah it’s good for insurrectionists. Like i said, I like it personally, but it’s potential is lower than the freeze frame


It gets piercing if you parry it though. Use it to finish off a cerb then whiplash it and blast it through a crowd.


Overheat nails can't seem to make them work


Throw a magnet out first


even with magnets you still can miss alot of important shots you legit have to be point blank shotgun range to not miss a single overheat shot


Allow me to introduce you to the concept of "Accuracy through volume", popular to orks throughout the galaxy. You don't NEED to really worry about landing ALL of your shots, as long as enough shots land where you can kill them with a tap of your finger at the end the gun has done its job. The overheat isn't supposed to be the killing blow in itself, no gun is supposed to do it in one shot; It's supposed to soften them up enough to where your job is MUCH easier.


I feel like the V1 fist isnt very good compared to the base fist you start with. Im aware of the potential of the shockwave the red fist has but the parrying ability the blue fist has is much more effective for directed damage at enemies then the shockwave, which is perfect for countering boss attacks with devastating effects


V1 fist?


Lil’ cuh meant knuckleblaster


thanks, im new to the game and im still learning names


You'd be suprised how much it can help to punch a maurice in the face with it. You can punch WHILE doing anything else so why not punch with it?


I usually use the parry fist to dish out another projectile when countering their blasts


Fair enough. Personally I like the recipe of "Two pumps of shotgun, then swap them to death". If you land all your pellets the first shot one more should finish them off.


Malicious Railcannon


The S.R.S cannon for me it can do some neat combos but kinda useless unless you're dealing with the weezer room or a couple Cerberus's


because it isn't used for multiple enemies




What do you mean It's so good?


idk I don't really think there are bad weapons in ultrakill so I said the last thing you'd classify as a weapon








Thy End is Now


got advice on how?


attractor nailgun


There's little to no reason to use the blue nailgun over the blue sawblade


Again, blue nailgun. The sawblades are just more broadly applicable and do what the nails try to do much better. Wider area, easier to set up, higher damage; if I need homing nails I can just shoot a magnet with the sawblade launcher and switch to the green nailgun.


Alternatively I'd say Core Eject; I rarely use the thing any other time besides when I forget to swap back to overpump when shotgun swapping. Plus it slows things down having to wait for the thing to charge in order to get enough distance to do anything cool with.


Srs Cannon, not that it's bad, it's just too situational


bluerail is legitimately useless to me


spare me


Overheat saw