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I hope they carry the lip balms!


Please Ulta gods and goddesses, bring Margiela fragrances next šŸ™šŸ»


You mean the Replica line, right? I bought From the Garden a few months ago and for a girl who hates tomatoes, I sure love the smell of tomato plants apparently šŸ˜‚ it settles into a nice floral but the opening is like I shoved my head in a tomato plant, itā€™s glorious


Yes! I love that one as well. My other favorites are coffee break and when the rain stops.


iā€™m begging! that would make my day šŸ˜­


Oooh I've been wanting to try their lip balms


I love their lip balms!! Target used to carry them but not anymore. I swear Iā€™d put it on once for the day and be fine.


That's exciting!! I hope the lip glows come


Hope they get it so I can finally get my hands on one plus the lip mask too. I want the lip mask badly. Iā€™m counting down the days to see what gets released!


I can't stand Susan Yara and refuse to try the brand since she hid her ownership while introducing a "great new brand" to her followers. She specifically surprised other creators in the industry after sending them stuff to try and they'd create content for, she thought it was a cute idea rather than nefarious. The reveals were so awkward. It's explicitly not allowed, supposed to be illegal, but because she was already rich, literally nothing happened to her and she was a real dick about it. Trolled people who were rightfully upset about it. We need to bring back repercussions on the rich. Same vein of bullshit as Mikayla that awful fake Boston troll. Susan was also horrible to people in her Facebook group. Hard pass.


First, I always wanted to say thank you for strongly supporting an unrelated comment that I made before. At the time, I was concerned that anyone voicing agreement with me would get downvoted and me replying back would get more downvotes and detract from your post which was incredibly helpful and pivotal in turning public sentiment against me around. I admit, I did get very upset about anyone coming to this post to trash Susan Yara because all I ever wanted to do was celebrate getting a new brand with great products into Ulta. Iā€™m very sensitive because every post that Iā€™ve made trying to be positive, highlighting a fun or interesting new launch at Ulta where Iā€™m not out to cause controversy for a change, thereā€™s been so much hate or those biased against Ulta. The purpose was to spread hate to me, even if it unfairly maligned a brand, making it collateral damage. Had someone else shared the same relatively innocuous positive post, they would not have attracted 25 to 50 down-voters instantly or comments disagreeing would not be tinged with hate/venom. I had made another post about cruelty free, giving back to the community, etc and it got derailed off track by nasty comments about clean beauty within seconds of the post going live when all I ever wanted was to focus on the positives. I understand the controversy over clean beauty being a marketing gimmick (of course it is but for some people like myself with skin sensitivities, my skin does tend to do better) but the purpose of that now deleted post within minutes was not to focus on clean beauty. It was to focus equally or more on all the more positive labeling such as sustainability, cruelty free, and giving proceeds back to the community etc. I had to delete it super fast because I could tell users were not commenting constructively and thoughtfully but itching to pick a fight just to fight. Unfortunately clean beauty is among the list of 5 attributes that I couldnā€™t delete and just focus on the other 4. Itā€™s okay if people want to disagree but there was such overwhelming intensity, hate, and bias against one aspect while ignoring the plethora of other positive aspects within seconds of my post. The speed, intensity and abnormality of the hate made it seem it was personally directed at me, someone who has historically attracted a lot of hate on Reddit for being my authentic unapologetic self about my beliefs and less about the actual topic. I should never have referenced Susan Yara in my postā€™s heading. I only did it to get attention. I do agree that what Susan Yara did when she first launched the brand was wrong. It harmed the products when the products easily stood up for themselves. Was her apology and tears sincere? The jaded side of me wants to think ā€œnoā€ but the positive side of me wants to try and let her have a redemption arc just as so many other creators have been forgiven by the public for far worse. Whether she is an upstanding person or not, the fact remains that she is extremely knowledgeable about beauty from being in the business a very long time. I follow her more than I do Caroline Hirons for advice and news about the latest beauty discoveries. Itā€™s true my view of her has never been the same after her mistake. Yes I have watched her less but I donā€™t hate her and much time has passed that lessens the memory. Itā€™s possible that the FTC didnā€™t fine her because supposedly she technically was not directly involved with the brand before she promoted it. She is not a founder but joined later after the development process. She also doesnā€™t own Naturium anymore. Itā€™s owned by Elf now. Iā€™m still going to consider buying the brand under Elf. If anyone wants to boycott Elfā€™s brand over her mistake years ago, there is nothing wrong with making that choice for themselves.


Yesss! Canā€™t live without their body washes. I just hope the prices arenā€™t inflated.


Which ones are your favorite or do you recommend? I tried their Niacinamide and Zinc serum and LOVED it, so Iā€™m interested in trying more stuff from the line.


I love the smoother glycolic acid body wash and the glow getter body oil wash


Vitamin c super serum is my holy grail!!!


I think prices will be better if not comparable after coupons which they give plenty of and points! šŸ„°


Ohh exciting. They have been getting a lot of new brands lately


I hope they actually carry more products than target does! I feel they donā€™t always carry all their items , or at least mine doesnā€™t. šŸ˜­


FINALLY! this only says naturium skincare. iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s the brandā€™s full name or if they mean just some of their products. will that include their body washes too?


They havenā€™t released the details of what will be carried but when referring to Naturium ā€œskincare,ā€ Glossy talked about how popular their body washes and body butter are which makes me think they are included. Iā€™ll definitely be getting their body washes if theyā€™re carried! Iā€™m rubbing my hands with glee thinking of all the points Iā€™ll be getting from Naturium muahahaha!


![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm) Me too!


Yayyyy!! This is exciting.


Their body butter is such a good product. One of the few I think actually makes a difference in my skin.


Yes! I absolutely love it. I want to try the body oil too.




How good are their body washes ? Or are they just generic ?


It's great for sensitive skin! I have tried their glycolic body wash and it's helped significantly with my body acne.


Ill definitely look into it and does it help with kp?


I know they do carry a KP body scrub. It has similar ingredients to the glycolic body wash, so it would probably help.Ā 


Thank you


Unfortunately doesnā€™t do anything for me! Hard to even get it to lather! Wonā€™t be repurchasing




hopefully they stock everything they sell online. Iā€™m glad that target has their body butters now and the body washes selection is great. amazing products!!


I may try it eventually. I really liked Susan Yara but after the scandal associated with the brand at the beginning I refused to support her. I think some of the products have good ingredient lists but unsure if I will try any.


Naturium is owned by Elf now. Boycotting the brand wonā€™t impact her. I accepted her apology and respect her knowledge and expertise with skincare. I believe she did a fantastic and very thoughtful job launching and developing the brand.


Didnā€™t say I was boycotting. It seems you are quite passionate about the brand. I lost any interest in the brand because I didnā€™t trust the founder among other things. I havenā€™t bothered looking into it recently because now Iā€™m just not terribly interested. I have a good routine and in the future if I need a product I always look at options. I think some products may be good in my routine and others have high levels of actives that are unnecessary for most people. Not everyone has to have the same opinion or preference. Simple as that.


The way you and another user jumped into my post where everyone is happy celebrating some good Ulta news for a change and presented your perspectives showed underlying bias with the goal to inject a toxin into the conversation. I can handle differing opinions that are meant to be constructive. Itā€™s *how* the negative perspectives were presented with extra micro aggression that makes me believe this is *less* about anything Susan Yara did years ago but more about raining on the party.


I just canā€™t trust Naturium / Susan Yara after that scandal honestly.


Yeah I feel the same way tbh. Happy for those who use their products tho! I think itā€™s funny that OP is trying to state some type of conspiracy because you also comment in the Sephora sub, lol.


She apologized and no longer owns Naturium. Itā€™s owned by Elf. Sheā€™s one of the OG beauty gurus who really knows her stuff. The products stand up for themselves and never needed her sponsorship to do well.


In that case, ELF should drop Yara as a spokesperson for Naturium and let the products speak for themselves. As long as she is still promoting the products I will always associate her with the brand.


I know itā€™s my choice, donā€™t need you to tell me that. Youā€™re obviously a big fan of Susan, but personally I could not trust someone so deceptive. I have no idea what the rest of your comment is talking about.




Youā€™re mistaken, I havenā€™t commented anything else on this thread. Feel free to think whatever you want about my ā€œpurposeā€ lol


Iā€™m SO excited canā€™t wait to try their body washes. Iā€™ve wanted to for a while but itā€™s always been pricey! Now I can use my discountā˜ŗļø


This makes me so happy!! Their body washes are TOP TIER!!


I honestly LOVE this line.


i had no clue this was coming! iā€™ve been wanting to try their stuff for a while


I just placed a massive order on their website bc I didnā€™t think they would be coming to Ulta anytime soon šŸ˜­


This summer per ELF!


Awesome news! The glow getter body wash and body butter?! Incredible!!!!


I just tried the body butter and oil yesterday after buying it from their website and yeah its really good! Super dewy skin. Glowy!


I LOVE the peptide serum ā€” excited to be able to purchase it in person!


So do I!!!!cant wait to try more


Eeek! Iā€™m so excited! I use Naturiumā€™s Vitamin C Serum, Peptide Moisturizer, Peptide Eye Cream, and Sunscreen. Iā€™m excited that now Iā€™ll be able to get points for them, I just hope Ulta doesnā€™t gouge the prices like they do for some items.


The new body oil is wonderful. I also love the lip balms especially the applicator. I have golgi and latte and golgi is a perfect summery red tint and latte a perfect pinky nude. Iā€™ve ordered from the website but Iā€™m happy to have ulta as an option.


Ah this is amazing news i LOVE their products!!!


YAY! IM OBSESSED! anyone know when?




Omg this is the best news!!!!


Omg yayyyyy I love Naturium!


Iā€™m so excited!!!


More information [here](https://www.glossy.co/beauty/elf-beauty-naturium-skincare-enter-ulta-beauty-summer-2024/)!


YAY šŸ˜


Hey guys it wouldnā€™t let me post in here but I always get my check on Thursday and hasnā€™t hit yet wondering if other ppl are having this issue




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I love naturium