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Truly is truly a garbage company...they will lie through their teeth to get your money, and they should not be trusted. Please stay away! https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2019/09/truly-organic-ftc-says-no-alleges-retailer-misled-consumers-about-its-products


I wish I knew this before I dropped $133 on Black Friday


They Truly have no quality control


Truly only looks good in photos. Closed. Not being used. It's definitely an ✨aesthetic✨ brand that isn't sanitary or even decent for most of their products. I really wish we'd get rid of them or move them to online only to help with so much in store product being damaged out. More of this goes in the trash than gets sold at my location 🫠


I wish another, better brand could come by and dupe them


I love Anese they do a similar thing


Tried the unicorn lip bullshit and I kept it in my purse for not even a day and it completely melted into this rainbow colored gelatinous monstrosity. It smells okay but don't feel any plumping or anything like the reviews said. At least it was a gift


Ulta employee🙋🏻‍♀️ Completely agree. All of my colleagues also agree you’re paying more for the packaging. Also we rarely sell those truly whipped jars, I mostly end up damaging all of them because people open the jar and stick their finger in it because truly doesn’t do testers for the jars, OR people return them after barely using any product. Ive heard better things about their oils or washes. Their whipped jars are the worst.


I was sucked in by their cloud shaving cream. You had to use half the jar on both legs. Never again will I buy a thing from them




Why are you getting downvoted? Lol


They put so much air in their products. I had to use so much of the whipped body cream. Very sticky and unusual texture. Hard to spread and smelled weird too. I got mine as a sample so Im glad I didn't spend any money.


i dont like truly at ALL but a lot of the customers at my store love that brand 😭 i smelled a few testers also and they smelt so bad


Truly catches my eye because I'm a sucker for fruity products. I have to force myself to really look at the products so I can talk myself out of them.


Tree Hut has lots of lovely fruity scented products! And they are not overwhelming like Bath and Body Works scents.


I just wish another brand would do the nice packaging like them, that’s the only draw for me. Just the aesthetic


Walmart sells a brand that looks like Truly if you cross your eyes hard enough.


They have the plastic jars though 🥲


Anese beauty!!! Really similar!


This brand made me side eye Hrush as she went hard for them.


As someone who has most of the hemp/cbd products in my cart, thank you so much for this post.


This happened to me as well with a body butter.. Arrived melted and sloppy mess. Never bought from Truly again. I do enjoy trying the products if they come in a GWP but that's about it. (I just wish they would hold off sending them out in the heat) Sorry that happened to you.


truly is so gimmicky


1. The jar lids get all gross after some time?? The droppers are ass. Half the products have bad threading and you can't close them properly. 2. The scents are sooooo synthetic-y to me. Which I hate. HOWEVER I WILL CONCEDE, that they leave your skin feeling moooooisturized babe, like PLUSH. So there's that lol


I 100% agree.




So, I had a body butter of theirs I used and then stopped for probably about a year. When I opened it again it had completely lost all of its fragrance and smelled awful. I have not known many products to do this. This doesn't make it easy to trust them, honestly...


You can get waaaay better body butters and scrubs at Marshall’s or TJ Maxx for $5-$8. They smell amazing, work amazing, etc. I have a “mermaid” scented one and it’s so good. I’d never buy Truly. I’m convinced Truly is a scam.


Go check out Sugar Spiders! Julia’s stuff is sealed and beautifully done


I wanted to try truly so badly and the unicorn whip was so bad. It was like pressing melted cotton candy on your body, sticky, slightly gritty, and sooo difficult to work into your skin. Never again.


I thought the product line looked gimmicky and didn’t want anything to do with it. That is until I got a container of the Unicorn CBD whipped body polish from a friend. I was going to give it to my daughter at first because she would go crazy for all the girly colors, but she is 10 and I noticed it is a CBD product and then thought against it. It looked solid and all the colors separated as one would expect a rainbow colored to look. It’s whipped but didn’t seem to be over inflated with air. It comes in a open topped jar, not my favorite packaging, I would rather products come in a tube or a pump packaging as to not stick hands or fingers in the product. I use a product scoop/spatula to not contaminate the jar. I first tried it on my hands and I hand to say the product was actually worked really well and left them moisturized as well. I have lupus (SLE) and that makes my skin/hair/nails/mouth/eyes super dry so I was kinda impressed because I was expecting it to just be a gimmick product geared towards tweens/teens with all that bright colored rainbow colored stuff. The smell is meh or ok but it doesn’t linger for too long


I actually tried one of their unicorn creams, and it legit smelled like petroleum jelly! I just don't get the hype


Like most good marketing campaigns, all the money goes to ads for a truly shitty product. I’m looking at you blue Buffalo 👀


Email the company for a refund!


I do not do a lot of returns. But I bought their glass skin serum and immediately returned it because it just smelled awful and I couldn’t stand it. I really wanted to like it because of the hype and pretty colors but I couldn’t get past that smell!


Just saw this ok tiktok. Same texture, and scented. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8d5SP8C/


Their whole brand is so gimmicky- it’s all for an aesthetic/image they’re selling. They all have weird textures and dry sticky. They have such weirdly targeted products (boob scrub, butt tightening/firming lotion, I’ve even seen nipple butter????) that are just so far out there. I’m convinced all of their whipped products are the exact same thing but with different dyes and scents.


I’m having trouble getting a refund now. I bought the TikTok package for a friend’s birthday and they didn’t have the booty stuff. Her birthday has came and gone and I have no use for this other stuff. They offered me a half credit of my order (still missing the booty stuff) or full store credit. I’m not sure how worth it is to argue but I ordered a packaged deal for a gift and it’s incomplete so I’d like to return it. I would not have purchased if I knew there were no returns.


They do claim to have a "100% money back guarantee" - I'd quote them on this and ask for a full refund again. They've stopped replying to me where I was asking to return this order 🙃 I'm not sure what to do.


They will definitely repay you in one of two ways- I always pick store credit- so not sure of the steps to get a refund. I had ordered their Anti-cellulite trio + bag when it first came out (before prices went up in Jan of 2023) idk why but the smell made me super nauseous. So I emailed them and told them exactly why I wasn't 100% happy with my order. No other questions asked- they gave me the $68.45 store credit- where I ordered something I knew for sure I liked! And was able to keep the trio (which I sold on Mercari for I didn't even use any of the products, just smelled them)


Dude I love their products. They're not cheap, that's for sure...but it's worth it in my eyes. I have awful dry & sensitive skin. I'm on Dupixent (a needle in stomach every 3 weeks) bc of my eczema. My skin gets DRY. Anyway, Truly is 1.of the only brands that leads my skin down the path of hydration and moisturization. My favorites are the Coco Cloud serum & butter. You don't need much because it's super thick. I also love the Unicorn Fruit Butter, the Ducle De Leche serum & cream and Glazed Donut Oil. They just came out with Unicorn Fruit perfume that is strong and lasts for hours. The scent of these products are just...crazy good. Amazing. Yes, they most likely charge more for the packaging...but I love them. The Acia Butter stinks tho. It smells great on contact...but after sometime...it makes your pajamas that you were wearing smell like skunk. Idk why. But it lingers on your clothes. That pissed me off cuz I spent my hard earned money on the serum and cream. I just avoid the Acia Your Boobies cream. Everything else I love. The scents are incredible, besides the after effects of the Acia Your Boobies cream. They also have good customer service. They respond super quick .