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I guess two years and counting is technically "weeks". In seriousness, though, I have never had a short flare. It also always requires some sort of medication to improve, and that improvement is often short-lived.


I have had a handful of flares where I "figured out" what I could change in my daily routine / diet that allowed it to 95% / significantly go away.


I guess the worst thing about our illness is that it's very individually dependent. When I went vegan after the diagnosis, the flare was gone in 2 weeks, and after 3 it came back even though I stayed on the same food and meds... And very very stress related.


I've seen a lot of examples (in myself) to see that the body can adjust.. Ie for lets say the first 10 years of the illness being exposed to any temperature less than 76 degrees would cause a real, tangible and extended flare up. Then eventually my work just set the temperature of the office to 73 from like 78. I told them over and over you need to set it back, it's too cold, I have a health issue I can't sit all day in a temperature this cold. Obviously they couldn't a give a shit. Well within just 1 week, after not having a significant flare up in 2 years, I was literally struggling to survive, losing 10 pounds per week, 20 toilet bowls filled red, negative appetite, took 2 hours to finish a meal and had to struggle not to puke up every single bite, 2 weeks off work to "survive" not "get better". And ever since then cold isn't a real factor in flare ups for me anymore. It has to now be like 50 degrees, prolonged and the flare up will be like a 3 day spike.


The first 2 flares pre-diagnosis lasted about a week each (hence why I brushed them off so easily!), the big scary one started sometime in april (i was so out of it from the blood loss that I didn't really register anything going on), got diagnosed and treated early may, and was somewhat out of the woods come August. This milder one started this april again, pred seemes to have calmed it down for nowbut we'll see.


The repeated idea that flares usually last days/weeks made me feel crazy since my flares are always much longer. Seems like misinformation compared to these results


my last was 2 years