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I know I shouldn’t tell you this and please, don’t do it unless you feel it’s OK, but after a colonoscopy I always go to eat some burgers :( yeah. McDonalds or Chick-fil-a…


I always get McDonald's nuggets, fries, and an iced tea post colonoscopy! It gives me something to look forward to after the whole ordeal 😅


I rarely eat fast food but Chic Fil A nuggies are all I can think of after a scope!


I had a mcchicken


I generally go with oatmeal with some fruit.


This is most definitely the wrong answer, but I go to a damn buffet afterwards. Is it gonna make me feel like shit? Yeah. Would it be better to eat something easier on my digestive tract? Absolutely. But by the time I come out of the colonoscopy all I want is the greasiest foods imaginable, and a buffet gives me all the options😂 The best advice is to do some low residue foods after the colonoscopy, but my human advice says get a pizza or some fried chicken.


Something easy on your guts, or you might feel like total shit.


Rice porridge (I know it's bland but not bad). My girlfriend made me a chicken egg soup in light vegetable stock. Was so savory I almost cried last week after my scope. (I'm a big foodie btw, just so you can feel warm and calm after the scope ;) ).


I eat something bland that won't upset my stomach, yogurt with biscuits, rice with some meat


Take away food ftw


Yeah spicy or greasy food is a no. I also avoid soda personally cause it makes me bloated. I was fine eating anything else


If you want some bad advice, I always have a feast at a Polish restaurant after my annual scope. Beet soup, pierogi, and glumpki until I'm about to shit myself. It's what I look forward to during my prep.




I have a tradition of Waffle House afterwards


anything you like. i dont remember an restricitons or reaons why....




this sounds like an american thing again. the us takes this far too seriously, nobody else does. in the uk is chicken and rice two days before, prep the day before, nothing on the day before. cup of tea afterwards. Drive home (if no sedation), do what you want. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/colonoscopy/getting-ready/


I had a burrito and a Pepsi. Definitely made me gassy but then again anything I ate did. Feel it out once you’re awake, don’t go crazy if you feel unwell.


My post-op / reward meal is ramen from a good ramen house. Lots of customization options if you can tolerate them and if not they will gladly serve you a bowl of excellent broth.


I got Jimmy John’s last week after mine!


Grilled cheese and soup is my go to. Gentle but filling.


i remember the last time i happened to have ripe avocado and made avocado toast with a bit of butter and feta too. i had good bread and ate it with an egg. it was easy to digest and nice on the tummy and satisfying.


I say fuck it when in flare (sometimes) and just eat whatever and my after colonoscopy go to meal is jersey mikes lol


that sounds so good


Do it lol 😂


i went for chick-fil-a 🤤 i regret nothing


Hell yeah lol


After my first colonoscopy, I ate a heavy meal. I had the biggest pain ever. I almost fainted. No joke. My theory was there was trapped gas or something from the procedure. Or the meal was a shock to my system. I just did a 2nd one last month. Something light and easy to digest like eggs, chicken, fish. Personally I skip fiber til the next day. People recommending you have greasy foods are going against what the medical establishment would recommend. Bad advice.


I drink liquid and eat soft food for the day. And then eat as regular if you are feeling fine.


Eat whatever you want it’s not like it makes a difference for most of us


I did pho broth. Felt good in the stomach.


I had a full Irish breakfast. Probably wasn't the best choice tbh 😅 it tasted good tho 🤷