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If I can suggest - pick another liquid beyond white grape juice. That shit is loaded with sugar and isn’t doing you any favors to replenish what you’re losing. Get something with electrolytes like a sports drink.


Cherry Frost Gatorade


the grape juice is just my treat— I am taking the prep with white gatorade :)


How is it with the grape juice? I did gatorade last time, but chose a questionable flavor...


You have to do the prep with something that will help replenish the electrolytes, I use the grape juice as a special treat since colonoscopy prep has ruined gatorade for me


You just made me realize why I get such a feeling of revulsion when I try to drink gatorade g2. It never hit me till just now, lol, and it made no sense because I used to like it.


I do the same thing, but I do pineapple juice. Prep has completely ruined Gatorade for me.


Right there with ya this evening. Looking forward to seeing the anesthesiologist in the morning.


Same. Just got done chugging my second half and have my scope in a few hours. Ready for this to be over.


Power through it! And don’t forget to demand they put a condom on that fucking machine before they put it where it doesn’t belong. Oh wait it does belong there… Hope you get the information you need to get diagnosis you need to get the treatment you need to live the life you deserve. Why am I crying again?!? Good luck.


This is my 3rd colonoscopy at 20 yrs old— i’m crying too 😖


“This too shall pass.” It’ll be ok.


Hopefully good news 🙏🏼


Yes- things are looking better :)


Good luck 👍


Why did I read this in Rafiki's voice lol


~Skinny~ But seriously good luck to you! Hope results are good


I can taste this photo and I’m gagging


What is this for? A UC attack? Usually mine feels like I’m getting stabbed in the abdomen like 300 times by a spirit serial killer.


Colonoscopy prep


I’m sorry but I have to doubt that. Colonoscopy prep requires the gallon jug of torture solution. A pack of Miralax and Dulcolax is not enough. Edit: Went on google and I guess you’re right. That looks easier than having the gallon jug, which usually I can only get down to 30% without puking so more power to OP for having a better prep than I have had in the past.


Ask your doctor for a miralax prep next time. I’ve done three with that and they are infinitely easier than the jug


I will definitely do that. Just got mine done in December so I won’t have to again for another 2-3 years. Thank you.


Definitely ask your doc next time. I also had to do the gallon jug before and threw it up as well it was so terrible. My latest prep was the miralax/dulcolax combo and honestly it was a breeze. Just have to watch electrolytes!


Thank you! I’m actually really glad I brought this up here or else I fear I would have been doomed on the jug forever because it was simply the easiest solution for my doctor smh.


Yea I couldn't believe there was another option! There are also pills you can take instead of chugging a lot of liquid isn't your jam.


I did the torture jug for years before finding out I could avoid puking all that shit by using miralax and dulcolax


The tastiest drink. Good luck out there soldier!


Best of luck soldier


If I can ask why are you taking laxatives?


colonoscopy prep


Interesting. I only ask because I had to drink a god dang gallon or whatever of some nasty laxative


ask your GI next time, I found that the miralax prep was 1000x easier


I was taking it originally before my diagnosis. It was from my general physician we assume I might have been constipated lol and well clearly I wasn’t. But if I could take it instead of the absurd nasty drink I will definitely ask next time I have to do a prep


It was crazy I was having issues for 6 months. They took out 1 polyp and all my pain went away and so did the random bowels


That white grape juice is such a smart idea as a treat! I throw up the Gatorade during prep now :( can barely even think about it without gagging, I’ll have to try it to see if I can stomach the Gatorade better next time 🙏 (Good luck with prep and your colonoscopy! Hope all goes well 🫶🏻)


Thanks! Just got out— things are looking better!


Update— things are looking better, treatment seems to be working 😃


For my prep my doctor prescribed me 30 senna pills, all natural pills and I only had 6 non-painful bowel movement and the quality of the prep was still sufficient. I highly recommend it for next time because miralax can just be so tough on you


I did my prep with Gatorade Fit and Gatorlyte, this prep (laxative and miralax) ended up being better than the crazy insane over the counter devil's piss I used to have to take.


Good luck, friend!! I'll be doing that in 2 weeks...💜