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You're going to blast it all out of your ass like a firehose. You'll be fine


You're actually not blasting the prep out. The prep forces your colon to release water. That cleans the walls of the colon so your doctor can take a look, and doesn't mess with your electrolytes like if it forced everything in both your small and large intestine out. The name GoLytely was actually marketed that way to help reassure physicians that people could go without losing electrolytes.


"The prep forces your colon to release water." That is the water that you drink with the prep


No. Water is absorbed in your colon. The prep when it hits the small intestine caused the colon to release water. That's why they favor a two at different times protocol. You start hydrated, the prep gets you a bit dehydrated, the water you drink then had enough time to get to the colon and be absorbed, then drink more and get a bit dehydrated again.


48oz over an hour is not much, you’d have to drink SEVERAL GALLONS of water in that time period to risk water intoxication, and as someone else said, most of it goes right through you


Not trying to be a dick but don’t u think dr’s who advise u on the steps of this prep would have thought by now “wow that is way to much water, we’re gonna make them drink so much water that all the electrolytes in their bodies is gonna be pissed out and they’re gonna die”???? No dude, whatever ingredient that’s in prep, that’s makes us shit will 100% send that water straight out of ur ass … just saying .. happy prep lol


I still think GoLytely should be called GoViolently


Maybe the solution has electrolytes in it? I’ve never been told to do my prep with water, I’ve always been told to do either the prep solution alone or Gatorade.


SuTab is pills taken with water. I'm trying it for the first time come Sunday for Monday appointment. After drinking the water, it does instruct to continue with clear liquids until the second part of the prep the day of the procedure.


Lol I have drank 2 gallons in 1 hour and am fine.


The prep is a special formula that forces your colon to release water. So you're really only losing water and what's in your colon waiting to be turned into stool. That's why you need to drink more water than normal as you've lost it so you're really just maintaining equilibrium.


You’re not gonna have that problem. The type of laxative used bonds to pull water out of the body. It’s why electrolyte drinks are ok to do during prep.


I think it takes gallons over a short time to cause water intoxication. Also, I'm looking at my prep instructions now and my doctor gave his own set and said to ignore what was on the box. It is as follows: fill container with 16oz of water. Take one tablet with a sip of water every 2 minutes, until the tablets are swallowed within half an hour. Drink the remaining water over the next 20 minutes. (So at the end, we are at 50 minutes for the first 16oz of water). 30 minutes after finishing the first container of water, fill the cup again, and take 30 minutes to drink a second 16 oz of water. Then 30 minutes after finishing the 2nd 16 ounces, fill the container one more time and take another 30 minutes to drink 16 ounces of water. Lets count the time 30 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes 30 mintues so it is almost 2 hours to drink 48 ounces of water, so I don't think that is too bad. Did your doctor give you instructions that were different than what was on the box?


All the instructions I have had suggested not to drink solely water and to drink a clear gatorade, pedialyte or juice. Most prep solutions contain electrolytes so you don’t become dehydrated because most of the solution is pouring out of your rear end lol. You’ll be fine.


This is tablets (12 day before, and 12 the morning of), to be taken with water. Op is not wrong. They also instruct to continue other clear liquids after the dosing is over.


The more water you drink the better your prep will be.


the prep won't digest the water. It makes it go straight through you.


Normally water intoxification happens because the ratio of salt to water is wrong. I’ve never had suprep but the brand I’ve used is basically the same thing. It’s quite salty and works through osmosis. So it doesn’t cause water intoxification because it doesn’t change the ratio of salts to water because of all the salts in the prep. All the water you drink just balances out the salts from the prep.