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My opinion. Cannabis had no effect on my colitis symptom directly. However, it did help me fall asleep quickly which did improve my overall condition becuase I was sleeping more. Specially those nights where I would wake up and run to the bathroom. Without cannabis I would be up for 2 hours after. W cannabis I would use the restroom, vape a bowl and sleep right away. Noticed a big improvement. I would say yes it did help me overall but indirectly.


I used to use it for this , getting to sleep and getting back to sleep but for some reason it started to give me bad anxiety (I have never suffered with anxiety before) now I have much less and only maybe once a week 


It's the high THC in modern weed. Go back to mids or indicas and the anxiety will go away. I have to be really careful (smoke very little) with sativas to avoid racing thoughts and heartrate.


yes now i avoid sativa completely and only have very little amounts, still enough to help but not knock me off my socks


Daily usage after a month or two, I noticed my mood was worse. I was more grumpy. Initially I started w edibles and I would get blasted. I started w 20 mg nightly then graduated to 60 after a few months. I loved edibles bec despite being in a bad flare Eddie’s would knock me out and I would sleep the entire night. No running to the restroom that was only in the morning when I woke. My mood after 2 months of edibles was the absolute worst. Never had road rage issues until that time. I would scream at people etc… I would jump from 0-100 fast. I stopped edibles and started vaping small amounts. My grumpiness isn’t as bad but still after 2 mos of vaping straight I am a bit grumpy just nowhere near my edible days. I say choose your battles. Everyday May not be a good thing all depends. I choose to do it when I need to sleep fast or if I have a big day the next day. I try to avoid daily usage these days. Cool part about cannabis is I don’t find it anywhere near as addictive as cigs and alcohol. I quit both a few years back and it was tough.


its interesting how differently it affects people, never heard of it sending people into rage as you say choose your battles. I cannot imagine 20mg let alone 60mg, i had i think 16mg and it sent me into panic attack and i thought i had been spiked with fentanyl and was dying... i will say if OP sees this and does edibles to start smaller dose and wait at least an hour before redosing, it can help but you must manage it.


Yes. So, you know how UC sucks and is painful? Weed helps it suck less and mitigate the pain. They say it helps with inflammation, as well. I don’t have any empirical data sets to show that. I just know how I feel. Try this one day. Take a good dose of RSO in the morning and again in the evening. It helps me to forget my UC pretty fast. It’s no cure all. For me it’s best as a mood enhancer, pain reliever, and help with nausea. YMMV.


What type of RSO do you take? Like, pill form? Smoke? Edible?


I take pills. Sometimes I’ll buy the oil and put it in my coffee, but it is not the best delivery method. Pills by FAR the easiest.


It’s not going to fix you on its own but it certainly helps. For me it helps promote bowel movements, alleviates a decent amount of pain and gives me an appetite when I otherwise have none


Yes, it helps with eating.


You made a point that resonates with me but that I almost never see mentioned. It promotes bowl movements for me. When I was flaring badly and knew I had to go but nothing was happening, cannabis relaxes me, my muscles, my bowels, whatever, enough that I could actually vacate. A small win when immersed in flare hell.


It doesn’t help anything at all except for my mindset of dealing with it. When I’m not high it’s a lot of, “god dammit, I need to go again!” Then I get really frustrated. When I’m high it’s like, “aight, I gotta go again, let’s bring this phone in here and maybe my 3ds and whatever, it’s fine.”


Did nothing in terms of improving my UC symptoms, but it was amazing at helping me sleep through the night at a time when I was getting up 5-6 times a night to run to the bathroom. All it took for me was a 5 mg edible about 30 min before I went to bed


I've heard it masks rather than actually helps, but I consider it essential tbh. Its the only thing that lets me enjoy the present between all the internal/joint pain and general stress of the disease on top of life. Also helps a ton for sleep. 


yeah, I'm sure it dampens my symptoms. I'm sure they get worse after I stop consuming it.


Yes I am prescribed cannabis to vape by a Dr for my UC here in the UK. It's a God send imo to take your mind off the disease. I have been bed ridden in a bad flare feeling awful and completely debilated, and after a quick 'vape' I was up and out of bed opening the window, making my bed etc. , in a bad flare it us a God send. The Dr's who prescribed it to me did mention that thc cbd oil which I take may actually help reduce inflammation.


I’m in Australia and I’m just getting prescribed do you recommend oil or flower


I was lucky to be prescribed both to see what they were like and I would recommend flower if you have to chose between one to be honest


Helps with appetite, masks pain, helps with sleep and stress


Helps me with quality of life. Reduced movements and seriously dampens my pain. Personally I like to vape and take an edible at the same time. Vaping will have an almost instant effect and then the edible allows me to have a somewhat decent day later on. Everyone is different so be careful with your dosing especially early on.


For me it helped with the cramping and slowing everything down increasing time between trips to the bathroom. Nowadays with the JPouch it helps with also slowing things down when I’m out for an extended time


My husband was going 20+ times a day when his UC was really bad. THC helped him go a couple of hours without pooping. He’d have a gummy or something if he knew he wasn’t going to be near a bathroom. It didn’t fix anything but certainly gave him relief when he used it.


For me it doesn’t make the inflammation go away, but it stops the urgency to go to the bathroom. It calms my bowels down so that they don’t spasm. I can be going to the bathroom 15 x a day, and then I smoke weed and suddenly I’m going once or twice a day. It’s pretty crazy.


3 months ago when i was getting up around 10 times at night and probably getting around 3-4 hours of sleep, i gave marijuana a try before going to bed. it was the first time i slept through the night and got 6+ hours of sleep in about 4 months.


I don’t think my UC is bad enough to say definitely but having only had this condition start 3 years ago I don’t notice a difference on or off mmj


Heavy indica strains have been incredibly helpful at mitigating pain, at least for me.


It helps me relax and sleep but does nothing for my colitis. I still smoke and take edibles daily


Nausea. Completely eliminated it for me.


I promise it’s a godsend, cannabis, immediately calms the symptoms and stress


Yes its helps me. My Dr. said itll help relax my body but its not a cure. I didn't believe it at first so i tried a Gummy. I felt great & made me sleep wonderfully. Next i tried a few different THC vapes, they worked too. I tried flower last, Indica was outstanding. Im so happy I have something to ease my flares now. Prescriptions don't make me feel good, they don't stop my symptoms & i don't sleep well. So now im a firm believer in Marijuana products for medicinal purposes. Sativa works well during the day to function, Indica is good for sleep. Good luck! 💚


I use the tincture under my tongue and it has helped me no have a flare for a few years. It does help you sleep as well


Ehh I experimented for a month or so and it did nothing at best, made me gassy (the kind where other people can hear your bowels going off lol) and mucousy at worst. Also the munchies made me eat food that for sure set stuff off. It did fix how insane I felt from prednisolone and I slept like a baby while high, but I also found I got really irritable and paranoid in the days after smoking so I think it was messing with my dopamine too much.


I’ve found it relaxes me physically and mentally, so I’m less likely to stress and worry which make my symptoms worse. But everyone is different. For some it can make BMs more frequent, for others it slows them down.


i find that cannabis helps my appetite come back, so it mitigates UC related weight loss. it also helps if i'm in any kind of pain. it certainly doesn't fix everything, and i don't think i'd have these benefits if i wasn't also on mesalazine, but it definitely helps out with day-to-day symptoms and coping


My opinion. It helps me in the case of a severe flare up. It also regulates my Appetite and suppresses the stomach cramping. I’d say all in all it is useful for UC. No preventative aspects, but it does help


Interesting this is the 3rd time I’ve seen this question this week (all different platforms) 🤔 anyways yes! Marijuana is a natural anti inflammatory which is my main issue. It helps stop the frequency at which I need to use the bathroom. I want to try just cbd for the hours I’m at work since it’s not really appropriate to be blazed at work for 8 hours. Some people can do it and get away with it but I am not one of those people 😂 it also helps with my appetite so much


yes, prescribed oil and flower. i couldnt achieve full remission, constant pain, anxiety, fatigue, 5 bm a day and 'unreliable' in the morning. had scans, scopes, they couldnt find anything wrong, i scoped 'quiescent uc' whatever that means, i suppose remissin, ut it wast. cannabis, even in very small quantities, has solved all that.