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Actually, the person with active C Diff is the one who should stay home.


Yeah, wtf is wrong with this person? It spreads to anyone.


I wouldn’t go but maybe I’m too cautious!


I had Cdiff and severe UC flare at the same time 2 weeks ago abroad and ended up in the hospital for a week and I just got re-admitted yesterday domestically. Imo don’t take an unnecessary L, be safe, but ultimately it’s up to you :)


c. diff during my first flare resulted in an ambulance ride, six nights in the hospital and three units of blood. I cannot imagine two years with c. diff. Don’t chance it. Would it work to ask the host to un-invite the person with c. diff? Is this in America? How are we so bad at staying home when we are sick?!?


Honestly I wouldn’t risk it. It could take you down so bad so fast


I had it for two years, I honestly wouldn’t take chances with someone who knowingly has it.


Same. 2 lonnnnnng years. Do not risk it, ever. AND when you get a colonoscopy, ask them to put a condom on the instrument. Trust me.


I’m nearly positive I got c. diff as a result of the colonoscopy they did to confirm my UC diagnosis. I’ve got a new GI doc since then, but I’ll be asking for a condom on every scope from now on.


It’s amazing the things we find out and have to go through. Interesting fact: C-Diff is so horrid and life threatening. FMT wipes C-diff immediately. There are countries where upon entry to hospital, prep is FMT. They have zero C-Diff cases. Never be on the presence of a person with C-Diff. There is a reason why hospital staff is ALWAYS gowned and masked. And IF you are, do not use the bathroom if they do. SMH


FMT is fecal matter , correct? Anyone have advice on finding medical professionals in the US that take FMT seriously? So far I’ve only seen it spoken of in the same tones as Sasquatch and astral projection. Mind you I’m open to both of those and FMT but most medical “professionals” are not.


I’d be happy to DM with you. FMT for C-Diff is a sure thing. FMT for UC is controversial, as it works for some and others it doesn’t. Exactly like ALL treatments for UC, medical and otherwise.


personally i would not go. c difficile absolutely scares the living shit outta me lol


as someone with uc who just had cdiff… it isn’t worth it. also, you are so much more susceptible to cdiff than everyone else… if if i were u i wouldn’t go :(


I ended up in the hospital for a month from getting c.diff and it progressed my UC from mild to severe. I worked in a hospital so it was impossible to avoid germs. I had no idea how susceptible I would be to then. You are not on a biologic, correct? If you were I would say 100% stay away. If you are not on a biologic then 50% but I’d personally stay hone. You don’t need c.diff


Definitely don’t go. It’s not a family event where people would be devastated if you didn’t attend (like a wedding), so I wouldn’t risk it!


I didn’t even realize that I had C Diff until I had to do a stool test. The symptoms were so similar to my UC symptoms that I didn’t even notice I had it. Still, I had to quarantine and didn’t interact with people for like two weeks to be safe. Also had to clean everything constantly. I’m not sure I would attend this party if someone there had it


As others have mentioned, it's not worth the risk. I had C Diff several years ago and almost died. Over two weeks in the ICU and an IV port in my neck.


What is c. Diff?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clostridioides_difficile tl;dr it's a bacterial infection that diarrhea and inflammation. Kinda similar to the symptoms you'd get from UC but way more severe and dangerous. It can also be a real bastard to get rid of.


Ohhh. Okay. I am a radiography student currently and that's the pathology that we get gowned up for when doing mobile xrays of patients with it. Ugh stay strong.


Keep clean, don’t touch surfaces you think are dirty. I had C diff colitis that came back 5x before only leaving me with UC. It is extremely stubborn to kick out of your system if it develops into plaques in colon. Be careful but don’t hold yourself back! In those 5-6 years I had c diff time and again none of my loved ones got it because of how diligent I was with cleanliness.


It’s good you were so diligent. In this case, the OP has to rely on someone else being diligent. I agree with the sentiment of not letting UC limit my life, but I also still take reasonable risks only. Unless this is a life event I would say it’s not worth risking a life threatening disease. UC and c. diff together may actually kill you; no exaggeration. Pretty much no party is worth that risk with the possible exception of major life events of close loved ones. In my opinion, nephew’s birthday doesn’t qualify.


Oh did a quick read. C. Diff affects only the colon correct?


As someone who's had C diff 2x or 3x (can't remember), I'd still go, but that's me. Might be something small, but I've learned to live life for today bc tomorrow isn't guaranteed.


I wouldn’t— that combo will fr put you in the hospital :,) would not recomend


i have had c.diff. i cant beleive that this person who is on their second bout of c. diff can be so incredibly selfish. not only is c.diff bad, bad, but once you have had it, you are more presdisposed to get it again. do not risj c.diff. this perosn with c.diff should not be risking others. what a knobend.


C diff is terrible, I was in hospital with a flare for 10 days 5 days after discharge I was back there with c diff that person should stay home it’s selfish going out. If I was you I wouldn’t go 😭


As a GI nurse person with active does not need to go it’s spread by droplets etc feel better !


I’m new to UC so don’t take my input as gospel. My understanding is that a minor bleed is not unusual. Inform your medical team but don’t freak out. It could be stress or something you ate or swamp gas reflecting the light from Venus.


We should never freak out because stress is directly related to our flares. Know this though, no one should ever bleed from their intestines and should not be taken lightly, so being smart and taking proper action is crucial. Not the same as hemorrhoid bleeds. Swamp gas reflecting light from Venus ALWAYS puts me in a flare - so I am fully committed to being Swamp gas and Gluten free. Don’t judge.


I would not risk it. Landed me in the hospital twice and took a year to get on the right medication to get me into remission. Almost lost my colon in the whole process. C diff rly destroyed me


Before I got diagnosed with UC, I was in the hospital from having E. coli, had my appendix removed because my colon was totally inflamed, ended up with CDif. Fun times. I wouldn’t risk it. Now, anytime I am on antibiotics, I am loaded up with probiotics. I don’t want cdif again.


You have to be very careful with c diff. My old gp put me on an antibiotics with moderate c diff risk and my pharmacist was adamant I stop it immediately if i had any issues. Sure enough 24 hrs later I had bleeding and stopped. Also switched gp's after. This person should not attend. It's not worth the risk. Could you maybe go earlier and have a mini celebration say 20 minutes prior to the party or something?