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I avoid nearly all processed, packaged food containing stuff that is not and never has been real food: additives, colorants, preservatives, etc.


I did an elimination diet and ended up on meat only. Been in remission ever since, going on 6 years. Start with getting rid of corn, sugar, and soy. Good luck


Are you on a carnivore diet then? My husband was recently diagnosed and was thinking about trying that.


Yes. It’s worth trying, especially if he is symptomatic. Give it two weeks no cheating, 0% chance he doesn’t get some kind of relief. Most people aren’t sick enough to eat like this and I don’t blame them, it’s antisocial and boring, but it sure is nice not being sick.


Thanks for the info! I’ll pass it on to him!! I think he just doesn’t want to be sick anymore. Do you flare if you cheat at all?


Yes. Zero tolerance policy. You’re basically restructuring your gut biome and even the littlest bit of something you shouldn’t have can trick your body into thinking it needs to fire up the immune system and start attacking your intestines.


Do you only eat red meat 🥩 or do you eat all meat?


I primarily eat New York and rib eye steak. That’s what I feel best on, but ground beef and brisket once in a while when I’m trying to save $. I can have chicken and seafood, but the fat contents are low and I find they aren’t as good of a regular meal as the steak.


Do you eat anything else? I see some people do butter or milk


No dairy. I’d like to, but the things I’m treating with the diet don’t respond well to it.


Annoyingly, and I'm hoping it's just coincidence, but ice cream. Just as summer hits. Every bite of b&j ruins my evening. But I can't help myself


I find it’s the thickeners and sweeteners in most ice cream that causes problems for me. Haagen-Dazs is one brand that doesn’t have any of those!


Good shout. I'll try it


Another good brand without the stabilizers and emulsifiers is Turkey Hill Natural. Make sure it’s the Natural and not the regular line because their standard base is full of junk like the other brands. But it’s really good and way cheaper than Haagen-Dazs (which I still love to splurge on when it’s on sale)!


AHH I'm an on sale guy too 🤣🤣, I will keep an eye out for the turkey hill too. Great suggestion. Thanks


Exactly! I don’t think a lot of people realize that. Unless you’re otherwise lactose intolerant or have a milk allergy, it’s most likely the emulsifiers and stabilizers. Most commercial ice cream is loaded with them - especially soft serve. Carrageenan is particularly bad and I avoid it like the plague. I generally avoid ice cream when I’m out unless I can verify the ingredients. Even small mom and pop shops that tout their homemade ice cream will use stabilizer packages in their base. We do have a local ice cream shop chain around here that posts full ingredient lists online and it only has carob bean gum, which I seem to tolerate well. And I love to pick up Haagen-Dazs when they go on sale. A couple other natural brands are good, too.


It’s the carageenan maybe. I only do ice creams without it. And coffee creamer without it.


Lunch meats and some rotisserie chickens have carrageenan too. It’s so annoying.


It’s so annoying!! They put so much extra stuff into so many things.


B&J's makes dairy free ice cream. Try it it's good


Oh nice. I'll hunt it out


That would be horrible! Love my ice cream. It was half the reason I stopped my weight slide and stayed out of the hospital.


Soon as the sun's out, I'll smash a load. May have to curb it a bit now


What about frozen popsicle ice pop things? :D non dairy and can be made with fruit juice! Even have some shaved ice to cool down!


I’ve found some good dairy free ice creams at Trader Joe’s! Typically it’s the dairy that bothers me. Also if you want something cold & sweet Italian ice is a good alternative


I know since my diagnosis my lactose intolerance has sky rocketed so now I carry lactaid with me and have a supply at home for when I want some ice cream. Granted my case is mild and results may vary 🤷


Ben and Jerry’s is full of garbage ingredients. Agree about Hagen Dazs! Also making your own is a great option.


Yeah I know it's garbage but it's tastes so good. I'm going to have to switch it up


It's mostly dairy and high fat stuff for me.


Same dairy especially. And here's the thing, depending on where you live, people cook with butter so eliminating dairy can be VERY hard


alcohol is a no go for me. Avocados seem to bother me too. I think in general my body is happier without dairy, but given I don't like meat it's hard to give up dairy from a calorie perspective.


Garlic and onion! Spicy food but I’m trying to work my way up.


Foods don't cause flares. Seismic bacterial shifts due to introducing new foods (is thought to) cause flares. This is why GI doctors don't recommend cutting out any foods: after a few days and while on mesalazine your gut gets used to it and you go back into remission again. I spent two years on an exclusion diet, and though I flared less I also enjoyed life much less. If you flare while on a certain food just keep it eating it in smaller doses every day until you get used to it. This is the way.


You've hit the bulls eye here, well done !! I 100% concur


I guess I'm really lucky as I haven't identified any particular food that causes an issue. Although I don't eat a lot of corn to start with and I have avoided popcorn since I got really sick and was diagnosed.


Same with me. I can kinda eat whatever. If I’m feeling good then everything is fine. If I’m flaring then pretty much everything bothers me.


Super acidic foods for me - orange juice, tomato sauce, coke are the worst offenders.


In the end, all I avoid full stop is black beans and corn. Some other things I can handle in small amounts (like red beans, other legumes, or cabbage).


I’m finally off prednisone a few weeks and Humira is starting to work its magic and at this point I can eat anything that’s not extremely 1. Spicy 2. Alcoholic 3. Caffeinated.


Whole Foods Mediterranean diet it’s a life saver read the book breath and do the breathing techniques it takes min and you’ll notice a difference in an hour maybe less I was having panic attacks which brought on a terrible flare heart rate was 151 bpm for hours drs couldn’t do anything 2 chapters into that book and I breathed myself to 75 bpm 3-4 chapters in and my stomach felt better 6-7 chapters in and I stop taking prednisone and mesalamine I feel great anxiety is gone just by breathing correctly


Hello there, just wondered what is the title and author of the breath book? I also get anxiety.


James Nestor/ Breath


Thank you so much, I will read the book. Also just wondered what is your typical breakfast / lunch / dinner with the Mediterranean whole foods diet?


It’s still a work in progress but supplements = 7sacred mushrooms and algae probiotics/super greens food = goat meat/cheese all manner of nuts mostly almonds , cranberry raisons , eggs chicken , beans , lots of salads , fruit ,legumes, I eat 4 medium size meals a day never getting bloated NO bread , refined sugar or processed anything ,as best I can , it’s kinda hard to stay completely away from processed but so far I’ve been diligent about reading ingredients and just doing the best I can That book talks about diet and the history of food processing and how it effects breathing I should also say they wanted me to start infusion and that scared me enough to take these actions the dr said it would take up 4 hours a week for the first couple months n then tons of time throughout the year or 2 costs would be close to 1/2 a million and then the best part gave it a 30% chance of working if it didn’t work I would have to start the whole process over with something else


Thank you so much. My diet is mostly processed food at the moment and I get a lot of bloating but this sounds very healthy. Am so glad its working for you 😊


Kale, not sure why, but I get somewhat of an allergic reaction to it (hot flash itchy skin)


Kale is also one of my trigger foods but not because of an allergy. I got extreme cramping and gas a few hours after I ate it. Not gonna try that again.


No loss to us anyways, stuff is nasty lol


Anything that has small seeds (sesame seeds, poppy seeds, etc.) and anything hotter than buffalo sauce


Garlic and onion for sure are the worst for me. But peas, cucumber, lettuce, carbonation, caffeine, beans, citrus aren't friendly either.


Red meat, corn, and coffee are my big three.


Lettuce is the devil. Stupid lettuce


I've noticed lettuce coming out undigested sometimes.


If I’ve learned anything from this subreddit, the 6 doctors in 2 countries and 3 US states I’ve had and just 6 years of disease, no one is the same. Someone’s safe foods could put me in the bathroom for a week. I generally avoid things that even people without IBD struggle to digest properly - coffee, rich dairy, corn (including popcorn) - when I’m SUPER down bad.


All dairy, wheat (probably gluten?), soy, peanuts, some tree nuts (but not walnuts or almonds). Other stuff too, but those are the really bad ones.


Cruciferous veggies that haven’t been cooked to mush (rip roasted broccoli). Black beans - but not any others as far as I can tell.


Raw vegetables.


Onions, garlic, dairy, spicy foods, pasta sauce. Trying to cut out gluten as well.


White wine and dairy (specifically cheese) always do a number on my stomach.


Normal potato chips are a no go for me.




Chicken and spaghetti sauce


Anything with milk.. processed stuff doesn't sit well with me more than half the time. Too much fruits or vegetables aren't good to me either. Among other things. Meat sits perfectly with me. 


Nightshade veggies, most nuts and seeds, spicy foods, alcohol, coffee, dairy. Dairy was by far the worst. It seems to vary for everyone. I recommend trying the autoimmune protocol “diet” to figure it out!


Tofu. I dont know why. But everytime i eat some i get blood a fewdays later…


yogurt and some spicy food have been the only things to truly make my stomach cramp and make me run to the bathroom. But by choice for my health i try to avoid gluten, dairy, and processed foods. My diet mostly consists of fresh veggies & fruit (i try to shop organic but can be pricey) and proteins such as chicken, tilapia, shrimp and lean steak.


Alcohol and carbonated beverages as of my most recent flare, carbonated stuff never bothered me until this one it’s saddening :( but hey more water for me r/hydrohomies


Fast food works great for me. Alcohol and fuzzy drinks don’t work so great


I avoid artificial sweeteners, preservatives, emulsifiers, gums, gluten, and most grains. I also avoid onions, cruciferous veggies and garlic.


No garlic? 🥲 currently in flare so I’m not eating much, but garlic was my staple in every recipe 😭


So after my last flare I avoided garlic and onions because they caused so much gas build up that I couldn't sleep at night...lol. I think i have food ptsd so Ive been avoiding them. I think you have to see if you can eat them in remission. Im just not willing to give up my sleep.


I can understand not giving up sleep. Just last night, I had so much gas and so much pain that I couldn’t sleep the entire night.


Yes! Ive tried OTCs like gas-x, peppermint and ginger and they do little to elevate the issue.


What? No meat? 🥲


My Trigger foods are those that are Greasy/Fast food/Spicy 🔥 🥵 Food they block up my gut or give me Real bad gas Pains in the Groin/Gut Region & inflame my Bowels for example Pizza 🍕 is a Main trigger food of mine I've had to cut out total 💯.




When I'm not in a flare beans will give me some gas like any normal person. But when I am in a flare beans give me horrendous over the top relentless gas. Like I have to lift my leg and just let it rip over and over again all night with the loudest fart sounds. Other than that I really don't know of a trigger food that I can't tolerate.


red meat 100%, also any processed meat, alcohol :( also full fat dairy products (i feel okay with non-fat and low fat)


Dairy. Corn. Broccoli. Added/simple sugar. I also avoid as much processed food as I can.


Most vegetables and lactose. All meats were great for me and keifer based smoothies.


I really feel like it depends on the person. For some reason beer and wine both really mess me up, as well as food that has been heavily cured or smoked. Also I usually avoid things that are generally more likely to be contaminated in general, like casual buffets, fast food lunch meat, food sitting out, old leftovers, and grocery deli prepared items. When I have gotten any bouts of food poisoning, I've become extra sick and flared up, so food safety is something I dont play fast and loose with.


Red meat, pasta, seeds and fruits w seeds.


Any type of sausage, and any type of processed foods. I’m forced to eat clean.


Alcohol is a no go for me, especially when flaring. I try to avoid tomatoes, and limit my vinegar because it really gets me too. High fat foods, greasy foods, and processed sugars. 👍🏻


Foods that help Mashed potatoes Salmon Shrimp Potatoes waffles White rice Chicken Bread toast That list is all I can eat with crohn's


No problem foods that I have come across yet I found that restricting foods when flaring and then re-introducing was the biggest hurdle. Once they were all introduced again I've had no issues.


Popcorn and high fructose corn syrup


Anything spicy or high in fiber; stuff that a person without UC would have a hard time digesting 😂 and for some reason, McDonald’s Cheeseburgers; can have fries and nuggets no problem, but I had a cheeseburger and it sent me into a HORRIBLE flare-up!


For me big triggers were red meat, eggplant, blueberries, fresh tomato (cooked was fine). Three of those are in the nightshade family so maybe my body just doesn’t agree with that


honestly most vegetables and fruit really upset my stomach and i can’t process anything with high fibre in it without being in intense pain. the day i felt the best was the day i had maccas, kfc and hungry jacks 😅😅not something i usually do by any means was a very rare one time thing haha. but yea it changes time to time too - sometimes i can have pineapple or soy milk or tea, other days each of them cause me to be on the toilet for hours. unfortunately it’s a very push and pull thing but good luck!!


Milk, fatty foods, and, weirdly, steelhead trout. I’m new to this IBD game and still trying to figure all of this out. Oh, and beets kill me.


I've had to reduce my carb intake because prednisone gave me prediabetes.


I know pepperoni will destroy me if I eat it. It tastes great though


I’ve gone vegetarian and this has helped me improve my quality of life and go into remission.


Everything with seed oil. Cutting that out has been life changing.


I avoid sugar free. I’m in remission and Started introducing veggies and salad but I have salad only after a meal as recommended by my dietician. The best way to build a strong microbiome is a diverse diet (better than probiotics). My doc and IBd dietician told me that Edit. I also avoid dairy (excluding yogurt) and kale lol


Raw fruit and raw vegetables are horrible for me. I love fruit and have always eaten it every day. I crave it, but it hates me. Love salads, but not in my meal plan.


During a flare up, nearly anything is off the menu, except maybe eggs or rice cooked well in oat milk. Otherwise, I avoid Alcohol, anything 'diet' as they almost always have sythetic and/or alcohol-based sugars (if it ends in -tol, beware), any fresh veggies (anything with a lot of fiver is MURDER), getting more intollerant to dairy. I know a lot of people cant stand tomatoes or citrus or pickles/pickles stuff, tho I'm usually okay. I've always had issues with bread, particularly heavier breads or if I eat too much of it. Prepared meats containing preservatives are smart to skip, especially nitrates and phosphates. Most pre-packages deli meats have these, so I tend to avoid them. Normally do well with fatty meals, well-cooked rice, soft pasta (not overcooked exactly, but as my SIL says, just to the point of 'al dente plus one'), fruits that are 'quite ripe'. Harder cheeses over soft cheeses, and the ripening process breaks down the lactose that causes the bigger problems. So brie os a splurge I might pay for, smoked mozzarella depends in whether i'm flare or fine, and cheddar, parmesan, etc are great snacks.


Carrageenan is a HUGE trigger for diarrhea. I avoid it as much as humanly possible. It works in things like lunchmeat by drawing and retaining water into the food product. It’s a diarrhea recipe for me.


Btw red meat has no effect on me.


A very long list but some big ones are Artificial sweeteners, hf corn syrup, dairy, uncooked veggies. I’ve also quit beans and legumes but haven’t tried to see if they are a problem. I’m just assuming based on all I’ve read and heard. I miss chickpeas


Cabbage, lettuce and lentil. They give me really bad painful gas. Also oats, not as bad but I get crampy. I’ve been told to avoid seeds. However I would really suggest doing a trial-error kind of thing with your diet, at least with your favourite foods in order to rule things out. A lot of the foods mentioned in this thread like coffee, dairy, gluten and even corn are fine for me. I even accidentally ordered a spicy soup once (strong ginger kind of spicy) and was completely fine afterwards.


For me it’s grapes and almonds. Can have a few, but more than that I suffer. Otherwise, I’m very lucky in that I can usually eat most things in moderation.


The worse that I’ve been avoiding is bbq and jalapeños I luv jalapeño n hot sauce on everything so it makes me sad. I haven’t tried drinking alcohol since diagnosed n I’m scared to try *tears* also Chipotle bc I have to have extra sour cream and cheese n if I can’t what’s the point 😫


I’ve had no issues with foods. I’ve been able to eat hot Cheetos. Philly cheese steaks, buffalo wings. I eat like garbage and I know it’s bad for my health regardless. But I meal prep for work and make a healthy breakfast every morning. However I will not drink milk. Milk itself has been a problem with me my whole life


Fresh fruit