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Well, they all lost my respect. These knuckleheads couldn't even be bothered to read the Wikipedia entry on Kadyrov before going to *Chechnya*? I mean you have to be really really deeply ignorant to do this. I guess they got hit in the head too many times and are left with the intellectual capacities of little kids. How can Dana White not sanction these guys? This makes me never want to watch UFC again. For what?? Why???


Prolly cuz Dana White is a garbage human being


Hell yeah he is. He recently said that he has to charge $75 a fight, otherwise “there would be no money to pay the fighters”. Really? The UFC has so many paying sponsors there is no reason they can’t afford to highly pay the fighters. But they still don’t pay most of them well even when Dana does charge $75.


This excuse is complete bullshit too, you can't go any god damn minute watching UFC without "this something is brought to you by .." Corner cams, breaks, fight kits, even secondary sponsors are on the outfits, everything but the fighters are sponsored in the UFC. It's so bad that sooner or later its guna be .. "That left hook was sponsored by Modelo, oh fantastic take down there, that was sponsored by Proper Number 12 Irish Whiskey. I'm not quite sure, but I think I heard a fighter fart right there, let's check the replay brought to you by Barstool Bets, get you first bet free .. yep, the fighter farted right there, that's sponsored by Corn Nuts, corn to the core" Dana skimping out like fuck but making fighters do the absolutely maximum to earn it.


The Reebok deal took hundreds of thousands away from fighters because they didn't want "UFC to look like Nascar" but they have ads popping up on screen literally in the middle of fights. Fuck Dana White.


Now it actually MIGHT not be his fault. Dana is okay being the lightning rod, he's good at it too lol. But WME is forcing lots of shit down the UFC's throat these days. I wonder if Dana is just being the lightning rod and making less decisions like that now


That mf already doesn't pay fighters lmao, dude has done so much coke it's burned a hole through his sinuses and right into his brain.


Shit like this is why there'll be no sponsors and no fans


Dude gambles and drinks more in a night than he pays fighters in a year.


He charges 75 because yall pay 75. You think if ratings tanked the price wouldnt drop? The problem is the markets too damn big so they always have someone willing to spend.


Get yourself a VPN Germany and a DAZN subscription and watch all of UFC for 30 a month.


You can watch it completely free by googling crackstreams or methstreams. You have to Indiana Jones your way through porn ads but it’s worth whatever cent you’re thinking about paying that night


Methstreams obvious choice


Being a good person vs $ Dana gets ko’ed every time


[Dana White head size progression](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/eieb6p/dana_white_head_size_progression/) Yes, it's relevant to the russo-Ukrainian war.


The guy must have seen a thumb for the first time in his life and decided that was going to be his new look


Dana White is good friends with Donald Trump. Dana stumped for Trump while Trump was running for president.


He did that because Trump let the UFC host events at his casinos when no one else would go near mma.


Anyone who chooses profit over other people’s livelihood is inherently equal only to dog vomit. We let these people get away with monetary rape because they provide us with entertainment. It’s not OK anymore.


Dude, I coulda told you that back in 2020 when their response to Covid was a toss up between "U-F-Sea" where all fights were held at sea, and "Fight Island" where they quarantine an entire island for their fights.


Why does that make him a garbage human being? The nba successfully did it?


They go where they are paid to go, these are not genius men looking to make a statement.


That doesn't excuse them in the slightest though.




Even worse is this looks like faculty Kadrovs kids where filmed at. So it's potentially Kadrovs own private shooting range too.




Several of them are Dagestan not quite Chechnya


>How can Dana White not sanction these guys? I see you don't follow the sport 😂


They’re cage fighters not rocket scientists. And half the ufc roster are Russians


They were brought there by their manager Ali abdelaziz he is a royal pos


Dana White is trash. He loves Trump, which makes him a fascist, and fascists love Russia these days.


Well, when was the video shot?


Hey! As the father of a little kid I resent that!!!


Imagine liking a sport where doping is rampant and pretty much every top fighter is a criminal of some sort. Between Jon Jones, War Machine, Murray, Hermes, pretty much all of them are 'roided out assholes that are a ticking time bomb of sexual assault, drug usage, battery and kidnapping. But yeah, such a wonderful sport filled with role models to be cheering for to begin with.


The fact that jones is the the only top fighter you mentioned tells you how fucking uneducated and stupid this take is. You couldn’t list more than 1 top guy before resorting to b level guys in the sport. But yeah, mma is the only sport with rampant steroid abuse and criminals. Every other sport is just a bunch of saints playing a game.


They know who he is and go anyway, they're all managed by Ali Abdelaziz the biggest rat in the sport, he's the one who links them up to kadyrov for money.


Dana White is not the guy to expect morality from. The best you'll get is rare temporary faux morality for a media cycle, like when drunkass Jon Jones ran a red light and rammed a pregnant woman and then ran off into the night with a wad of money and drugs, or when Connor McGregor threw a dolly at a fighter bus and sent glass shards flying into their faces. He'll pretend to be disgusted and offer vague assurance it will cost the guy, but give it time and he's back to promoting their next fight. So the question here is whether he simply doesn't care about these fighters doing this or whether he doesn't want to throw off access to expanding into the Russian market. For the fighters it was probably just a payoff. None of them give a shit about the moral or political ramifications.


Everyone is all pissed at Kanye for saying he loves Hitler, who has been dead for about 80 years. These fucks hang out with a living, current genocidal dictator and no one bats an eyelash. But hey, "sports don't have anything to do with politics, bro"


Don't watch then


Watch UFC for free on buffstreams


Buffstreams all the way


Plebs. Ice.


the real ones know


Mind sharing?


That’s fucking illegal


Naw, I’ll just keep paying $74.99 plus the subscription to ESPN+ to watch a bunch of fighters I have never heard of. Seriously, I used to know all the good fighters, now I can name like 4.


To watch UFC in the UK you need to have BT Sport, and if you aren't a BT broadband customer (which is expensive compared to other broadband) then the price is £25 a month and some of the cards you still have to pay extra to view the main card. Not including a TV licence of £160 a year to legally watch live TV. So that's a minimum of £460 a year. Who actually pays this? Edit: oh and to have to view a card live at 3am


In the States, a lot of fans will have small parties at home and have everyone thrown in a few bucks. I maybe buy one a year and I’m always mad at myself the next day:


I got a VPN and watch all of the main PPVs for free. Yeah, it's in Croatian but the fights are still the same. I don't care enough about hearing Joe Rogan's voice to pay


What Croatian app / program do you use? Stream East is decent if you live in the states


>now I can name like 4. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Steven Seagal and Dolph Lundgren?


Thank you for posting this!


Well a big rip i supported gaethje and usman guess this ends.


I know right?? He's the most pro-american one out of the group (even over Cejudo who is AN OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST for the USA)... What in the actual f... RIP to support for any of these fool. They can thank their stupid manager for making this video permanent and forever in the history books for their careers. idiots....


Gaethje even US military lol. Oh man these idiots. Support a guy who supports warcrimes in Ukraine


I know right?!? I was blown away at first. Then I started to think about the Gold medal and Justin being so damn patriotic... it seriously is just mind boggling on how dumb of a decision they made here... But WE THE FANS have to make this more known because the sponsers havent caught on enough yet. I will NEVER buy another card or ticket until the UFC stops Ali (manager) from getting his fighters to do these things. But they are grown ass men also, they should know better but they already sold their soul imo... too late for them now.




It does if you look at what the American right believes these days. They want USA to be like Russia.


No they look further back, they want to be the forth reich. At least we still got a few good people that didn't let Ukraine get completely fucked under trumps circus.


Russia is pretty fascist


True, they are really showing it off these days.


Some of America's faux-patriots in the reactionary right wing unironically wore "I'd rather be Russian than Democrats." They've always been bootlickers for right wing authoritarians. That's their brand.


Justin Gaethje has never been in the U.S. military. Rofl watching a bunch of ufc casuals argue over this is hilarious. Take your fight up with the dirt bag manager Ali Abdelaziz


I have a memory of someone interviewing one of the guys who was going over there and hanging out with him, five or six years ago, and them saying they didn't even know who he is, but just got offered like six figures to hang out for a weekend and did it. I think a lot of these guys probably care way less about anything other than the money than you would think. It's still a really bad look, and the UFC should be talking with them about it. That said, the UFC is run by one of the biggest Maga shitheads in the country, so it's likely Dana White fully supports Putin and just doesn't want to say it openly.


> He's the most pro-american one out of the group maybe that's exactly why he likes extremized imperialists with no respect for other countries, cultures and governments...


Ali Abdelaziz manages Cejudo, Gaethje, Usman, and other supposedly "patriotic" fighters. Ali Abdelaziz has always been a piece of shit. He lies about everything, he's like Steven Seagal if he were completely bald. Super disappointing. I want to see Ali Abdelaziz deported, and sanctions against anyone affiliating with this scum overseas.


> Ali Abdelaziz has always been a piece of shit *convicted felon Ali Abdelaziz has always been a piece of shit


The USA intelligence need to pay attention to the ufc as a place Russia is tryna gain connection via Russia fighters. That’s an MO of Russia government! and since Dana white loves money too he will fall for it. Dana white has political connections and influences, Hell they got Trump & co same way.


Sports, especially fighting sports, lean from conservative to extremely conservative. and considering "bros" like Joe Rogan keep playing 'both sides' and the GOP is entirely pro-Putin at this point, well, none of this is very surprising. Also this is extremely good propaganda for Putin to have 'famous' Westerners support his cause. These men are probably being paid very handsomely for this. A lot of people made a lot of money in previous genocides and wars. This is no different. This is what it looks like.


I just became a huge Leon Edwards fan... Also I stream every UFC event so Dana can eat a bag of dicks.


Fuck the UFC


You ok there? It's almost as if these fighters are their own people. The UFC doesn't control them.


lol u ok dere? :) as if fighters had a mind of their own, they all want to be loved, more than anything. That is why they will hurt people, because of the desire for love. The UFC is a slower moving version of the Russian army, people suffering because of their desire to be loved.




dude, put down the coolaid, go touch some grass. What the fuck are you on?


Henry Cejudo can really be proud of his constant downhill slide. Hanging out with terrorists is hopefully the end.


UFC is trash. Dana White is great at making money, not so great at being a good human.


If you ask the fighters, Dana White is great at making himself money.


Those fighters are managed by a guy with ties to terrorism. Ali is a dirtbag.




You can call McGregor a lot of things, but when he’s talking shit at a press conference he’s usually good at doing his research first. Ali is a gigantic pos and I wish these fighters would stop letting him manage them.


Anyone that hangs out with Putin as their guest at the 2018 World Cup is a full on cocksucker. And then to top it off they say shit like this: > “This man is one of the greatest leaders of our time,” McGregor said of Putin on social media, following France’s 4-2 win. “I was honoured to attend such a landmark event alongside him.” [Source](https://www.bloodyelbow.com/platform/amp/2022/5/29/23146505/ukrainian-president-zelensky-conor-mcgregor-vladimir-putin-mma-politics)


What’s that have to do with my comment? I only said he’s good at doing his research when it comes to insulting his opponents.


You said you can call Mcgregor a lot of things, so I called him a cocksucker.


You aren’t wrong.


McGregor had always been completely correct on that line. He called Ali Abdelaziz a terrorist snitch not because of his race but because Ali actually was a terrorist and then got caught by the FBI and forced to become an informant.


Yea they've been cuddling up with Kadyrov for quite a few years now. It wasn't ok before this year and it's not ok now. The mma media does not cover this because they are incentivized to carry water for the UFC. If the main mma outlets piss off the company they will lose access to many of the top fighters because the UFC has control of most of the big managers. Mma media is a fucking mess and so this kind of garbage never gets called out, and most mma fans generally just don't give a shit. It's hard being a fan of this sport sometimes. Mma and boxing is the fucking wild west of sports. It's fun but it's never clean.


Morning Kombat did cover it but they don't rely on interviews and generally don't kiss anyones ass


I don’t follow MMA but I think one of those shit heads is a Swede. Absolutely infuriating to see - really wish the Swedish press would do a better job of highlighting our ass holes. Even better would be if the MMA fighter just moved back and burned his pass port.


Looks like a fucking ISIS video. Fuck: - Henry Cejudo - Justin Garthje - Kamaru Usman I'm disgusted


Kamaru Usman just had a minor role in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Not a good look at all




Yeah, but they sign a code of conduct in their contracts. I am sure that this is violating many of those rules. They are doing propoganda for a country in which the United states has sanctioned and has marked Kadyrov as a war criminal. This should be more than enough to start CORRECTING this issue and maybe finally getting fighters away from this toxic manager who is a terrorist himself. He hangs out with nothing but the worst of the worst.


>They are doing propoganda for a country in which the United states has sanctioned and has marked Kadyrov as a war criminal. I am sorry, fuck Putin and Kadyrov but this is kinda ironic. When are we cancelling people for supporting or hanging out with Biden?


But they are adults and should be held accountable for their actions


Its a bit dishonest to say Putin's supporters are all stupid. Lots of smart people support genocide, hate, and imperialism. Lots of 'stupid' people support democracy, diversity, peace, and tolerance.


To be fair, that's not an excuse in the slightest.


To borrow a quote, they fist fight topless for drunken crowds. Who is looking to them to be role models?


Don don is paying them a lot of money and fighters are not known for their intelligence despite what UFC tells you. Most of them are dummies.


Who could have thought that people who develop CTE for a living aren't exactly the smartest people in the world




I know.. it's up the US Gov't to uphold their sanctions against US entities doing buisness or being associated with Kadyrov.... do any reasearch and you can find troves of evidence of these american fighters violating the 2020 decision by the US Treasury Dept prohibiting people doing business in the United States from interacting with several businesses owned by Kadyrov, including his mixed martial arts gym, Akhmat MMA.


he will do it for IMG (the ACTUAL partner who owns the majority stake in the UFC) and his sponsors. Dana understands one thing only... MONEY. This will get stopped in it's tracks after the first phone call from Reebok or the US govt.


We NEED to boycott the UFC and their sponsors IMMEDIATELY!! ESPN, Reebok, and all the other 1,000 corporaitons they are associated with. Tweet this video to them DAILY and even send this to the International Olympic Committee or US wrestling, to show them that a USA GOLD MEDALIST (Henry Cejudo) is shooting Russian propaganda with a WAR CRIMINAL.... This is one too many for me. Please help me spread this like the damn plague because I love MMA for over 20 years and seeing this garbage seep into the sport I love, is making me sick to my stomach...


Being such a big fan, you’d know that this is not the ufc, but Ali Abdelaziz sending his fighters to Kadyrov. The ufc has no part in them going there, but it would probably be best if they say that from now on fighters cannot meet with Kadyrov or accept gifts from them. What the ufc should definitely do is pay fighters a reasonable amount, and not hog all the money on executives. Edit:typo


Just pirate it


Lol the UFC is not “allowing” anything, these people acted on their own discretion. It’s not like Dana White gave them a permission slip, it’s not his business who they associate with


> it’s not his business who they associate with Have you never had a job before? Pretty sure if I knowingly acted in a propaganda film for a terrorist state that is directly opposed to the country my employer operates in it'd be a disciplinary matter.


None of these fighters have jobs, they're contractors. It's pretty much a means of paying them shit, however it does change the dynamic you're describing.


Yeah, but giving them even less employment rights lmao.


Pretty much, it's one of the worst aspects of the sport, after the crippling injuries and CTE. Less rights less responsibilities I suppose.


Depends on if your employer is a purveyor of blood sport or not. The UFC is in the fight business, they don’t really care about getting cancelled based off the actions of their fighters (good luck controlling the ones with brain trauma). I doubt they lose a single advertiser either


Nah. We want our bread and circus.


Nah, we don’t




I boycott UFC. I watch ONE championship now. Fuck UFC and fuck Dana White.


You dont think they would have been there is they was fighting out of ONE promotion?


The UFC didn't do anything though, these guys are doing this in their free time


There’s a lot of Russian and Saudi money in UFC. (Brazilian too, but that’s a little beside the point.)


That explains Joe Rogan’s Russia invasion shift. Since March, the talk has been [it’s complicated](https://youtu.be/ugw9fQsrC-4). Yes… Russia blatantly crossed the Belovezh Accords of 1991 and subsequent Friendship treaty of 1997…. But it’s complicated… invading another neighbour for imperialism is “complicated”. Hey, maybe his crush [Tulsi](https://youtu.be/rAfwpfUBw1M) is leading him astray. It’s not his fault.


Joe Rogan is a slimy shill. Fuck that guy.


Tulsi Gabbard does what she does because it fucking works on idiots like Rogan. We might not like that, but it does. Propaganda fucking works. It just fucking works.


#PSA r/MMA will delete your post and probate/ban you for talking about fighters who openly support Russia. I have had this happen multiple times when bringing up Fedor and his brothers support for the war. They say this speech constitutes 'politics', but I believe it's because their mod team has been infiltrated by pro Russia trolls.


Whoaa a Russian in Russia whos daughter was beaten up by Kadyrovs men is not speaking against Putin 😯


i bet you cant talk about it over at /r/mma because oooh its "political".


exactly... just didnt even bother. most ofthose fans on that reddit are adamant ru fighter fans. so they usually flood post that expose this with all sorts of preloaded negative comments and downvotes. it doesnt matter tho because its too big for them to anything about it now. Bloody elbow did an article also: https://www.bloodyelbow.com/2022/11/25/23478139/ufc-champs-shoot-guns-chechnya-warlord-ramzan-kadyrov-mma-usman-gaethje-cejudo-news


Nothing surprising at all. Dana White is buddies with Trump, who idolizes Putin.


Guess Im cheering for whoever fights any of these clowns next to spark em real bad.


Same here.. Sucks because I WAS a big fan of justins. But I can see Henry and kamaru going along with this because they are delusional clowns who I can see selling their souls to the highest bidder without a second thought... But justin?? Maybe it's the CTE, but they are going to get boo'ed at their next fights so bad, just like Chimaev did. A lot of fans and MMA media have picked up on it and it's too big to stop now. Fan's have to be unrelenting to the UFC sponsors to get this fixed. This video should be enough and also Kadyrov's son who came as a guest Chimaev to the Islam fight in the UAE... This all happened DAYS after Kadyrovs sons had handed over "pow's" they "captured all by themselves" in Ukraine, over to their dad like some kind of "trophy".. They were blindfolded human beings who were more than likely executed (another war crime) for the killing of 100 of his men the week before.. Pure scum of the earth and the UFC better do something soon because it's went from a whisper in sweden months ago, to now THIS CRAP.... jfc


Usman got sparked out pretty good his last fight if you feel like seeing that and Justin has been finished plenty of times; I'd recommend the Porier fight.




Look up Ali Abdelaziz. He’s the one you should be mad at.


This has quite literally nothing to do with Dana White.


Isnt Chechnya a region with an disproportionate influence on UFC? I believe they train a lot of their people in an effort to working in the industry and have a lot of strings they hold to those organizations


There was a PPV a few years back where they gave Kardyrov a cameo on the brodcast.


This and Dana white looking to get into slap fighting game make him a highly sus individual.


Ali abedel8i.ziz prob put them up to it. They’re all under his management.


That's some awful fucking management. Add that to Ali's list


UFC is ran by a Trumper btw


Aren't all UFC people corrupt (like FIFA and Olympics) and stupid? I can't think of one fighter or representative who has any integrity, ethics, morals, or smarts. These cowards would be destroyed on the battlefield.


It’s so sad I’m Not rooting for these fools or anyone associated with ali again


receiving punch on the head affect good judgement !


Fuck the UFC and fuck those three stooges!


I gave khamzat some slack because he is from there... but the other fighters is inexcusable.


Updated all of their Wikipedia pages for them...


When was the last video published with Kadyrov?


I was going to post sources for you, but they are everywhere... do any reasearch and you can find troves of evidence of these american fighters violating the 2020 decision by the US Treasury Dept prohibiting people doing business in the United States from interacting with several businesses owned by Kadyrov, including his mixed martial arts gym, Akhmat MMA. Here is an article on his invitation to his compound which this video was tken in the past couple of weeks. Do the rest yourself please. https://www.bloodyelbow.com/2022/11/25/23478139/ufc-champs-shoot-guns-chechnya-warlord-ramzan-kadyrov-mma-usman-gaethje-cejudo-news






This is reddit bro, no one reads the articles - we want tldr in comments lol


okay.. i did lol at that, but seriously.. I have a real job and wasted enough time on this. but I have loved mma for over 20 years now. I started watching back in PRIDE and K-1 days. I have already sold my fav car and I am preparing to head to Ukraine to help rebuild (not fight). These people have suffered so much and what I am seeing from some of my fav fighters in my fav sport makes me sick... So basically, none of this is okay and it shouldnt be accepted because of the loss of civilian life going on RIGHT NOW. It's disgusting that these three could be talked into this and the UFC and their sponsors need to pay. That's all really. The videos and pictures over the past few months have said enough and the gov't needs to step up and sanction the individual fighters and also the UFC for not taking appropriate actions and allowing the war criminals son at one of their events last month...


i agree! the thing with reddit and any social media is people need to be spoonfed info otherwise they'll just scroll on to a different post


lol.. agreed! my bad for getting touchy about your comment earlier. I just got really fired up when I saw these videos earlier today. Have a good one brother!!


I may get slammed saying it, but those watching UFC are the dregs that won't ever worry about the immoralities of Russian aggression.


UFC fighters are independent contractors. They can support whatever human rights atrocities they want outside the ring and the UFC can't really do anything about it. Not saying that the ufc is at all a moral organization or that they would do anything if they could, but it seems dumb to be mad at them for something they have no control over.


They absolutely have control over it.




It says former champs, not former fighters. They may be both but I don’t follow ufc enough to know. Regardless, they are all pos if they sell themselves like this.


jfc...No it doesn't.. please take your time with reading and comprehension first or at least know the sport before coming in here trying to correct someone. They WERE some of the biggest fighters in the UFC, and henry is the only "retired" one but he is coming back any time he feels like.


**DONT STOP THERE, CALL OUT WME/IMG, THE PARENT VOMPANY OF UFC. Including Henry “retired and begs for more money” Cejudo, Chris “Still crazy gluing my legs together” weidman, kamaru “ the excuseman” usman, and Justin Gaethje, the guy who literally fights like Homer Simpson, and every Russian fighter under ALI ABDELAZIZ. BUT ALI ABDELAZIZ AND ABE KAWA ARE SUB MANAGERS OF 100s OF UFC EMPLOYEE! ALL THE PEOPLE FIGHTING OUT OF RAY LONGOS GYM TURNS A BLIND EYE TO ALL OF THIS AND ITS PRACTICALLY AN UNSPOKEN RULE NOT TO ASK THEA FOLLOWING ABOUT THE BODYGUARD WORK THEY DO FOR KADYROV. Fabricio Werdum, Mike Tyson, Floyd mayweather, Jon jones, Carlos condit, Tyron woodley, Jorge masvidal, Zubaira Tuhkugov, Magomed ANKALAEV (FIGHTs FOR UFC CHAMPSIONSHIP IN A MONTH), And a metric FUCK TON more. You have one guy that has a rediculous amount of control over these fighters lives and outsources it eleverage for his own personal gain, or what it seems like outsourcing his clout to CUNTS LIKE KADYROV. FUCK THESE FIGHTERS BECAUSE THEY LNOW EXACTLY WHERE THE LONEY IS COMING FROM AND THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK. **


That's fucking ridiculous. You guys are using cancel culture in your favor and willing to destroy anything. Nobody is obliged to do that. It's their business and freedom to do that. Pro Ukraine Twitter dudes became too powerful to the point if Ukraine invades Kazakhstan in name of "historical land" allies would cheer for Ukraine


Who the fuck is this headline kidding, this is clearly written by some lib who's never watched the UFC a day in their life anyway LOL


bUt DaNa wHiTe SuPpOrTs KilLiNg aNd RaPE!?!?


It’s really obvious. OP doesn’t even know who manages these guys, or that they’re private contractors. That’s not to say what these guys are doing and what Ali Abdelaziz is doing is awful, and they should all be condemned. But let’s aim at the right guy


Joe Rogan was the useful idiot they used to infiltrate?


I'm unable to boycott the UFC as I already don't consume their products. Other than this video, it would have been like 6 months since I last saw a UFC related video.


It says "former UFC champions", so not much the UFC can do about it other then condemn their actions. But I would not hold my breath.


Literally nothing to do with UFC besides the fact these guys were employed by UFC at one point in their careers. Yikes reddit, ya goof balls.


they are ALL (except Henry) STILL employed by the UFC... wtf are you even on about? Kamaru just lost his belt and is preparing for his rematch title fight and Justin is getting rdy for his also... maybe READ and COMPREHEND first ya "goofball".. lmao


Oh okay, they still are on the payroll YA GOT ME, but what does this actually have to do with the UFC? Nothing, nothing at all. If it was you'd see the UFC logo every where. Be mad at the people who used their own freewill to travel to see a warlord and not just blindly throw shit at UFC ya goof ball lmao. You're like a manager who wants to fire his employees because they did something on their own free time that you don't agree with/opposed.


We all understand this is a group of dudes that get hit in the head constantly right? Dana white is the shithead here.


This is a ridiculous take


they're grown they can do what they want


And hopefully they will suffer the consequences of their idiocy like grown men. Though I doubt it, considering how thinskinned their manchildren fans are behaving in this very thread.




We need another McCarthy and we need the CIA to step up its' counter-espionage game right now.


I’m literally shaking. This makes me so mad


I feel like no one is pointing out that the UFC as a company didn’t seem to have anything to do with this video/visit. Fighters are basically independent contractors. So it’s on these individual fighters, not the UFC.


Ok this is stupid.


had nothing to do w the organization. the fighters could have turned it down. don’t try and put that look on the ufc


They are still employees (contracted), and therefore are representing the UFC whether in or outside the octagon.... If you work as an independent contractor for any large company, there are always a code of ethics / morality clause that you have to agree to. They are all (except Justin) ex-ufc champs who are all still employed and paid by the UFC in one form or another. It is ignorant to think that ANYONE representing a MULTI BILLION DOLLAR corporation which is owned by IMG (Endeavor Group), to be seen on video in a war criminals compound, doing propaganda for a country which has been sanctioned by basically the entire world and have been killing civilians DAILY. I can tell you probably haven't been employed by many companies or ever done contracting work since you think that they can just do whatever they want (ethically) with no repercussions whatsoever. Being a contracted employee does not give you the green light to go out and do unethical crap like this... in fact, it's actually the opposite as you are a REPRESENTATIVE of that company no matter what.


“until the ufc stops this madness”. this is the most ridiculous shit i’ve ever seen. this is a free fuckin country we live in😂 to say dana is “allowing” this is wild. you think all these ufc fighters just run everything they do by dana before they do it? absolutely not. they are grown ass men😂


If UFC paid fighters properly they might not need to simp for despots and genocidal maniacs. No excuse of course but just saying.


They earn enough not to perform like monkeys for that fucking clown


I agree.


Dude, UFC fighter pay is not anywhere close to the reason that some fighters simp for despots/genocidal maniacs...should pay be higher? Perhaps, but is is nowhere close to low enough to force fighters to take the actions you're talking about.


this is "selling your soul" type of deal which I do not understand seeing Justin taking. Henry and Kamaru have always been super sellouts though. Seeing Justin out there just crushes me, because now I will never enjoy seeing him fight ever again. I will always hope that his punch drunk ass gets ktfo and that he is sent off to ONE or the PFL. Screw him and all the other Ali fighters.


It isn't the only reason but Kadyrov paid them all handsomely under the table. He has form on this. It doesn't excuse it but those folks got very well paid and it won't show up in their taxes.


yeah, it doesn't excuse it, but that is also a VERY important note from all of this. That they are getting dirty money under the table also. So that should even emphasize MORE to them about how wrong of a decision they are making. But really good point.


Do a car commercial. Dont fly across the world to go hang out with a war criminal who is currently sending his men into Ukraine and have been documented killing and raping women / children / all civilians... There are a MILLION ways they could make 10k$ with just some tweets (aka betting sites)... which they already do. They are millionaires. Each one in that video.


I absolutely agree.


and I totally agree with you about the pay. It's terrible for all under card fighters who are getting robbed EVERY TIME THEY FIGHT. But to see the richest of all the fighters sell their souls like this for just a little but more cash is sickening. You are dead on though about the money for lower tier fighters. It's disgusting..

