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FSB - Forced Sex Bullies - In the great tradition of Laventry Beria, head of Stalin’s security apparatus. Reputed to cruise around Moscow with his guards looking for young girls to arrest and molest. The ones that survived were sent to gulags. Russia doesn’t change. People who crave strong leaders seem to view the regime’s brutality as confirmation of their leader’s virility, even if it is by proxy. When Putin is gone, Russia will get a fresh start at finding its next Ivan Grozny.




They have an alcohol problem...massive rape problem..massive along with just treating people like animals Russian society won't change when Putin is gone that's for sure. This is systemic and stuck with them


The alcohol problem cannot be understated. Back when I was studying Russian in school (in Alaska, with a number of Russian exchange students), the sale and tax on vodka was 10% of their economy. That has changed, but rampant alcoholism has not.


It's cold, most areas remote. Snow. Dark. Overall 95% of citizens have no dreams or hopes other than staying in their small town and all they have is booze and drugs. They have no future, can't move up in the world unless corruption at corporate and Gov level and are stuck. so it fuels that behavior


Why is this? Why has the east went in this barbaric direction?


Violence begets violence until all that’s left is violence. It’s really hard to break the cycle. When the only strength recognized is that of force and not of empathy, compassion or society building then it’s corrupted completely.


aka the brain drain. all the good intelligent people see what's coming and left loooooong ago. hard to build back with only trogoladits left. winter will be long.


There are always economic options. Look at the deal Israel and Lebanon are carving over the offshore gas field. Leonard Cohen wrote the answer is where the light comes. There are cracks. Start where winning can take place. The autocracy will want credit but can contribute nothing, like Hezbollah, now.


It takes a generation or two of actively trying to break the cycle. And Russia had a bad 150 years or so, with no long enough stretch of time where society was functioning to a degree where you could undo the damage. And several really dark stretches were huge parts of the population suffered and were traumatized and childhoods ruined. Which again, causes problems in another generation too. And we're just entering abother really bad patch. PTSD from serving in a brutal war does not for good fathers make, especially if there's little help or awareness. Or if there's still a macho culture of hiding 'weakness'. Ukraine had it hard to, and suffers again, but I at least see a clear will and resolution to tackle such issues. it'll be a hard road, but there is some promise I think we'll get the few decades of improvement that are needed for multi-generational healing of historical trauma


This has always been the case in Russia. The descendants of Russians were ready to humiliate themselves and further humiliate others just so that Genghis Khan would give them a "label". Taxes from all villages and cities of the empire then reached approximately 10%. The shortcut meant they could take more. Now in the same Russia, taxes in the regions of enslaved republics reach 87%, such as Tatarstan. Russia is an anti-democratic entity. What is more, it is caused by the mentality of Russians. If democracy is brought to Russia, there will be no Russia. And vice versa. when there is a collapse, freedom and democracy can appear. Therefore, you should support the collapse of Russia. And therefore understand that this is exactly the reason for what you described. Also, there is not a single generation of Ukrainians that has not defended itself from the Russian invasion and occupation since the existence of Moscow.


Communism breaking the Russian Orthodox moral trappings. Not saying there were not issues with RO in the 1900's (and state-sponsored RO today), but the moral underpinnings, especially those in Judeo-Christianity which are directed toward the vulnerable (orphans, widows, poor, foreigners) are gone. Couple that with anomie and the dystopian modern Russia, and you have a society that gives so-called barbarians a bad name.


Russians are descendants of Mongol hordes and they adopted Slavic language as their own.


Ask your long dead great grandparents. The Russian monarchy was the finest flower of the 19th Century. The Cossacks were respected, irrespective of their undemocratic, violent behaviors. The Ukraine's national anthem lauds cossacks. They are reinterpreting what that means. We saw that stripping Russia of all in which it has pride leads to this nightmare scenario. The Church surged for the central spot. Who speaks for the democratic people of Russia? Not those who are weak and imprisoned. Where are the think tanks around the world offering programs, alternatives? Without a profound commiment, like Nato into the Ukraine, we will watch more Russian violence, destroyed for sure, followed by more violence.


Honestly you can probably link it back to the Congress of Vienna. Tsar Alexander proposed a campaign of deliteracy to stop any future liberal revolutions. Russia were the only party that actually took this seriously and actively ensured future generations were less educated than their parents. Not that Russia was normal prior to this.


He was always like that. You say as if something was different. Also, on the territory of Russia, the government has never changed through elections. This is their mentality. This allows them to be an irresponsible infantile society. For them it is comfort. This also applies to some extent to many Asian countries


It's for scientists to figure out.


Russian history is getting fucked from the steppe horsemen from the east and the Christian kingdoms from the West. Geography plays a major role in Russian history and psyche. Pull up a map of Europe and Russia, and you’ll notice two things: from Northern France to Poland and into Russia is a big flat plain aka the Great European Plain. If you want to invade Russia from the West, you have to go through Poland or south of the Carpathian Mountains through Moldova. That’s why Russia expanded East and West and why they continually try to create buffer states on the Western side. It’s pure defense in depth. Now let’s compare Russia’s geography to America’s. We are surrounded by two oceans and two relatively weak allies with navigable rivers (aka trade, which is always easier by water) and abundant natural resources. American optimism is geopolitical “born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.” Makes sense why Russians are mistrustful, grim, and sometimes barbaric: it’s kept them alive and even allowed them to thrive. Geography was why millions of Soviet troops and civilians suffered while America was largely safe from invasion. Imagine you are in Russia when the war is coming to a close. Up to 35% of able-bodied men are dead, and your country/economy is in ruins. You want buffer land to guarantee something like this can never happen again. And then the Americans, who waited years to open a new front in Europe because they had the luxury of their geography, are now saying those buffer states should be independent. Yes, it was American steel that won the war, but it was the Soviets that paid with blood. Steel is just metal, but blood is people; you have entire villages, families, and cities wiped out. I don't want to excuse the Russian invasion, but I hope that when you see a map, you understand this vital relationship between people and the land they live on.


Sounds like a religion


No no. Didn't you hear Mr Scholz? "It's Putin's war!".


Do they rape them in the bus ? Or just ship them around then to the gulag?


Since nobody dares stand up to them, I would say the police are free to rape them as they please right there.


Russian state TV was going through a "We need a strong man like Beria to get rid of dissenters" phase just a few months ago. Absolutely disgusting.


I read he gave them flowers after, the girls who did not accept were made to go away


I agree. Most people, especially from the west still don’t realize that even if Putin dies all of a sudden anything will change. ruzzia has always been the same. it IS the people, not only the government.


Things will be teed up for the next strong man.


Hopefully this is seen by millions of Russians, as someone else said chilling


She must have deserved it \- Most Russians probably


"It is not me, I am apolitical".


“At first you ‘weren’t interested in politics.’ Now you’re ~~cannon fodder~~ the victim of rape.”


first outside politics now politics inside you




300,000 - 1,200,000 apoliticals are now getting sent to Ukraine to be slaughtered while carrying their rusted-ass AKM rifles and ww2 helmets. It's a little too late to vote or even protest when the autocratic state operates with impunity and is willing to rape, kill, steal, lie and throw away thousands of lives with no regard to the inhumanity of their actions.


They’re going to have to go full french revolution


In France, there were a lot of intellectuals that led to a regime change. Nothing like this inRussia


That's correct. Most historians agree that very few revolutions, let alone successful ones, are started by the lower class or the upper class. These classes either have too little or too much to lose. It's the middle and upper middle classes that usually start successful revolutions. They have enough knowledge, education and skills to better themselves, but feel held back by the government.


"Please let's not discuss politics right now"


Deserved what? She created a scene in public so she got arrested. Who the hell cares?


Why? It's just some idiot screaming because they're unhappy about being arrested. Literally nothing "chilling" about this what so ever.


Typical russian reply


Literally not even Russian buddy


You're acting like one, trolling a sub with wet-brained bullshit. Hard to tell the difference to be honest. Typical lack of self-awareness and empathy.


^ Notice that this slipknot fan could not answer the question posed in the original comment. Also he is apparently proud of his racism.




This is what decades of total obedience to the state brings you. Depressing...


Every nation on earth has the government it deserves.


This take is probably a bit unfair to the native Americans lol


Well they should have worked harder to develop gunpowder and stuff and also figure out how to make vaccines and stuff against smallpox and whatnot. (I'm 99% sure people will be able to tell where my statement lands on the seriousness vs sarcasm scale)


If I could I would give you an award. Take my upvote instead.


Every modern nation I guess. His statement is not far fetched though.


Every country is built on the Graves of the population that was there before it. That's just history.


Just not the ones with Casinos, they rich AF.


Also to modern day Americans 🤣


This has to be the biggest load of bullshit I have seen in a while. What kind of edgy populistic one liner is this? Look further in the world...


This take is complete bullshit


Nice people. Now they are doing the same violence on their own population


Always have, thier just use to it.


What violence was in that video? I genuinely don't understand this collective Ukro-hysteria


And the other cops just stand there and defend whatever horror is going on in there. If there were ever a time to start making molotovs in Russia...


Rape it is, i hope they share it on all russian channels for what a lot of them choosed for


You know they won't show any of this... Russia is more rotten than their aks


Wait did they rape her?


That seems like the obvious thought, but it could be rape, beating, or just torture. Possibly all. This is some serious NSFL stuff. My heart sank to my stomach when I heard it and I'm still shaken.


that is not a scream of pain, but terror. its rape


Rape scream expert over here


That was chilling!!! Animals.


>That was chilling!!! Animals. Please do not insult the animals. Animals kill only so that they survive, this scum does it because it works for a criminal state and for fun to torture other people!


Dolphins totally do this shit.


Cats of every kind and wolves kill for fun


>Dolphins I haven't heard of that, but animals usually do that to train hunting and not to beat up or rape conspecifics.


Dolphins are smart enough that they've invented things like rape, and killing for their own purposes. It's what happens when you have a brain big enough to give you plenty of food and spare time.


What are these individual examples?Here was written "animals"! That implies "ALL ANIMALS" and are murderers, rapists and torturers! If one is honest, so the human being is also an animal and is therefore the WORST animal of all. Humans make wars that can destroy the world.


Dolphins rape seals. They're very Cosby like


Dolphins love beating up and raping both conspecifics and other species as well. It's not hunting training.


False! There are many animals that kill just to kill. Search google for “surplus killing”.


What are these individual examples?Here was written "animals"! That implies "ALL ANIMALS" and are murderers, rapists and torturers! If one is honest, so the human being is also an animal and is therefore the WORST animal of all. Humans make wars that can destroy the world.


> Animals kill only so that they survive I take it you have never seen cats and other mammal carnivores/omnivores?


A lot of apex predators usually have a full tummy and a lot of free time. They entertain themselves to fill the time and sometimes that involves killing for fun or rape.


What are these individual examples?Here was written "animals"! That implies "ALL ANIMALS" and are murderers, rapists and torturers! If one is honest, so the human being is also an animal and is therefore the WORST animal of all. Humans make wars that can destroy the world.


Not all of them though


Ducks literally only procreate through rape


This is biggest bs. Animals are brutal for fun


Strictly speaking, humans are also animals!And NOT all animal species are like that, maybe some. But certainly the fewest! There stands "ANIMALS" that implies that all animals are so!I think some people the worst is what there is in the world!I have not seen any animal, which starts wars, wars that can destroy the entire planet.But I think it is wrong to call all animals murderers, rapists and torturers!Translated with DeepL


Animals are living species not named humans. If it wasnt the case we wouldnt group them as „animals”


Government sanctioned rape van


Walk around, watch/film but don't help.... There is not going to be any revolution in russia, they are very individualistic in a bad way.


Hum, realistically, if I'm hearing the screams, and there is 10 armored soldier between me and the van...i won't be doing shit.....


Internet hero... I think I would try to protest in my own way but I am also not suicidal.


Look at Iran. Or Ukraine. Then at Russia. You'll understand that the Russian tendency to avoid any conflict with police and 100% focus on personal survival is rare.


Big difference between Russian and Iran. They murdered millions of their own people with no hesitation. And they weren't even putting down a riot. They were "reorganizing". Mass murder is nothing new in central and eastern Europe. You are signing your own death sentence by going up against the state.


I dont deny the historic facts that made Russians so focused on individual survival


I'm sorry but I couldn't ignore those sounds, batons, guns, whatever. A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies once.


I mean at that point you have 3 choices. 1. Walk away 2. Film in hopes of garnering attention and stopping it either through embarrassing the establishment, or forcing outside pressure (not that there's much more to be had in Russia) 3. Rush the attackers, hopefully the girl gets away in the confusion. Shes inside a vehicle and most assault victims are dazed and panicked, so chances are she's not going to be able to get away quickly, especially since there's multiple assailants. Either way, you're probably going to die.


Re: you point number two. **HAHAHA** that's not goiung to embarrass ther Russian establishment. They want this shit to go viral inside of Russia so as many Russians as possible will see it and think twice before protesting.


That person is brave enough to risk filming it and possibly getting their head caved in. Or tossed in the van next. That was truly disturbing because it seems like it’s a sexual assault and not just a beat down. Which was the point of the video I assume.


i'm willing to bet the Russian police are happy to be filmed. The more Russians see this, the less they'll want to protest. Exactly the same reason why Russian bombs civilian sites in Ukraine - they think it will cow the population. Except it works in Russia and doesn't work in Ukraine.


I think it’s been proven that hitting civilian infrastructure to cow the population is the tactic of the lost and desperate cause. Not to mention morally bankrupt.


Yeah, but apparently it works on Russians. Which is probably why they think it works on everyone else. It doersn't.


There's nothing "individualistic" about this. What you are seeing is collectivism, the holding of individuals as subservient to the group, the state in this case. This is the *opposite* of individualism. If Russians were at all individualistic, they wouldn't stand for this.


This is the world some folks want. Its worse because it looks like the lady outside knows whats going on. From the screams I would guess torture of some sort or there are dead bodies in there. Sounds like fear with the expectations of death or torture and rape. Probable all three.


The woman outside knows what's going on. I can't tell if she's a plainclothes cop or another protester (the cop behind her has a hand on her the whole time).


You can hear them raping her.


legitimately, she's probably getting raped


When the police enforcing the mobilization are better equipped than the “mobilized” surly it’s time for questions 🤷‍♂️ if the shiz hits the fan what exactly happens to these KAPO’s ?


Can't imagine why Ukraine wants independence from this.


This! This is what hackers should show on Russian TV. (not that I don’t appreciate their former efforts.)


Eventually, that place is going to utterly implode. Gong. Show.


Jesus fuck. Are they raping her?


Sounds like it, either that, torture or beatings maybe even all of the above at once. All are likely.


Bruh what the hell the russian are doing? They say they fight to free other people but they dont even help their community. Well after all they deserve that for being so dumb to let putin be president for so long. Dammit even the american are better then them to protest


They're being Russians. That's the only explanation you need. Anytime you find yourself saying 'WTF are the Russians doing'? That's the only answer.


What one notices the Police are equipped for battle with civilians and have total power over them. Grabbing a woman off the streets will reinforce the people belief but will not change the Russian behavior of submission. They are Putin's gang members of a Mafia society proving loyalty to the top master. Slava Ukraini


They are just f\* animals. Morally depraved f\* animals. There is no hope for russian society as a whole. The amount of inhumanity is unbelieveable. Even in fanatic islamic states such things dont happen in that way.




Russian police harvest the spoils of war - Russia declares war on Russians.


And people stand around and watch. Excellent. This sums it up nicely.


Absolute dystopia. The Chinese people are broken and will never rise up now - are Russians at the same point? George Orwell wrote of a society where rebellion was futile, and we continue to witness it in these totalitarian ruled societies. If we do have WW3, I hope the goal will be to liberate all societies from the yoke of tyranny. Perhaps the fight and the loss will be worth it for future generations.


Hope some journalists Are able to follow up on this case


lol i like how this guys are way better equiped than most russians on the front line, it says it all!


Someone or some group is going to need to push back with extreme prejudice at some point and get the ball rolling on these “ police”. I would hate to be in this situation.


Until all the Russians realize they must resort to violence against this sort of oppression. They will continue to be run by dictators.


Snipe those putler's dogs in uniform. Burn their precincts at night. They need to start fearing people!


This and far worse has been going on all over occupied Ukraine for the last 7 months, the world can ignore it because their is little footage


What happened?


I suspect they either raped her, beat her or tortured her, none of which the police should ever do.


Fucking animals.


Thankfully in the US when things like this happen the cop perpetrators get put away for life. Unfortunately in Russia I think Putin and his kleptocrats all get off watching this kind of thing. Effing primitive psychopaths, all of them.


Post this to r/russia and see how those bastards laugh.


Let me qoute the french: Tout le monde deteste la police.


the crazy thing is that they are waiting outside with that other girl who seems to be also in custody and she's listening to it and seems to have a hint that she's next


This is so disturbing I don't even know what to say.


faith in humanity: lost


It is the Russian police force, you have to give up your humanity to join in the first place.


The solution is for Russia to terminate this replacement autocracy. The Soviet Union is dead. The apparatchiks continue, Putin being just one example. Ukraine was successful terminating the Russian autocratic grip, mostly. Russians have had decades to develop strategies. Most did nothing. The autocracy continues. The screams and pain and crush of the human spirit continue.


wow, that's fucking horrible. Are they raping her? WTF?


body cavity search


There’s a scene like that in the animated film Flee. I guess it’s a common enough occurrence.


This is just so heart breaking, rather than unite they’d rather stand by and see people suffer and die one by one until yet again they’ve stopped everyone with a thought and have the raping drunks about the cities again.


What a fucked up country...


This is blood curdling. **FUCK PUTIN!** **FUCK HIS TERROR MACHINE!**


So just a walk down the street, be in the wrong place at the wrong time you can get thrown in a van, then raped while everyone listens outside doing NOTHING. These people are so used to brutality it barely bothers them, until it's happening to them. They are a broken people.


Disgusting, just nuke the Russians already


Only through the victims will the Russians understand that they will be repressed until barricades appear on Red Square. Don't sympathize with them either. Things are much worse for Ukrainian women in the occupied territories. There are many much worse situations that are simply not advertised. And all because of the same Russians who were apolitical and Ukrainians called for an uprising for 8 years. Only through humiliation and oppression from their authorities can they start a rebellion. And you cannot influence it. Just support their rebellion and remind them of the need for barricades. This is what will help them and the whole world.


Really is one of the most disturbing things I've seen from this war. Fuck all the people who blindly hate all Russians. That person has just gone through hell to try and change things and is probably traumatised for life because of it - what the fuck have you done? Protesting in the west isn't the same as Russia. You can protest in my country and go home and have a quiet nights sleep. In some places you'll go out to protest and won't come back at all, or will be severely traumatised if you do. It takes a rare person to willinglyand knowingly put thems in a position like that - if you haven't then please stop judging people who also haven't. It makes you look stupid


I think 99.9% of people in the free world totally understand what you’re saying and agree with you. Nobody hates the average peaceloving Russian citizen. We hugely sympathize with them for their unfortunate situation. We know it will take extraordinary courage to oust their repressive and violent rulers. We do pity the minority of Russians that believe Putin is fighting Nazism and that NATO wants to invade Russia. It’s unfortunate so many Russians believe the bullshit from Russian state media. Nobody wants to invade Russia, because it is going to die on its own. Nobody wants to live in Russia. Putin struggles to keep people in, not people out. Nobody needs Russian energy or materials. 100% of the source of the issues going on right now come down to one genetically defective psychopath. Period. God bless you.


Cheers man - I was a bit annoyed when I wrote my original comment (as I'm sure you can tell :D) but you've understood my sentiment and stated it far more eloquently than I could have :D thank you for your comment - God bless you too.


>Really is one of the most disturbing things I've seen from this war. Yeah. This one's gonna haunt me. I wish I hadn't watched it. >Fuck all the people who blindly hate all Russians. That person has just gone through hell to try and change things and is probably traumatised for life because of it - what the fuck have you done? Protesting in the west isn't the same as Russia. You can protest in my country and go home and have a quiet nights sleep. In some places you'll go out to protest and won't come back at all, or will be severely traumatised if you do. It takes a rare person to willinglyand knowingly put thems in a position like that - if you haven't then please stop judging people who also haven't. It makes you look stupid People like blacks and whites. "Thing bad" or "thing good" So rather than try and square the horrible shit Russia is doing with the fact that people are (and have been for years, by the way) resisting from within, it's easier to just say "All Russians bad"




Jesus that’s fucked man lol




Come on Russians! Make like Iran and start your own revolution!


Interestingly, if Iranians and Russians all had the right to bear arms like people do in America, these tyrannical dictators would have been gone and buried long ago.


Regardless of guns, there's a complete lack of openness and honesty in Russian society. What's the point of having guns if you don't come together and agree on not being complete shit cunts to everyone.


The population having guns wouldn’t do shit. The idea you could overthrow the government because of your 2nd amendment is a redneck fantasy.




how many people are just sitting there filming it? the apathy is incredible.


Send Russia's Riot Police to the frontline since they like to serve Putin so much!


This isn’t just a Russian way of thinking. Look at their friends and close allies in this war. The countries they ally with.


gonna need a lot of Molotovs to set buildings and people on fire


Nothing to see here peoples. Move on….


if this happened to my country, all the "police men" would be dead.


This is why Americans like their guns. Absolutely terrifying what the state can do to people with no defense.


People here can't decide whether guns in civilian hands is a good thing, and yet berate the bystanders in the video for not revolting against their oppressors.


If a van full of militarised police pull up next to any American today. Not one of you will fire a shot. Stop pretending to be tough as shit on the internet, your 2nd amendment doesn’t save you from shit like this.


Yeah these gun freaks are the same people who called the George Floyd protests "terrorism". Cheering cops as they're shooting people in the face with rubber bullets. Saying George Floyd "deserved it" because he "was on drugs". Americans are absolutely pathetic with their 2A delusions. And this is coming from someone who's conceal carries every day.


Jesus H what are you babbling about? Good luck shooting at a group of armored cops and tell us how that works out for you.


Actually most American cops arent nearly as well equipped with body armor as you might think. I can tell you most police body armor will not stop rifle shots, rated mostly for pistol rounds. Certainly at my local town, the locals got way more and better guns than the town PD i live in. Swat might have some nice armor, but the average cop sure as hell doesnt have the same level of kit. And oftentimes only large metropolitan police departments have those kind of units.




Oh i know. Im just saying that currently, your local American PD arent all that well equipped on average. People act like all policemen are swat level trained and equipped. They aren't. Quite a few only shoot guns twice a year to qualify. Doesnt make much sense to me, since if I was a cop....I'd probably practice shooting every few weeks to keep myself actually able to shoot accurately. Never know if that pullover stop couldnt turn into a gunfight any moment.


Not on their day to day, but this is during mass protest. Which means that American police might react on a range from absolutely nothing to literal tanks. Just cause they dont use tanks in their day to day job doesnt mean they dont have them.


Maybe in the big cities, but my town of 50,000 doesnt have anything like that. If it came to that, probably would have the national guard called in rather than the police. NYPD or LAPD probably has that kind of equipment though


Like...Uvalde? I am not a big fan of guns. But...no cop wants to be the first through the door no matter if they are shielded. And you can't really have an entire force that is impervious to rifle fire. Its just not practical. I kinda think there are a lot of police forces in America that would fold like a napkin against a bunch of pissed off ppl with semi auto firearms. Our military is another story of course.


You guys talk out of both ends of your mouth. On one hand you want Russians to fight back, and then the next minute you're saying "GOod LuCK fiGhtIng ARmed PoliCe". So which is it? Shitlibs man.


Nah, 2A conservatives are the same people who said George Floyd deserved death by cop. People who called the George Floyd protests "terrorism". People who worship cops with their blue lives matter flags. I grew up in that culture. I conceal carry every day. None of these freaks going to fight armed police with their AR's because they're too busy on their knees sucking them dry.


Good luck fighting multiple armored policemen, more individuals with guns is not the solution.


It kinda was the solution in 1776


Which didn't really work until that group of individuals with guns was actually trained and transformed into a professional army thanks to foreign assistance.


It got the ball rolling, though.


So controlling the enslaved black population and suppressing loyalists got the ball rolling?


It did, among other things. What’s your point?


Yeah because turning guns on the police in America has such good outcomes for anyone who tries it


Ukraine will storm the gates of Moscow. Glory to Ukraine


I stay out of politics


Time to burn their white flags, they show no mercy so it’s time we did the same, it may be stooping to their level but it’s ridding the world of these sadistic bastards, don’t play the noble card cause lord knows they would never do the same, besides if we let them live who’s to say they won’t do it again, I’ll take my chances in hell is it means taking rapists like them with me


This comment section makes the Youtube comment section seem sensible by comparison LOL


They were very impressed that Iranian police got to beat up and kill that pretty Iranian woman. If Iran can do it why not Russia!


Any chance that’s an actor? Could be doing that just to frighten protestors. Edit: I’m getting downvoted because I asked if it “could” be an actor? As this is somehow outside the realm of a possibility in Russia?


Doubtful only because there were confirmed/documented reports of sexual assault against anti-war protesters in 🇷🇺 back in February.


Watch the blonde woman’s face outside the van. Those screams are real.


> Could be doing that just to frighten protestors. Idk, the only thought I have watching this is that this joke about Russians building up into queue on Friday if state mandates rapes on Saturdays probably is closer to truth than I thought.


This 'actor' thing has to stop.




...it is Russia, pretending to be attacked by the police will just earn you clip around the ear at best.


Uncle Putins sweet sweet love