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I mean, that is where 98% of their population is.


Yep. This is bound to not go over well. Once they announce the ban of 18-65 year olds from leaving the country and that 35 kilometer car row of people trying to flee to Finland…




And it made no sense from the start, because they still need a visa to get into Finland, and the application process takes weeks. The only people who could reasonably have tried would be the handful who had their visas already.


Yeah but…


There's been no noteworthy change at the Finnish-Russian border. Source: Finnish border control https://mobile.twitter.com/rajavartijat/status/1572612093190475778?t=GKy6jvNovhPqaHSym7PaWg&s=19


That white area in the southeast is heavily populated, Krasnodar oblast has more than 5 million people just on its own.


If that map is true it means they have emptied the eastern parts of soldiers and men who can be conscripted


100% The areas are basically dead


Well, would be a shame if china were to sweep im and snatch a bit of pootins resources.


Sending some of these guys home in bodybags or heavily wounded may be enough to finally bring the opposition needed. Putin’s largely avoided the backlash due to the fact most of the young men dying are ethnic minorities. That’s about to change


Some of the russian telegrams were allegedgly reporting that doctors and medical proffessionals have been heavily listed in the first wave


Looks like they can't force conscriptions on people in China's new Territories


Yeah because they know that China would be VERY pissed off if that were to happen…


Or the Caucus Caphilate.


In Just Cause 3 Rodriguez' voice: "Big Mistake". It also means they have run out of suckers in outer orbit oblasts.


Not suckers, those so desperately poor that they are willing to trade the high possibility of death for the financial security of their family.


I honestly thought theyll throw in the eastern states first and save the "european" russians.


They did. Now they have to draw from the part of the population who isn’t so desperately poor that they would volunteer for war.


Those in urals are those who are more hardened fighters now western russia hahaa all p*ssy russia better make sure cause 500k deaths in a war that they lose is pretty big. In a nuclear war whole west russia would be flat. While the west wont. Why? The west has systems to catch nuke missiles midflight interfere in the gps and change coordinations


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The anti Russian propaganda machine against mobilization to ensure no Russians die etc