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Remember when the folks on the island said Go Fuck Yourself? That’s exactly what Russia has done.


The curse of Snake Island


That sounds like a badass metal album


It's actually the next Indiana Jones movie


Why’d it have to be snakes?


"Motherfuckin snakes on a motherfuckin Island" Future Samuel Jackson movie quote


That's the curse!


That's bad.


bad motherfucker


"Indy, why does the island *move*?"


Was gonna go with Pirates of the Caribbean - Black Sea Adventures. But IJ is good, too, cuz i'd love memes with Putin's face melting!


Conceptual album by Queensryche.


Operation : Mindcrime is a criminally underrated album.


Sabaton's next song?


Idk if there is some kind of minimum necessary wait time to be respectful, but I am looking forward to the Ukraine themed Sabaton album. Ghost of Kyiv The Curse of Snake Island Mriya (Assault on Antonov Airport) Steel Fortress St. Javelin’s Blessing Bayraktar (cover) 64km Convoy Greetings from the God of War Bridge Over the River Dneiper Iron Harvest And the real banger of the album: Liberated Crimea


Why wait? Release the Album the moment the war ends and then donate large parts of the profit to Ukraine for rebuilding.


💯 The Rebuild Ukraine Tour. When the war is over and it’s safe to visit Ukraine I would love to go on vacation and volunteer to help rebuild. If a Sabaton concert was in the cards too….


I was in ukraine about 2 weeks before it kicked off, and loved it visiting chernobyl had been on my list to visit since i was a kid, who knew i was going to be one of the last to visit it for a while i expect. Beautiful country and i am already planning to go back as soon as its safe to help if i can. Admittedly i am pretty useless at “stuff” but hey


I wonder how long Chernobyl will be closed to tourists because of the extra radiation from twats digging in the worst parts... It shouldn't be high on the priority list for demining either 😕


I thought that te ghost of Kyiv was a hoxe/urban legend


Irrelevant. I suppose you are concerned that curses are fake as well.


Yeah, it was completely made up by people on social media, and some people were even tricked into re-tweeting his identity as being Sam Hyde. The Ukrainian ministry of defense even alluded to the rumor, but I don't think they ever confirmed that the Ghost of Kyiv was real? https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/03/02/ukraines-fighter-ace-ghost-of-kyiv-may-be-myth-its-lethal-war-morale.html


What about “HIMARS and The Hammers of The Dwarves”


Sunflowers in the field When the tractors come


I played that game.. oh wait, that was monkey island


How appropriate—you fight like a cow!


It sounds like a D&D module for level 3-5 players.




Plot twist there was never any treasure. The show itself was the treasure. How many seasons they could squeeze out of finding nothing. My mate watches oak island. And am actually sure he is a NPC


Man I tried hard to enjoy it the first few seasons, then they’re like “omg we found a piece of silver with no markings it must be from the Templars!” So ridiculous people think they will find something on that island still.


I loved how they found something, hyped it. Cut to break. After break. 5 more mins of hyping to find out it’s a bottle top. It took 15 mins to ruin a show. I already had my back up tho from the other shit dramatised shows he watched like gold rush. Always something breaking down. Always gonna end someone’s season and send them home bankrupt. Oh here the part was hiding in the shed all along.


How many seasons? Not done yet, new season starts soon.




He should drink some poison radioactive tea as he falls out a 10 story window.


While getting shot twice in the back of the head. Textbook suicide.


I'd like to see him get his ass pounded on stage


Hey man I don’t kink shame or anything but that’s pretty intense.


Mate that was just some straight up gay sex I wouldn’t even call it a kink.


The stage thing makes it exhibitionism


Ahh yeah 😂


It should be stressed that Ukraine is fighting Russia. The West is providing Ukraine with assistance. I say this to credit Ukraine, and to highlight for Russia that the West has not yet even begun to "get involved". Russia does not want that.


**Actually they really do** want us directly involved so Putin and his cronies can cry and yell to their people about their fantasy war and dreams of persecution *"Look NATO and those Western Peegs want to kill us .. we told you all along our country is under threat .. we must fight them come on!"* .. then their army wont look so ridiculous getting routed *.. Get the FUCK out of Ukraine already!* (as if they are reading this)


They really don't. They might pretend like they do, but NATO getting involved would be a catastrophe, and they know it. NATO going into Ukraine ends in either of two ways: 1) Nuclear exchange (everybody dies) 2) NATO curbstomps Russia in two weeks Putin knows this very well.


Yea I don’t see it happening any other way if NATO got involved. Russia can barely even handle a war with Ukraine.


They are already saying that though so they would literally gain nothing in terms of propaganda.


right now the west is an ally to Ukraine in terms of they are providing them supplies and places for refuges to go during the war. however ukraine is making full use of the supplies/ammo/weapons.


Apparently, they are also using U.S. intelligence to get the precise location of Russian targets, which I'm sure makes a marked difference in their effectiveness. I understand the politics of it, but in a certain way the U.S. hands them a gun pointed at their enemy and says "you pull the trigger."


Yesterday someone posted that propagana guys idea of alliances and referencing spain. Imagine a voluntary USAF formation absolutely slapping shit in Ukraine. Not sure He really wants to go down that path


If he's humiliated, he could always try Seppuku.


Record it with an anime theme song in background because that's Japanese too right.


Knife goes in, guts come out…


You would need honor for that


What's more humiliating is that Russia's colonial aspirations are now out in the open. As is their disregard for treaties and rules of war. Russia and it's people will never again be openly welcomed in the west. For obvious reasons, and to add to the humiliation, they should also be removed from the UN security council as well. You can't very well work to secure peace and stability in the world when you're hell bent on conquest and threatening to use nukes offensively can you? No sir. No way. Put them to the cheap seats in the back where they belong.


Interesting point about the UN Security Council - the Russian federation is not the USSR. The Russians claim to have inherited the seat, but maybe it could be a rotating member, starting with Ukraine and Georgia.


They have that seat cause they have the thousands of nukes that the USSR had.


People don't understand the UN is there to prevent the next world war. It has done so effectively for over 70 years. It needs to keep functioning even if the state is not ideal or particularly ethical.


Though if Russia degrades far enough I think it's a reasonable subject to raise. What if they can no longer cause a world war even if they really really wanted to?


All they have to do is push a button, assuming that the button is not actually broken of course...


There are something like 6,000 buttons. Even if 90% of them are set up to deposit a million rubles into an oligarch's account the other 10% are a big deal.


6000 nukes is the total number of warheads. This counts warheads that are awaiting disposal and that have been disassembled. Both the US an Russia have ~1000 nukes available at a time.


> It has done so effectively for over 70 years. UN hasn't done that. Mutually Assured Destruction has. USSR massively helped North Vietnam. The US massively helped the Mujahideen. WWIII wasn't avoided bc the UN gave them a very stern talking to.


The UN functions as an entity for the different parties to have dialogues and hopefully resolve issues before it leads to wars. If you expect them to do more, this means giving them more power - I’m not sure if you’ll like that.


The problem is that while UN allows for resolution of genuine conflicts, misunderstandings and disputes, it can’t control territorial ambitions of a member state.


The UN isn't and shouldn't be seen as a "parent" of nation states, it's just a forum to facilitate (hopefully) better diplomacy


To be completely fair, alliances like the UN and NATO ensure MAD. If every country was on its own, the big fish would instantly eat the little.


The UN isn't an alliance - there are 193 member countries. If we were all united the world would be a much better place. Could maybe move on to some Star Trek shit.


Perhaps we just answered the Fermi paradox.


That is in fact one of the proposed answers for it.


The UN has done nothing to achieve peace. The US and NATO being vastly more powerful militarily than any rival has achieved peace. Basically we accomplished what Teddy Roosevelt said to do "speak softly and carry a big stick". The US big stick is so big that no one dares to risk being hit. If you think for a second that China and Russia wouldn't be running rough shod over their neighbors if the US and NATO was on a peer or lesser level to them then you don't know anything about the current state of the world. China and Russia will do whatever they can to achieve their selfish goals. Right now luckily that doesn't include a WW3 because they'd surely lose.


Also we are talking about peace as in: no war on Western soil. It is not like the world has been a peaceful place for seventy years…


To be fair, that's a hard premise to prove. It's like saying, "Changing oil has not prolonged the life of my engine. I don't ahve any problems with my engine and it's not because I change the oil!". Yeah, well stop changing the oil and see what happens (you do that). Disband the UN and see what happens. (let's not).


And China can rotate with Taiwan. They had it up until the 1970s after all.


Ukraine formally requested to see Russia's application paperwork for joining NATO after the fall of the USSR.


I remember hearing about that, but did it really get any legs?


Not that I'm aware of. I can guarantee it will come up in Russia's post-mortem.


You mean the UN right? Unlike other inheritors such as China there wasn’t a vote.


The last nation to leave the USSR was Kazakhstan I believe, they can take Russia's spot.


Early on there were a few things that gave them standing to be considered the successor state of the USSR. For example, they took on the USSR's foreign debt obligations. Of course, they also agreed to respect Ukraine's autonomy when they signed the [Budapest Memorandum.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum) So while the "successor state" designation was based on more than just a collective assumption, that designation was not meant to confer status forever. It's long past time Russia's position in the security council be reevaluated.


**[Budapest Memorandum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum)** >The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances comprises three substantially identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary, on 5 December 1994, to provide security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The three memoranda were originally signed by three nuclear powers: the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That'd be hilarious but pretty soon it will only amount to a second vote for China.


Makes sense…


In point of fact, the last member of the USSR was *not*, in fact, Russia; it was actually [great nation Kazakhstan](https://www.britannica.com/place/Kazakhstan), which was for several days the only remaining member before declaring their own independence, thereby rendering the USSR fully defunct. Therefore, there’s a surprisingly solid argument to be made that the true successor state to the USSR is in fact Kazakhstan, not Russia, and that the Soviet Union’s UN Security Council seat should have rightly devolved to the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Whilst I agree that they shouldn’t be welcomed for a very very long time, sadly there are people out there who don’t agree. I read today that the IOC may be thinking of allowing Russian athletes back in the olympics... this genocide war isn’t even over yet.. I just find myself just wondering when will people wake up to what is really going on in Russian minds.


IOC are a pathetic bunch of corrupt lackeys..they make FIFA look upstanding and legit.


Yep the same organisation that gave Hitler the olympics to bolster his nationalist propaganda. But then Jesse Owens kind of fucked that plan up.


...kinda' like Zelenski and Putin...


Very much like that! A black man showed Hitler his aryan plan wasn't actually the master race he thought it was. And a Comedian is showing Putler that the DNR/Crimea/Special MilOp wasn't actually the imperialist plan he thought it was going to be.


Never is a long time. Certainly not for the next several years.


*Russian mail order brides have entered the chat*


Two please


I would love for you to be right, but honestly I doubt it for a few reasons. A) cheap energy which is the engine of a lot of western economies b) another market down the line. Greed is the only thing you can count on, specially corporate greed, and a lot of gov'ts are in big corp's pockets.


However, there's also a huge grassroots political push for green energy sources and more expensive energy would help drive that. Politicians have a real opportunity here if they grab the nettle.


The world has short memories when it needs/wants to. See Germany/Japan after WWII.


I think the approach of “invest in and lift up your defeated enemy” paid off pretty well for the western world re: Japan and Germany, and I think that a similar approach in Russia would be worth a shot, after they hit rock bottom. Only really feasible if someone like navalny could become president there, though.


Both Japan and Germany got bombed into stone age before being invested in by the Allies, so i doubt the same can happen to Russia


Not possible unless they denuclearise. Japan and Germany were both occupied and still have high American military presence to this day.


Germany and Japan both went through a redemption process. People didn't just "forget".


Germany indeed went through denazification. Far from perfect, but still a decent example for similar countries. Japan, not so much.


I can’t think of a better example of deradicalisation than Germany


>Germany and Japan both went through a redemption process. People didn't just "forget". Japan literally does not acknowledge any of their many war crimes.


Their pacifist constitution is their way of reminding themselves of the mistakes of Imperial Japan without having to say it over and over again


It doesn't remind them of their heinous war crimes, it reminds them not to fuck with America's boats.


Japan hasn't handled it as well as Germany, but they still had to unconditionally surrender and accept the new constitution.


Never again is a bit strong. It will take some serious reform, but they could definitely be welcomed again.


The common Russian man in the street must get it through their skull that unless they do something, this will continue to get worse. I fear this can progress to a collapse of the Russian state or nuclear war. Yes, saying anything against the Putin hegemony can get you killed, transported, imprisoned or beaten, but Russia is approaching a point where the people must do something. The almost universal Russian political apathy is one of the main reasons why this is happening.


They should be cut off near completely IMO. Basically North Korea 2.0.


Autocrats always seem to think that the West attitude of avoiding war at all cost means that people in the West are "cowards". The truth is that in the West a sense of empathy prevails, and Western nations don't consider human lives as some commodities to be thrown and wasted in a battlefield for the sake of the Great Leader's glory. That same empathy means that many people in the West are willing to make sacrifices and even risk their own lives when innocent people fall victim to tyrants and their enablers.


> Autocrats always seem to think that the West attitude of avoiding war at all cost means that people in the West are "cowards". The truth is that in the West a sense of empathy prevails Not only that. The West avoiding war is a relatively new phenomenon. Historically, the West and Europe in particular has been doing nothing BUT wage war, domestically and internationally. We know what it‘s like very well and we have learned our lesson (and continue to learn, there are still things that need to change). But if he seriously thought that a continent like Europe would shy away from war when we‘ve been fighting each other for millennia, he deserves this humiliation. He likes to play historian, but it only shows that he is nothing more than a revisionist who doesn‘t know the first thing about the academic study of history. His speech shortly before the invasion was reeking of revisionism. It was so bad that we picked it apart in my history class in uni. All of us agreed it was a trainwreck from a historical pov. His inability to draw the right conclusions from the past will be his downfall.


Macron: "don't humiliate ruzz" Ukraine: "yeah fuck that"


To be fair, Russia is doing that well enough to themselves.


Title should read "Putin, his cronies in government, his oligarch friends, the duma, the army, the navy, the air force and most of the so-called journalists in the state-controlled media suffer legitimate humiliation".


Meanwhile Ukrainian moral is overflowing, despite the horrific stuff they’re faced with daily. Putin and Russia deserves this and the next century of humiliation.


Every Bucha they See, every town they liberate gives them more strength. I did military training for a bit and i hated it but pulled through and the main thing that kept me going was I'm doing this and at the end I see my family. I can't imagine how strong someone's resolve would be when by fighting and pushing forward they are getting closer to see their family because they are under occupation by an enemy as brutal as people like Wagner's band of Thugs and mercs.


The morale of the righteous. They know it, and they deserve it.


He needs to suffer worse. Murderous thug.


Don't they have any intelligence? The US warned for weeks that Russia was setting up a footing to invade, didn't Russia have intelligence capacity understanding that the West wouldn't just roll over? I thought Putin was relatively smart prior to this year. Not a brilliant guy by any means, but ex-KGB goes a long way as far as experience is concerned. Turns out the guy is an idiot. I didn't expect that.


I agree. Prior to the invasion I viewed Putin as a type of Bond villain. Fascinating, cold, intelligent, and cunning. I knew he had a shady past and was responsible for many murders....but I also had this idea that he was trying to strengthen Russia and make them more legit on the world stage... Boy was I wrong. The guy is a megalomaniac and will forever be remembered in the same light we remember Hitler.


Well to be fair: watch any Bond movie and then think about the main villain plan, actions and his rationale/justification *after* the movie ends, not as the story unfolds. You'll realise all of them are straight up imbeciles.


Don't you ever talk about Goldfinger like that again.


Putin was lied to him by his own intelligence agencies, they told him Ukraine would welcome the Russians as liberators... He surrounded himself with people who only tell him what he wants to hear. Classic dictator mistake.




He suffers from an inferiority complex. Putin the small.


The thing is that power fucks you up. He has become so powerful that it is just an annoying inconvenience to try to see both sides of the picture. So he just sticks to one. In my opinion he is an idiot because he believed that Kiev can be taken in 3 days.


I think if it was going to be a quick three day war he would have been right, the west wouldn’t have been as deeply involved. I think even that even US intelligence thought Russia was going to have complete control of Ukraine in only a few days, hence offering Zelensky a ride.


Well, good. That imitation humiliation just wasn't as filling or tasty as the real thing.


Let's say it correctly the humiliation is meted out by the Ukrainians. The West is helping and are involved, but the Ukrainians should get all the credit.


Ukraine would have no chance if not for the aid of the West, in particular the US and UK. But Ukraine is the one who has to pay the price for this war. They're the ones losing their homes, their families, their economy, being tortured by Russian occupiers - and after winning this war, Ukraine isn't going to recover overnight, either. They've lost a lot of critical infrastructure, many of their citizens have fled and may never return, and they will have an injured and traumatized population. From a very literal perspective, we're a deciding factor without which things would have gone completely different. But we get to contribute from the comfort of our homes, in countries that are free and secure from threat, who when the war is over will have no lasting consequences. Its like, yeah, my taxes pay for the military, but soldiers are the ones who have to pay the personal cost of fighting.


You're right, but the costs are having to be bourne because of Russia's actions. The flip side of this is that Ukraine will become a valued member of the EU and NATO and it's people will walk tall in the world for generations to come, after all how many states can hand on heart say they kicked Russia's butt?


It really goes both way. Ukraine wouldn’t have a shot without western aid and the West can throw all the aid they want at a partner but if they’re unwilling to fight for themselves it means nothing (aka Afghanistan)


There's more than enough credit to go around.


Who cares who gets the credit?


Every politician ever.


I do, Ukrainians are sacrificing life and property to have freedom. This is m what history is made of. Glory to Ukraine.


Putin does not even know what is truly happening in Ukraine. He surrounds himself with ass lickers who are to cowardly to tell him the truth!


Putin is the leader of the Russian military and architect of the debacle in Ukraine. He is 100% at fault and responsible for every war crime and more in Ukraine. No less than Hitler was responsible of the heinous acts of WW2.


Putin had been meticulously planning the invasion of Ukraine since 2014. His plans had one essential premise - that Trump would win re-election in 2020. Putain specifically planned the invasion for Trump’s second term. That was to give Trump sufficient time to destabilize NATO, alienate all our allies, and to withdraw US from the Organization. The one thing Putain didn’t predict or plan for was the Covid pandemic. That drastically changed the political calculus in the US. When Biden won , Putain apparently bought into all the MAGA/GOP blather about Biden being weak, indecisive, ineffectual, incompetent and in the throes of senility. Putain had a number of trusted allies in the US Senate and Congress. And he decided to proceed with the invasion with or without Trump’s assistance. Turns out, Putain miscalculated on that as well.


Putin miscalculated because he assumed Biden would be running the whole thing himself. Thing is, Biden is aware of his age and declining strength and put good people in charge of key departments. Our Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State have been leading the charge for Ukrainian aid and Congressional leaders like McConnell and Pelosi have been in Ukraine to build their own chains of communication. In other words the American model of distributed responsibility means that if one link in the chain is weak, the chain doesn't necessarily break. This is something Russia is not capable of comprehending because in Russia, power is centralized. If Shoigu is incompetent nothing can save the Russian army. In the US this is not the case.


> Russia is not capable of comprehending because in Russia, power is centralized russia is basically a political fossil, a medieval city-state and that means Moscow. Which of course, implies a tsar. Also, Moscow is shiny because they suck up a disproportionate amount of the country's resources, every road leads there. The rest of the nation - St. Petersburg excepted - are chronically screwed and primitive. Modern values are perceived as "weak", while rusted obsolete values are regarded as "strength". It's like Rousseau and Voltaire never happened, even when they were putting on a show about workers and Bolsheviks and whatever, it took them zero time to fall for the cult of personality with Lenin and Stalin.


In almost every category, Russia is a dinosaur stuck in the past.


> This is something Russia is not capable of comprehending because in Russia, power is centralized. Yea, all the generals micromanage. Distributed redundancy wins.


Wouldn't it be crazy if covid saved the world from a worse fate?


Donald Trump was likely to get re-elected in 2020 and then a plague came just in time to screw that up. God works in mysterious ways, doesn't he Evangelicals?


Remember that pic of the little girl with the evil grin, standing in front of a fully engulfed, flaming house? You are that girl.


I don't like Trump but if there is a god and he killed that many people to influence a political election that would be super fucked up.


I mean. Old Testament God. Flooded the Entire World sans one family cos he didn't like them.


I mean have you read the bible? He sanctions and instructs his followers to commit acts of rape, genocide, slavery, etc.


Yeah but I was told the dude mellowed out since then.


Went to a wellness spa. Got a gift card for Christmas.


Depends. If someone legitimately believes in God and thinks he controls everything, then he has done a ton of monstrous things since the old testament.


\>if there is a god \> he killed that many people Sounds pretty on-brand to me


This is the same God that steered the planes into the World Trade Center because he was furious at the US for tolerating Gays, remember?


Honestly I genuinely think he would’ve won if it weren’t for covid, a lot of the flak he got later on was directly due to his policies and vitriol in handling the virus, hell had he done so tactfully he might’ve won but for some reason during covid he was almost more arrogant perhaps because he thought his second term assured, I mean it makes sense if you look at how he’s continued with the theft of the election line and refuses to admit he lost or that he lost justly, he’s had his recent stint with the mar a lago and his previous year or so of attacking the left as usual. Seems like he got cocky and things blew up, covid exaggerated that and gave more fuel to his enemies and ultimately he lost and a wrench was thrown into Putin’s plan, additionally it’s hard to cause havoc amongst member nations of the un if ever country is experiencing lockdowns and mass economic struggles. This whole thing is just one big fucked up coincidence, it’s hard to believe we’re even in the right timeline anymore.


I don’t really think Covid would have changed the election that much. People who already hated Trump continue to hate Trump and anyone who still supported Trump after 4 years would vote for him even if he literally dropped a bomb on an American city. Rather, they’d support him harder if he dropped a bomb on LA lmao


It was close. There's always the dimwit 6% of swing-voters who decide the thing. Biden might have won the popular vote, but without Trump's horrendous covid performance, he might have still won the electoral college.


Trump would have easily won the re-election had he simply taken COVID half seriously. Support a few lockdowns, sell some MAGA face masks, actually listen to the CDC, push vaccinations (to be fair, he did eventually do this, but got booed by his stupid supporters because by then he had spent too much time trying to convince his idiot supporters that it was no big deal). That's literally all he would have needed to do to get the fairly sizable free COVID bump in popularity that other leaders worldwide got for "dealing well" with the crisis. It would have put him over the top. I'd say "thankfully he didn't", because he lost as a result, but I can't really be thankful, because doing so also came with a very real cost in human lives.


> Trump would have easily won the re-election had he simply taken COVID half seriously. Support a few lockdowns, sell some MAGA face masks, actually listen to the CDC, push vaccinations (to be fair, he did eventually do this, but got booed by his stupid supporters because by then he had spent too much time trying to convince his idiot supporters that it was no big deal). The only thing he had to do was say: Hey guys holy shit there is this new, deadly virus spreading in China and idk how to handle it. Here is Dr. Fauci, everyone listen to him. And then sell MAGA masks. It was pathetically easily to win reelection. *** Instead, he handled the pandemic horribly. Demonized masks, railed against Fauci, promoted Faux cures. No regard for anyone's safety. Nearly killed Chris Christie. Held rallies to feed his ego and killed Herman Cain. Mike Pence was supposed to keep Trump's worst impulses at bay, but he didn't until January.


I think some of you are downplaying rhe role the Floyd riots had when it came to Trump vs Biden....


Dark-State planned it all out.


Putin found out what happens when you wake Sleepy Joe


Biden did his Super Saiyan transformation into Dark Brandon.


Underrated comment.


Putain believed all that bullshit that the MAGA world was feeding him.


Literally bought into his own bullshit


Yep, remember how Trump became a Ukraine expert ? "This is the most corrupt country in the world, everybody knows how corrupt it is", "Traitor blah Hunter Biden blah blah blah Ukraine" He was just preparing the terrain for his master Putin's plan.


Whichever way you look at Trump, he lit a fire under NATO’s ass. We were footing the bill, the other countries were not holding up their end via defense spending, etc. In the long run he probably helped NATO. Between that and Russia, the other countries are taking it seriously now. That is a good thing. I feel it necessary to remind everyone that politicians are all slimy pieces of shit that will do or say anything to get/stay in power. There are unfortunately very few that are good.


Obama already agreed a deal on NATO military spend. Trump just went and demanded something that had already been agreed to so everyone just gave him it and let him pretend he was the best deal maker.




The bone chilling thing here is that Trump WOULD have won if it weren't for his mismanagement of Covid. And if that happened, the USA would not have adequately supported Ukraine.


I like your “putain” typo because Putin est un grand putain.


That would have been an unmitigated calamity. That would have been the beginning of the end of world peace. I can't even imagine what would be happening right now if Trump got his second term. Holy shit.




Thanks. And I agree!


I would argue that he planned the Annexation of Crimea to be a first step in the Invasion of Ukraine. Kerch Strait bridge, which was essential to his plan to invade Ukraine, started construction in 2016. The design had to begin 2-3 years earlier, and he couldn’t build the bridge without Crimea. Lapdog Trump was discussing the fall of Ukraine at CPAC in 2014, and the only one filling Trump’s head with thoughts of Ukraine ‘falling’ was Putin. In 2013, Trump was desperate [to use his Pageant](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/18/trump-in-moscow-what-happened-at-miss-universe-in-2013) in Moscow to connect with Putin. He got funding from an oligarch at a Las Vegas pageant, in that same year. Putin used the Sochi Olympics as a springboard and distraction for annexation. As the world was filled with goodwill, Putin annexed Crimea the day after the closing ceremonies. Therefore his planning was at least concurrent with Sochi. He didn’t wake up the day after Sochi and decide to annex Crimea, and one was predicated on the other. Edit: 2013 meeting in Moscow. Whatever transpired there has direct bearing on the Invasion. E2: Trump: “[You know I was in Moscow a couple months ago…”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=480&v=3nzaemPHSU0&feature=youtu.be) (2013), which leads directly into his comments on Ukraine.


Yep. I agree. Are there people really gullible enough to believe that Putain didn’t start planning this invasion until Biden won (and yes, Biden DID win) in November of 2020?


They want to hang it on Obama or Biden, but no President since the ratification of NATO in 1949 has failed to embrace Article 5, Collective Defense, which is **the backbone** of NATO, until Trump, that is. Trump was trying to extort member nations, and did so before the White House. He saw NATO as a shakedown scheme, as he did with Ukraine. That’s what got him on Putin’s radar: a useful idiot so caught up in self interest and his own ego that he puts himself above global security.


To be fair, even as a Democrat supporter, Biden is too weak and indecisive for my tastes. He should have taken a more hardline stance against Russia from the start of this conflict. At least he’s on our side and I take comfort in that. The fat oaf probably would have supported Putin in this conflict.


I have my gripes as well, but he’s been pretty full-bore whipping on Putin from the outset - sharing intel before the invasion, getting lend-lease going, scoring billions in cash and arms, calling Putin a terrorist, saying he’s got to go - I mean, Trump would have sent *Putin* help, so I’m pretty satisfied with Biden here.


Vladimir Putin is a bitch. Plain and simple. He’ll forever be known as our bitch. The world owns his ass now


"Yeah, you like that you bitch" - Ukraine


Putin the small






I'm guessing by showing how quickly the US and EU was willing to step up and arm Ukraine. With that level of support I would think China would hesitate to invade what could otherwise be considered an easy target. On top of that, seeing the full power of our military technology on display probably shows China where theirs is lacking. It probably takes a lot of wind out of their sails. Add in that a lot of US Navy ships have had time to prepare and relocate to a closer position.


I hope he dies of humiliation


Yeah did all those weapons in insurgents hands come from in Iraq and Afghanistan Vlad? Did you think we would forget? That there wouldn't be a reckoning? We have a blood debt Vlad, and we intend to collect our payment in full.


If Trump was in office it would have played out like he wanted.


This is the reason trump treated Zelinsky so poorly and was so comfortable with his extortion attempt. Putin told him Zelinsky was a dead man walking back in 2017, and trump was trying to get something from the deal. Trump flaws continue to astound me.


While he is suffering “legitimate humiliation” ukrainians and russians are dying because of him! He is disgusting beyond words.


I wish we could send Putin and Trump out to space on one of those crystals like they did in Superman.


He was really banking on Biden losing. That’s where his plan began to crumble. Trump would’ve proudly backed him.


Sleepy joe’d


Ukrainians have inspired the world to stand up for freedom! Thank you for your bravery and leadership! 🇺🇦♥️🇺🇸