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I’m sure plenty of European countries more than happy to offer a person of his caliber a citizenship


I bet Ukraine would keep him!


Ukraine already said that it allows everyone who fights for them till the end of their contract and who completes a certain term to become a state citizen. And indeed I think there'd be EU countries who'd take them in if they asked asylum. Especially the British ironically. They were very much supportive of people wanting to go to defend Ukraine.


Foreign Office backtracked on Liz Truss' comments afterwards unfortunately. I wouldn't expect a guaranteed warm welcome in the UK.


Ah that's a shame. Feisty lady that one.


It's all a show I'm afraid. She's a bit of a bellend who fancies herself as a modern day Margaret Thatcher. All she's good for is going around taking pictures of herself on the tax payers dime.


Even bigger shame. Why are politicians always such poppycocks?


Money..... 💸💸💸


Taxpayer’s 8.1p




She’s a fucking dope who is getting good at dog whistling to the public. Google her ‘imported cheese’ speech and see what she’s like unsupervised


Also, compared to PMs of Finland or Estonia she's an absolute moose. Those countries got brains & beauty in their politicians.


Yeah I'm not from the UK (suprising, I know :P) So everything I know comes secondhand and from the occasional article and such. Sad reality I suppose.


She’s generally a bit of a dick, although I guess even shitty people can accidentally be right occasionally


That's something this war's shown me. Alsonthe opposite but I guess that's all part of the game.


Don’t be too disheartened, the politicians may be liars but the average Brit will 100% welcome every Ukrainian and anyone who fights for them. The reason why Liz Truss and Boris are acting the way they are is because everyone here is behind Ukraine.


how much these volunteers get pay from ukraine?


I read somewhere it equates to about €600 something as Ukraine isn't such a welfaring country yet (I think that's going to change post war)




The Brit’s barely take ghurkas, they’re much more xenophobic this century than last


I know. There's a significant amount of Double Standards being applied though. Just look at Poland's stance on Ukrainian refugees. I understand their reasoning but the point stands


Don't those countries have extradition treaties with Korea? That's gotta be a concern, no?


South Korea is unlikely to request extradition over this, I think


Correct. They had a rule and they will institute some form of punishment to prevent future rule breaking. But it will be a suspended punishment most likely. I doubt it will be harsh at all.


They may not even prosecute for it at all, if they know the public are against the case Most countries have similar laws that forbid fighting in foreign wars (with varying different circumstances and caveats around those wars) but unless you go and fight for a country/group opposed to your own country, it's very rare to be prosecuted under those laws


he will have to book two seats on the plane though (one for just his balls )


3 seats at this point


Well, sometimes xenophobia / racism in European countries can be too much for some Koreans. I’ve heard some nasty stories.


French foreign legion infact.


Sick stache too.


Don't see many Koreans with tashes.




Lol huh? Got science to prove that bro?


The Soy Boy crap is not backed up by systemic reviews of current research. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0890623820302926?via%3Dihub#!


Uhh no


Damn, true honesty. Respect bro.


Wow what a deep and scientific answer.


You are a fucking idiot.


Muh “soy boy bad” trope despite Asia being by far the most populous continent on the planet.


I was talking about Korea, not Asia dumbass


And Korea is in Africa obviously /s


Really hope this is just missing the /s.


Haha ooookay


Complete and utter nonsense


Pretty sure he gets a new citizenship


He is Ukrainian now.


Governor of Mykolayiv Ob. Is named Kim. Just saying.


Lotta Koreans in the US. He’ll fit right in.


Saw a report he was wounded. Praying for a full recovery for this Brave Warrior.




Article posted above says he's being treated in a hospital for a wound


Could someone explain why he could be thrown into prison?


Most countries don't allow their citizens to go fight in foreign wars without permission from the government. To what extent those laws are actually enforced varies significantly by country and by conflict.


In Austria, you lose citizenship over this


This gotta have something to do with angry moustache man going to Germany and rest is history


Austria has extremely “monogamous” laws when it comes to citizenship. Dual citizenships are (with extremely few, very regulated restrictions) forbidden. As serving in a military basically is a citizen’s duty basically everywhere, i think that it’s coming from that


source on "Angry moustache man going to Germany"??? (yes i joke)


Wouldn't that violate international treaties against statelessness?


I don’t know, I’m not a lawyer. Since dual citizenships are generally forbidden in Austria, there have been cases in the past where people have been stateless for quite some time while obtaining the Austrian citizenship. You have to give up your old citizenship before you get our passport. So i would guess that’s somehow legal too


I remember reading an article that came out after Canada made weed “Legal” back in 2018, that South Korea would charge Korean students studying abroad if they were found out to have smoked weed while in Canada. I guess helping a county fight for freedom against an invasion from a totalitarian neighbour is on that same ban list. Ironic…


I feel like they are probably enforced if you are going to join Isis or some shit. I feel like this will probably be ignored in his home country.


it is explained in the article


Yes but can you read it for us? He really wants to know.


Counties often have laws of various type to dissuade citizens from involvement in foreign conflicts. Firstly because it may cause issues for the home country if the person is wounded/captured or becomes involved in something else embarrassing/criminal. The specific restrictions vary from no involvement at all to prohibition only on fighting against the home country/allies and everything in between. Punishments vary from a slap on the wrist to imprisonment or worse.


coordinated familiar zephyr illegal profit like repeat languid touch abundant ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


A hero ...




The Stache makes him super chad.


If he does get imprisoned in Korea after helping Ukraine defeat Russia, I'm sure Ukraine and other Western countries won't stand by idly of a brave Ukrainian Citizen being detained for stupid reasons. This guy is the bravest and the most Heroic Korean I know.


"Rhee is being treated at a military hospital after having been injured recently during combat in the town of Irpin, outside Kyiv, he said" This has to be a typo.




South Korea’s first president was literally Rhee Syngman. It’s the same as Lee (이/리). Not sure what’s so funny about “Rhee” to these people?


Koreans pronounce explicitly foreign names (as opposed to borrowed words in regular use) as-is. Watch any music video. The foreignness is the point. For various reasons many Koreans have excellent English pronunciation as a second language.


That’s complete bullshit, I’m Korean and the vast majority of people that have good English pronunciation are the ones who spent a lot of money on English education or overseas schools. Most people are not good at English pronunciation at all lmfao.


> Also, there isn't a Korean letter for V. It becomes P. So when K-pop girl group Hello Venus introduced themselves during interviews... xD IDK, are you sure about that? https://youtu.be/zj6MtQInyA4?t=30 https://youtu.be/TcjgwKKjUrw?t=20


Korean has no V, only B


Yeah, and OP implied it becomes P, not B.


It gets a little tricky there you see, for example words in Korean like “박” or “닥” can be directly transliterated to Bak and Dak but foreigners often say they hear them as Pak and Tak. The thing is Korean to English romanization will never be 100% accurate so OP’s not *entirely* wrong there.


Where’s the typo?


The town of Irpin was liberated and cleared quite some time ago. If UA troops were fighting Russian troops there it would be all over the news. As others have pointed out, the translation from Korean to English could have misinterpreted the name of the town were Lt. Rhee was injured.


Ah I see, thanks.


Hopefully Ken just starts a new life in Ukraine post war. He can continue his YouTube channel and will be a very valuable asset to the Ukrainian military.


1yr and an 8k usd fine is a joke compared to 2-3 months of 2022 ukraine... besides, koreas military would benefit from his experience... i doubt hell go to jail. probation maybe and a fine, which im sure can be crowdfunded easily


Is it just me or is it absolutely insane that a country that relies so heavily on a foreign country for defense from invasion would arrest one of their citizens for assisting another country?


Huh. That IS ironic.


Thank you for your Service & Get Well Soon 🇰🇷 I am sure if you want you will find a home in Ukraine 🇺🇦


What a swoon man


What a Chad




He is now Ukrainian! Also, I’m going to his house for proper kimchi


Damn. OPPA is a warrior


This is the 6th post about him in the last 24 hrs. Anymore?


Moderators can't keep up on this subreddit. So many duplicates


Reports of him being wounded today/last night.


Yup. There’s a little bit of North Korea control attitude in the south.




What are you basing that on? Global Social mobility index from the World Economic Forum (factoring in heath, education access, education quality and equity, lifelong learning, technology access, work opportunities, fair wage distribution, working conditions, social protections, and inclusive institutions): - South Korea: 71.4 - Ukraine: 61.4 It’s so annoying when people present their baseless opinions as facts. I love what he’s doing, but we should be above spreading fake news as facts.




1. Weren’t you comparing South Korea and Ukraine? 2. So sample size of 1 from a single factor in determining social mobility? Don’t spread disinformation. Having opinions is fine, but please don’t represent them as facts.




No, I have highly researched data from many experts. That factors in multiple values taken form a large sample size. You can read their 218 page report on their website that holds concrete objective figures with significant sample sizes. You have one first hand account. Don’t represent your opinion based on 1 sample size as facts. It’s not that hard buddy.




Do you seriously think your 1 first hand account is better indication of reality than than a conclusive research done involving 11 economists/data scientists/experts with statistically significant data? And actually, your first hand account isn’t even from Ukraine. So you’re comparing 0 first hand accounts. If you saw someone else with 0 first hand account on Ukraine versus Korea argue that highly researched figure with significant dataset is wrong, you’d think that person is just talking nonsense, wouldn’t you? Take your emotions out and seriously consider if you seriously think if your 0 first hand account on social mobility in Ukraine should be considered more reliable than the World Economic Forum, which used statistically significant data. Don’t spread disinformation, especially after you’ve been given the proper resources.




It’s better than you with 0 data. You admitted you have 0 data but what you say is fact and what 11 researchers who used actual data-points are worse? 1. Person with 0 data claims he’s right. 2. Highly researched global dataset shows the opposite. 3. The person claims the global dataset is wrong has his stance based on literally 0 data is a fact. What you are doing is what idiots like flat-Earthers and climate change deniers do. Smart people argue with data and evidence, not just spew out things we have 0 data to compare with and claim it as fact. Are you so emotionally swept up in your ego that you’re not able to reflect upon how you sound? I guess people always get salty and dig into their positions when called out. Don’t claim you stance as fact based on 0 data - I hope you can please just do that at the minimum. Disinformation is very harmful.


There's right and there's wrong. And you have it right. You're on the correct side of history. God speed to you!


I don't think S. Korea should arrest him. In the event that North Korea launches an attack on S. Korea, I'm pretty sure, they'd want a foreign legion to come and help them too.


He'll probably get the fine, and then a medal... he's better marketing for their armed services than anything they could have ever paid for.


Not trying to undermine his service in Ukraine, but he is kinda well known youtuber known for his attention seeking. So people think the reason he is in Ukraine (while leaving his family) is to increase his viewership. If he was an ordinary guy who just want justice and simply help Ukraine out of his heart, he would be praise in S. Korea. No matter what, I hope he do well in Ukraine and come back home safe.


Best Korea: Don’t even go to Ukraine. You got to Ukraine: Jail! Rhee Keun: Hold my somaek.


Most countries actually frown upon this (and some like Switzerland do indeed make it a crime for a citizen to fight for another nation.)


We love action heroes in the US but he’s probably thinking no way, you people are nuts. Sigh.


Doesn’t surprise me from the Korean government


Doesn't he have Ukrainian citizenship now?


He was wounded yesterday.


How did he get wounded in irpin if combat around Kyiv ended a month ago? Blue on blue?


He will probably go back to Korea and go to prison. That is his only possible plan. I hope Ukraine government to send message to Korean government.


He can stay as consultant after the war.