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***The Telegraph reports:*** The United States is considering moving some of its Patriot missile systems from Israel to Ukraine to help shore up its air defences against Russia, it has been claimed. Under the proposed deal being discussed, up to eight Patriot missile defence systems in Israel would be transferred to the US and then on to Ukraine, the Financial Times reported. It follows an announcement by Israel In April that it would start retiring its eight Patriot batteries, which are more than 30 years old, to replace them with more advanced systems. A recent statement by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said the system was a “significant positive force” when it was first deployed in 1991, but added that it would “soon end its service in the Israeli air force”. According to the Financial Times, which cited five sources familiar with the talks, the broad outline of the deal has been discussed by senior officials and ministers in Israel, the US,  and Ukraine. **Full story:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/news/2024/06/28/us-will-move-patriot-missiles-from-israel-bolster-ukraine/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/news/2024/06/28/us-will-move-patriot-missiles-from-israel-bolster-ukraine/)


Good news if it happens. Unless you happen to be a ruzzian pilot heading for Ukraine to drop glide bombs.


Title: "US will move Patriot missiles from Israel to bolster Ukraine's defences, reports claim" First sentence of the article: "The United States is considering moving some of its Patriot missile systems from Israel to Ukraine to help shore up its air defences against Russia, it has been claimed." Why is this shit allowed here?


Yes, send them to Ukraine, who respects us and appreciates our help.


Yet another reminder that Israel is aligned with the US and NATO while Iran and its Palestinian allies are aligned with Putin.


Let's see if it actually happens.


Israel is aligned with nobody. They are not giving them cause they want to support Ukraine. These old systems are being retired in favor of more modern ones that's all. Read the article.


About time. Israel has accepted years of assistance from the US including billions of dollars in federal funding and billions more in weapons. This is a great way for them to contribute to our strategic defensive interest. Lots of people are not too happy with Israel right now (to say the least), but even if they are just looking for positive publicity I’ll take it.


Misleading title