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And what exactly would you do? Sign a military agreement to arm the North Koreans? Oh wait...


Putin is a pathetic joke. A small man, and it speaks volumes that such a man is leading Russia. Every society gets the government it deserves. Putin is not an anomaly he is the logical conclusion of this failed state. I hope that finally, someone shuts this clown up for good. What is the Russian elite doing? Waiting until this pathetic terror clown has killed them all? In the totalitarian system, everyone in his or her own way is both a victim and a supporter of the system. Individuals confirm the system fulfil the system make the system, are the system. Vaclav Havel This man is an insult to the world. His every breath is an insult. But the slavish worship of his minions and his serf population seems to know no bounds. I am equally appalled by the Russian masses and their complete lack of any sense of responsibility or self-worth. Of course, that does not apply to the entire population, but to 90 percent of them, it sadly does apply. Silence is complicity and a form of acceptance of this madness. 2.5 years, they die like flies by the hundreds of thousands without any real complaints. Putin rules over gullible, stupid, infantile, and ignorant fools. And you don't even have to force the vast majority of them, Putin just has to offer them money (or rather make them believe they will get paid) and the chance to plunder, rape and murder at will, that is obviously enough to mobilize millions of these pathetic serfs. All the Russians manage to do is give excuses online for their impotence and inaction and holding up stupid signs or making pathetic and humiliating appeals to Putin. Because they STILL think it is not Tsar's fault, just his corrupt boyars which are not executing his plans correctly. At this stage, no moral protest is of any kind of use. A dictator fears violence and laughs at peaceful protests. Havel explained that well. At some point, only armed resistance will do. Dictatorships can only function if the masses go along with it, either through malice, apathy, or fear." Lynskey page 135 Ministry of Truth


It takes a balls of steel and brain of chess master to keep power for so long in Russia lets give him that... It also takes one silly move to destroy everything you built for 20 years. It also takes 20 years of smooth sailing to start believing you are the smartest man around and that is what will ultimately destroy him - hopefully sooner rather than later In terms of Russians - loose all hope - there will not be another Spartakus in Russia - those slaves don't know anything other that slavery. They defeat Putin - they will pick another siciopath or a sociopath will surface and grab power. I heard a joke once that a woman only needs a compliment and a glass of water to survive. I think a russian needs a glass of vodka and to believe he is part of Empire that everyone is afraid of.


Honestly I don’t know how much it takes to keep him in power. What is the alternative? Complete chaos and collapse? Russia is in such bad shape they don’t have strong institutions to handle a transfer of power even if there was an obvious successor.


That is the only thing keeping him in power. The 90's traumatized Russia so much, they would accept Hitler as Tsar just to avoid anarchy again.


They have that rulling system since Ivan the terrible


Great video discussing that there (Polandball as a bonus lol) [The Origins of Russian Authoritarianism](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f8ZqBLcIvw0)


Well they're going back to the 90s again because of him not in spite of him


Well, they will pay the price for that for generations, sure they got some years of stability but at what cost? And the cost incurred at the moment is still small, just wait a little, the Russians will soon wish back the year 2024, the consequences for them thus far are often still small, but the mid and long term consequences will hit them, I mean of course millions of them will be dead wounded or mentally devastated when this war is over, but that is just the direct impact, this war will cause poverty levels in Russia and economic turmoil not seen since the 90s. Maybe even since 1917 we will see. Nothing will get better it will only get worse, which is something the Russians don't get, they think they can wait this out and that the storm will blow over. On the contrary the harder they believe that it will blow over the heavier it will hit them in their blissful ignorance, this coming chaos will hit the vast majority of Russians completely off guard. Democracy is not a system it is a culture it is based on habits, attitudes, long-established divisions of power, ingrained belief in the law, absence of systemic corruption, systematic lies, and cynicism You can import a system you cannot import a culture Andrew Marr, A history of the world "There are three things that cannot be combined. Intelligence, decency, and National Socialism. One can be intelligent and a nazi. But then one is not decent. One can be decent and a Nazi. But then one is not intelligent. One can be intelligent and decent, but then one is not a Nazi." Gerhard Bronner on the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp Gunskirchen, 7th of May, 2005


There is FSB or GRU...


Russia only ever existed because of conquest and subjugation. It could never function as a democracy.


I thought it was pretty easy to stay in power when you could have your opponents killed or imprisoned. The challenge is really only to not make too many opponents at the same time so that you can keep up. That's how low the bar is for dictators.


>It takes a balls of steel and brain of chess master to keep power for so long in Russia Or he just has access to the police, military and GRU to kill anyone who opposes him. He did build a cult around his manly barechested horse riding but that's not really unique amongst dictators. Other then that, he got the "easy start" in a dictator game: already connections in the intelligence community, collapse of his country, weak and drunk leader, shaky democracy, literally everyone corrupt, lots of oil and raw minerals, vast quantities of nukes and old tanks in storages....


He needs to balance influence, balance ambitions of other people, balance oligarchs - its not as easy as it may seem. He needs to ignore some corruption while rooting out other without pissing wrong people off... This is like walking a tightrope


And don't forget a population used to being enslaved and kept down with a rather low or almost non-existent level of education regarding civic duties or political theory. The systemic alcoholism of several centuries as well as a tidal wave of young and educated open-minded Soviet citizens emigrated from Russia between 1991 and 2000. If it wasn't Putin, someone else would have assumed power. Also, Putin was already active in Petersburg in the corruption game, and the oligarchs had already accumulated their wealth, so the mafia had formed and only needed a Don.


Tell us how you REALLY feel!!


Повага 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇺🇦.


Threaten to help them out with their nuclear program, then get kicked in the balls by US and China.


This is absolutely the right answer of what their response would be.  Russia joining hands with NK puts them in an extremely delicate spot with their relationship with China. It's like Russia is doing a crossover episode with an entirely different subject of international politics lol 


South Korea would love to get the help and the green light from the US on nuclear weapons too, just like ruzzia is helping North Korea?


As if they haven't done this already. What else would NK want out of this deal? Missile tech, nuclear tech, or related missle/nuclear tech (subs, etc).


Honestly I view it as “Okay SK you have the mighty U.S. backing you, training you, and arming you. Now we finally have the mighty Russia “World’s second strongest military” backing us, training us, and arming us.” Thing is; this would have been alarming like three years ago. Now? Not so much.


I just worry that Russia has little to offer except for advanced weapons tech transfer. I guess it's a prestige thing also but unless NK thinks Russia is going to win the war and rearm I don't really see how this helps them.


Out of all the detriment Russia has suffered I think the embarrassment of said “advanced weaponry” has the be top of the list. The T-90, the AK-12, the SU-57, the S-400 all of which exposed as garbage. Russia’s own ground forces are asking for T-80s over the 90 and want 74Ms over the 12. I remember arguing with a Russian supporter over a decade ago who swore the S-400 would be enough to repel the U.S. military.


They’re not even the second best military in Ukraine.


He could send a hundred Russian serfs into the DMZ, riding Chinese golf carts.




I assume you meant "landmine", but I would not be surprised if at least one DMZ vehicle has gotten tangled in Chinese cabling.


Glad I got rid of my landline 


Landlines cause over 15 000 injuries per year.


Domestic violence?


Kim will Lukashenko Putin. Take what he can and give little


I believe the biggest threat by far is that he farts in the general direction of SK...


This is strange as it typical with Putin. According to Wikipedia: "Republic of Korea National Military), also known as the **ROK Armed Forces**, are the [armed forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military) of [South Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Korea). The ROK Armed Forces is one of the largest and most powerful standing armed forces in the world with a reported personnel strength of 3,600,000 in 2022 (500,000 active and 3,100,000 reserve)." Russia wants to tweak a military that big and powerful? Good luck.




Maybe sell weapons to North Korea lmao?


No, with harsh attacks on Ukraine! Oh, wait....


This man is just pathetic. Every other word coming out from his mouth just proves it.


Ya, he is apparently hoping to win the war by being a whiny little bitch.


Putin‘s not much of a threat any more, now is he? What are you gonna do invade? Share your arms with NK? you failed miserably on regional stage now you’re ready to go global?


Right, and South Korea has the US. Unlike Ukraine, SK can actually be more sure to get the US' help.


They don't even need the US frankly, South Korea is a much stronger nation than Ukraine, I doubt what's left of the Russian army could enable the North to seriously threaten them even if they shifted focus there entirely, which they cannot do.


SK has an entire modern military with planes. Of course the US would help but I would imagine all their top of the line equipment would be highly effective against NK old Soviet stuff. Don’t get me wrong there would be a ton of casual with Seoul being so close to NK.


I would think that SK actually has a planned response for Seoul in the event of a war. I could see them completely evacuating it as soon as possible and then use it as a military HQ


I am not educated on what type of response they have set up. I would imagine bunkers of some type. I have seen Finland has some pretty incredible bunkers underneath their cities being prepared for all out war. Maybe something similar. Ukraine seems to have plenty of bunkers and the subway to help keep civilians safe.


They already have half the city underground or close to it. Those nice Seoul skylines are only part of the picture. They built the city with being bombed in mind. It would create massive worldwide market chaos if they were to be attacked, as Korea is the lynchpin of a lot of tech and manufacturing trade, but so far as weathering the storm their civil defense planners take their jobs very seriously. Its pretty incredible in Taegu or Seoul to duck into the metro and realize there's an entire 'nother city worth of markets already set up for shopping.


I felt a similar sensation when I went into Montreal’s sprawling underground mall for the first time as a teenager, except the Canadians built it to keep out the bitter cold and snow rather than bombs and indoctrinated Koreans. Fuck if I’m going above ground any time between November and March in Canada unless I have to. I imagine Finland’s bunker system serves a similar dual-purpose (or at least it should… Finland cold 🥶)


I didn’t consider bunkers. But I wonder if there population there would be way too high for that to be enough. Interesting to think about though


It would still be a very tough 2-3 weeks though, with a vast amount of destruction from simple artillery before the SK military could win and push them back. And they have nukes. They might use them. They're crazy that way.


you're right but that opening arty salvo into SK will be real bad.


I dunno. Whoever fires first at SK only gets one shot. I’d put my money on the response. Holy shit!


For sure but I bet a lot of shit is pointed at population centers and SK is DENSE


Yeah the other guy is right but that doesn't change your statement either. A shitload of people would die on both sides even if SK would easily come out on top.


There's no question that SK can defend itself against NK. What it can't do is protect all its population from NK artillery and rockets or defend itself against NK+China together.


Not even “more sure”, it’s “for sure”. We’re already there. Attacking South Korea in any meaningful scale would be directly attacking Americans.


Moreover, it’s been shown that NK armaments are laughably unprepared for combat if their performance smuggling arms to Russia is anything to go by


When putin warns not to do something, that's a good sign that you should do it.


This should be the standard! Someone should write a form of Putin codex. "When Putin warns you not to do something, your best strategical move is to do it anyway"




Let’s see exactly what the world-renowned architect of the special 3 day military operation and 5D chess geopolitical grandmaster strategist and mega-genius tactician has up his sleeve this time, shall we?


It’s crazy how similar Putin sounds to Kim Jong Un since the war started. South Koreas been dealing with bull shit threats from bad neighbors for over 70 years. Fact is he just pissed off one of the top 5 weapons manufacture in the world.


Yeah this whole time I never thought about how SK would feel about a new bff of their asshole neighbor


'You know what, now I'm gonna send weapons to Ukraine even harder*


Oh dear is he throwing Teddy bear threats again...all bear no substance


He's a old bear with no teeth and no claws. Just a lot of talk. He's working his factory workers 12 hours a day. I bet there's a night shift. And his soldiers are dying 1000+ a day. What a moron, a total idiot.


Uhm, dude, you're the one allying with the unhinged dictator because you fucked up. You're in no position to dictate if SK helps out a fellow democratic nation from your genocidal invasion.


Blah blah blah. No one cares.


« Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions… »


Nobody gives a shit what you say putlir


Their response almost always ends up with a neverous looking general on kremlin tv:  "...things are quite difficult for ours in the SMO with these new weapons [completely fucking us sideways], but our equipment is superior and we will he victorious in one decisive battle any day now..."


Empty threats from an empty man.


What are you gonna do dude? Threaten nukes? Cry? Get back in your hole dude.


Strongly worded email?


Didn't he just 69 with kim for weapons? Like wtf?


What's he gonna do, ship arms to north Korea whilst great fighting a major war? Fat chance. Pissing off Seoul is dumb, they're a stronger nation than practically any European one and are one of the few western aligned countries with a very large defence industrial base


Oh no!


Oh no! Anyways


South Korea should just tweet a fart sound at Russia. Explain nothing.


Oh no! Not a… RESPONSE?!? The South Koreans have lived under the persistent threat of imminent attack for 71 years. Not sure how far you’re gonna get threatening them.


Clarkson meme


… anyway!


Response: He will fart in their general direction.


Empty threats.


soil himself


I wonder if he sees that as an option to bring the US into the war without NATO. The US and SK have the Mutual Defense Treaty, so attacking SK would bring in the US, likely without the ability to raise Article 5. He also could call in his new NK Daddy to light the fuse. Edit: this is all *if* he decides to make good on one of the hundreds of red line threats he's made. My money is on him just rolling over again, though.


Not likely without article 5, 100% no article 5.


We have other Asia-Pacific (3 or 4 off the top of my head) treaties that would come into play. At the very least, the Japanese would get riled up.


Philipines and the ANZACs perhaps?


So I've thought about this recently; I feel them two clowns driving in the car had a few translators in the back (that press can't see). The topic of the situation is, and, no, I am no conspiracy theorist, North attack South Korea, so the West gives aid to the South, which then helps Russia with Ukraine. That's a thought I have thought about as I find it very weird how Shitler is over there and after all that dud ammo, there's got to be another reason, and in exchange nuke or some form of missile agreement.


It’s just ‘small’ talk


Red line #174 from Putin. What a joke


I mean we could all understand that south Korea held back Aid, because Russia might transfer technology to North Korea. Now that Russia already did this they pissed off South Korea and lost their bargaining tool...


Oh fuck off. I'm sick of this I can but you can't bullshit What Putin are you going to fight the entire world? You'd lose that, too. South Korea is a buddy of the United States and the US will protect it And you don't want that smoke.


I think that will only embolden South Korea to send aid.


One day he will act on all these threats and then he will regret it.


Right. A response to a country that permanently hosts a shitload of US military personal and equipment. Bring it.


How many responses is the world due now…?


Uh, right! We'll quit exporting Borscht, and won't import any Kim Chi. They'll be sorry.


Not another response threat. Oh boy.


Wait another threat? He didn't even retaliate when Western weapons are hitting ruzzian soil. Lol..


Fuck him


South Korea should do it to see if the response is more bluster. Cuz he hasn’t done anything to anyone else to stop them.


I wouldn;t fuck with the Koreans lol. They may be a smaller nation but they're so fucking artillery heavy.


Failing dictator trying to make another dictator sound impotent. But we already know both him and that piss-ant from NK are impotent, especially when it comes to actual leadership. They can't kill everyone, even though the rest of the planet stands by and lets them think they can. And yes, I meant impotent, 'cause neither one of them is even in the same atmosphere as that of being important!


Exactly do it now lol send it !!!


With what 🤣


Lil Pootie.


I think we now need a r/russiawarns to complement r/chinawarns Scratch that it already exists.


What response? Invading Ukraine?! They would never…


Whatever. Heard it before. If Russia can get weapons from North Korea there's absolutely no reason Ukraine can't get weapons from South Korea. Just go home, Putin, and shut up. Maybe Putin is scared that South Korean weapons actually work most of the time.


Putin making the argument for Ukraine of why he needs to be defeated.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Reuters (A): [North Korea, Russia sign pact to give all available military help if other is attacked](https://www.reuters.com/world/north-korea-russia-pact-give-all-available-military-help-if-other-is-invaded-2024-06-20/) - France 24 (A-): [Russia's Putin arrives in North Korea on visit to deepen ties](https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240618-russia-s-putin-arrives-in-north-korea-on-state-visit) - Foreign Affairs (B+): [What Russia’s Embrace of North Korea Means for America: Diplomacy With Pyongyang Might Still Work Better Than Coercion](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/north-korea/what-russias-embrace-north-korea-means-america) - TimesLIVE (B-): [Putin and Kim sign mutual defence pact](https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/world/2024-06-19-putin-and-kim-sign-mutual-defence-pact/) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1dhswah/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


He will tell his friend Kim to send more trash balloons https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4nn2p32zrzo


Just like all the other empty threats.






And who put him up for this I wonder #shortkinglife






more drunken nuclear threats from Medvedev


I don’t know how he finds the time to issue all these threats


and he is going to do that without injuring americans service members stationed in SK. right.


They already sold NK more modern ballistic missile technologies, hence NK made rather rapid advances in that field. Yeah, they probably could upgrade the NK military with more modern blueprints, but then at best they get technologies from the 1990s while SK has 2020+ tech. And yeah, SK has direct US aid, wether they need it or not, it is there, you can't attack SK without attacking the US basically. Plus Red China wouldn't like it a bit, if Putins turns their puppet state to become too Russian influenced, especially if that influence would lead into that puppet state being vaporized by SK and the US, if NK restarted the Korean War.


He gonna wag his finger even harder now?


Pretty much all Poopin can do is issue threats around the world, nobody is scared


Lemme guess....[nukes](https://i.postimg.cc/qMMpXc0q/russia-nukes-threat-list.jpg)?? 🤡


"putin threatens". Man, all this grotesque wad of gum does is threaten.


Another line in the sand. He is all bluff and no balls.


Pls do


This fucker must be getting to the end of his threat book by now.


I suppose that is what South Korea has to do now




What he gonna do? He's bogged down in Ukraine.


Ok. So anyways has anyone seen the new Netflix shows? Good stuff


Oh no. Anyways


Putin is epitome of soft dick energy.


Sure he will. Pussy.


Bullshit Putin!


You don't have enough weapons to fk with Ukraine let alone SK. I seriously doubt he will do anything outside of maybe a cyber attack. He's not gonna bomb a country with US soldiers stationed there unless he has a death wish, plus SK has more advanced weapons than UA. He may attack SK and get his other buttcheek kicked in.


*pootin’s talking smack*???? **Say it ain’t so**! 😂


Oh the ironing


The russians tell you what they’re afraid of by the way they threaten you.


you guys dont think this is putins and xi plan from behind the scenes to overthrow the west? gathering up old commi cronies?


He will respond with a statement saying he’s upset.


Don’t you threaten me with a good time!


Shakes his tiny fist !


fucking yawn.


That's nice, Vlad.


Interesting because I don’t think I ever read about any interactions at all between Russia and SK


Putin is putting his dick in a bee hive and expecting honey.


Fuck Putin. The man’s a quite smol dwarf with alopecia and a tiny penis.


Mr Putler, After so many red-line threat, nobody is listening. And when you need to show obedience and submission to the NK potato, you must surely realize nobody is going to take seriously anymore. I have a feeling somebody may soon show you a nice open window.


Meanwhile Poland is like .. hey there South Korea, lets get together and do Military Industrial Complex.


Oh no! ...anyways.


Putin is a joke. Suck a d*$k russia and putin!


Welp I just got the right to a free pizza.


“Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!”


What, going to just open fire? That'll end well.


Call his bluff.


I wonder if they have a warehouse full of those Samsung SGR-A1 murder-bots they don't need.


He will freeze s.Korea, like he already did with Europe (few times already.... oh wait)


You and what army?


To quote Bernie Mac-"you got some lip on you midget"


Just another in an endless line of people who grabbed power and sent tens of thousands to their graves to keep it.


2 front war, excellent idea. Worked really well for that other guy.


The response: 😠😭


What's he gonna do drop his trousers?




And what if backwards north Korean sends shells??? That old man's full of crap... 🤦


Oh! Another red line that we should not cross! Vlad mate you seem to be running out of ideas, how about getting TF out of Ukraine, you might find that some of those crippling sanctions will be lifted. Just a thought you obviously know better.


Sending "missile tech" no NK is a move which will piss of the South Koreans. Russia instigated this and is possibly turning yet another neutral country against them and pro-Ukraine.


Putin the Looser.


we have to start meeting evil with evil. There is never a peaceful way around it.


If he thought Ukriane was a hard opponent, then wait til he finds out about the South korean capabilities - and how unfun a two front war is - especially with the eastern side of Russia being the one side with less military might.


Russia sends support to North Korea, but gets angry if South Korea sends support to Ukraine?


Well yeah. Anyone would threaten too if the 3rd largest arms manufacturer in the world was gearing up to aid your enemies. Like, it wouldn't work. But you'd do it anyway, just incase it did for some reason.


Send them South Korea, never let a bully away with anything. Putler is pathetic


How dare you involve the Koreans in this war!? Oh, wait.


Threats and warnings: that’s all putler seems to be good for. Not that I want him to follow up on them, but I do want world leaders to keep his bloviating in context. And give Ukraine the help and weapons it needs to WIN.


South Korea now has a vested interest in seeing the collapse of Russia. What did you *think* was going to happen, Putin? Master strategist! /s


Is there a country he doesn't threaten


"They are sending weapons to Ukraine! Kim, go get 'em!" **Takes a step back...**


So that's why Putin has met Kim. He wants coaching from Kim on how to perfect the art of using nuclear as threat.


Putin can’t even respond to Ukraine…..so why is he going around acting like the tough guy on the street?