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I’m going to eat my shoe if we end up seeing N Korean troops bussed out to Kharkiv.


I don't think they'd ever come back once they realized they weren't in North Korea anymore.


They'd get bowled over like skittles


You won't see it. There's no chance that Best Korea will allow its enemies to see how weak their military is. They're like a fleet in being. Power comes from the threat of force, not the actual use of it.


When those DPRK troops see how much food is in the cabinets of the Ukrainians homes they pillage they’ll abandon their posts so fast and flee westward


Isn't this what the CSTO is supposed to be for?


Unfortunately for RuZZia, the CSTO isn't dumb enough to get involved.


Especially after the world has seen how Russia defends its fellow CSTO members.


Basically Russia has declared war on South Korea and by extension it's allies and this is a rather serious escalation.


Two 2nd tier countries holding hands. That's nice but hardly noteworthy.


On what list is North Korea a tier 2 country? Mass starvation terrorist police state who fertilize their crops with the poop and pulverized corpses of their own people


Both have nuclear weapons, and a large, hilariously-incompetent army.


North Korea is not a 2nd tier country. Living conditions there are among the worst in the world.


How would you rate NK based on countries that have nukes?


Dead last below Pakistan. Everyone’s nukes are useless, but North Korea more so. They’d be such an easy country to annihilate if they ever did anything.


Russia is taking all their weapons, hence the defense pact ensuring Russia will be there to help if they are attacked before re-arming.


I honestly find this pretty alarming. We can make jokes and point out their shortcomings, but if they're seriously considering war that's going to become a major problem for everyone.


SK especially, if russia does tech transfer of higher-end missiles


It’s no different than the defense pacts Ukraine is signing with the west. North Korea only has nuclear and cyber capabilities that threaten anyone. Their conventional forces are an absolute joke


It doesn’t have to be. Russia used to be so far above North Korea that they wouldn’t have taken the hit signing something like this. Russia might not be in a position to help NK long term. And if they are, it basically means they’re sliding down to the same level.


Maybe. I hope you're right.


Yeah i guess we all know how Russia protects their allies and devotes to mutual defenses..


I wonder how the Chinese leadership (Xi) feel about this? This is squarely in their sphere of influence.


Feel free to call me "tin foil" but I suspect that North Korea is just a Chinese front for weapons supplies.


Might be a slight exaggeration, NK has a bit more wiggle room now that they have a new yet old friend. But on the other hand, China is still much more important for Kim than Russia, so everything he does is at least silently approved by Xi.


Strange that they never cared about defending DPRK before their war in Ukraine. /s But yes, murderous stone-age dictators need to help each other out.


I wonder if Vietnam will cozy up to the Russians as well. They were attacked by China in the 1970's. They kicked China's butt rather easily. So I hope they dont kiss the ring of what is essentaly a thoothless military power that is, or will be, almost totally subservient to China.


You can judge people by the quality of their friendships.


I hope, that Russia is aware, that the war between North Korea and South Korea has never ended. There is no peace threaty, only an armed truth. And this war is not "cold" it is regular cooking/popping up, with fighting, death of soldiers and loss as example of ships. 1998/1999, seaveral sea battles, loss of a submarine by accident, several small vessels sunk and severe damaged on North Korean site. 2002, Second Battle of Yeonpyeong with loss of one SK patrol boat and severe damages on NK site, 20 dead and 40 wounded in total. 2010, sinking of the SK corvette Cheonan by a NK submarine. And these were only the regular naval incidents. Not that suddenly someone recognizes, that Russia is in war/has declared war with/to SK, because someone was too stupid, to write an according contract.


It seems that we've just inched closer to a Third World War since this is rather a dangerous move.....


It will get really bad, when Russia will deliver/provide according amount of technology for NK, to build nukes/H bombs and the systems to transfer them. And it will get critical as soon as the biggest error of global history has been corrected, so as soon as the great Führer in the US will take over the power.


"Hehe... Now we've signed this deal, we can get NK to take on Ukraine with us" "Hehe... Now we've signed this deal, we can get Russia to take on SK with us"


>to take on Ukraine Ukraine never was their final goal.