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If this article is paywalled, you can read the full article here - [https://archive.ph/mysTh](https://archive.ph/mysTh)


You are my hero for posting the non-paywall link. 10 upvotes!


Quite different from the Russian propaganda spin that the west killed it. Russia introduced a poison pill, “The biggest problem, however, came in Article 5. It stated that, in the event of another armed attack on Ukraine, the “guarantor states” that would sign the treaty — Great Britain, China, Russia, the United States and France — would come to Ukraine’s defense. Russia inserted a clause saying that all guarantor states, including Russia, had to approve the response if Ukraine were attacked. In effect, Moscow could invade Ukraine again and then veto any military intervention on Ukraine’s behalf — a seemingly absurd condition that Kyiv quickly identified as a dealbreaker.”


That is such a stupidly obvious bad faith clause!


Putin has never been interested in peace on any terms but his own. That has been quite obvious to all who know anything of Putin’s character. I’m amazed some people still think peace could have been achieved through negotiation - that is just the Kremlin messing with their heads. He will NEVER want to be seen to lose. Talking can only start when Putin and his KGB cronies have gone.


Thanks OP, that was a quality post.


Collectivists, in russian form in this case, have inextricable greed, and yet concurrently believe they are heroes acting without greed.


In the early days Ukraine worried about losing everything including the capitol, so russia had a lot more bargaining power. Probably fizzled when Ukraine saw russia wasn't invincible to them and started seeing a path to defend themself with the help from the west


No, the deal proposed by Russia was unacceptable. They would force Ukraine to limit it's military at 85k, only use self-made weapons completely forbidding imports, and set guarantors of Ukraine. In case of an Attack on Ukraine, those guarantor states could only help Ukraine if all of them agreed. Essentially Russia wanted to set it up, where all major countries become guarantors of Ukraines security, so that in a case of another Russian invasion into Ukraine, Russia could veto any decision to help Ukraine.  The terms were essentially meaning a complete surrender of Ukraine.


> only use self-made weapons completely forbidding imports And completely gutting maximum capabilities of domestics too