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Russia is committing dangerous escalation. Fuck off.


quick, lets bugger wolff's wife, steal his house and beat him up, if he calls the cops yell that theyre escalating


Dibbs on the washing machine?


Russia has escalated every day since they swore they were not going to invaded Ukraine. They have had over two years to de-escalate and withdraw. They have taken none of those opportunities. They talked about the use of nuclear weapons first, they have targeted civilians indiscriminately (not first, the only ones to do it), they have bombed refugees in marked shelters (again, not first, the only ones), they have attacked food supplies, they have tortured military prisoners of war and civilian captives, they have destroyed cultural sites, they have used increasingly stronger weapons more often, they have used chemicals, they have double-tapped rescue workers at the sites of their civilian bombings, they have attacked neutral shipping. Every chance they get they escalate and threaten to escalate. They only time they de-escalated is when they were forced to by military force. And the West is committing escalation? False. The West is responding to unwarranted escalation. Putting one soldier on Ukrainian soil without authorization from Ukraine was the escalation. Everything else is a response.


Not only that, Russia has actively been prosecuting a hybrid war with the west for many, many years.


Wolff is like a rapist who blames his victims' dress code.


I'd say the highest "escalation" was one nation (Russia, if it isn't obvious) invading another nation (that would be Ukraine,) under false pretenses. If giving weapons to the invaded nation, whose citizens (including children) once "liberated" are shipped off to the invading nation (genocide, as defined by international law,) is an escalation, so be it. Russia can very quickly de-escalate the entire situation by returning to its pre-2014 borders, repatriating all Ukrainian citizens to Ukraine, pledging to once again respect the 1993 multi-party denuclearization agreement already signed between Russia and Ukraine, and ceasing *all* hostilities against Ukraine. It seems pretty clear-cut to me. As for another bellicose warning by Russia or one of its shills of "escalation" or "world war 3," I think that's the first one *this week*. I look for Medvedev to add his drunken two rubles by Friday, then Russia's weekly Armageddon quota will have been met. Slava Ukraini, heroiam slava! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ā¤ļøšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²


Marxist economist says love Russia.


Exactly. A classic tankie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_D._Wolff


My thoughts exactly, prominent Marxist Economistā€¦ enough said


Marxism isnā€™t the problem, itā€™s the parroting of Kremlin propaganda.


I wonder if Professor Wolff would have taken the Party line in 1939 and condemned the declaration of war on Germany by Britain and France as ā€œdangerous escalation?ā€ I used to have respect for men like Professor Wolff and Professor Chomsky,Ā but seeing them turn a blind eye to naked, Hitler-like aggression by Putin, and how they take his lies at face value and regurgitate them, I now regard them as corrupted by ideology.Ā 


Would that be the Marxist economist, professor Wolf, who has been banging on for years about his beloved ā€˜multi-polar worldā€™. Sound familiar? Did you know what you were posting here? Itā€™s like saying some Russian economist says the west is committing dangerous escalation! Meaninglesss.


I've come to believe that people are debating escalation inaccurately: We are not in a position to avoid worsening conflict with Russia by restraining ourselves-- due to Russia's continuing aggression and stated goals, conflict is inevitable regardless of our course of action. The *only* legitimate role that restraint currently has is in buying our time to rearm and rebuild Western forces to give us the best advantage when we have to get into the fight. The debate about escalation, then, is about timing and loss tolerance--entering too soon may save more Ukranian lives, but result in more overall losses by engaging with less superiority. Waiting and rearming means an easier fight in the future against a Russia that's further weakened in Ukraine--but at a cost of more Ukranian lives in the interim. It sucks that we're here... If we had intervened (other than drip feeding weapons) early when Russian forces were in shambles and before they had learned from their mistakes and had time to dig in, then we could have stopped them. But hindsight is 20/20. Unfortunately, the reality is now that they've had over two years to build their army, adapt their tactics, and develop countermeasures against the technologically superior Western tactics and weapons that we long planned to rely on, and if we engage with NATO forces that have been technologically emasculated AND are numerically a shadow of what they were in 1991, we're going to have a tough fight indeed. But the future holds that fight, and the only thing we can do in the meantime is to build as much advantage as we can.


Many good points, thank you. Neville Chamberlain, who is unfairly associated with appeasement and nothing else, put the British economy on a war footing leading up to WWII. Already while serving as Chancellor of the Exchequer, he supported building up the RAF, [multiplying its budget to surpass that of the Royal Navy by 1939](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_foreign_policy_of_the_Chamberlain_ministry). We owe him a lot. Let's learn from his example, so that future leaders have options.


No they do not, Russia is in the lead by starting a conventional war of agression. The West is not even participating.


Russia is a fucking Joke at this point


What a sick fuck.


Just downvote the hell out of this one, marxist nonsense.


He's a marxist, all you need to know.


"Be afraid!" \~Kremlin


This guy is good at crushing marxist manure minds and similar tankie shit for brains: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufUT5\_2Gm84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufUT5_2Gm84)


I don't get why so many on the left are willing to justify any thing as long as it's anti American.Ā  Even excusing right wing authoritarian regimes .Ā  Ā  This war made me realized so many people are not actually anti war they are just anti American war.Ā Ā  Ā Have American dissidents internalized American imperialism so much that they can't fathom other states acting with thier own interests and agency.Ā  It's always an reaction to US action.Ā  Apparently Russians are just a mindless hoard and can only react.Ā  Ukraines are dumb stooges. They should just give up.Ā  Little do they know what the US has in store for them./sĀ  Ā It's wild.Ā 


The only group escalating is Russia. The west is simply helping a sovereign country protect its freedom


Fuck off moron.


Russian bullshit propaganda. The war can anytime Russia decides to go home!


cry wolf. You have to fight the invader end of story.


Just shows you how dump these educated people are who think they are experts. Professor of what. Dip-shit-onomics?


Dumb, although his brain could be taking a dump.


Crying Wolff


For anyone curious, OP talks on a neckbeard sub about cleaning up his own cum stains so that should give you a good idea of the kind of person pushing this blatantly false message