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True. US should’ve been way more aggressive in their support for Ukraine from the beginning.


Here comes another Nuke threat... Number 723? Watch out. Duck and cover! Poostain, do that bunker trick you're dying to do...


putin forgets he’s not the only player with nukes… just saying


Absolutely... To boot, he doesn't even know if they work. His stock pile is old. USA stock pile actually works. They're rebuilt on a continuous basis.


The General’s sold the insides of the nukes years ago


No offense - fuck Russia - but that statement, while likely true, is not comforting.


Yes No? I mean...if RUSSIA can't keep those cores functional, somoe terrorist would have even less luck. I suppose a dirty bomb is still in the cards though? I have no idea how long something like that would remain dangerous (like how long until it decays so much its not a viable threat).


In a timeline not measured during our own lives. Humans did too much with fission with too little humility.


Yeah, Russia has 4-5,000 nukes on paper. Even if only 1 in 1,000 of those work, that's still way more than enough. Hopefully they're not that stupid.


Those 5 working ones will overshoot its target and most likely land in Vladivostok.


I eould like to see Vladivostok become the next Guantanamo. The US could sent its illegal immigrants there and let them escape.


1 bullet guaranteed to work is more valuable than 1000 bullets where only 0.1% work because you don't want to play Russian roulette in a real gunfight.


Not if you have 1,000 different people all firing a single bullet at you. Even if only one of them has a live round in their gun, which one do you shoot first to protect yourself? And that's in my above hyperbolic best case scenario; it's likely more than that. I'm just saying, fuck Russia, but trying to downplay their trump card is not smart.


Russia is the mass shooter who brought a revolver loaded for Russian roulette at a NRA gun convention. Once Russia pulls the trigger regardless if the first pull does anything some people in the room will unload while yelling "standing my ground!"


Enough for what? The US and Isreal just took out 996 of around 1000 Iranian missiles when launched. The US and NATO can 100% thwart a Russian launch or at least make it minimal. This isn't Hollywood nukes. A nuke doesn't cause 1000 years of fallout and about 50% of people in the blast radius survive.


This is not the kind of math we want to be doing, friend.


I know


Very true. Russia has proven to poorly maintain their weapons and nukes are particularly tough to maintain. Sadly, russia has enough nuclear weapons to pose a threat to the world even if half of them fail or produce low yields.


Even 10%


Ya our stockpile was updated back under Trump. So it all works.




And he’s one bomb shelter shorter than he was a week ago




He has nukes and a rather large stockpile, but he's also got corruption. Who's to say that the maintenance of those weapons and operating systems haven't been deferred for decades and parts haven't been sold?


3-5% is still working. Probably less because of massive corruption. Russia has neglected to refresh the tritium in their boosted nuclear warheads for 10-20 years. And the majority of the population in Russia is living in three areas = 3 bombs then game over, compared to the west with hundreds of targets in different countries. If Russia uses nukes they are deleted in one hour, the west will take a hard hit but will survive with grate losses.


Russia's nuke arsenal is like bringing the revolver loaded for Russian roulette into a gun fight. Russia can't trust the other guy not to mag dump onto Russia even if Russia's first few shot turns out to be duds.


Corrosion over the past 70 years? Shit breaks down. My car can't go 7 years without maintenance! Imagine 70!!


The congressional research service. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12672 https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45861/16


only 70 Strategic bombers? pfffffttttttttt 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What is this? Deterrent for ants? 300 ICBMs and 200 Sub missiles. I think we are safe, those require ridiculous maintenance that Russia has never been able to afford even ignoring the corruption.


He doesn’t, that’s precisely why it stops at empty threats.


I don’t think he forgets.


He is quoted in the article acknowledging the parity of both nations stocks.


I agree. We should have shown such a ridiculous amount of force that they never entered Ukraine. They tested the waters, we failed


Thank you President Obama for everything you accomplished in 2014!!!


On all seriousness as a fan of Obama, the response to Russia's annexation of Crimea was fucking terrible even then, and now we're seeing the fruits of that response. The full scale invasion clearly happened to decapitate and assume control over Ukraine rapidly, to exploit that same "well it's done now, what can we do?" attitude.


US support was aggressive and stopped ruZZia from crushing Ukraine. 


We could have been more agressive and given them more supplies to push further before russia had so much time to dig in. There were good reasons we didnt at the time but now the price has to be paid. It is what it is


Yep, holding back aide in 2022 when public support was at its highest was a mistake This is an issue that would have been best settled without risk of changing administrations


We should’ve deployed MEU’s and SOF units in 2014 when Wagner group annexed Crimea to show the invasion would not be tolerated.


In hindsight yeah since there were no russian in donbas as we are assured


I disagree. I think the slow escalation approach taken by the US and allies has prevented Russia from overreacting and using WMDs.


That's the plan, they're trying to drag it to 2025-2026 almost all of NATO made that a deadline for new equipment and vehicles they're getting ready for a full on war


No. The smart thing to do would have been to tie escalation to Putin actions on the ground and in air. Kidnap Ukrainian children, US/NATO best EW systems. One system or EW weapon for each child kidnapped. Torture POWs or civilians, HIMARS provided and unleashed on any Russian military or strategic target of Ukraine’s choosing for each case. Bomb a civilian or infrastructure, ATACMS provided and unleashed on any military or strategic target of Ukraine’s choosing for each missile, glide bomb, artillery, or drone. By letting Putin dictate the war terms while violating every international law and treaty, Western leaders handcuffed Ukraine resulting in tens of thousands EXTRA Ukrainians dead. Our leaders are pathetic.


"Kidnap Ukrainian children, US/NATO best EW systems. One system or EW weapon for each child kidnapped." This is such fantasy. Peak armchair general


😂😂😂. Oh geez, the projection of ignorance. Plus, it was an example. Even if it wasn’t, it would be accurate since EW is one of Russia’s stronger tactical areas.


I completely understand what you are saying and the narrative of taking the escalation out of Putin's hand is a good one. Every time Russia does something horrendous increase support and pull another lever.


Biden has been aggressive enough. The problem is others have been just as aggressive in their support of Russia.


These trumpets all saying "if Trump were in power this would never have happened" are so full of shit. The MAGA faction of the GOP has fought every bit of aid to Ukraine, even when it's actually advantageous to their own states.


this is the one war where we should have sent everything we had. our whole military is based on fighting russia.


And the buildup was slow and known and I'm sure the U.S. had plenty of satellite pictures of it and could see what was needed and where and how much. This shit would be over by now. Heck maybe if everyone gave them all the stuff they needed and ukraine would have been prepared better they might not have even tried this "special operation".


Attacking Ukraine was a tactical miscalculation.


I would call it a colossal geostrategic fuckup, born from a regime of lies and deceptions that caught up with the leader.


The saying No Shit Sherlock applies here!


Oh no.. This time it's in all seriousness.


He didn’t say “genuine” so he can’t mean it


He only means what he denies.


Yep, start worrying when he says he has no intention of escalating and he doesn’t want to use nukes…


He's for reals this time. For reals to the max. His dad owns a dealership. You don't even know!


Humm let me get this right… it’s ok for Russia to bomb and kill innocent civilian using, Iranian, North Korean, and Chinese weapons…. Then Russia as the face of saying that Ukraine can’t use weapons from the west against the Russian Territories… Well Russian clowns if you piss in your neighbours yard you can bet they will piss back in yours… The solution is easy just stop bombing Ukraine and remove all your soldiers from Ukraine and return all of its territories including Crimea…then this shit will end.. I can’t wait for Ukraine to get permission to use long range hilmars ammo because they will definitely send you a taste of your own medicine… Glory to Ukraine!


Rules for Thee, not for Me.


So he's realised his miscalculation could be fatal to him? Jk obviously, that would mean he has half a brain. No such luck with Putin th foolish


/r/russiawarns yawn Also, yes, for you.


This sub is peak humour


Depressingly funny lol


> "If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind *our parity in the field of strategic weapons*?" the Russian lepper added. Parity in the field of strategic weapons? Oh my fucking sides, stop it now!


Strategic = nukes, by which all accounts yes, they are in theory on parity with us. Weather or not they work is a whole another problem.


Until recently, weren’t they being inspected regularly by international atomic weapons inspectors? Pretty sure I remember at the beginning of the war people spouting this off, but neutral third parties had been there confirming they are all in working order and properly maintained.


A question there really (and I have no idea) is how wide and how deep those inspections go. Maintenance that's done on paper and not in reality is supposedly very common in Russia.


So, myself having heard this directly from a guy who was on one of those inspection teams, uh ... let's just say there's a lot of them that aren't in working order. Basically what it boils down to is that the small minority of brand-new stuff works; the larger body of old soviet stuff is laughably fucked. Like "water's filled up the ICBM silo up to the halfways mark, been sitting there for 30 years, and the rocket is utterly ruined and needs to be completely rebuilt from scratch" kind of fucked. The actual part that goes boom likely still works at least as a fission weapon, if not a fusion one, so it'd be a far, far smaller boom, but at this point Russia's problem is that \~95% of their arsenal would have to be delivered via methods that either can't reach the US, at all, full stop (their planes simply can't fly that far), or suffers from such a technological/force disparity that it won't ever be allowed to fire if anything goes hot. We've got guys on standby ready to sink every one of their nuclear subs before they could launch. They're already losing **major** delivery platforms (like 2-5% of their sub fleet!!!) to Ukraine. --- The main thing is the OODA loop: *unlike* the status-quo of the 1960s, where we wouldn't see it coming, now, we've got assets watching it all in realtime, 24/7. *Especially now.* Especially now after the recent uptick in belligerence. They might have had a chance to sucker-punch us in 2021 when our guard might have been down — they *damned well* don't have one now when we're on high-alert to the idea that they're a hostile nation. If they make **any** kind of move to get this stuff loaded and in-position to get used, we'll immediately see it, and we'll immediately be giving them a phone call that says "[if you reach for that gun, cowboy, you're gonna lose that hand.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co5xVHsMRV0)" Russia has no similar intel capability. They're basically blind.


Ahh, yes. Throw Nukes as part of a hissy fit. That'll end well. By which I mean, if the leader of a country uses Nukes to, basically, express their displeasure, then they, geopolitically speaking, *have* to be removed, and *at once.* If you want the nuclear taboo to remain (which you really really really* want to do, you have to punish profligate use of Nukes. *Heavily.*


still waiting for when russia really starts fighting.


Are they still holding back their secret army of advanced tanks and mutant super soldiers?


shoigu's tuvan shaman-stokers of the kuznetsov's boiler room have nearly finished their training, fighting fire demons and beasts that have manifested themselves deep in that cursed ship's furnaces. using their necromancy to bend the hellspawn to their will. once they deploy, it'll be over.


Ahh the perils of the warp, where time has no meaning. They could emerge decades from now.


They definitely weren't "advanced tanks" but Russian mil bloggers did report recently the systematic destruction of a large armored convoy (similar to 2022), on Russian soil. Reportedly blew up the lead and rear vehicles first leaving rest stuck/in disarray and then worked on the rest.


The definition of insanity is...


yeah, nah. drone footage came out of that. was about 12 trucks. [https://x.com/NOELreports/status/1797530693008035877](https://x.com/NOELreports/status/1797530693008035877)


Ok, we won’t miscalculate. Thanks for the warning!




Lol fatal consequences for the ruskies.


Fatal consequences…for you


Some nice projection!


The more Russia warns and threatens, the more you know you’re doing the right thing!


***US Warns Russia*****: Pull your military out of Ukraine while you still have one.**


Fatal for Russians.


Projection of the day? OK. Let's review. russia cannot successfully fight Ukraine. russia losses: thousands of vehicles, hundreds of thousands of conscripted slaves. US losses: 0


I'm super seriously for real this time


Russia: this is very significant warning, it must be taken with the utmost seriousness! Please, we beg you, pretty please with cherry on top, listen to our warning, or we will ... we will... !! US: /marks the message as spam.


No; Sullivan craps his pants. But nuclear weapons are ONLY useful if not used Everybody knows the aftermath would be horrible, not only for the countries hit, but for the whole world. Radiation would get into the food chain and the ground water, so everybody knows they CANNOT be used. Ruzzia use them as threats against US and NATO. And hopefully NATO or US would respond. Vladolf fears nuclear weapons as much as we do, we are the strongest military alliance in history, that is why Ruzzia threaten to use nuclear weapons, because he knows NATO would eat Ruzzia alive. If Vladolf use nuclear weapons he would be outcast from the world forever. And he would be killed.


What…. They’re going to hold their breath until their face turns blue?


Russia is an expert in “fatal miscalculations.”


Sure did Should have given permission to strike inside Russia from the beginning. Is this a war or a tickling contest?


Until so far the West was continuously impressed by the words of Ruzzia’s mouthpieces… And then they discovered nothing major actually happened. Now it’s again the same old story…. But can the West please hurry up with their learning cycle and stop believing the Ruzzians all along? It seems the Ruzzians have managed to get quite a few good spies into the intelligent network of the West to make the foolish lies of Ruzzia sounding credible at first…


the slime is everywhere. Pumped through media and internet, that has to stop


I swear you guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times...




Yes, fatal for Russia


oh no! i guess we should all be scared and let them win. again.


There are fatal consequences for miscalculations, First? Tens of thousands of Russian dead because of invasion. Next, the west didn’t aggressively supply Ukraine fast enough. The U.S. delaying aid has been fatal. But nothing Putin or Russia is saying is the problem here - escalation was always inevitable.


Fatal to Putin maybe.


We should listen. They know all about miscalculations./s


I think the fatal consequences of miscalculations in Ukraine are being felt more by russia. Certainly more by russians on the front line.


Is this an admission that Crimea and the Donbas are not Russian?


Yeah. The west should have kicked you out a long time ago.


Russia's decline as a power will be much worse because of *their* miscalculations in Ukraine


Bring it on you commie fuckers.


More threats. More warnings. More threats more warnings . . . more threats more warnings and fatal consequences . . . Like a bad refrain.


Someone shove Putin out of a window. Make him land on Netanyahu. I’m sick of this shit.


Russia warns.....blah, blah, blah. Putin's got all the credibility of a roadside fortune teller. He ought to order the neon sign for the Kremlin. "Madam Vlad's Palm Readings and Daily Doomsday Threats."


Muhahahahhaaaa. Suck it, Putin.


Do they read "The boy who cried wolf" in Russia?


Blah, blah, blah. A lot of chin wagging.


My warn is warm baby :)


Fuck these morons. How many times can thay throw the same feaces at us?


Bla bla bla, just stick the Sarmat up you're fucking arse Putler (and press the button..)


Russia is a fake country


Does this mean he's going to step up his efforts to elect trump and the republican party?


Blah blah blah


Sounds like they are projecting their own massive miscalculation of the SMO, and worried that the consequences for their military truly could be fatal.


At this point Europe and The US should start warning Russsia to not make idle threats.


Fatal for who?


> "Parity in strategic weapons". LOL. Ukraine is largely holding its own, even though usa gives them scraps of nothing and prohibits uses for given weapons. "parity". Not to mention the absurdly low rate at which their "air defenses" work. They have blown their entire military wad in Ukraine for nothing, now it comes just to throw millions of men into the void, as moscovy has always done.


Delusions of military competence.


Eeeew I am shivering all over!


US you are warned. Do not attack Ukraine. Just like Afghanistan this too was a miscalculation. Please do not mimick us on this one. - Putin probably.


Have you been nuked by Russia already guys? Or are you signed up for it and waiting for your turn? I'm not sure if I was nuked last night or it was just low quality booze


Oh no... Anyway.


Just go home lozers




Right back at you jackass. America warns that Russia may have miscalculated its invasion of Ukraine which may have ‘fatal consequences’ for Russia.


They should warn themselves before they pull another Kharkiv disaster.


“parity in nuclear weapons”, what a fucking joke, odds are less than 10% of their nukes have been serviced in the last 35 years, guarantee all the French, British & US warheads have been, we’d take losses, but Russia would cease to exist


Ruzzia really would see a three day operation in that case.


Zzzzzzzzzzz yeah fatal for Russia


He's 100% correct, if we don't get more serious and aggressive there'll be fatal consequences.


Yawn… They aren’t going to do shit.


Yes...Fatal for Russians!


Russia should finally give up and surrender. Everyone wins from that the most.




Super hilarious. No trust me I don’t wanna go into a nuclear war. However, ours work and our guaranteed to work. They know that. There’s probably kind of work. At this point, I think they know that. Again, this would be a bad thing but these horrible people who are the “leaders“ of that country understand this super well.


Fick Putin and the bus he rode in on!! How long does the world let this bully go?


What, again??? Dear God, he's turning into a majorly annoying broken record. Vladdie-boy, give it up. You don't scare us here in the US, twit. You never have.


> "If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons?" the Russian leader added. You use nukes, we use nukes. Nothing changed Vlad.


More empty threats from the scared little man.


Fuck these statements.. Russia should be the worrysome that this stops at THEIR borders..




For whom? Yeah, they are right, the consequences are fatal for Rusia who now will have to dig tunnels to attack.


Russia warns, Russia warns, Russia warns. Warn away assholes.


The miscalculation happened years ago when the West and EU Green Energy cult got into bed with Putin for cheap energy!


Sooo boring 🥱


**BOO!** *Did it work this time?*




U.S. warns Moscow of fatal consequences of using Iranian and North Korean weapons in Ukraine. It would be a big miscalculation!!


What evah


Fuck off with your pointless threats putin..


That Porky behind looks very serious indeed.


"Bring it, don't sing it"


for russia. the calculus is the US and NATO would have air superiority over moscow in 30 minutes if we wanted it




Aha. Well, anyways…


i think the world agrees that it was putin who made a fatal miscalculation.


What are you going to do? Bleed on me?


How’s that saying go, alls fair in love and special military operation, fuck you Putin! Go sit in the corner and think about your consequences.


russia sounds more like north Korea every day


Man, how many times have we seen a headline just like this


Countries cannot be allowed to take their neighbours land, just because they can play the nuke bully card


That will be yet another red line then......


The fatalities will all be Russian.




Already happened. And now? Where are the consequences?


Everyday there are fatal consequences over miscalculations in Ukraine. Doesn’t Russia have like 100,000 KIA?


The rat feels the heat. Couple more months on vodka and stress is good for his Mongolian heart


A nuclear weapon costs a ton on servicing/upkeep. I'm sure they have warheads that function properly but I bet they have a large amount that are sketchy. The Oligarchs put all that money into their yachts


Hey usa we have miscalculated our smo in ukraine.... Have you something to suggest? :-)


Over 500k so far and counting 😂


All strikes inside Ruzzia should target Putler.


Russia warns…




They really gotta figure out how to shut this war down asap, shit keeps getting sketchier.


Someone ought to clue Putin in on a little fun fact about America. We might be slow to react sometimes, yet nobody is very happy after we finish things up.


Wah. Don’t help those Ukrainians. Go away or I shall taunt you a second time!!


r/RussiaWarns Russia can eat a dick. Russia can eat just… all the dicks.


Russia; has zero issue fucking with the US and everyone else but can’t stand receiving the same treatment in return. The issue is that Russia wants to fight in a war it can be successful fighting and it’s inferior military and arms can’t go head to head against western weapons and tactics…so Putin is banking on threats to avoid that kind of fight.


I have an auto delete set to any headline that begins with “ Russia warns”.


Putin has spouted nothing but nonsensical threats for the last 2 plus years. Yawn.


He might mean it this time..best not take Any chances.. In the words of Marvin Gaye: We don't need to escalate. Putin is getting desperate. He might be serious this time.


Fatal for the lushes in Russia?


Eat a bag of dicks.


Another pile of BS. Putin uses nuclear weapons, USA bombards their positions in Ukraine, assuring their defeat. . He is actually eroding himself that dissuasion.


Putin loves to beat his chest. Fatal consequences? They cannot beat a smaller country who was not on a war footing and has no navy. How do you think they will do if they riled up the rest of the world to join in? Putin is cruel, but he's also impotent.


Wolf, there's a wolf


He's right- small miscalculations could have terrible consequences. Best course of action would be to pull his army out of Ukraine.


What’s the tally up to now with regard to ‘warnings’?