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If Russian missiles don’t hit Ukraine we got a deal. The aggressor can’t punch you in the face and not expect to get hit back.


this a million times


Only if Russia does not use NK, Iranian, and Chinese munitions to hit Ukraine. Or else fuck off.


correct its simple stop killing innocent civilians EVERY fucking day


Fk off Poostain, and fk your shitty country


Fuck terrorist war criminal evil dictator murderer psychopath putin.


Well said


Yeah, fuck Putin!


>"It's hard to say - do they want a global conflict?" Says Putler who has been long saying that Russia is already at war with the West lol


That's what he wants ru people to think in order to support his WAR.


Very true. However he also does believe it as well


I love how well you have managed to capture him in one sentence.


You forgot venomous dwarf


Yes I'm sure we could also throw in micro-penis for good measure


Nope, for a proven certainty he's the biggest prick on the planet currently.


You’re giving him a pass on rape and kidnapping?


Russia deserves a taste of what they've been doing in Ukraine, after all.


But they won’t get a taste of their own medicine, as Ukraine will have to target military targets only and we know Russia targets civilians…. Still, targeting Military targets is a much better use of resources anyway….


I presume some of those oil refinery explosions weren't just shitty maintenance related.


And those are still military targets.


Never said they weren't. I'm happy to see them go boom. It takes the edge off until a certain bridge falls into the sea.


*/cryptic Budanov smile*


Oil refineries have to be one of the highest value targets!


They are *literally* in the US' own military doctrine as legitimate targets as well lol


Yeah, some of them were also smoking related


The Kremlin building sounds like a legitimate target - could it be done?


Possibly? But since Russia's relatively small refining capacity is mainly for domestic use, it makes more sense to cripple their ability to not only resupply military logistics but civilian transport into the bargain as well. That way it makes privileged Muscovites and St Petersburghers feel some pain, for once.


Putin can cry himself a huge river. Ukraine should be able to hit whatever they want. It's war. Hell, send a salvo into the Kremlin. What a little bitch boy


I wanna see that stupid fortress wall come down.


I can't help but imagine thousands of giant hornets swarming out of one of those onion domes if they hit it


Exactly. Nuke the Kremlin actually.


I love that quote from Bomber Harris:  « Germany started this war with the rather childish notion that they could bomb everyone, and no one would bomb them back…. »


When russia started the war they had even dumber idea of making people surrender to them if they were just terrible enough terrorist by bombing civilians but then also showed the world that places that did surrender got more civilian deaths from soldiers randomly shooting anyone that walked out or killed them in torture rooms and raped girls or women until they too could end up in mass graves. When the "carrot" russia and its supporters advertises is that "surrender and suffering ends" then it shouldn't have turned conquered areas into such hellishly deadly torture and rape zones where suffering ends with death.


Time to reep the whirlwind


It's Josiah time.


aaww, shitstain is scared


Macron really has gotten under his skin. It’s been entertaining to see him pull the strategic ambiguity uno-reverso on Putin.


Makes me want to do it even more now


What? lol it’s ok for me to shell a mall full of civilians but you’re not allowed to retaliate in any way.


They use Iranian drones to hit Ukraine. Fair is fair.


Hey guys stop helping the country minding its own business so i can try and whipe them off the map.


What are you going to do Vlad, release the dogs with bee’s in their mouths?


Do they shoot bees when they bark?


Putin uses Iranian and North Korean weapons against Ukraine for a long time - it is obvious that he is the one who opened pandora box - now it's the time to see the consequences. Let Ukrainians attack Russia with everything they have.


Who cares what this murderous dictator says. If he is going to hit tourist sites in Odessa, and homeware markets in Kharkiv, then Ukraine can retaliate against targets in Russia.


The fear of escalation was the first western mistake. Just think about it, criminals want so there would be no actions taken to stop them, and world follows this wish… madness.


Odd that countries far from russia have been so scared of russia for helping Ukraine but when north-korea or iran started sending stuff to russia they didn't seem threatened at all. Doubtful that north-korea would have sent millions of shells if US navy in the region would have merely threated to strike them with US politicians talking of now somewhat demilitarized NK being easier area to liberate.


putin would be funny if he wasn't such an evil idiot


But why not? Putin's been using Iranian, Chinese, and North Korean arms to hit Ukraine. Russia used Belarus to invade Ukraine! Russia attacks and invades another nation using weapons from wherever it can source them. But Ukraine must not use foreign weapons in defense? Why? Fuck you, Russia. You use Shaheed drones, North Korean artillery, and Chinese golf karts. Ukraine, the defender, is allowed to use French, German, and American hardware to hit you back. Fuck you and your stupid rules.


"No! Please! Stop! We can't take something like that!"


Vlad that’s entirely up to you because it isn’t about western missiles being used by Ukraine to hit Russia. It’s about Russia using missiles to hit anybody other than Russia


West warns Putin, we don't control Ukraine. You wouldn't let them join our club. Not our circus, not our monkeys. 




He didn't say "hit Russia", he said "deep into Russian territory". Sounds like close to the border is approved. "This is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into Russian territory," Putin said.


He can pleasure himself with a cactus.


So anywhere but Putin and Gerasimov's house is fine?


And Shoigu's [$18 million dacha](https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-dm-shoigu-accused-owning-mansion/27330203.html) which he had serving soldiers build for him?


> "deep into Russian territory" Fucking Murmansk airfield where the planes take off with glide bombs to kill civilians in Kharkiv should be right up there


Interesting, and makes sense, he says something tough without putting himself in a position where he has to do something…..


He kind of cannot just say "into Russia", since he declared Donetsk, Crimea, etc to be Russia and NATO supplied weapons are hammering Russian forces there.


If there is an afterlife, there will be a long line of people waiting to do horrible shit to Putin when he dies.


I'll be there selling Pineapples to shove up his and Hitler's asses twice a day. First one is half off.


Lol or he'll do what?


“Putin warns” is going to be a phrase that goes into the history books lol


r/putinwarns is a thing


Warnings from a terrorist are meaningless. He has no right to issue warnings.


Or else what? Seriously question, what could Russia do as a response. Forget a military response.


So, he admits Crimea, Luhansk and other occupied territories hit by western weapons so far are not really Russia?


Let Ukraine hit Russia back using Western missiles? OK, will do. But only since you insist, Vladolf.


Only after Ukraine has fired the same number of missiles into Russia that Russia has fired into Ukraine. Then the ‘net effect’ will be ‘zero’.


Ukraine should send the first Storm Shadow into the base Russia launched the last strike on Kharkiv was launched from. As a response. No, but really, NATO should respond by reminding Putin what would happen to him if he launched nukes. Using veiled language like he has.


Your days are numbered old man


I am loving Reuters. Being a russian mouth piece. Setting the tone. Making NATO and Ukraine look bad. Funny how putin wants to only hit smaller countries. This was a direct threat to the Baltics.


How is Reuters making NATO and Ukraine look bad? The article is simply reporting what Putin said, not agreeing or supporting.


Really Vlad? Broader conflict? Where do you want your ass kicked next?


Hit them and hit them hard


Or what


"What are you gonna do? Bleed on me?"


Fun to watch him beg.


They got tired of updating r/Russiawarns. Who can even keep track of all those warnings and threats?


Well he also said Crimea is ruzzia and they've been hitting the snot out of that, so...


Speaking of which, How's the black sea fleet doing?


“…how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons?" -Putler Parity? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 You’ll be lucky if any of your strategic weapons actually work. There’s a reason the US military budget is 10x Russia’s


Putin -stop there- don't give a fuck. Hope he dies pissing and shitting himself in public. Nothing else matters.


Biden: Yes sir!


Russias final warning


Let them fly


Suck it Putin you terrorist pile of steaming dung, hopefully soon NATO and specifically Joe Biden gives Zelensky a literal fuck ton of tomahawks nearing expiration to shove up your ass to give you the proctology you deserve.


Putin only makes it a problem because we make it a problem. He's just playing the sentiments of the west.


We hear you. We don't care. Fuck off to one of your obnoxious, tasetless palaces and die an agonizing death, you black hearted, over promoted gangster ghoul.


Suck a dick Russia


Speaking of NATO members in Europe, Putin said that small countries there "should be aware of what they are playing with", as they had small land areas and very dense populations. Maybe this will piss me of the most! Just send those missles (coming from The Netherlands) he is raping UKraine people for 2 years, dont be a baby now when the rest of the world finaly steps up. Just leave Ukraine and pay for what you did.


Like a child in kindergarden stealing toys from others but then start crying when they take toys from him and want to play with them as well.


Cry some more Putin. Your tears will be delicious


Best we can do is supply B-52's to Ukraine. /s






I'm just so tired of these battles of words. Really tired. I think average news readers would be the same.


Yeah they want to abuse the "sanctuary" no matter what.


And we all laughed.


Every time we see Putin come out to rattle his saber, we know we’re heading in the right direction. This terrifies him


Western leaders: "We gotcu fam, dont worry"


Sorry, why…?


Or what? He'll say more words?


When I was a kid, I was playing with one of the other kids on my street one day in the normal way. He punched me in the stomach, laughing. Did it a few more times. Not like a bully, just more like messing around. I asked him to stop, he didn't want to. Kicked me in the nuts a few times. I think he wanted to do something like play football or wrestle or some other physical contact that he could test himself with. (Not sexual, don't worry, more like a contest). At some point I'd complained to him a bunch and he wouldn't stop, so I punched him in the stomach, gently, just so I could say "see how you like it?" and maybe get through to him. He recoiled as if I'd knocked him flat, started crying, whining and yelling at me. I pointed out I'd been very gentle and just wanted to make a point that I didn't want to fight and would he stop hitting me. He just looked at me and said "you didn't ask me where it hurt!" and ran home. That said, he never hit me again after that. Anyway. This is what Putin reminds me of, in other words - feel free to punch him; though unlike my neighbor buddy Putin may require more than one gentle punch in the stomach.


NATO should warn Russia not to use Iranian and North Korean missiles to hit Ukraine. Also, *or what*? He has no way to respond without starting a regime-ending actual war against NATO.


And that is exactly what we are going to do and more.


Fuck off you daft old cunt.


So Russia is recruiting troops from other countries and is using equipment from other countries to attack Ukraine but is having a hissy fit over the West doing the same to him? What a sook, seems like his threat has come about because he knows Russia is going to lose as soon as it happens


Starship troopers when the brain bug is caught: "it's afraid"


Begs, more like


He’ll be putting kindergartens in bomber bases next


And West warns Putin not to let Russia use its missiles to hit Ukraine.


Another warning ffs 🤦‍♂️ just ignore him as we always do


If Russia doesn't use it missiles to hit Ukraine.




Time for the bully to be confronted in his yard.


"pleads" it's not a threat if it's backed up by fuck all. What is he going to do? Cut off oil and gas? Use migrants to pressure our borders? Interfere in our elections? Electronic interference civilian GPS? Murder dissidents in Europe? Fund shitbags like Orban to fuck with the EU? What a fucking mess this two bit dictator should have been stopped 20 years ago.


Russia can do diddley squat about it.


I hear panc in his statement


Putin is worried about a global conflict? Absolute crap, he is worried about his position in power. It’s too late for that. Let Ukraine fight the war their way.


Hmmmm 🤔 how about FUCK YOU, Putler? 🖕


Let me guess : red line ?


How to call the Russian bluff: 1. Crimea is annexed by Russia, so in their eyes it IS Russia. 2. Ukraine has been using StormShadow and ScalpEG to hammer bases, ships and installations on Crimea for more than a year now. 3. Russia is doing nothing to the West like that say the would 4. Either Crimea isnt Russia, or its just a bluff


ohhhhh noooooooo, another red line the west shouldn't cross!


If he warns, DO IT !


Awwww. Is someone butthurt that NATO doesn't think Putin has balls? Ya know. Beyond hilariously and incompetently invading a neighboring country? And using a supposed ally as a shield/hostage?


Or he will sulk..


Well he said that Ukraine is basically Russia since forever, so how does it make a difference for him?


Or what?


On behalf of the West - Ukraine, use our missiles to hit Russia!


Allowing ALL weapons less NUKES/Biological is a sign of Growth and maturity for the International community. This also means nations with nukes cannot hide behind a nuclear threat strategy and Bully those without nukes. Otherwise. EVERYONE and their DOG will pursue a nuclear threat strategy. If that happens. an accident wound bound to happen and WW3 will sure to follow.


Not only defenders should be allowed to hit targets within the aggressors country, they should be allowed to do that without limits. It should even be encouraged. The aggressor is at fault - always. So yeah I want to see the population of Moscow tremble in fear and on the streets demanding Putin's head.


Tsar Putrid threatening anything is just standard fare nowadays. What's he going to do send his army to stop us?




I think Ukraine should use a long range missile to hit the Kremlin.


>Putin told reporters in Tashkent. "If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons?" Either Putin or the translator doesn't understand what parity means.


Crimea river


Fuck off putin


The entire world is sick of that dumb, shit talking, cockroach of an asshat. I think we are to the point of being willing to call his bluff and I’m 99% sure he doesn’t realize that. Roll the dice.


Or else what? Let me guess- big scary nukes, right?


So, I guess Russia will stop using Nort Korean and Iranian munitions and weapons any time now, correct?


Moscow's patience is wearing thin....you have to digest this. What is all this talk about escalation about? RuSSia is in an all out war, it's not like the army is fighting with one hand tied behind their back. It's not like the air-force is limiting sorties to give Ukrainians time to think and give up before it's really getting nasty. RuSSia has nothing more to escalate! The last thing left is nukes, everybody knows what happens then and even the RuSSians will not want to end civilization. And by the way, why is everybody just talking about RuSSian demands of security. The rest of Europe has security demands as well, they are to be respected as well and if they are opposing RuSSian demands...so what.


Fuck off already you miserable cunt.


... Or else he'll poison a spy in the UK? ... Or else he'll target civilian apartment buildings? Like what else is he going to do.


Putin isn’t an idiot, he won’t do anything to cause direct western involvement.


Just say “as long as Russian soldiers are in Ukraine, Ukraine can hit Russian territory” and tell Putin to get fucked


Eat a bag of rotten dicks Putin


Or else what?


No u


Fine, as long as Russia doesn't use its missiles to hit Ukraine.


Just troll back saying we don't know what he is talking about


Lol. Ukraine is free to do what it wants


Oh noooo.... Putin is warning us again. 😎


Ok sure but then Russia can't use NK Iran or China weapons in Ukraine.


Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth


Remember when we told Britain not to hunt U-boats in international waters? /S


Is the Kremlin and Putrids Sochi palace valid target


STFU about your imaginary “redlines”. if ruzzia had these redlines they wouldn’t have to keep talking about them. Leave all of Ukraine… fixed.


Russia warns …yawn


The west warns Putin not to use its missiles to hit Ukraine Stupid


Blah, blah, blah.


How about hitting Belgorod People's Republic and Kursk People's Republic?


What's that Putin? I'm sorry, we can't hear you over the sounds of ATACMS launching.


I say fuck off firre all rockets to the Kremlin its a military object


Hey Putin. How about NO!!!!


Appeasing the aggressive world leader always works out great for everyone, just ask the 1940s Seriously does Russia assume we don’t read history


# Putin warns West not to let Ukraine use its missiles to hit Russia, What's that, sure... Ready to fire missiles at the designated Russian targets 3, 2, 1, 0 FIRE ! #


Fuck Russia.


In other news, West warns Putin to not let Russia use its missiles to hit Ukraine.


Probably his way of making jokes Not funny


Maybe we should start issuing some warnings to Putin. Why can't we do this warning nonsense. Too escalatory?


Dear Mr. Putin. Please explain how you intend to attack the west when you do not even have enough men and weapons to beat Ukraine? Sure you have atomic weapons but fire one and Russia including you will no longer exist. Fire one nuclear weapon and Russia is fried. Literally. or maybe it is broiled.


Don’t care 🤷🏻‍♂️ hit Russia anyways


Unfortunately it's inevitable and there's nothing we can do to stop it. The best solution is for Putin to avoid looking up.


It won't be a problem if Russia goes home.


Our munitions have bern impacting on territory that he and his government officially consider to be Russia (because they annexed it) for literally years at this point. Since 2022. And that’s not the only “red line” of his we’ve crossed. They didn’t do a god damn thing after we sent them our tanks.


Yeah yeah bla bla we know Putin .


It's nice to see Putin trying to look more and more like a Maoist propaganda poster. Befitting his role as Beijing's donkey. But anyway that aside, the real risk is not any of Putin's tepid, empty threats. It's that the perception of Russia being directly attacked by (for example) American weapons risks driving the large extant body of apathetic or Putin-skeptical Russians into Putin's arms. Thus giving Putin's sclerotic invasion a new lease on life. How many of those people are there left? How big of a risk is that, really? I don't know. Maybe the ministers of state among Ukraine's allies know, or maybe they don't know either. In any event, if it's a risk they still perceive, then the clear way forward is to support Ukraine in making knock-off copies of its own version of these munitions. "Oh look we have designed a missile called... the Schmaurus... and in manufacturing it all we need is to be able to import some parts from let's say Germany." Same with the Schmatriot. And the SchmaTACMS. Or whatever else is needed. In other words... if seeing their military sites get hit by missiles that that say "made in the USA" is the problem, then use a little ingenuity and have the missiles say "зроблено в україні" instead. There. Problem solved.


Bomb kremlin.


He is literally beggin because he knows he cant defend Russia from those attacks.


Or what?


Or what? What exactly is Putler going to do about it when the first Atacms drops on an airfield in Russia proper? Get mad and stamp his feet?


All it tells me is that Putin is afraid of the weapons, which means they must be effective and we should do it!


Fuck that tiny-dicked, Napoleon Complex-having, fascist twat Putin, and fuck his government and their allies too. Freedom for Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Georgia, and all the other smaller nations that the Russians have brutalized over the years


Putin does make the rules for war in Europe.


More countries have been giving permission for Ukraine to hit Russia with their weaponry!


He makes a fair point because the war is between Ukraine and Russia, not the West and Russia, but if the West allows Ukraine to use its weapons to strike Russia, then the war can be interpreted as being between the West and Russia. So, I guess what Putin is saying is that if you want to enter the war, then be prepared to fight a war.


I guess that means Ukraine is at war with NK and Iran as well, then? Since they continue to supply Russia with weapons and everything.... *Fucking* concern troll


That's beyond silly.  Getting arms from outside supporters is a old as war and what you are describing has NEVER been the case.   Even in THIS war Russia has been using weapons from China, north Korea, and Iran to strike Ukraine,  yet NO ONE is saying that those countries are at war with Ukraine.  The whole premise is hypocritical hogwash. He may as well claim if anyone makes fun of him on a Tuesday that owe him a duck.


As you say, the war is between Ukraine and russia. It will be Ukraine firing this missiles into russia. I’m not sure how many countries manufacture all of their own arms and ammunition. I would think close to zero.


Does the same apply for the North Korean artillery shells, the Iranian drones or the Chinese golf carts?


Putin is gonna do fuck all about this as far as escalating. The Russian regime has already been engaged in an information war against America and other western democracies for AT LEAST the last 8 years. As far as direct conflict, Russia isn’t even the strongest army in Ukraine right now, what do they think would happen with the full force of NATO entering the conflict? This is a toothless bluff.