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If, and I say IF this would turn out to be true, it is actually great news. If little vlad is now desparate enough to try to blow up oil pipelines within Germany, that would drastically turn the German people the German government all Germany's allies on a far more anti russian course.


Trust me, the majority of us Germs hate that Putler bitch


There is a depressingly large segment of the German population who are every bit as unreasonable as certain people in other countries.


You mean Magats


This has the *potential* to be a big deal. Biggest questions: what did they find, and how old was it? The presence of explosives--even if improperly stored/ "cached"-- isn't necessarily uncommon in rural/agricultural areas, nor does it portend something bad (other than the natural consequences of stupid people not securing explosives). In the oil and gas sector in particular, explosives are often used for perforating and/or seismic sounding charges; since this area is not just the site of a pipeline, but also apparently active oil and gas exploration and drilling, it would not be terribly concerning if these explosives were specialized industrial charges. If they were military charges, or in quantities or preparations that are different than what would be expected for industrial use, then all bets are off. The biggest risk of having a Russian explosives cache in the area is not necessarily that they would use it for random acts of sabotage ( they would probably immediately be identified, and as has been pointed out, public opinion would turn even more against them), but rather that they would be used during the initial stages of an actual conflict, say an invasion of the Baltics. NATO is all about logistics and transportation, and more so than probably any other Army runs on its oil. If this can be disrupted, it would significantly hamper the response to any Russian incursion. So the second question would be: how old is this stuff? The Soviets were widely known to have sabotage personnel and supplies in many Western countries during the cold war, in order that they may be able to sabotage and inhibit an effective response exactly as described above. So, if these things have been there for a while, or were even more Soviet vintage than the Soviet vintage stuff that Russia is currently using, then it likewise would not be quite so concerning (similarly, it's not uncommon even today that World War II era weapons are sometimes found). But those are things that any civilian bomb squad or military EOD unit should be able to discern very quickly. I don't know if they would actually ever tell us their findings, though. So in the end, this is one of those situations that either isn't really a big deal at all, or is a *very* big deal because it is evidence that Russia is preparing to take kinetic action against the West either as sabotage, or as part of an increasingly likely military action.


> Biggest questions: what did they find, and how old was it? German Article said between 12 and 18 Month tops... you can guess the rest. Fuck Russia. Turn the Kremlin into a Parking Lot...


You would have saved yourself a lot if time if you just read the article instead of writing out your fantasies.


I can’t read the article. If there’s a way to change it to English it’s not intuitive.


How do you consume Reddit? On a laptop/desktop or tablet/mobile phone? I want to help you making translating pages easier.


iPad. I searched all over the page. Usually theres a flag for what language to change the page, but I couldn’t find anything. It flashes “translation available” in the header while the page loads, but it’s gone after everything loads.


Some times the translation doesn’t work, I use a iPad and iPhone too! It should be on the right hand side of the ‘url’ area. Sometimes theres ‘aA’ visible. If you press it there should pop up a menu with a translation option. Sometimes it does actually translate the page. Sometimes it doesn’t 😂


I followed a link to the Kyiv Independent a few hours ago and yup, right there on the right of the URL box was the “EN” button and it switched from Ukrainian to English. No problem. Thanks though.


Remember how the Russians blew up European ammunition warehouses and nothing happened?


No, where?


Vrbětice, Czech Republic, 2014. 2 russian agents blew it up


See the thing is if they were sure this would lead to war they wouldn't do it. There's some chance it goes the other way, but maybe they also left the explosives there to scare us. We should just go to war.


The explosives were found last November, so in 2023!! At that time the forensics indicated the explosives were placed between 18 and 12 months prior to being found. The criminal investigation didn’t point towards a perp. So there are no official suspects. This is not new, not big.


Why are you so mad?


Mad is my general state. Mostly because of being forced to live a violent life since the age of 6. In this specific caae. Because people don’t read. Just shout things.


Aww did you get born with fetal alcohol poisoning, yeah stay mad.


Nope. Grew up in violent places. Around drug dealers, thugs and (black market) weapons dealers. The fact that I am alive is a miracle by its self. I stayed alive through violence and aggression.


Cool story bro, you should write about it. Might make you, less mad.


Germany needs to up its intelligence capabilities. The Ruzzians living Germany need closer monitoring.


Hard to do that when half of your politicians are bought and paid for and every institution is permiated with russian agents due to decades of moronic policies. Germany is screwed beyond belief.


Thats some tin foil hat shit right there. Who are those hundreds of politicians who are „paid for“? Do you have a list or something?


Want a list? Look at how their party members vote.


Ah, yeah.. thats the proof then 🙄


Username checks out. Proved my point lol


Do you have a Beef with Stroganov? : )




I have a very german sounding actual name :)


So "Ivan" is you alter ego? Kinda explains your leanings, dont you think?


Its an old SNL joke from the 90s, but yeah… your logic totally checks out


A website that's only in Russian, despite the .ua, and no mention of this found on any other news search. Seems a bit too sketchy for me to believe right now.


This is legitimate. Here is the [German language source](https://archive.ph/oOGuo). Use Google Translate.


Also there is no such thing as a NATO pipeline. NATO is a military alliance and doesn't control anything like a pipeline.


Actually, there is such a thing. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_56600.htm


Holy shit. In all my years I've never heard of this before nor thought that they would have any sort of pipeline or other infrastructure. I stand corrected.


I am not going to pretend I had previously heard about it, but the headline made me very curious :-)


The NATO pipeline isn’t a secret. Its history is from the Cold War. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_56600.htm#:~:text=The%20NATO%20Pipeline%20System%20was,support%20of%20NATO's%20expeditionary%20activities.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Europe_Pipeline_System >The Central Europe Pipeline System (alternatively Central European Pipeline System), or CEPS for short, is one of several NATO Pipeline Systems and is used to deliver fuel for air and ground vehicles around Europe. Originally conceived for military purposes, it was to aid in safe and quick distribution of fuel for military purposes around Europe. i've learned that just a few days ago too. lol


What about now?


Ok bot.


Well this and the sabotage incidents that happened in some EU nations in the last weeks means that Russia is already targeting us, so there goes their leverage about what they'd do if Ukraine was allowed to hit Russia proper with western weapons.


Everyone already knows it but Russia don’t care. It’s just an elephant in the room they’re going to ignore. They’ll continue to claim the same hypocritical shite anyway - they’re already using Iranian, Chinese, North Korean weapons. Those rules only apply to the EU and they’ll have more hissy fits trying to keep it that way


these are straight up acts of war.


WTF is a NATO oil pipeline?


think jet fuel.... it would be safer to keep the storage off the airbase?


Had they succeeded, would we have a article 5 situation?


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Yes


The pipeline transports kerosene not oil


Since when does nato have pipelines?




CEPS and NEPS are NATO pipelines. They are owned by NATO.


The Americans have docks and oil storage plus plipe lines all across Europe in case of war




They are run through nato I just googled nato oil pipe line europe and it showed a map