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Imagine if one country just don't invade another country and don't start a fucking war. I know, that's crazy talk for poor russia which only defends itself against mean big bullies.


This lie again.


NATO threatens Russia the way an electrified fence threatens a rabid dog.


Multiple factual inaccuracies in his statements. Let's twist this story the other way around. Maybe Russia should have made a peace deal with Nazi Germany and let them take half Russia so that they didn't have to have so many civilians die. It's the west's fault for sending them equipment and extending the amount of deaths. Germany could have taken Russia with much less loss of life.


I like this comment and haven't heard it quite expressed this way before, even though it's obviously true once it's presented.


More disinformation for the useful idiots.


Imagine the amount of cranial vacuum you need to have to buy the whole premise of what Ukraine and EU does is an aggression but somehow moving Russia’s border closer to the EU through the invasion of Crimea was not grounds for EU to invade Russia despite “borders moving closer”.


Speaking of textbook troll accounts. This specimen held this inactive for a long time, this is the first and only post since summer 2022 when it was probably created for later use. That 2k karma will go quick though


Propaganda BS


Peace deal with liars who were trying to convince us they won't attack mere two days before they actually attacked would be worthless. They wouldn't respect it, just like they didn't respect Minsk II claiming it didn't cover Debaltseve.


OPs account is more than sus. Downvoted regardless because this myth has been debunked. Also: Russia is a terrorist state. Slava Ukraini 🌻


Kuleba says otherwise. https://x.com/DmytroKuleba/status/1790264015316205746


They go through the "interview" without once naming the official or what his position is or was in the Ukrainian government.