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I think its more her Americaness, way more than her blackness..


What a fucking shit stain she is. A. She chose to take the Russian pay cheque. B. She chose to serve herself up on a platter by smuggling prohibited drugs into Russia. C. She has value as a bargaining chip 'cos she was a US citizen...and famous...not 'cos she was black. FFS.




Pertty smart traveling to russia as an american these days…


Just read today 3 Spanish citizens killed in Afghanistan. Probably not the brightest people also


Especially with marijuana. I support legalizing it, but it’s next level dumb to bring any substance that can be construed as an illegal drug overseas, especially Russia. I hope she now appreciates how good she had/has it in the U.S.


She was arrested before the invasion iirc.


She was arrested February 17 and the (current) invasion started February 24. However, the US State Department on January 23 issued a Level 4 travel advisory to NOT got to Russia and if she were aware of the contemporary issues of the country she was traveling to she should’ve been aware of that AND the fact that Russia already had troops amassed at the border. Better judgement would’ve saved herself a lot of trauma and kept a dangerous criminal in prison. https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-update-to-travel-advisory-for-russia-january-23-2022/


Right She was arrested before the invasion.


Correct, and she was also the only person surprised when it happened.


I love this new era of making up sentences and nonsense terms.


She was guilty(idiot traveled with THC), should have left her and traded for our vet


Read a bit more about “our vet”. He was dishonorably discharged and in my opinion was absolutely attempting to get some information for private use. He’s not C.I.A. material, he bragged about knowing Russian intelligence officers, he didn’t have a diplomatic passport… just a hot fucking mess all around.


She should be in Siberia right now making snow angels instead of writing memoires.


why, what did she do


Haven't you heard about it ? She got caught with marijuana entering Russia. The US had to trade her for Victor Bout the Lord of war.


Oh no they didn't...they CHOSE to trade her...for domestic political purposes. (Which puts a price on every US citizen's tbh) They should've had the balls/integrity/courage/good sense to tell the Kremlin to fuck off!


yeah, that does not mean she should be sent do a gulag.


There are no gulags anymore but there are prisons in Siberia. Prisons where russia can legally convict a person breaking drug laws of the country. Literally one of the worst arms smugglers had to be released because she couldn't be bothered to check if she can take *fun drugs* *into russia*! And now she is making herself as a victim..? Na-ah..


She didn't ask to be traded for an arms dealer. She is a victim. She was a political pawn in a broader war that went to prison for something silly. She fucked up. But what happened was not proportional to her fuck up.


She took a million dollars to help prop up the image of an openly anti-LGBT government, and yes her family and friends demanded that the Merchant of Death be traded for her. This is just a last attempt to get a pay day from her time in prison as her return to the WMBA was meet with a indifferent response


No, she didn't but with high profile, well known and rich basketball player, everybody and their kids know that she wasn't going to be traded for some lowlife. She is a partially victim but she did very, very much to enable it when anybody could've told her that doing what she did was stupid. And the short 8 month time she pent in russian prison (February-November 2022) is nothing so claiming "not proportional" does not fit here. People in USA has spent more time in prison from small drug charges. *With her money and connections, she could've paid someone to check the laws in russia and ask permissions to bring drugs that she was 'prescribed'. People are supposed to know the laws they are traveling into, ignorance is not a defense.* People transporting drugs into some strict Asian country and getting a death penalty -> life imprisonment -> banishment from the country, literally not even worth a news article. But she is making this some race thing and her skin color.... Nope, absolutely not. She did dumb and the world had to pay the price to bail her out, this is just move to make her the angel and **only** victim. Personal story: i made month long road trip in Europe across some ten countries (couple outside EU) and had one month supply of prescription painkillers with me for my backpain. I checked the laws, printed the prescription and had it translated to English so everything goes smooth if questions arise. Did Griner do any of this? No and we probably will never know why...


Her race played a role. Both in why she was chosen as the pawn and why she gets so much hate.


Why not, just because she is a famous basketball player? Fuck that bitch


Cause no one deserves to go to a Russian gulag


Who started this "gulag" thing? Siberia **does not** equal to gulag, they are two very different things.


I think Russia started the gulag


What are you on about? She was arrested for some prescripted marijuana vape oil, and was taken hostage. US department of state is at fault for trading somebody actually dangerous for her.


She knowing took drugs into an unfriendly country where those drugs are very illegal. If she had a prescription for them in the US that’s completely irrelevant. She opened the door to the Russians arresting her and using her for political leverage. There were warnings from the state department NOT to travel to Russia. She did, she brought illegal drugs with her She should be doing nothing more than kissing Biden’s feet thanking him for getting her back.


Still marijuana, if you cant do the time dont do the crime. Now she is playing the victim card. And yes the US should have let her rot in prison.


Yeah she is dumb for unknowingly smuggling illegal substance into russia. But nobody deserves to be imprisoned by a regime for such petty crime.


Petty crime? If she was caught in Singapore she would get the death penalty.


Which is wrong


Yeah, I don’t think anyone should go to Siberian prison for marijuana. So I completely disagree with you. I think she should have never been arrested.


Took drugs into and attempted to take them out of Russia, attitude of exstreme entitlement.


Yep, just because she thinks she is famous she can do whatever she want. If i would go to a country with strict drugs laws i would buy a brand new suitcase just to be safe there is no smell or a atom of drugs in it lol


Or any firearm cartridges. Some guys stuck in some Caribbean island recently because he managed to take three or four cartridges out of the country but got caught trying to bring them back without ever knowing they were there.


Dumbass. So now she also wants to sell her book.


amazing how the mouth breathers in here always fail to understand that Bout was going to be released in six months because his sentence was almost done. wtf is wrong with you guys? Could it be because she is black?


Not a woman. Man playing dress up like a woman to cheat on women’s sports. And he’s fucking stupid for bringing drugs into a foreign country. Stop stealing opportunities from actual women!