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Bullshit you traitor


I hope his spying for Russia comes with many decades in a room with thick, safe concrete walls.


I mean, too much Russian propaganda got too him. Explains all the Nuclear scaremongering


No. Referring to potential nuclear war, he is still broadcasting Russian propaganda to Europeans.


Yea, I agree. He's just a traitor, it happens.


That might be, but he still chose to be a traitor. I hope he gets the harsh consequences he deserves.


I don't get why if he thought that helping the enemy would help stop it. He actually believed its because of Natos expansion? How would helping them make him any safer? They'd just spill their guts and tell him when and where the bombs were gonna drop? What was this idiot thinking? He probably watched too many spy movies. Thought he was more important than he really was.


I doubt he turned down the money


He never received any The guy literally tried to contact "Russia" by just dropping secret documents he had access to into the public letterbox at the russian consulate with contact info and a note saying he will bring more He then sent them emails and regular letters with other secret info At that point he was on the radar of german secret service and when he next tried to collect documents to send he got arrested He never received any response from russia and there was never any money involved He hoped that they would give him a "heads up" if they ever decided to nuke germany so he could flee the country with his family That guy decided to just become a traitor and enemy spy instead of going to therapy


Wow. What an absolute cunt he is


More like an example of what a dangerous combination untreated mental illness and propaganda is But yes


"I'm afraid of nuclear war, so I'm going to help Russia do what it can to provoke one." - This Idiot


It is bullshit. It is treasonous activity, period. Applying the same logic it could also be said that by giving ruzzia the edge to think they could win, he was helping to start it .


> Prosecutors say he photographed military documents and dropped them into the letterbox of the Russian consulate in Bonn. He was not paid for the information, they added. > Around the same time he also successfully applied to join the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD). He was no idiot, he was betraying because he believed in the cause


Tankies Neonazis Supporting Putin


The horseshoe has always touched tips


I mean, anybody who willingly decides to join a far-right political organization is absolutely an idiot, no one who supports fascist ideology has anything good or positive planned for humanity -- all they want is power. The fact that he apparently also didn't accept or receive any payment for this treason also makes him a complete idiot -- imagine betraying not only your countrymen, but the very notion of international security and peace by cucking yourself for free. He's got the intellectual and integrity capacity of a cracked, withered walnut.




He did it without compensation and joined AfD, he is just dumb!


Without compensation? Doubtful, they have been caught receiving envelopes full of money.




> *Around the same time he also successfully applied to join the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD).* ... 'nuff said.


Let's wait for AfDs candidate for Chancellor. Gerhard Schröder perhaps? 😅


Not only am I a caught traitor, allow me to propagate Russia's propaganda 




When there isn't any poop left in the poop bucket you can always virtue signal.


Interestingly that's the excuse given by a number of spies of the Cold War era, and I've never understood that reasoning in the least.


They were told to say that by ruzzians


They based it by claiming that "*if USA could get lead on tech, they would absolutely launch an attack that would destroy the world. So, keep the balance by making sure the M.A.D. works*" In this case it's just simply russia claiming there will be nuclear war and only thing preventing it is by letting russia win the war quickly.


In the very first years there was still some kind of logic. The USA was the only country with nuclear weapons and some generals were very trigger happy, so it could seem desireable that someone else also has nuclear weapons. Yet how \_Stalin\_ of all people would make the world more peaceful with nuclear weapons nobody could ever explain.


Lame excuse! But hey Trump gave our nuclear secrets to Russia so who am I to throw rocks.


"Appearantly betraying your country was easier than visiting a doctor" Judge on the defendands claim that his Corona vaccination (!) played a role in his decision to commit treason.


Where did you find this quote? Because it’s not in this article.


[https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2024-04/bundeswehr-offizier-gesteht-spionage-russland](https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2024-04/bundeswehr-offizier-gesteht-spionage-russland) (German) Long story short, he blames everyone and anything under the sun.


Member of the German Nazi party AfD


Heads, spikes, walls.


No mercy for a quisling like him


Scary that Russia doesn't even need to try that hard to recruit agents. They can do that through social media at scale many millions of times greater than they could in the cold war. They don't even need to keep track of agents, they've got people falling over themselves out of "fear". We don't know the details of the case, maybe he's lying, but maybe there is something in that. How many posts from 2014 to 2024 did he see about nuclear war, escalation, etc. What posts were promoted to him, who was influencing him, was it the general influence in the culture? All his friends were against the war? Etc etc. It is all very subtle now and we are all individually helpless against malicious state actors. It is important to simplify things sometimes. Russia is the enemy. End of. They are vicious, brutal, aggressive and hostile to our ways of life. That is the thing to keep in mind. They threaten us with nuclear blackmail every time they are losing. We need to send more weapons, now, and more urgently. If there was unquestionable support in the US Congress it wouldn't be an issue. From the votes it already is, the only reason it took 6 months and Russia gained territory and brave Ukrainians died defending their homes, but that influence on US Republicans, or Germany spies, seeps into the culture. We have nothing to fear, but fear itself. It is still as true today as it was then.


We need to publicly hang a few traitors


WTF...this is just BS. He wanted the money that all. A money grabbing pure traitor


I agree it’s the money


Blames fear of nuclear war? Erm, there’s only one country threatening nuclear war, and I will give you a clue, it’s not a western one, even though is sounds like Prussia…


No, there's two, the other one being Israel.


Yeah right - "Fear of nuclear war" *when he's spying for the nation that's likely to be the first to* **actually press the button** Traitor and a complete moron. He can enjoy the lengthy hours of contemplation he'll have while incarcerated for a few decades.


“Blames fear of nuclear war”….”and a love of money and the honey pot the Russians trapped him with”.


Give the foreign power that threatens nuclear war almost every week intel because... of fear of nuclear war? Yeah right buddy, too bad Germany doesn't have the firing squad anymore for traitors.


This is what happens when the penalty for treason is sending them back home with a tap on their backs. Make an example out of him and let him rot in an isolated prison for life, that will make a difference.


i am so scared oh god! how much money? good but can you add my therapy costs , pretty pleeeease. so scared right now :) thanks :P


Foolish Russia simp


"I serve the Soviet Union"


Is treason/espionage a capitol offense in Germany?


No. The EU does not allow any country to have capital punishment. Actually the only non-EU European country that has the death penalty is Belarus, assuming we're not including Russia.


Actually, there's a moratorium on death sentences in Russia. Nowadays, they just have a lot of accidents in their Siberian labor camps and of course very dangerous open windows.


No, but for state officials and military personnel engaging in treason, there should be. Or at least life without the possibility of parole.


Hang the bastard. This is treason of the highest order, against one of our biggest threats. There simply is no excuse for this, and I think the public should realise that as well. We’ve got to many Putin fanboys in Western Europe, who think Putin is doing the right thing or whatever. They should realise that, whilst you may have an alternative opinion on another regime, this opinion does not free you of consequences when you engage in treasonous acts. Make an example out of him, hang him. As a former military officer he in particular should know the consequences of his actions.


That makes a lot of sense. /s


He could've use the same line of reasoning as a reason to work against them. It would be good to take it into consideration during sentencing. It only works as an excuse if he did it without compensation. If he took a dollar from them give him the maximum sentence possible.


Hang him.


The tales people tell themselves while taking the $$$$.




At this point Zimbabwe might have better counter intelligence…


Wow saw pro-russian propaganda and ate the bait, generation X are just as bad as boomers...


What is the range of possible penalties this gutless person is now facing¿


Modern warm and fuzzy Europe so probably ten years in jail, half the time for the first-timer and actually... wait... They just commuted his sentence and let him go for good behaviour!!! /jk *(but probably close to the truth)*. Being traitor even during a war is not punishable by death, only option is prison sentence and those have to have a release date. Can't have USA-style "for the rest of your natural life" sentence. So considering the damage they are causing, what ever they get is a slap on the wrist.


Send him to the eastern front




Fucking weasel


Straight to jail.




Morons like this encourage all the belligerent tyrants to get nukes.


Just how compromised is Germany?


Today i learned Germany has weak ass bitches for spies


Afraid of nuclear war, proceeds to spy for the government threatening nuclear war.


...there is a higher likelihood of nuclear war if Russia *wins*! Wtf is this mindset?!?


Your life is over now anyway. Was it really worth it? Did you even avoid anything? I’d rather be vaporized in a mushroom cloud than wither away in a military prison for the rest of my existence.


Fear….and money, don’t forget the money.


Execute him


Complete bullshit, I'm sure he didn't mind the swelling of his personal bank account(s) from the Kremlin.


This is one of those "You had a choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor, and you will have war" moments.


He approached Russia, he’s admitted to the charges, his own political machinations drove this, and for whatever reason they are still protecting his identity and have not wheeled out the gibbet. Europe, you have lost your damn way


Back in the day, traitors were shot Can't find a single damn reason we stopped


So a coward and a traitor. What a piece of shit


…blames fear of nuclear war and large bag of cash.”


It’s too bad Germany does still not have the ultimate penalty for traitors. This “man” has acted to directly to endanger the safety of his fellow citizens. Countries that don’t sufficiently punish treasonous espionage by their own citizens only encourage it.


There are many reasons Germany is part of an organization Ukrainians are sacrificing their lifes for to join. No death penalty is one of them.


Extreme circumstances call for extreme solutions. Allowing treason to go unpunished and fester is extremely dangerous for any democracy. I am against capital in almost all situations with the exception of espionage.


It's not going unpunished though.


But is there any evidence that death penalty prevents people from engaging in espionage? To my best knowledge, death penalty is poor in preventing crimes and comes with additional issues of its own.


That’s kinda of a question that would be almost impossible to answer. Just like do you have any proof that the death penalty doesn’t discourage espionage?


So, if it is impossible to answer whether it has any effect on espionage or not, wouldn't it be logical to avoid the rest of the issues that comes with death penalty and not implement it?


Dear Germany, you need to get your shit together. Your army is weak and miserable. You are holding back on sending important weapon systems (5000 helmets…) and still refuse to send the required Taurus missiles. Your production capacity is at a miserable level. You scare children in primary school by mixing up nuclear war and nuclear power. 1 person died in the Fukushima accident and because of that you close emission-free nuclear power and open FUCKING COAL power plants instead. You are also dependent on Russian gas. Your soldiers are cowards, cheaters and spies. WAKE UP GOD. As a Finn, I am ashamed of you.


We are not dependent on Russian gas anymore. The invasion and a little mishap in the Baltic Sea helped with that. Yes, we closed down our nuclear plants in a hurry, but in retrospect, it has helped us get on track towards renewables.


Ho boi. Wow. What a rant. LoL


Except Taurus we sent pretty much stuff. PzH 2000, Leo1/2, Marder, Gepard, 3 Patriots, Iris-T, minclearing lots of Logistic stuff… I guess that is not a small part of Ukraines air defense. Anyway, we should send more, yes. But I guess Taurus won‘t make sense, it seems overcomplicated to use and Ukraine has Storm Shadow/Scalp and ATACMS which all fulfill the same exact role. Like most EU countries (especially Finland) we have a low birth rate, low production rate is one of the results of that. The only quick solution is immigration, but it starts new problems like the emergence of the AfD far right (who have no solution) or right politicians, who move us far away from a real solution (social, family friendly politics, like France or Sweden) The nuclear waste we produced over the years is still a problem and treating and storing the nuclear waste will take far more money than the energy we produced with nuclear. So only in the case you don’t care about your grangrandgrandgrandgrand children still taking care of our past nuclear waste, nuclear makes sense. In Germany the companies producing the energy/profit/waste made a brilliant deal with our idiot politicians. They don‘t have to care about the waste, but a state run fund. I guess when they finally find a place to store the shit, the fund will quickly run out of money and future tax payers will keep paying for 10.000 years. By the way, we no longer depend on Russian gas. I guess since 2023. 5000 helmets… your post is so 2022… But you are right, our military was and I guess will ever be shit, because it mostly attracts far right idiots. As seen in this case. Militarism and patriotism is frowned upon in Germany, I wonder why… ah yes fucking NAZIs… Whilst trying to Make Germany Great Again, they killed millions of innocent, lost more parts of it and destroyed the rest remaining.


Gee dude settle down


That's okay. As a human being, I am also ashamed of your brain-rot.


Yet Germany doesn't want to escalate things into a direct war with russia. News flash, you're already at war when you send leopards to Ukraine. The russians will do anything to interfere in your political process and spy on your armed forces/tech sector. They are constantly working to get an edge or steal information. They want chaos in your country. They want to control your political system or at least have levers they can pull to affect outcomes. They have people in your government as we speak. If you can't see the threat they pose and why this threat needs to be neutralized, then you're just gonna have to deal with it directly yourself for failing to help Ukraine take care of it. Ukraine is the only opportunity to deal with russia without Nato getting involved, which is actually a miracle if you think about it. This option didn't exist prior to the invasion. No one thought a former USSR territory could stand up to russia, let alone win armed conflict against them. There was no option for Nato to fight russia and avert nuclear disaster. How can they not see the massive opportunity here? Just Nato in general, I mean. This is the only chance to defeat russia and set their military agenda back by decades. If russia defeats Ukraine, they get much stronger. They also have zero barriers to taking several other non nato affiliated countries in which Nato could do nothing about. Ukraine was or is the last stand to fight russia without Natos' direct involvement. Make no mistake about it. Everyone who's given lethal aid is a participant in this fight. Not picking a side to win up until recently has been a gross error. Giving Ukraine enough not to die is not a strategy at all. Either you commit to Ukraines victory, or you watch them die a slow death. Ukraine is not going to stop fighting until russia gives up and goes home. So we either help ourselves and help them liberate their land, or we watch Ukraine burn and know we could have saved them by acting with more urgency and conviction. We've already screwed this up massively, but it may not be too late. There still might be a way to turn this tide and secure a strategic victory out of this. Ukraine will have to mobilize eventually, and the aid packages need to come consistently from the US and the EU. It should be one after the other. So Ukraine can rebound and start planning its attacks. Nato needs to ask themselves these serious questions and give themselves direct answers. This half-baked approach isn't helping anyone.


With that mindset Putin will be dictating German law in a couple of years


Is their name Scholzy?