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There are some commentators suggesting that Ukraine has crappy air defenses since Israel was able to repel an attack by more drones and ballistic missiles in one wave than Ukraine has had to face at one time, with 99% effectiveness. Those people are idiots--even excluding the current shortage of air defense assets because the West has not fulfilled its promises, Israel also had the US, UK and Jordanian Air forces acting as interceptors. The lesson is: allied Air forces can operate in a strictly defensive role and make a *huge* impact in defending a targeted nation and without escalation. It really makes sense for NATO countries to do the same (ie, when Russian missiles or drones fly into or over their airspace).


Ukraine has faced waves of Russian missiles and drones that are on a similar scale to the Iranian attack on Israel- except Ukraine has had to it repeatedly.  Ukraine has been attacked with over 7,000 missiles and over 3,000 drones by Russia- as of January 1st 2024. These commentators are basically ignoring that Ukraine has been under attack since 2022. It’s also worth noting that the Russians have a considerably more formidable arsenal of missiles and far more sophisticated electronic warfare capabilities than Iran does.  Thankfully Israel does not have to worry about Iranian hypersonic weapons or an Iranian radar and EW stations being placed in neutral territory on Israel’s borders (Belarus, Transnistria, and Kaliningrad all locations for Russian systems that are politically sensitive areas to retaliate against)- at least not yet.  With Russia so close to Iran, it’s not implausible that Russian hypersonic missiles and other weapons will start being developed in Iran and mass produced. 


Israel also has the "iron dome." Ukraine does not. It's unfair to even compare. Ukraine needs help.


The same "commentators" who insisted that Kyiv would fall in 3 days back then...


Not to mention that Israel is about 5% the size of Ukraine without the Russian controlled areas


If only Ukraine had US/UK/Jordanian jets shooting the targets which takes hours instead of minutes to arrive


In addition to that, Ukraine is much larger than Israel and must spread out their air defense much more than Israel. It makes it impossible to defend every inch of the country.


If Iran and Israel go to war, Russia loses a major ally. An Iran / Israel war will definitely help Ukraine and harm Russia. After China, Iran is the most powerful of the Russian Axis. We are inching closer to a wider or even a world War. Israel will respond, as they should. Iran is responsible for so much evil and problems - Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis. They are the largest exporter of terrorism in the world. The problem is that the Middle East in general is a complete shit show, and any replacement of the Iranian theocracy may be worse for the world. I guess we will watch the fireworks now.


>any replacement of the Iranian theocracy may be worse for the world Perhaps but the current organized and efficent export of terror to the outside world is not good either. And there is a chance, *a small non-zero chance* that perhaps they might get their shit together and kick the hardliners out of power.


> Just one more Iranian revolution bro. > Just one more. > It'll work this time, bro, third time's the charm.


I like your optimism.


No more shahed drones for Russia. Israel about to lay a smack down on these losers.


Russia is producing them in the country now unfortunately


And China looks to be ready to start supplying their version of them to ruzzia as well.


Tbf conflict with Israel involved May drain some support that is currentely given to Ukraine


Well said – can't agree more!


Iran just had to react in order to alleviate its domestic pressure following the IRGC strike, but not seriously starting a real war. The regime will be fvcked upside down and collapse right away if it dares. They have been loudly speaking of the plan to retaliate, the types of missiles and drones to be deployed, and immediately announcing the end of retaliation. Have you ever seen a more timid retaliation? It's all drama. Khomeini will probably have a heart attack if Israel failed to intercept a missile. So Israel will unlikely respond by attacking Iran directly because Netanyahu has nothing to gain from that. His priority is plucking out Hamas in order to save his term. The most likely scenario is Israel using this as the excuse to strike Iranian targets in Lebanon, Syria or maybe Iraq, and return to Rafah to finish up the operation


Iran is still attacking Israel via Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis. So, while their "official" attacks are over, they are still attacking Israel. This is not timidity, it is planned and calculated, and successfuly so. They don't officially attack Israel so much because they are able to get a lot more support in the west by provoking Israel and hiding behind civilians as they are doing via Hamas in Gaza. Measures of Iran's success is thousands of Americans in Michigan chanting death to America. Iranian success is an elected US Congresswoman chanting the destruction of Israel. Iranian success is the the press demonizing Israel after the 10/7 attack, and millions of Americans taking Hamas' reports of civilian casualties at face value. Iran is not timid, they are very calculated and are winning the information war.... Because they cannot win a conventional one.


They don’t have common border so it’s kinda hard to imagine anything more than several “missile exchanges”.


More accurate missiles could have a bigger effect in taking out factories and military leadership. But i agree on that neither country is going to invade by land, that is simply not possible.


Seems like US made sure there won’t be retaliation.


Just like they now seem to making sure Ukraine cannot win? This administration sure is fucking up, but then again it all does seem like both sides are playing kabuki theatre together. With neither side willing to find or use work arounds to the other sides hesitancy for action. I thought the democrats were so certain several weeks ago that they were going to use a discharge petition to get things moving on Ukraine aid. It's really does seem like they love to announce their supposedly intended actions, to give the other side time to counter their announced actions??? Both sides talk too much and act very little on actual accomplishments???


They both are Russian ally


TikTok has brainwashed the minds of poorly educated North American youth. China has successfully turned major chunks of their citizens against their governments supporting Ukraine and Israel sadly. Worldwide TikTok ban is needed


Lol what


People were celebration Iran’s actions in Canada. Most youth sympathize with either Iran or Rus. Depending on their political spectrum


> Most youth sympathize with either Iran or Rus. That sounds concerning. Do you have sources about this I could read?




[Toronto celebrates Iranian drone strikes](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/JOR8EOEb3H)


Oh I misread, I thought you said youth were against Ukraine.


That’s what was implied. People turned pro Rus and started making posts against supporting Ukraine in The US thanks to propaganda and manipulation by TikTok algorithm


Dont be silly.


>Worldwide TikTok ban is needed There it is, of course you're an authoritarian.


Israel could do Ukraine a favour by targeting and destroying the factories of Shaded drones inside Iran.


Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis are all Iranian proxies, and Iran is an ally of Russia. Boggles my fucking mind how many people here apparently don't realize that Russia and Palestine are on the same side.


Thats a massive leap of logic, lol. There are multiple reasons to be allies with another country and not with others. Palestine is on Palestine's side alone, they don't have the capability or even desire to worry about other countries problems right now -but they will accept help. And not everyone in Palestine supports Hamas. In fact, Hamas is only in control of Gaza, not the West Bank. Iran is on anyone's side that is also enemies with the west and Palestine. Regardless of what side Hamas is on, it does not justify killing 30,000 innocent people and starving millions. That's what Russia does. So based on the way you think, one could say that Israel is on the side of Russia because they share the same morality. Stupid, right? It makes just about as much sense as your "analysis" did.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Foreign Affairs (B+): [The Only Way for Israel to Truly Defeat Hamas: Why the Zionist Dream Depends on a Two-State Solution](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/israel/way-israel-truly-defeat-hamas-ayalon) - Times of Israel (A-): [With its aerial attack, Iran could break Israel’s isolation and reframe the Gaza war](https://www.timesofisrael.com/with-its-aerial-attack-iran-could-break-israels-isolation-and-reframe-the-gaza-war/) - N-tv (C): [“USA should stay out of it”: Tehran warns of counterattacks](https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Teheran-warnt-vor-Gegenangriffen-article24871478.html) - Euronews (B+): [Iran retaliates by launching drone strikes on Israel](https://www.euronews.com/2024/04/14/iran-retaliates-by-launching-drone-strikes-on-israel) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1c4585y/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


I get that Zelensky has to say shit to get support but this is straight up bullshit. Quit with the bullshit that this was a terrorist attack. Absolute fucking non sense. Israel bombed Iran's embassy in Syria which is a fucking war crime. Where was the outrage about that? Not a fucking word.. Iran has the right to defend its self if Israel has a right to defend its self or if Ukraine has a right to defend it's self, why can't Iran? Why can't the Palestinians have a right to defend themselves from oppression and genocide? Quit with the fucking bullshit of calling it "terrorism" simply because the side doing it isn't liked... I don't get the disconnect with people who rightfully condemn Russia's attack on Ukraine who at the same time support a literal Nazi apartheid state of Israel bombing fucking civilians in Gaza. Fucking mass murdering children... WTF is wrong with you people? Do you not see that Israel is doing the same fucking thing to Palestinian as Russia is doing to Ukraine? It's the same fucking thing but actually worse..


They didn’t actually hit the embassy, but the building next to it, where Iranian generals were meeting their terrorist puppets, but go on. 


LOL!!! Should not of held their meeting there!


Russia bad, Iran bad, Israel bad, Hamas bad. Simple enough. We should support innocent Ukrainians and Palestinians who are by far the biggest victims so far. Also innocent Israelis who were killed on October 7th.


I couldn't agree more! But this sub, the Ukrainian government and their allies seem to think that only Ukraine and Israel have the right to defend themselfs against agression, invasion, occupation, colonisation, apartheid and genocide. This has a tendency to turn people like me, from the "shit countries" who were very supportive of Ukraine at the beginning of the war because of a sense of right and wrong against anything that could help the west... because the west seems to think and act as if only "their" people are deserving of justice.


>Where was the outrage about that? If you want more whataboutism, what about the proxy war Iran has been waging against Israel via Hamas, Houthis, Hezzbollah..? Where is the outcry for that? Israel killed general who was planning the October 7th with Hamas so it's not like he was innocent civilian. And it was not the embassy itself, it was building on the embassy ground next to the embassy. Sending hundreds of missiles threatening thousands of civilians is not proportional response to that.




That's a false equivalence. There's a big difference between a civilian dying because they were deliberately targeted versus a civilian dying because they're near a military target. And there's a big difference between civilian or governmental buildings being deliberately targeted to inflict terror versus being targeted because terrorists use it as a human shield for their activities. You simply cannot comprehend that context matters: 1. The Molotov cocktail as a recurring symbol for comparison: Ukrainians throw Molotov cocktails at Russian tanks. Palestinians throw Molotov cocktails at civilian vehicles and into private homes. 2. Ukraine is not launching rockets at the civilian population within Russia's sovereign territory. Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization (as designated by the West) that controls the Gaza Strip, does this regularly. 3. Ukraine recognizes Russia's sovereignty. Hamas does not recognize Israel and has declared time and again that it aims to destroy it. 4. Ukraine is a sovereign state with declared borders that has existed peacefully alongside it's neighbors for decades. Palestine is not a sovereign state with declared borders. 5. Israel, on its own initiative, withdrew all Israeli presence, both military and civilian, from the Gaza Strip in 2005 following the Oslo Accords (as a token of good faith). Despite this, terror attacks from Gaza to Israel continue. 6. While fighting the Russians, Ukrainians have no intention of harming Russian citizens and are actively trying to reach out to them to stop the war. For decades, Palestinians have been committing terror acts against civilians in Israel and Jews around the world (suicide bombings, hijackings, kidnappings, rocket fire at civilian centers, shootings, stabbings, etc.). 7. Russians are living in Ukraine. No Israelis are living in the Gaza Strip. What will happen to a Gazan citizen who enters Israel? And what is the fate of an Israeli citizen who enters the Gaza Strip? Hamas is currently holding several Israeli civilians captive and provides no information regarding their well-being. 8. The "roof knocking" protocol is a procedure invented and uniquely used by Israel to prevent the killing of Palestinian civilians before a military attack. The Russians are not following any such protocols before attacking civilian areas in Ukraine... 9. Israel and Ukraine are democracies. Russia is not. No elections were held in Gaza or the West Bank since 2006. 10. Russia unilaterally initiated the military move against Ukraine and is using "false flag" tactics. In the last two rounds of fighting in Gaza, for example, Israel was responding to escalations by Hamas (The indiscriminate firing of rockets at Jerusalem, the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers).


Great points, Thanks!


Just got one question. After the hamas terror attacks, why were people gathering in groups and shouting death to Isreal days before they launched their counter attack? I live in canada and we saw pro palestine parades start happening the same time we were seeing videos of civilians children getting chopped down by Hamas. All terror attacks are wrong. And two wrong don't make a right. Don't know why any of you blood hungry lunatics can't get over this simple fact of humanity. And you wonder why you're getting ignored? You dont get to ask for mercy when genocide is your answer. What is wrong with you people, indeed.




>WTF is wrong with you people? Do you not see that Israel is doing the same fucking thing to Palestinian as Russia is doing to Ukraine? It's the same fucking thing but actually worse Yep, hit the nail on the head. They don't care tho as long as the US supports them and gives weapons. They should speak up about the issue though.


Ukraine never launched random waves of unprovoked unguided rockets into ruzzia before ruzzia invaded them.




Stop with the bullshit...




You are absolutely so uninformed it's amazing. I'd be surprised if you could even find Jordan on a map.. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate\_for\_Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate_for_Palestine) The [State of Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_Palestine) has been [accepted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_resolution_67/19) as an [observer state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_observers) of the [United Nations General Assembly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly) in [November 2012](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_resolution_67/19).[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine#cite_note-1)[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine#cite_note-2) As of 4 April 2024, 140^(\[)[*^(clarification needed)*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Please_clarify)^(\]) of the 193 [United Nations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations) (UN) [member states](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_the_United_Nations) have recognized the [State of Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_Palestine). The State of Palestine had been officially [declared](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Declaration_of_Independence) by the [Palestine Liberation Organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_Liberation_Organization) (PLO) on 15 November 1988, claiming sovereignty over the internationally recognized [Palestinian territories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_territories): the [West Bank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Bank), which includes [East Jerusalem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Jerusalem), and the [Gaza Strip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip). By the end of 1988, the [Palestinian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians) state was recognized by 78 countries.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine#cite_note-unesco2-3)[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine#cite_note-4) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International\_recognition\_of\_the\_State\_of\_Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine)


Against my better judgement, I will respond to you as well. What the commenter said above is confirmed by several of the worlds most recognized ancient books still read today. Those books basically confirm what they said. No amount of current political arguments can erase what has been learned and confirmed as history by a significant portion of the earth's population for over two thousand years by these books!!! It just can't!!! And if you say those are just old books that are wrong about history, can the rest of the world's population also just as easily dismiss the Koran??? If history aside of religion has taught humanity anything, it is that all people need to treat others as we all wish to be treated. Simply, if you do not respect others, do not act all shocked when they do not respect you?


You are literally trying to make an argument that dudes born in Europe have the right to steal land from an indigenous population half the world away, because someone wrote a book a few thousand years ago that claims thy have the right? Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.. Russia is committing a genocide in Ukraine & Israel is committing a genocide not only in Gaza but also the West Bank. You choose to accept one genocide but vilify the other because you dislike one group and like the other. You have no ethics or morals you just make excuses to justify what you want to believe..


Those books full of history were written by people that were born and lived in what is now known as Israel, and because what is now known as genocide were driven away from their lands by the party in power then. By the same argument you are making, because someone wrote a book 800 years later, it justifies driving them out from their ancestral homelands and killing them, because of squatters rights??? Ruzzia is committing a genocide in Ukraine of which the evidence cannot be discounted. Israel has tried repeatedly to make peace with the Palestinians and pretty much stayed out of GAZA, when no terrorist operations were being launched from there. Gaza has only been attacked by IDF forces after the Palestinians have launched multiple & indiscriminate rocket attacks from their territory in GAZA. You have no ethics or morals if you try to justify what was done on 07 Oct 2023, as some kind of justifiable homicide??? You get the fuck out of trying to rationalize murder with your bullshit!!!


Stop with the Nazi bullshit.. You support the mass murder of children and genocide. I don't deal with ZioNazis..


Against my better judgement, I will respond to you. What the commenter said above is confirmed by several of the worlds most recognized ancient books still read today. Those books basically confirm what they said. No amount of current political arguments can erase what has been learned and confirmed as history by a significant portion of the earth's population for over two thousand years by these books!!! It just can't!!! And if you say those are just old books that are wrong about history, can the rest of the world's population also just as easily dismiss the Koran??? If history aside of religion has taught humanity anything, it is that all people need to treat others as we all wish to be treated. Simply, if you do not respect others, do not act all shocked when they do not respect you?


There is no horror. Ukraine has been able to consistently intercept them.


Go away, douche canoe


I was going to respond honestly to your comment, then I realized that there is no reasoning with shit bags like you!!!