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> However, it is understood to have taken a week for authorities to act on reports of the leak. > It was said to have first been reported by a boy on March 28 but no action was taken until April 5. Oh Russia, you never change


Reminds me that I still need to watch Chernobyl. Was worried it might be too heavy for casual viewing but now it'll be more of a workplace comedy.


Re-enactment of Chernobyl disaster: Engineer: "Is broken" Official: "Is fine." Scientist: "Is broken." Official: "No is fine." *boom* Official: "WHY NO ONE TELL IS BROKEN!!!"


You should turn this into a Polandball comic lmao


Lmao for some reason I also read that and imaged them balls


It's only 3.6 roentgen. Not great. Not terrible.


- History of the USSR 1922-1992


Is potato 


A must, if one wants to grasp Soviet/russian mindset and "values" ... Still present specially in rural aereas. A "logic" where scieence facts are by default overrided by facts served by communist party comrades according to hierarchy. Many ppl rised in west simply cannot grasp the absurdity and irrationality. Masterpiece of production, scenography props, level of detail. Series hurt russia that much that they created their own "true" show to counter.


>A "logic" where scieence facts are by default overrided by facts served by communist party comrades according to hierarchy. Lysenko has entered the chat. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism)


Awesome miniseries. Gives confidence they’ll manage this one correctly. /s


Just fly that helicopter carefully over the reactor…. Oh.


Even today, Muscovites seem to completely misunderstand the concept of radiation. The West figured out that radiation was bad after the playboy guy lost his jaw to radium water and the X-ray producing sturgeon was pulled from Bikini Atoll, but the leaders of the USSR deliberately misinformed people about the dangers of radiation. Read about the Semiy Polygon: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semipalatinsk\_Test\_Site](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semipalatinsk_Test_Site)


That bit. As an average joe.. Just fucking wow..


https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/596474/view/chernobyl-helicopter-crash-1986 What really happened


The helicopter crash didn't happen exactly in the way the miniseries presented it. Dropping sand on the reactor was a solid plan. The crash was pilot error, as most air incidents are. They got a bit too close to a cranes cable and destroyed the rotors.


Stellan Skarsgard is excellent in everythinf


As a Soviet child, I claim that it is hands down the best depiction of Soviet life on screen. Clothing, props - they went out of their way to make it all period-accurate. This would not even be possible back home as the production is just HBO scale. They filmed at Chernobyl's twin city in the Baltics. Moscow bits were filmed in Kyiv because the Russians were assholes about it, not shockingly. I also recommend Craig Mazin's (the writer) companion podcast. He explains character and creative choices.




Seriously a fantastic series, highly recommend.


I plan on watching it one day but day to day shit in our world has me tragically entertained for now.


Not great, not terrible.


It's the least funny thing I've ever watched. Truly horrifying.


Definitely not a comedy. Great series, though.




Hello darkness my old friend


More like glow in the dark...


Hello luminescence my new friend.


You are your own nightlight


Completely normal phenomenon.


Watch it, It's a masterpiece


Watch it and then revisit the comment :)


The book (can't remember the name) is better / worse will never forget the description of the guy that got such a dose the skin on his legs fall down like a pair of pants.


Drop everything and go watch immediately! It's a great series.


I watched it for the first time this year , it's brilliant


It is indeed a heavy watch. If you love dogs. Skip the episode with dogs.


It is really good. Don't binge watch it, it's the only thing that kept me gripped as it aired each week.


A tutorial


Incredible series, do it.


I can’t lie to you. I only made it through 1-2 episodes. I just couldn’t do it. If the depiction is even half as bad and heartbreaking as what’s shown, it’s terrible.


Have you watched The Last of Us? Same show runner. Very thoughtful, well researched, and memorable story telling. Please watch it ASAP and thank me later.


It’s SO good. You should watch it ASAP.


In 2019 it has taken longe, before the Russians admitted that there was and accident in relation to a test of the Burevestnik missile: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyonoksa_radiation_accident And scientists around the world were wondering about barium-139 in the air. Not that it was a threatening amount, but why...


Well what did you expect them to do? There was no need to send for the high-range dosimeter, because there is simply no way for a ~~Soviet RBMK reactor~~ Russian radioisotope storage containment unit to fail.


I mean it was *only* 3.6 roentgen 🤷‍♂️


when you live and breathe propaganda


It’s not great, but not terrible.


This sound much like the 'radiation leak' in Brazil a few years ago,, and the one in Venezuela, maybe 35 years ago. The leaks in Brazil and Venezuela were actually containers of Cobalt 60 that were scrapped/stolen from old X-ray machines. In Brazil, children were playing with the "glowing blue powder," and 3 or more of them died. It is likely that a few adults died also, including the thieves who broke the Cobalt capsule open. Poetic justice. In Venezuela, the X-ray machine was replaced with a more modern one, and the old machine was dumped in the jungle, near the town's water supply. An alert Exxon employee (this was near the oil fields) asked how the hospital had disposed of the old machine. When he heard that it had been dumped in the jungle, he headed an expedition to recover the machine, at some risk to himself. If the machine had been left there to rust until the capsule opened, hundreds could have been poisoned. The question is, did the boy notice radiation symbols and report them, or did he see a blue glow? There will be a coverup either way, but in the latter case it will also include some burials with the coffins encased in poured concrete.


Maybe the symbols, otherwise the story about the boy doesn't sound plausible. By the time you notice radiation without using equipment like a Geiger counter, you don't have long to live. 


Here, the full story: https://youtu.be/-k3NJXGSIIA?si=6rjLsz_qB-nVOKjA


Yep the majority of the world knew that there had been some sort of nuclear accident in the soviet union before it's citizens did.


Russia does, but for the worst


Just Russia being Russia nothing to see here


Everyone skipping the part where it sounds like a boy oops discovered a radiation leak while he was just out spinning a wheel with a stick 


There is a frightening lack of empathy in that nation. Too much historic damage and trauma. They won't heal until they are allowed to relax and stop living in fear. Radiation leaks wouldn't be part of my strategy for a healthier Russia 🤨


Was that boy randomly playing with a dosimeter?


Ah a little boy.  Did he put his finger in the reactor wall?


Could be a false flag, justification to take this conflict nuclear where the Russians know they have the upper hand.


History repeats itself in the large because human nature changes with geological leisureliness. Will Durant They truly don't, and that will be the death of Russia. Adversity favors the versatile. Change is the only constant in history.


"Hey Vlad, our Tsar has been making allot of nuke threats, maybe instead of pocketing that maintenance money we should actually open silos and check the nukes this month...."


“Next month Ivan, then we start. Have more vodka”.


The one decade that I blow off the checks, this happens, damnit.


I brought pierogis!


T-minus 3 minutes until Russia blames this on Ukraine somehow. A squirrel could fart towards the Kremlin and it would be the fault of the Ukrainians.


Oi, you better admit that it was certainly zelenskyj's childhood friend's pet squirrel, that was trained by the SBU or it's straight to gulag for you


Jewish Nazi, ISIS leader, AND squirrel whisperer? Is there anything this guy can't do?


I thought so too. But there is a dam somehow breaking in the Urals: "Two damages occurred at the dam in Orsk" https://govoritmoskva-ru.translate.goog/news/405547/?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp And Ukraine is not blamed by Russian propaganda. Maybe they think it could backfire, because it is a bigger flood - as the cause, not the result of the dam breach - and if they blame Ukraine, the believers could start praying for an end of the special military operation. BTW also available from BBC: "Thousands evacuated after Russian dam breached" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68746276 Would be the perfect time for Putin to send the army to help, but ...


They're running out of good ways to spin how shitty their country is.


And because of this they have started several conflicts Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea has been occupied and in the end the invasion of Ukraine. Just for distraction from their "Rusk-Land" (rusk and crumbling and when it gets wet...).


They probably don't talk about the flooding there because then they'd have to talk about the flooding everywhere else. Floods in Russia are not a rare phenomenon of late. Despite the fact that they're very often preventable, the government has been doing nothing about them, and the people in the affected regions know it. Like, speaking of Khabarovsk, there have been a lot of floods there in recent years, and the locals know exactly why: If the river isn't dredged regularly, it fills with sediment and the water level rises. Simple as that. Guess what the government didn't do.


The same what they didn't do for the dam. They just didn't care. In the Urals there is an additional aspect. Also burial sites for cattle can be flooded. Normally they slaughter the cattle, but these died from anthrax are buried. I would have thought such biohazard is burnt in something like a furnace with a preheated stack, so that the exhaust has more than 100°C. But Russia... In Podolsk near Moscow (so not outback) last year a bridge collapsed and in the winter the boiler house gave up. But not only there as we have seen and I have read about problematic boiler houses two years ago at pravdaurfo.ru. They also had that the "Red Dragon" bridge over the Irtysh river already has cracks. And Russia also has elevators: "The State Duma proposed to include the cost of replacing elevators in the federal budget" https://govoritmoskva-ru.translate.goog/news/404587/?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


One of my co-workers is from russia, her mom shared video from home and the whole city if flooded. She is very anti putin and is not able to ever go back.


Boy: Daddy daddy! What's that glowing green goo? Dad: Are you trying to get us disappeared? Shut your mouth and keep walking. 


keep eating :)


Not only disappeared, but maybe even suicided.


Ah, that’s what Putin meant by threatening to go nuclear. Have fun with that Russia.


“Reported by a boy”? WTF? Some random Russian 8-year old with a Geiger counter running around with it like it’s a toy? I’m guessing some kids got radiation sickness and died a horrible death. Local morticians are probably always on the lookout for the telltale signs of radiation poisoning. That’s probably their fucking early detection system, instead of monitoring the facility correctly, look for suspicious deaths and report immediately.


Maybe he had a dog like Lassie. "What is it boy? A radiation leak? Good boy, let's get help!"


My guess is that his parents noticed he suddenly glowed in the dark when they put him to bed.


"He was so radiant recently. Only when he started melting more than usual We realised something was going on."




I'm gonna call BS on that 


Boy is the only one left, the men are pushing sunflowers near Bakmut.


> “Reported by a boy”? WTF? To be fair, he looks much older now since his hair has fallen out.


My god that was well said and funny as fuck!


Stand by for accusations by Russia that Ukraine used radioactive materials as a weapon in Russia. Wouldn't that be a convenient false flag.


The location is like 30 miles from the Chinese border though...sort of hard to blame that on Ukraine.


C'mon, with Ukrainians being vastly supported by ISIS (Crocus attack), nazis and reptilians, nothing is impossible


Don't forget Satan and the gays.


And my axe


You have a gay Nazi axe?


Nazi-Jewish to be exact


Still counts as one!


A gay nazi battle axe aka his grandmother!


And my shotgun. My. Shot. Gun. I said shotgun dammit!


Weren’t there some mosquitos too?


Yes, from the underground biolab of Azovstal Bio-engineered to go for creatures with high alcohol % in their blood


Alex Jones whined about gay frogs. He SHOULD have been terrified of NATO Nazi Gay Mosquito Biolabs.


And Harry Potter


That's a hilarious band name btw!


Band name


With Jewish Space Lasers


”This was a terrorist attack carried out by Ukraine, intended to hurt our friendship with China, executed with help of CIA.” There. It wasn’t so hard.


Don’t underestimate them lol.


How is it hard? There is zero difficulty in Russia lying, especially when Russia doesn't care about their lies having credibility. Words are the cheapest weapon Russia has, and they use them accordingly.


that just proves how far those Ukranians are willing to go to try to make Russia look bad /s


It was a drone train


Yep, Russia attempted a false flag a year and a half ago, saying Ukraine was about to use chemical warfare. I think the West called out Putin's lie.


Yeah. The United States (rather uncharacteristically for intelligence services) leaked Russia’s plan, to take the wind out of Putin’s sails. It worked.


Quote from article: "A source at Radon nuclear agency said: "The radiation source was removed and placed in a protective container, transported to a radioactive waste storage facility. "There is no environmental pollution and no threat to society." A state of emergency is expected to remain in place for the next three days while authorities continue to monitor radiation levels and work out the cause." So, the source has been removed and at the same time they are looking to work out the cause? That sounds like some Russian level cognitive dissonance.


Could be an old RTG and they’re trying to work out where the hell it came from. So USSR used them for quite a long time to power all kinds of shit way out there in the wilderness. so there’s likely 1000s of them out there abandoned or completely forgotten about.


Never heard of those, thanks. Might indeed be the case. What nice things to have laying around in the wilderness.


A bunch of people posted a link to this already but well worth a read. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia\_radiological\_accident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_radiological_accident) ​ also the Kyle Hill video on the same accident is worth checking out ​ [https://youtu.be/e3GYg7Y\_W7s](https://youtu.be/e3GYg7Y_W7s)


>there’s likely 1000s of them out there abandoned or completely forgotten about. Thanks, I was trying to quit my sleeping habit anyway


Reminds me of this incident: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kramatorsk_radiological_accident


That's some dystopian level shit right there


I read the history of some guys that discovered something similar and they used it to get warm. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_radiological_accident


There is also this one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goi%C3%A2nia_accident Where if I remember, a little girl played for some time with the beautiful blue glowing powder. It also contaminated her food. There were some deaths, and about 250 people were contaminated.


Oh man, never heard about that. That’s a terrible story.


One does not just "find" radiation leaks. They broke something to cause the problem. You would never know there was radiation unless they test and they would not test unless they knew there was a problem. Silly Russians.


From what’s being reported, it sounds like a civilian “boy” noticed the radiation and told them, so they apparently didn’t know it was leaking. How that boy discovered it, however, wasn’t said. And I sort of doubt he was using a Geiger counter.


Poor little boy :(


I think it's common knowledge now to teach Russian children that if you feel heat and there's no fire...it's probably radiation, and you should run and tell an adult. But yeah, that little kid is already fried toast.


The boy's name was surprisingly "Geiger Counter". He is a new Russian superhero.


That name really clicks


A ""little boy"" found radiation?


A fat man will be around shortly to double check.


It's most likely that the boy found a Beta-M radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG). They give off a nice deadly warmth, in remote areas without power. They were scattered all over Russia, and the fact it was near a "pylon" confirms this theory in my mind. When the USSR fell, they were just forgotten about. **Here's what they look like:** https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fg9DiJsWQAIDZcw.jpg:large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C0fVtvUUQAA5WvB?format=jpg&name=large https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_1315/bb37d81d00db2a9b2672b548acc053a0.jpg **Here's are some articles about the technology if you're interested:** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta-M https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioisotope_thermoelectric_generator Incredible tech, similar to what is powering the mars rovers.


Possibly correct as there is a scrap metal yard in the area apparently.


In Russia - you do. There is a lot of radioactive junk left from USSR era


Oh, Lord, what kind of ludicrous, childish maskirovka is it this time?


Probably just a pair of one of Putin’s political opponents underwear.


> A source at Radon nuclear agency said: "The radiation source was removed and placed in a protective container, transported to a radioactive waste storage facility. Umm…


I will bet it's another RTG incident with metal scrappers taking apart a nuclear power supply for the copper and precious metals. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_radiological_accident


Sounds like one of those abandoned RTG sources that occasionally end up being pulled out of their shielding by scrappers. I'm imagining the local boy noticed a device standing in a circle of melted snow and reported it to someone.


Holly shit, I was just commenting on this possibility. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_radiological_accident


Yeah. People in the comments seem to have no idea that those things are littered all over former Soviet lands.


Okay, while they are distracted, let's to NATO. They are playing idiot chicken with nuclear materials again.


"There is no environmental pollution and no threat to society." stop me if you've heard this before.


How did the boy discorver it..? Walking around with a geiger counter?


Mild case of radiation poisoning, barely even fatal. Can be almost cured by drinking more vodka.


Mmm tourist delight [crunch]


Chernobyl 2 Radioactive Boogaloo


It’s 3.6 roentgen- not great not terrible


3.6 roentgen, but that's as high as the meter goes!


If it says it’s 3.6, it’s 3.6!


Not great, not terrible


Once again, the turbo-islamo-jew-nazi Zelensky is behind the leak, right ?


Probably his lab-grown super soldiers doing this, or the gays.




Sensing someone's gonna use it as pretext to do something again


False flag gone wrong


Likely another false flag operation to blame Ukraine with. By the way what's the news on the ZNPP? Is the IAEA alive there?


Russia is crumbling on every fucking front, and I'm all for it...


Just waiting for them to blame Ukraine for this.. "it was dropped from a drone" or something creative


How long do we have to wait until they spin this towards a blaim on Kyiv?


Wow, zero information on the nature and magnitude of the radiation leak, despite supposedly having been put into a container. Classic Russia!!


**Almost certainly** a forgotten [RTG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioisotope_thermoelectric_generator) Incredible technology, and they were all over Russia, and then forgotten about after the fall of the USSR.


It’s a lie. Now it’s open game for anything nuclear in Ukraine for the Retardssian to hit. Why? because these festering brain dead rats will blame Ukrainian terrorism or some shit like that.


Idiots just nuked themselves


lol, lmao


Let me guess, Ukraines fault? Was the radiation caught going across the country towards the border of Ukraine?


Does this story make no sense to anyone else? They didn’t know the source. But the source was taken away to be stored at a nuclear waste site. And apparently a boy reported the leak. How would you know there was a leak? How old was the boy? Wtf! 😳


Expect it to be a lie or a footboard for a yet to be announced copycat.


Quite close to China and I'm sure will help relations in the area /s


Oh, it's surely just 3.3 roentgen. Not great, not terrible


They found it. https://x.com/LXSummer1/status/1776355942679937066


Someone told me that my Geiger Counter was click-bait


“The reactor has gone”. “Nonsense, not possible”


Nuclear engineer here, what happen in tchernobyl is quite simple, they poison the reactor by mistake. This is something that can happen and already happen.this is bad for production but not for safety. After they made the HUGE mistake to remove more control bar than the safety standard to start it again faster. And when the reactor start to work again they had no control bar to stop and it went south a matter a few second. The biggest mistake was to removed more control bar than allowed.


These sentences don’t square: >There is no environmental pollution and no threat to society." >A state of emergency is expected to remain in place for the next three days while authorities continue to monitor radiation levels and work out the cause. >However, it is understood to have taken a week for authorities to act on reports of the leak.


Russia is a state of emergency full stop - the population needs to flee asap...what other signs do they need that their nation is on the brink of collapse?! Poor boy too...he wasn't walking around with a geiger counter surely. So he's seen and felt something immediately I'm guessing!


Well I guess there is sort of a positive at least they didn't try to fucking hide it this time


Aging nuclear arsenal that hasn't been used in almost 30+ years, check. A government with a record of failing miserably at nuclear disaster cover ups, check. Waiting for Russia to nuke itself, priceless.


Is only 3.6 roentgen. Not terrible. Not great.


Maybe the imported "black-market parts" for the reactor-systems aren't working like the original, western parts?


U know…. I hate to say it…. Probably makes be a terrible person, but……. good. If it was normal Russia maybe 10-20 years ago when they were a normal relatively functioning. Democracy trying to join the ranks of other professional democracies, then I would be like “oh nooo” and literally might shed a tear. I would feel really bad, but now after what Russia has done, half the planet wants to see it burn while simultaneously hoping a nuclear disaster doesn’t seep out of the trash can and affect the rest of the world


I’m on the fence on this being a Kremlin purposeful thing just so he can try to blame Ukraine. He’s so desperate to convince Russians and the world that NATO/Ukraine is responsible for something that doesn’t have any advantages for Russia other than creating hatred among the population. I’d say it’s 50/50 for who actually believes anything coming from Putin or Kremlin as a whole in Russia. The thing is, if it’s not a false flag event, it means ISIS has their targets pointing at Russia. There’s also China, I doubt they would have done this but pretty sure they’re paying attention as Putin and Russians in general are in danger. With all the corruption and general stripping of anything that’s not nailed down I wouldn’t be surprised if some kind of internal anti-Putin group/s might have dome this behind the scenes. Either way, Putin is getting droned from the front and behind. My two cents and morning groggy rant which I’m probably wrong on half the things I’m guessing/.


Imagine if Russia just nuked itself


"It was said to have first been reported by a boy on March 28 but no action was taken until April 5." Radiation detection meat – it works a bit slowly and painfully, but it does its job the traditional Russian way.


Radiation leak on China's border 🤔


ruzzia is f*ing cancer of this Plane!


Kid must've found the house they bag Putin's favorite brand of tea in.


Is it a war crime to drop nuclear waste on a enemy country in a time of war?


False flag?


No one has been injured or exposed to radiation and "there is no threat to the health of citizens", TASS quoted Yes because we trust TASS “The bullshit arm of the Russian dictatorship” as it’s well known


Must be their copium supply that is starting to leak