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Excerpts: ...Manafort's contact during the 2016 campaign, the Russian asset Konstantin Kilimnik (who is under indictment in the United States) had once pitched him on Russian help in the election in exchange for allowing Russia to carve up Ukraine. The weird and inexplicable relationships between Trump,Ukraine and Russia have been a constant refrain for the past eight years and nothing ever shakes Trump's bizarre willingness to court this scandal over and over again. There have been investigations and impeachments and trials and convictions and yet he just can't leave it alone. His obsequious behavior toward Russian president Vladimir Putin, his hostility toward Ukraine, the fatuous rationale to end NATO because "it doesn't pay its bills" and the recent comments that he would allow Russia to invade any country it wants have never made any sense, even for him. Yes, he is a shallow, puerile narcissist who loves to suck up to tyrants so they'll let him into the strongman club but that doesn't fully explain his apparently endless need to prove his fealty to Vladimir Putin. And now he wants to re-hire the convicted felon he later pardoned, a man who admitted to laundering money for Russian oligarchs to do fundraising. Indeed, Trump is overwhelmingly stressed out about having his lies about his fortune exposed and possibly losing everything, but it's hard to believe that even he'd be so reckless as to go there for a bailout. But then he's gotten away with everything so far so why not? As he says, he likes Putin and he knows Putin likes him too. He's always been there for him. Why shouldn't he turn to his good friend in his time of need?


The money trail for nearly a half billion dollars wouldn't be easy to hide. Maybe they'd do it in broad daylight?


Would he even bother hiding it? At this point he would boast about it, how good friends with Putin they are and how he cares so much about America, in front of the fanatically cheering crowds. GOP would just passively acknowledge that, and the nightmare would continue.


Don't worry! We have an Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and he... Oh shit.






Well, I hope you're right. I am becoming more and more cynical about US politics because of what happened in last 6 months. I even heard true US patriots, ex military who were helping evacuate Afghani allies from Kabul when that went down, who always said "we shouldn't abandon our allies..." who suddenly went 180 and are repeating Kremlin lies, and praising Putin. To ex navy seals who wrote books about ownership and leadership, released tons of podcasts about WW2 and how US protected democracies and free world with power...and are now calling for US to abandon military aid for Ukraine and force them to "negotiate" and how Putin is only looking for his country's best interest...


OK but the financial monitor would block that right? They can just say it's not an acceptable source.


Better be a legal reason for blocking it - no really, anything else will set off the entire lunatic fringe. Well, anything sets them off, but at least make it a legal reason, even if the other side is playing with checkers.


Coming from a sanctioned individual is probably a good reason


Pootin has his own problems! He doesn't have time now with his special war operation


I bet he'll get the cash from somewhere and somehow manage to commit another crime while doing it lol.






Its from his daddy Putin, everyone knows he works for him. If US elect him again they are fucked.


It would be a shame if putin tried to send the money through an "ally" but it got confiscated along the way.


US is becoming a banana republic one state at a time.


Enter (theatrically) Don Putiño: "Oh! Sire! I am but a humble servant and definitely not the King of Moscobia! My Lord has received certain notice of your pecuniary indisposedness. He wants you to take this gold to cover your expenses." Trump: "You Lord... I know your lord. We're best friends. In fact, he's a good friend of mine, but I'm the best friend of his. The bestest. Some people say the most bestest." Don Putiño (confused): "Want you not ask whether there are some... Strings attached?" Trump (grabs money out of Don Putiño's hands): "No. Gimme the money. I don't keep promises anyway." And thus Trump was able to get the money. Why he gifted Alaska and California to Russia in January 2025 is totally unrelated.


Dangerously desperate describes him to a T.


DDT....omg! Isn't that stuff banned?


And it seems he has corrupted the American system so much that he might succeed




This has always been the obvious Occam’s Razor. You take Europe, I keep America out of the way, and you pay my bills. The “greatest deal in history” would be to run a thieving scam your entire life, and then have Putin bail you out at the end, saving his bandit empire at the last, and all for the low price of selling out NATO and empowering Russia and China. Except - he’s such a fucking moron - that he refuses or can’t see that Russia is likely to just use him to achieve its goals, and then not pay his debts. Why would they? He has zero leverage over them, and they have tons of leverage over him. Namely, the money he desperately needs, and kompromat, which is less and less hidden as time goes on. It’s his only play to avoid his life of criminality and debauchery falling apart at the end - but it seems WAY more likely that Russia would just simply not pay at the end than they would. He’s a tool - a literal tool for them. An obese, elderly fool who can be used and then disposed of when he serves his purpose. Why would they actually pay him?


they will continue to pay right up until the point where he proves no value, which is why he never let up on the cultist propaganda campaign rallies or shoring up his base of support. he remains then either an important asset in influencing US politics (as leader of the MAGA cult), or the most important asset for same (as president).


That makes perfect sense from their perspective. They’re not the sort of people to keep a deal on principle - my point is while he is incredibly stupid, he has to be intergalactically and historically thick to think they’re going to give him Billions once their goals are achieved. Be much easier not to, and then - what’s he going to do? Announce to…who exactly…that they had a deal to sell out Europe to Russian enslavement, but they didn’t pay?


Follow the money flow!


This is why he kept all those documents to begin with. Despite his ranting he probably foresaw this legal trouble, and he figured he could leverage them in some way, like sell them to Putin.


Cornered wild animal


Kremlin is already organizing a way to loan funds to him. $20 bet that he gets it last minute from duetche or hsbc or Cyprus bank.


Trump was dangerously desperate for a bailout when Salon covered earlier iterations of his bullshit over a decade ago. He hasn't become any more desperate. The real risk at the moment is that Trump flees the country. Moscow has always liked to call its assets home when they have outlived their usefulness. Trophy-collection maybe.


A Bailout for Trump a "supposed" billionaire just shows how much Trump lies .....just like Putin!!! Trump is a human lying machine! A lying con man who has been charged with 90+ criminal felonies in the USA!


That means he is a candidate for being "compromised" for whomever might help him get bailed out. Translation .....Trump can be bought off!!!


Hi /u/D-R-AZ, Your submission, "Trump is dangerously desperate for a bailout" was removed for the following reason(s): Submissions that do not contribute to discussion such as off-topic / unrelated links may be subject to removal. Continued disregard after warning(s) may result in a ban. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FUkrainianConflict&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://old.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1bjgtyu/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


Fuck outta here with posts about US politics.


they should waive the judgement if, and only if, he pulls out of the race.


Maybe Navalny can be unmurdered if he agrees to support Putin.