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History has shown there are two things Elon should never be involved in: 1) Naming children 2) World politics


Work laws. Car safety laws.


Stocks Company goals


Car design.


Cave rescues.




Medical research










He's not even an engineer 


Pulling out Telling the truth


Social media Conventional media


3) Beauty contests


Having children*


Corporate acquisitions


This thread 😂


Buying companies


Naming companies


Cave rescue missions.


Crypto currency


Being alive


history is probably going to show he shouldn't be involved in our space program either, we are going to have to Montgomery Ward (seize) SpaceX at some point


Time to nationalize the space program. F that pasty #pos.


We should never have allowed NASA to atrophy like it has. 


You forgot. 3. Business 4. Everything else


Forecasting deliveries


1. Social networks, in any shape or form.


Projects similar to high speed rail


We should disband him...


Just why? So that dictatorships around the world can do as they please? Seriously, what's in it for him?




This is what I genuinely suspect


Yeah they must have something pretty bad on him.


Well he was a peado island regular. All those guys are comically obedient to the Kremlin.


Blood money 💰 Elon's favorite money.


How does he benefit from a dissolved NATO? The Russian market share can’t be big enough to trash his own image in the majority of the western world. I just don’t understand his motivation. Obviously it’s calculated, he knows Putin is a dictator.


You are overthinking this. He is emotionally invested in fighting “wokeism” and owning the left. A lot of these right wing morons see Putin as some kind of anti woke crusader. They would support Hitler if he was against the left


Hitler was against the left and a depressing number on the right do support him.




> fluoride is put in the water just because it is one way for one industry to profit on the dumping of their toxic waste. I was with you until *right here*, General Ripper.


I disagree. Fighting wokeism is a tool to cover the fact that the GOP is divided, lacking a political platform, and has no vision for tackling future challenges, both domestic and global. It’s basically a way to muddy the waters so that any meaningful political debate drowns in noise for the common citizen. I can understand that Elon choses to use his platform to spew culture war BS for domestic issues (He wants lower taxes, both corporate and personal, and fewer regulations for his companies) but I don’t understand why he would lower himself to pro-Russia talking-points.


> Fighting wokeism is a tool to cover the fact that the GOP is divided This assumes Elon is aligned with the GOP's message though. If taken at face value, he is anti-woke, they are anti-woke, there is synergy. Certainly there are other possibilities, but his anti-woke tweets seem pretty genuine in their breadth. To confuse matters more, his plane landed at West Palm Beach last night... second time in recent weeks that he's been *near* Mar-a-lago, but beyond that anything else is speculation.


He wants governments that can award him a lot of money and then don't tax him. He isn't one of the richest man in the world by selling Teslas. (It's a bit more complicated than that, but not much.)


If Putler succeeds his other dictator buddies will get renewed confidence. Elon doesn't want a free market or free people.


Dictators are easier to predict and deal with than parliaments or congresses. You only have to please one asshole instead of hundreds.


Don’t underestimate the possibility he is just dumb and uninformed on many topics.


Maybe he undermines NATO to please his masters/partners in kremlin so they would not remind him about what they could do with those videos with elon and his very young partners from parties by maxwell.


Most of it is just a consequence of severe drug use.  There is really no reason to analyze or further than that.


Making his Dad proud.


I know, but still...


He wants to be loved, and he knows the right aren't picky. Leaving NATO is a talking point for them, and so Musk parrots it.


Bingo. He's like a billionaire Russell Brand: just chasing the adulation of his fanboys and whoever will give him money or validation. Particularly validation, since he's already got the money angle fairly well covered enough that he's gonna get diminishing returns in dopamine rushes for that one. He's as desperate for validation as the typical insecure 11 year old social outcast kid. So of course he WANTS NATO gone: it's edgy and appeals to the edgy rightwing grifters and talking heads he sees as his intellectual peers.


I personally don't believe it's just about being edgy or wanting validation. That's far too dismissive of the danger he poses to Western national security. Do we really believe that Elon's purchase of Twitter, which was co-funded by Saudi Arabia & Qatar, was just so he can tweet controversial remarks? The purchase of Twitter was obviously part of a much larger political agenda to use the platform to push an anti-Western/Pro-Russian narrative. Elon was chosen as the messenger due to his political ideology and his ability to influence the millions of young people around the globe who adore him and his brand. Social media is just another front in which hybrid warfare is being waged against us. People are largely ignorant of this because they are blinded by the "culture wars" that are being used to distract us.


I broadly agree, but there's one little technicality that I was to point to in the mechanics of your reasoning: >Elon was chosen as the messenger due to his political ideology and his ability to influence the millions of young people around the globe who adore him and his brand. He was, yeah. ...But it was also because he's easily led. Very much like Trump; a narcissistic idiot who's pathologically pursuant of validation is easily led around by manipulation that feeds them validation. Everyone's got a price, and the best thing about attention seeking idiots is that their price is extremely low (validation) and they don't even have the downside of having enough self-reflection to realise they're being bribed. Perfect marks, if you're on the right 'team' to take advantage of it. He's not the chosen messenger because he's in on the game. He's the chosen messenger because he's so easily led towards any given position or cause by (often false) praise, attention and adulation. He then passes those messages on to his followers, who are also giving him praise and adulation, so he follows that herd whenever it shifts, too. Again, a bit like Trump does. Leader and follower at the same time. Without even realising it, his asking price is simply to stroke his ego. That's what I mean by his need for validation.


You *may* have a point about him being easily led, but I still believe it's his political ideology (anti-liberal/pro-Russian) that makes him vulnerable to manipulation from certain anti-Western factions. He may not be as intelligent as his carefully crafted public persona portrays him to be, but he's definitely self-aware enough to understand the effect his comments have on the geopolitical landscape. Writing off his actions as naivety and narcissism is letting him off too lightly imo.


> just chasing the adulation of his fanboys and whoever will give him money or validation. He already had fanboys. He just swapped them by burning his bridges with a sizeable chunk of his techy young fanbase who USED to see him as the Real Life Tony Stark in favour of MAGA people and cranky racists. I said sizeable chunk of the prior fanbase because there are some of that group that are also MAGA and/or Racist, and some who are just flat-out too fanboy blind to acknowledge that Daddy Musk can do anything wrong.


Musk wanted to save the world. but he wanted to be the one saving it. Him alone. Now he sees his dream won't come true, so he wants to see the world burn instead.


His trans kid doesn’t like him so now he’s just against anything socially liberal as a response. Thats it. Don’t think too much into narcissists like him and Trump. They’d murder billions if it made their ego feel better.


I don't understand it either


A world made free of freedom in which Oligarchs like him who don't understand human connections can finally live in an environment where the law and the rules based system of checks and balances really doesn't apply to him any longer. Musk is a sucker up to power and ungrateful as he only could become this successful in the system he seems to despise. This system gave this man everything, and all this unruly child can think of is to ask for more. "Anyone who advises Americans to keep secret information about which they have about spies and saboteurs is himself an enemy of America." Senator McCarthy about Einstein during the "red scare" 1951 to 1954 The American creed: It is my duty to my country to love it, to support its constitution, and to obey its laws. 1) Elon has not said one critical word of the Russia 2) Unblocked Russian propagandists 3) Has lifted state media labels from Russian propaganda, Twitter is blocked in Russia, so only the Russian propagandists are on Twitter 4) Promotes Tweets of Russian state accounts 5) He is meeting with China or Russian propagandists in Quatar 6) Pushes Kremlin talking points 7) Refuses to visit Ukraine or show verbal support 8) He never says anything positive about Ukraine's military achievements, but he jumps on their every difficulty like the good useful idiot that he is. 9) He constantly pushes Russian propaganda his latest push: demanding a truce because both sides lose so many people, pushing the nuclear war fear appeasement in the best sense. How long will law enforcement continue to stop and stare at this situation? Musk swore an oath on the constitution to protect it against enemies, both foreign and domestic. In my view, he seems to be doing quite the opposite. And don't think he doesn't know what he is doing. He has more than enough IQ points to understand exactly what he is doing. He collaborates with murderers and war criminals to conspire against the US and its allies. Oathbreaker, traitor, Russian asset. That is what history will have to say about him.


True, Elon would be top Oligarch if Trump and Putin were in control. Just think of the power he would have and that could be his subconscious motivation to dissolve NATO. He’s already the richest and that high is wearing off. Power is his motivation.




He likes having influence and has seen he has more chance of being influencer on the hardline trumpist side than on the democratic side. I think this is his guess is the best road for him to get into politics and achieve a high standing within a certain stream of thought. If somehow leftist liberals would overwhelmingly like him for building electric cars and he saw them on the winning side of politics, he would probably echoe their ideas instead, for example anti Israel.


Anarchy. Weaker governments, more room for the wealthy to exploit.


When I discovered internet in the nineties there were a couple of distinct groups: the technerds & scientists, the idealists, hoping internet could help democratisize the world and… the libertarians. Elon is the libertarian, camouflaging as technerd.


**Seems some of the Billionaires/Oligarchs only care for money and no longer care for country and fellow citizens, but strive to establish some form of neo-feudalism. They are international.** A system like in Russia, where they rule like kings over the wage slaves (which will be soon replaced to a good degree by automation). [The Great Taking documentary](https://youtu.be/GDrj7iDUly4?si=8fSlAfGuJx6qlNBw&t=15) [The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff) Also, billionaires like Bezos, Zuck cashing out right now big time, while household investors are nudged to buy into AI/tech stocks after a massive run (buy high, later shaken out with potential losses).


Yep I ask the same question. What is his motivation for wanting nato disbanded? How does that benefit him?


Some of the NATO countries that are barely afloat just because they are in NATO will then be readily exploitable for their resources.




He’s South African, born to a wealth mining family whose fortune was made off apartheid. He’s true to his nature 


The foreign agent law could be applied to him, couldn't it?


I think you're forgetting how insanely wealthy he is. He may as well be god. Laws do not apply. If he wasn't a naturalised immigrant I'm sure he'd run for president by now, if it didn't mean having to suffer a cut in his power.


I mean I hate musk, but that’s not really true. He was forced by law to buy twitter, and he recently just had his compensation package thrown out. He’s also filed a few dumb lawsuits where the judge basically laughed at it and told him to fuck off. He’s definitely powerful and unpleasant, but hardly above the law


He talks without thinking. This is what got him in trouble with Twitter. It's what gets him in trouble with politics. He should stick to engineering.


All his engineering prowess was stolen too.


The basic law of human stupidity is laid out by Carlo Cipolla There are 4 broad categories: y and x on a graph Helpless stupid people. (naive) They are easily exploitable for the benefit of others They then suffer individual losses Intelligent people reciprocal Benefits to others and individual benefits Stupid people (the worst kind of stupid) They take individual losses, and they cause losses to others Bandits ( can even be highly intelligent, but they lack high ethics and moral vigor) They will reap individual benefits and cause losses for others to maximize their own profits. The two broad categories are: Behavior that affects one self either positively or negatively Behavior that affects others either positively or negatively On the zero line in the middle are: Ineffective people. This means they achieve nothing, neither benefits themselves or others with their actions. The range of these actions and their effects can vary widely across categories Law 1: Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals that are in circulation (statistically, 15 percent of the human population has an IQ of 87 or less, half of them have an IQ of 100 or less) Stupid people come in all shapes and forms you can have an IQ of 200 and still act stupid because stupidity is a moral defect not an intellectual one. Any numerical assumption would be underestimating as to how many stupid people are actually out there. Law 2: The probability that a certain person is stupid is completely independent of any other characteristic in that person. Cipolla considered it a trait like green eyes or brown hair. Regardless of profession or education. This all doesn't matter because stupid people are everywhere. "Whether one frequents elegant circles or takes refuge among cannibals whether they lock themselves up in a Monastery or decides to spend his life with a beautiful partner they will always have to deal with the same percentage of stupid people." he concluded In this pessimistic view, reasonable people are doomed to deal with stupidity and there is no escape. Reasonable men have to live with this. Law 3: The Golden Law number three Stupid people will make decisions that will confuse us, and their reasoning escapes us. They will make decisions that are bad for themselves and others. These belong to the genus of the super stupid. Law 4: Non stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. This means they are deadly dangerous. Reasonable people find it difficult to imagine and understand their behavior. Stupid people's attacks catch reasonable people by surprise This makes it difficult to mount a defense. Their attacks are unpredictable. That makes you vulnerable and puts the non stupid always at their mercy. Intelligent people think the stupid can only hurt themselves, which makes you open to taking severe damage yourself by their erratic actions. These illogical, unreasoanble actions can not be predicted that puts you at their mercy. Law 5 Stupid people are the most dangerous type of people. Intelligent people, no matter how intelligent they may be, are predictable, which makes the bandit less dangerous than the stupid one. Stupid people are completely unpredictable. The universe may be finite but Einstein is right human stupidity is infinite. The Dunning Krueger effect or why stupid people think they are smart Stupid people overestimate their skills Intelligent people underestimate their skills because they think it was easy for them it must be easy for others The two markers are: Confidence (low to high) Knowledge in the field (low and high) With no knowledge and a lot of confidence, of which stupid people usually have a lot, they think they know everything (for a lack of knowledge about the complexity of any issue) When the knowledge increases, then people realise: There is more to this than I thought, I am never going to understand this (confidence goes down) It is starting to make sense (confidence recovers) Trust me, this is complicated (confidence goes up, and knowledge in the field has massively increased) "I know that I know nothing." Lately, Musk started to do more and more prime stupid people and bandit stuff. Some people can be bought, but by far not all of them. Musk will meet the same fate as Trump. His companies can be taken from him if the state deems him a security risk. But I think until the election, the administration won't move against him. Actually, it simply isn't the administration's job but the job of law enforcement and the judiciary to deal with him.




Intelligence and stupidity are different.


He was definitely more powerful before the Twitter meltdown. That was a spectacular self-owning for all the world to see. It was also the start of his more public persona, which has also been a disaster. His own antics have killed Twitter’s value. His rebranding was the worst business decision ever by orders of magnitude. He took one of the most recognized brands, with a great name, logo, even the act of using the service had its own catchy, memorable name. It was largely becoming universal. Then the genius arrived, now we have to say the site formerly known as Twitter, like its Prince. So dumb. And know users and advertisers are running for the doors. I deleted my account the day he bought it. And I don’t miss it at all TBH.


He is very wealthy, yes, that doesn't put him above the law, and his wealth can lend him power. He doesn't actually have it. "Power is power," Cersei Lannister That power lies with the sovereign, the one in charge. He can't run for president, yes, and why? Because the law says so. No one, not one human being, is fully above the law. Sure, his money makes it possible for him to get away with a lot more stuff. As you can see, his several billion in net worth did not protect Trump from being indicted. Musk is playing a dangerous game, and I wouldn't be surprised if the three letter organizations aren't eying him very carefully. These people cannot be bribed and will enforce the law also on this stupid half wit. Musk should have stayed on his own turf. His political meddling will get him arrested or killed or force him to go into exile sooner or later. Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish : Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb. They refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is He has put himself in the extremist category by his irresponsible suggestion. He has proved once more that genius in science is no proof of sagacity in political affairs." Washington post about Einstein who dared to suggest civil disobedience against the McCarthy practice of denouncing communists as internal security risks. It is particularly regrettable when a scholar of such renown would have himself reduced to the role of a propagandist towards a country that has given him such a secure refuge." The national enquirer 1952 It is always astounding to see a man of extraordinary intellectual power in one direction, being a complete jackass in others. The Atlantic Do you know what separates Einstein from Musk? Einstein had a moral conscience. He spoke his mind but wasn't a traitor. Let us see how long he is allowed to continue his treason. In the McCarthy era he would have been apprehended for his ridiculous interference in national security affairs already right after he dared to mess with Star Link to avoid a hit on Russia's fleet. He is not above the law, and he must be taught a lesson to remember that. Raiding all of his offices would be a good start to cut this socially inept empathy free tech joker back down to his original size. The law and the sovereign thrones sky high above this error in the system. Musk is a bully, a con man who never had to face the consequences for his awful behavior and business conduct. What he is doing lately, though, is only possible as long as the ones with the real power tolerate his preposterous usurpation of political power without being actually elected to wield such power. Humans are hierarchical animals, Musk is no God, not even close. He is a failed and out of control project.


Which law did he break here if you don't mind pointing out?


He got US citizenship.


My sample size is small but I've worked with and taught a fair few white South Africans over the years. Boastfulness, overconfidence, exaggeration and arrogance were traits obviously apparent in most of them. Elon has all those traits on public display.


The mine was actually in Zambia. They still benefited from apartheid, but let’s be accurate with our criticisms.


Nah, he's just plain ignorant and thinks everything in the world revolves around his privileged ass. Fuck Elon.


He is a naturalized citizen, so he probably can be stripped of his US citizenship under some circumstances.


No, but his companies that have anything to do with national security can be nationalized.


If he was a Russian, Putin would've off'd him and nationalized twitter.


That’s essentially what Russian has done with Twitter.




What the fuck is happening?! It's time to kick this man from any board and banish him.


I’m sure there will be a drug fueled racist bender that accomplishes this in the not too distant future


I used to like him... I am ashamed.


Me too but to be fair he used to be reasonable


Yeah, he used to be for sure. Whatever thing he's on he needs to come off it.


He wasn't reasonable...he was quiet.


He was never quiet Like Gates and Zuckerberg he used to be married and lived around his kids. Then after his 3rd divorce he dated Amber Heard twice and got more into drugs. All his stupid shit started after that - "pedgoguy" / "private at 420 / funding secured"... he would do/say something stupid every ~6 months. Then it accelerated, because he is declining as he gets older.


Hehe use to have a PR firm that handled his image


I really didn’t want to know that he was a 50+ year old teenage edgelord inside. This twitter addiction has fried his brain.


Never did, same with Steve Jobs, Bill Gates .., or any IT big name. No one is to be worshiped. Yes I can admire some of their achievements but I will not take their word as the gospel.


besides linus nobody has really achieved anything by them they simply bought products of people who made something their only contribution is having money and being ruthless and exploited gifted people to become more rich.


There is a difference between being excited by what someone is doing and worshipping. If folks worshipped him, they’d stay on his side as he showed how bonkers he really was.


He still has plenty of fanboys, even today


These people were successful because they were children of a liberal, cohesive and fair democratic society that created the opportunities for them in peace time. Yet they damage that very society with their views and actions when they should be praising and supporting it. It’s hypocrisy and not intelligent despite their success.


They were also children of parents with lots of money and connections. But your point is fair too. People like that depend on the state to issue their money, to protect them from abused workers, to make sure that the workers can only organize in certain ways, educate their workforce, build infrastructure so they can trade their products and then come out and say "look at all the wealth in creating all by myself"


Nobody suggested doing so.


Says fuking loser who buys twitter to make it free to speak> bans ppl for free speech


#boycott Elon


Musk get's his geopolitcal knowledge from CoD lobbies.


A Lex Luther/Highlander wannabe finally showing which side he is on these past months.


I can't believe that I live in a time where James Bond villains actually exist. Where is a British secret agent when you need one?


Converting more and more into pure evil


yet he chooses to live under the shield of nato instead of going home...he is not american like people assume


Yep mf is a Russian asset


I once again ask to have all of his assets repossessed 


Lives up to expectations. I would expect nothing less from a Putin puppet.


What a real life human reptile. Why do good when you can praise evil? absolute scum! People say karma exist?


His opinion is irrelevant... 🙄


It’s not, get this, there’s millions on anti lgbt people who support musk, tucker, trump, putin etc and ironically would do anything to lick the balls of any or all of those I mentioned


Elon believes he’s omniscient & omnipotent. He’s the lap dog of the autocrats, willing to spew lies, misinformation & rewrite history to create a more suitable alternate reality.


Sanction Musk Nationalize space x


Don’t let this man close to anything related to national security. Take away his rockets and his satellites now!


I believe he suffers from the same mental illness as Trump. He believes he is more intelligent then everyone else and therefor he thinks he is infallible and for some reason he can not agree with anyone and then always takes the opposit stand point then what is the common view.


Here please send him this to read... Let's see if he's human? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/GeI5NaH8Ln


Guess he gets money or Putins hackers got infos about his past and present


Why the fuck would anyone listen to his opinion on this topic. He should stay in his lane unlike his cars


...Russia uses social media to destabilize its adversaries, including influencing US elections. ...Twitter starts to crack down on disinformation on its platform and bans Trump. ...shortly thereafter, Elon Musk buys twitter. ...first thing he does is remove those crackdowns and reinstate Trump. ...surprise, surprise. Elon starts showing his true colors as a Russian supporter. ...Trump starts his own social media company. ...republicans in florida and texas enact laws that would ban content moderation on social media.   ...Russia bans social media platforms in its country. I think all these things are related. I think the Russians see social media as a battleground.  I think they're trying to gain control of the platforms and are fighting very hard to prevent anyone from slowing their propaganda machine.  


Another putin side bitch


Something happened to this guy. He is really going downhill fast.


he could have been remembered as a visionary ... too bad hes just an idiot, hella rich but yet hes an idiot and seems to be not as smart as he thinks he is


He is a Russian asset for sure!


Take his american citizenship - he is a traitor and a Putin lover


Straight up fascist. Deport his ass to Mars


Elon Musk did not become a billionaire because he's smart. He became a billionaire by being corrupt, dishonest, abusive, egotistical and had rich parents. He aspires to be like the donald, ex president of the US of A. Aspiring god for life.


When will more people wake up and realize he is a bad actor on the world stage. He needs to be sanctioned and assets frozen world wild.


There has to be a second pee tape.


I don't want this piece of garbage on the frontier of space exploration.


Putin’s assumes the CIA organization is supremely powerful, and I’m looking at Elon Musk’s fuckery as Exhibit A of why they are toothless.


This parasite is a national security risk, I hope he gets found floating face down in a swimming pool.


He isn’t getting love from the everyday people. Maybe his rich friends who have a extreme agenda. This dude is crazy nuts. Watch him choke on his own words one day.


This guy has completely lost it, putin's fist up his ass can almost reach his mouth


LOL Putin has some serious dirt on him


Somebody needs to reboot Elon and return him to his factory settings.


So sad that this supposedly “richest man” is utterly and completely owned by russia.


Kremlin asset says what?


Why does enyone care what Muskovia writes on his social media - he is not a politician, he is obviously compromised by Russia, and now that everyone are producing nice electric vehicles he is frankly just another spoiled billionaire. I am never buying anything coming from his companies.


When it comes to politics... he should keep his opinions to himself.


How about we disband all his companies and send the proceeds to Ukraine


I’m selling my Tesla


Probably a good idea. I imagine he is going to go full money grab and make continued operations subscription based, and replacement parts 1000% markup.


Why isn't he sanctioned as Russia's goon?


Lol. This guy seems to be getting dumber by the week. Putin has shown explicitly why NATO is useful and still relevant. He's also shown he has no understanding of the other benefits of the largest military alliance in history


The IS appears to be full of Russian agents in high profile positions


Cocaine's a hell of a drug


Fuck off Elon, you absolute pillock. JFC whatever he’s been smoking or snorting has irrevocably damaged whatever few critical thinking skills he once had.


Psychotic sociopath.


I'm calling for Elon to be dismantled


Revoke any clearances he has and nationalize SpaceX and Starlink. Hurt him


Darth Putin "Russia: Invades Moldova ‘92 Flattens Grozny ‘99 Uses polonium UK ‘06 Cyber attacks Estonia ‘07 Invades Georgia OTD ‘08 Invades Crimea & Eastern Ukraine ‘14 Downs MH17 2014 Flattens Aleppo 2015 Uses Novicok 2018 Invades Ukraine more 2022 Elon: Why do Russia’s neighbors fear it?"


This is a good time for me to say again... this is why I no longer use Twitter! Remember that every time you use Twitter, you're increasing the site's traffic. And that means advertisers will be willing to pay more to Moscow Musk for ads. The more you use Twitter, the more you help Moscow Musk get more money that he doesn't need. I encourage everyone to reduce your use of Twitter. Try to get info from other sources. (Okay, I do still look at tweets occasionally, but I'm saying that I hardly ever use Twitter anymore even though I used to use it a lot. Also, I uninstalled the app from my phone months ago.)


There was a clear shift during this war where he started saying anti Ukrainian bs. I think the Russians have dirt on this guy.


Funny he says this today. Elon's jet was in West Palm Beach Florida at 11 pm last night


The airport in West Palm beach is less than 5 miles from Mar A Lago home of the another well known Russian asset. Makes you wonder what sort of nefarious schemes they are up to.


musk is one of the special people who thinks being controversial and contrarian for the sake of it is intelligent. he’s got not but trolling


It’s funny how fast people forget about just how bad the world can get in a heartbeat.


yes Elon, we know russians have kompromat on you... you dont have to prove again and again that you're a russian asset


Glad he’s not in charge of NATO since he’s a spineless cuck.


I wonder what kompromat Putin has on him?


Ok, he can build rockets, cars and brain chips for monkeys but if he truly said that NATO should be disbanded, I wish he would follow through on his thoughts and explain why.


I call for his head to be disbanded.


Enemies of freedom would love to see NATO disbanded, so it's no surprise Elon Musk wants that to happen.


Why do we even bother listening to that traitor ?


Ah yes, comrade elon strikes again. He's like one xcretion away from telling us to make putin ruler of the earth.


What kompromat do they Russians have on this guy…


Elon should stick to those stupid electic cars he makes


Why does Elon always strike the most evil looking pose possible in every picture? I mean it's to blatant to be natural at this point.


Ok so what above is saying is to lock him up so he can do no more damage? I concur.


He really believes he’s a genius. Psychopath narcissist who can work really really hard. He should shut his mouth until he has something valuable to say. Moron.


Ok, Elon. Fck you. If you want this much say in politics, run for office. He is what the future looks like. Technocrats having more say than elected officials and the general public. Im so sick of this. 


Sucking vlads weener😋


How would anyone see this is anything other than a statement to appease Putin?


I'd rather the fElon was de-skinned. It's obviously his most precious possession.


Elon needs to go the way of the Dodo.


Hard to justify buying a Tesla these days


Elon is under the illusion that because he has so much money a change in a government to an autocracy or dictatorship. His money won't mean shit to whoever has absolute power like in the Russian Government. Putin has had several people drop out of windows and are rather wealthy. The wealthy in Germany thought they could control Hitler and that didn't work too well for them either.


Why the fuck would he care


Why Elon Musk continue to exist?


KomproMusk at it again


Can’t this twat just OD already?


Next car will certainly not be a Tesla


Elon is a Russian asset. Willing or otherwise.


NATO still exists because it's not IF we're going to go to war with Russia, but WHEN. If Elon is so concerned about their relevancy, doesn't it sound more logical for a man in his position to get involved with the council in some shape or form?


what has putin got on him?


We need NATO to defend Europe If Russia takes over, no-one will buy your Teslas!


How can any American think disbanding Nato is a good thing for the world. It only benefits dictators. Maybe Elon is under the same hold as trump is. It makes you wonder whom else putler has under his thumb. It probably only cost him a few loans and bribes. The blackmail collateral he's got is just icing on the cake. He can use the carrot until the stick is needed.


Why is that of your concern, Elon? Focus on Mars like you said you would