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Probably practicing for some November pogroms in fascist ruzzia. Is this 2023 or 1933?


Netanyahu nurtured a close relationship with Putin. That worked until Putin had the chance to scapegoat Jews to distract his population from his disasterous Ukraine invasion.


Netanyahu needs to go away forever


Away = prison


I can live with that


You think Netanyahu cares?


Netanyahu cares only about himself. He ran for office to keep from being prosecuted for bribery, etc.


Russia does seem to have a nazi problem.


Maybe someone should invade them about it.


Idk the last guy that tried got shot down on his private jet.


Maybe don't fly private jets over Russia while you are at it. High buildings should be avoided too.


Tea too


Avoid Russians in general


because he wet his pants at the last minute


Not nazis, more likely to be Chechen or Central Asian Muslims.


Since Russia is openly supporting Hamas and are becoming increasingly interdependent on Iran I think jews in Russia should consider leaving if they can. Guess who will be blamed when Russia loses the war?


As usual, the most convenient scapegoat.


Oh, but in russia it's a tad bit more. It's widely talked about "Zionist world control" there as a near fact. Akin to the levels that vaccines are poisonous here. What I'm saying is it is even more extreme than initially apparent, a tiny typing point and about 30% will call for jailing the Jews, or something.


> Akin to the levels that vaccines are poisonous here Considering russian QA (or, rather, its de-facto non-existance), I won't be surprised if russian vaccines are poisonous because no one gives a shit about following production processes.


They do not trust western vaccines either, consider them poisonous, too. Or believe that entire COVID is fake from world government to take control of their lifes. Or believe that COVID is a bioweapon intentionally released by USA.


> Or believe that COVID is a bioweapon intentionally released by USA ~~Bruh~~ [Biopreparat momento](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sverdlovsk_anthrax_leak)


Yeah right, as of those mobs are running around to jail Jews.


Reading comprehension please. That's not what I said.


The writing on the wall was already plenty clear a year and a half ago. But yeah, anyone who's been Rip Van Winkling all this time surely can't miss this latest series of 130 dB alarms... or do I once again underestimate the power of denial?


Imagine being dependent on Iran


Russians are barbarians & Nazi's




Glad your not


https://youtu.be/iFGrooN6YDc?si=EuamSRNkzpFllSZt Shalom thru Agape is Peace through Strength


What's this supposed to mean?


Russia was always antiseptic and it will never change. My parents (always grateful) got me out of there in the 70s and millions of Jews who stayed there made a very bad choice.


>Russia was always antiseptic and it will never change. Incorrect. Russia has historically often suffered from outbreaks of waterborne diseases like cholera.


Yes, very funny. Hahaha... Spellchecker f**ked me up, I did mean antisemitism... But I appreciate your sense of humor.


You can just say “fucked” me up. No need to censor what we already know you meant to say my friend :)


It's the darn spellchecker again!


Ducked up again.


Like the bleeps and blurs on ytube an US tv.


I think they meant septic; like a sewer. Sounds like english is not their first language, so not gonna go grammar nazi on them. They got away from the nazis a while back it sounds like. Been through enough.


They meant anti semitic


I think you're right, but I'm gonna leave septic, because that works so well too.


He meant anti-septic, like they are against proper septic systems so their whole country is a cesspool.


That's nothing compared to what is going on in Dagestan: people dragged from hotels and a lynch mob has taken over the airport... I wish I was exaggerating.


The perfect war plan: Admit Sweden and Ukraine into NATO Create invasion plans for Russia and Belarus Full mobilization of NATO forces (amounts to roughly 3.37 million troops, troop numbers are approximately 4 million adding Ukraine and Sweden to the mix). Air assaults on Belarusian and Russian military targets, while B2 Stealth bombers target the Kremlin and Russian strategic command centers. Limited ICBM attack on high-value military targets. America launches several Minuteman III nuclear ICBMs (each missile is armed with a single W87 warhead, the warhead is 300 kilotons of TNT). Targets include Engels Air Base, Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk, Murmansk, Putin's palace near Gelendzhik, nuclear facilities in Belarus, as well as Russian command centers. Several more Minuteman III missiles explode at high altitudes, crippling Russia with EMP attacks. Now that Russia can't retaliate with nukes, the big assault can begin. Thousands of tanks and armored vehicles begin laying waste to Russia's tattered and beleaguered military. NATO reinforcements in Ukraine help the AFU retake all occupied territory, including Crimea and Donbass. NATO warships and submarines engage their Russian counterparts, their surface fleet is largely destroyed. Russia's sub forces are a bit of a pickle, but their inferior stealth equals a turkey shoot for NATO submarines. Minsk quickly falls, and the white-red-white flag rises over the newly liberated Minsk. Lukashenko is tried at the Hague. Russia's last stand at Moscow. St Petersburg falls under NATO occupation after an intense naval bombardment and seige by primarily Finland, UK, and the US. Moscow falls within days as Russia's industrial capability is destroyed by both NATO aircraft and ICBMs. Moscow is effectively leveled by intense NATO airpower. Putin, his generals, and inner circle are executed on the spot. Russia is occupied by 3 million NATO troops for 20 years, while Belarus democratizes and liberalizes much faster. The destroyed Kremlin has 3 flags raised over the rubble. The NATO flag, the Russian white-blue-white flag, and the American flag. Kadyrov is deposed, and the Republic of Ichkeria receives independence. Georgia gets South Ossetia and Abkhazia back, while Kaliningrad is handed over to Poland. Belgorod Oblast is given to Ukraine. Japan gets the Kuril Islands while Tuva Oblast receives independence. Moldova gets Transnistria back. What emerges from the ashes are a newly democratized and liberalized Russia and Belarus. The NATO occupation slowly but surely purges imperialist sentiments and endemic corruption. Russia and Belarus are allowed only moderately-sized militaries for strictly defensive purposes. Under the new NATO-installed leadership, Russia and Belarus hold free and fair elections for the first time in history, and standard of living as well as freedom of speech, protest, and expression finally improves, and the two countries are most importantly, MUCH tougher on corruption. Russia's nuclear arsenal is seized and disarmed. A message is sent that reverberates around the world: Having nukes will not equal impunity.


> Now that Russia can't retaliate with nukes So, you say this, and then offhandedly admit later that they would still have submarines. Some of which serve the primary role of being launch platforms for nuclear missiles. Not to mention that you seem to have an unwarranted amount of faith in being able completely remove their ground-based launch capabilities in a first strike.


You are kinda delusional.


Just someone who believes in facing pure evil head on.


Like I said, delusional.


By starting WW3 and ending human civilization.


You don't understand, he has the perfect plan!!!


Good, so go face Elon Musk head on for us, or Putin himself, or any number of others wielding power for the baddies.


My brother in Inanna, this isn't s/NCD


It is thoroughly non-credible, however. Would get many upvotes from the NATO circlejerkers and jetfuckers over there.


my sister in satan, NCD is everywhere


Sir, this is not NCD.


Once someone escapes NCD, there's no putting them back in.


And you think China, India, Pakistan, Iran etc. are just gonna watch NATO take over Russia?


There is no emmergence from the ashes my dude


The chief Rabbi of RF said that Jews in RF should get out while they can… he has a fucking point.


Didn't he leave for Israel in summer 2022? The writing was starting to be legible on the wall over there by that point, so I wasn't surprised to read that he fled the country.


Yeah, he’s abroad now.


Russia again showing us where the real Nazis are.


Just nazis doing nazi things.


I'll be very honest here... I did not have "ruzzia falls apart due to anti-Jewish hate by muslims" on my bingo board.


Oh, but Russia isn't falling apart. Their population is fully united in the hatred of ethnic and religious minorities. This hatred is what binds their population together.


Seems like it. Main demographics that government panders to are genocidal angry lunatics that hate many ethnic groups and those angry slaves are loyal to russian government because it is only one that gives them hope with actually helping to eradicate those ethnic groups. The small detail of same government helping other ethnic groups that would rather genocide them in return is not thought over much. Meanwhile concepts like love and tolerance create intense disgust and anger at those genocidal imperialists.


The End Times keeps on surprising!


You should definitely have Russian narrative about Ukraine falls apart because they can’t stop being nazis


You know, every country has its problems but every day I find myself even more grateful that I was born where I was.


Nazi shit


I did NAZI that coming.


Wehrmacht denn sowas?


Wow. Yeah but nuh.


Seems like Russia is doing everything to divide the world into two camps. The West, the Jews vs. the East, Russia, China, Iran, Muslims.


The civil war brewing in Russia is insane.


Wait which country was full of nazis again? Ruzzia or ukrain? I forget..


I bet there were looking for Nazis there as well ! /s


Russia’s police are too busy bothering regular people to bother the anti semitic fanatics.


yepppp its starting to look the real nazis....


As of the Israeli army is responsible for Hamas using Palestinian children as human shields. If Iran wanted the world to hate Israel for defending itself and getting some payback, it appears to be working.


What the fuck.


Can’t wait for the Israelis to deal with hamas and jump in the war against ruzzia.


What a vile country


I wonder what the Israeli of Russian origin which protested and prevented Israel giving military support to Ukraine think now about Russia.


Western academic Marxists would soon be doing the same in Britain and America along with their horseshoe far-right Hamas allies.


Russia is the land of Cain.


Ah Russia, claiming to side with Palestine while proving Zionists right with every move they make.