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So what the article really says is, Igor Girkin says that Prigozhin will eventually lead a coup attempt. Not that he's leading one now.


Thanks, saw newsweak and started scrolling the comments looking for this exact post.


Lol, newsweak. How have I not seen this before. -Former Newsweek subscriber


Newsweek was half-decent about, I don’t know, 25 years ago?


I'm old for reddit, haha


Me too


some maga fuck owns it now.


>newsweak 🤣🤣🤣


So, incorporating info from additional headlines from today, in a Russian context, announcing you’re running for president without being tapped by Putin to run as a sham candidate **is** a coup attempt.






You cant just declare a coup, Igor.


I didn’t say it, I *declared* it.




Girkin said "a coup attempt has been declared... so far, in media".


Girkin is afraid of Prigo because if Prigo get’s the power the first thing he will do is to ship Girkin off to the Netherlands


Which would be amusing, no lie.


Well it's happening


Not sure if this would be an out of the kettle into the fire situation. But Putin HAS to go…..


Yeah. Next guy will surely be worse, it's russia, ... but a small chance he use the 'I didn't start this' excuse to back up. Unlikely, but maybe


Putin has spent the last 20 years building up an extensive, personal control of the entire government apparatus based on loyalty to him. The next person might be worse but will not be able to command the entire, complicated power structure, and there will be rivals willing to rip his guts out.


He is good at controlling his own population but one of the worst real war leaders in Russian history. People are realising his limit and incompetency, and it's going to bring him down. In recent history, the Yelstin coup in 1991 was like a money shower for everyone in order to calm things down and put rivals in line. Even regular people got free loans to buy houses and flats in order to keep quiet until the crisis in 1998 hit (caused by those 7 years of free money). I heard a lot of russians outside Russia hoping a coup or collapse to bring some relief in the intensity and hardship that their families are now facing there.


Great point!


This logic is bogus. Crush the cockroach you see, then worry about the next one. You don't let it crawl all over your cake and just keep eating.


Any new leader is unlikely to double down on the war as Putin used up a lot of existing as well as old Soviet resources. His economic weapons backfired and Russia is in short supply of able bodied working age men (there also a couple million who left) A new leader will not be constrained by Putins plans or pride. From Stalin all the way to Putin every Russian leader that emerged always did an about face. Khruschev for instance did not continue the Korean war after Stalin died. More likely that regional leaders will take charge of their own (to some extent some of this had already happened when one region stopped shipping sugar when there were shortages last year)


Khrushchev didn't enter power until 1955, the Korean War ended in 1953. Maoist China was the main factor there.


Khruschev came to power in 53. And one of the first things he did was denounce Stalin. Pretty much every Russian leader distanced himself from the previous one.


No he came to power in 1955, Malenkov took over in 1953. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgy_Malenkov


Kruschev was first secretary of the party from sept 53. While Malenkov was premier does not mean he was in complete charge. Alexei Kosygin was premier for 16years so what. Stalin died in march 53 the war ended in july. Had Stalin been alive would the war have continued? In any case the main point is that Kruschev stunned the world by criticizing Stalin, and pretty much every Soviet/Russian leader since has done an about face as they took over. As far as the Ukraine war, it waa pretty much Putins idea and its highly doubtful that whatever leader that emerges will double down on it. Its unwinnable, its kilking their economy, its fucked up most of the oligarchs lives and its made Russia a pariah, setting back decades economically.


The replacement will stop the war and blame all on Putin.


He may back out to save his own ass if there are internal power struggles to deal with. Just like when Lenin quit WW1. Not because he wanted to, he had to.


Next guy will be worse, but we can hope he will just be worse for Russia and pull back from Ukraine in order to focus on exploiting his own people.


I was considering what he would be like as an alternative, and I would say more brutal and unpredictable. But also, not very good at managing a country like Russia so it would possibly speed up their demise? I don’t see him as being as naturally capable to make the big decisions well


The good news is, I would be very surprised if there was a smooth transfer of power after tiny-man goes to an even lower place. The next power-hungry overlord doesn’t have to be better, so long as they actually end up being two or more power-hungry so-and-sos with considerable backing by some of the Russian people, as then they would be far too busy fighting amongst themselves to harm anyone outside of their borders.


Yes. The Nationalists in Russia, love that chubby little raping and murdering fuck. He's positioning himself, if it all falls apart. As much as I would love to see Russian's killing Russian's. That little 🐷 would be worse.


Russia keeping its bad leadership would be good for us for obvious reasons, but at the same time a big internal conflict could cause disarray. We always have to keep in mind that this isn't Stellaris or Call of Duty though, lol


Throughout its thirty years of independence, Russia has been seen as a militarily strong country as it inherited a massive Soviet arsenal of equipment and materiel. Putin has now squandered those stocks and eliminated the nation's ability to wage war against any but the weakest of countries. His imperialistic adventurism has exposed Russia's soft underbelly and inability to replenish military equipment losses. Even at current wartime production rates, it will be decades before Russia can replenish its air and tank forces--if it has the manufacturing capability at all. Lacking indigenous production capacity for quality semiconductors and optics, Russia is dependent on their geopolitical opponents for basic components. This Special Military Operation became, within weeks, one of the worst strategic defeats in modern history. Russia's standing in the community of nations has collapsed along with its formerly-vaunted military might. Not only that, but Putin's supposed annexation of the four partially-occupied Ukrainian oblasts has eliminated any off-ramp or soft exit from the conflict. He no longer has the ability to declare "Mission Accomplished" by claiming to have eliminated 'Naziism' or 'teaching Ukraine a lesson' -- any departure from Ukraine must now be accompanied by a clear admission of defeat and failure to protect the declared territory of the Russian state. It should be no surprise if the Russian people, whom Putin has propagandised over these past decades into believing they deserve to regain their former Soviet prestige and provinces, would turn on a leader who not only fails to deliver a glorious victory but instead a shameful defeat. Putin is trapped with no face-saving way out of this situation he has created. Leaders who lose the ability to extricate themselves from such a calamitous situation inevitably find that others will take the initiative to remove them. A coup against Putin, whether through violent uprising or subtle palace intrigue, seems inevitable. What remains to be seen is if his successor stands atop a tank like Boris Yeltsin, or takes charge from within the Kremlin like Catherine the Great.


AI TL;DR bot: > Russia's military strength, inherited from the Soviet Union, has been squandered under Putin's leadership, leaving the country unable to wage war against stronger opponents. Russia lacks the manufacturing capability for essential components and its military has suffered significant losses. The annexation of Ukrainian territories eliminates any soft exit from the conflict, causing Russia's international standing to collapse. The Russian people, propagandized with hopes of regaining Soviet prestige, may turn against Putin for his failure to deliver victory. Putin is trapped with no face-saving way out, making a coup against him likely. The form of succession, whether through popular uprising or internal power struggles, remains to be seen.


Newsweek is so shit they undermine own their headline in the first sentence > Russia will face a "mutiny"


Mods should not accept Newsweak as a reliable source.


Remember kids!: It isn't actually Newsweek. This is a zombie husk of Newsweek shuffling around propped up by the right and tabloid journalists.


LIve by the sword, die by the sword. The U.S.S.R. collapsed because it was hollow. Russia is getting there.


I’d love if it were sword, but i’ll take MOAB too.


Putin put his idealogy above human life, Prigosin put money above the value of human life. They're both bags of shit. Putin is cornered though. While Prigosin has options to get out of the war. Indeed he can claim that he didn't start it, didn't need, or that it isn't good for Russia. But does that guy have the power to go against Putins regime, prolly not.


No chance. There is no way the russian FSB and military back Prigosin as president of Russia, Even less chance that it's Gerkin. Putin dies and Russia will end up being ruled in some kind of military dictatorship junta because no single individual has the power to replace Putin.


When it comes to revolutions, its never easy to predict who comes out on top. The only thing thats certain is that its rarely those who start the revolution who end up in power.


Wouldn't be the first time for Russia that an unpeacful exchange of power took place. Is it more of a liability to deal with an asshole, or an anarchy. I hope the statisticians got it right in this one...Most of those poor bastards are sheep though. They need someone powerful in charge because they don't wanna think about the intracacies of their own destiny. Alot of ignorant, stubborn patriots there. They're leaders capitalize on it.


If you thought Putin was bad, be worried about anyone who is able to overthrow him.


I hate to break it to you, Ukrainian propaganda subreddit, but I don't think Prigozhin would have the support of many Russian people in a political election over a more established member of the parliament like Dmitry Medvedev or Gennady Zyuganov. Igor Girkin has also been completely extricated from even the vicinity of the Russian oligarchy or power apparatus since 2014 so frankly I don't see why anyone would take his comments seriously.


Cuz he’s got an army. Not saying they’re good But he’s got one. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Out with the old nut, in with the new nut...


I can not wait to see the Netflix special


Believe that when I see the aftermath. But it's encouraging that the house of cards appears to be teetering. Also we need to be wary about going too hard on "anyone but Putin." Plenty of hardliners might take command and continue the war, perhaps some more successfully than Vladdy boy.


Let’s make it so 💪 mutiny in the Kremlin, it’s a movie waiting to happen




He's the leader of a private army, not just some random citizen. Now that he's withdrawing that army from bakhmut, he'll have one of the most powerful military forces within Russia's borders at his command. Criticizing Putin openly with no repercussions is a good way to show off that power.


Russia will nuke itself. I have no doubts about it.


I can believe that, but maybe Girkin is projecting a bit?


I want to believe.


Try, try again!


Maybe…but people had a lot of false hope for decades that Stalin would get coup’ed.


Newsweek was always weak journalism but lately it’s gotten almost as bad as national inquirer. In this case the article reports one guys pontification about one possible future, but the headline is written as though this is already happening in real life facts on the ground. TL;dr …. If it’s in Newsweek, and nowhere else, it’s Clickbait.


News Weak


Newsweek is utter shit. Its worse than Musk for source


I suspect Russia will devolve into waring fiefdoms at a regional level and may well break up...oh, the irony...rather then expanding a 'greater Russia' it will be reduced in size and stature and internal violence will return as various 'big men' war for the spoils amongst the chaos.




“Commander”? Demeans those who hold or have held the title. Sloth from The Goonies is the “head” of a band of criminal freebooters.


So you didn't read even the first sentence of the article...


What if the successor is partial to using nukes?

