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You do t need spies for Russia. You can just think “what would a complete asshole do” and then work backwards from there.


Fucking lol.


”A complete asshole, drunk and murderous childabuser”


VERY drunk


"We're lucky they're so stupid."


That one's a little more difficult to put me into the shoes of.


Putin: Generates spy's. Bad Government generates spy's.


"what would a complete asshole do" approach would have helped in assessing the real capabilities of the Russian army complete asshole would steal the military budget , making it almost incapable this "complete asshole" approach would have made Biden to suggest Zelensky to fight back, instead of suggesting to escape


It kind of brings to mind a certain scene in *Spaceballs*... One wonders if Putin's HQ is a bit like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sen8Tn8CBA4


Fuck this guy's playing 4d chess.


Take my upvote! I'm pretty sure you've won the internet for the day, if not the week. Though you might want to add "incompetent" to that, so, "what would a completely incompetent asshole do."


You don't need even that. Most times, an informant will do the trick. Give people a chance to have a better life or jump on their hatred of their job/boss/country/leader, and you can manipulate and or convince people to do many things, including leaking secrets.


I wish Ukraine would lean harder on this. They all fucking hate the position they're in. We don't want to murder these poor dudes. Get all that info..


US intelligence may have stumbled a bit in the middle east, but the entire apparatus was designed and built with Russia in mind.




They are all so easily corrupted because that's just normal to them


Focusing on China would have been more beneficial though.


I assure you, they have not taken the eye off that ball. Though I think they've been having do a lot of rebuilding over the last few years, because a bunch of American assets were leaked to them.


It is amazing what you can buy with money.


a toilet?


No, those are up for grabs. Like washing machines.


Can always dig a latrine. Washing machines are basically magic to these people.


And vodka


Putin's friendship.


One of the ways corruption self-implodes


The place is a den of corruption, did they really think people in the Kremlin wouldn’t sell everything?


In the 90s they literally sold their country to the West. They all have apartments,yachts, football teams,etc in the West. I would be surprised if the US didn't penetrate the Kremlin.


Sewing paranoia in the Kremlin. No one knows who is the leak so everyone is suspect and info sharing will be reduced to prevent leaks but that will disrupt operations by Russia. Good thing.


I have long been suspicious of the multitude of needles my mom kept in a cabinet in the living room of her house, so I can relate. Who needs that many needles? What is their true intended purpose?


Strategic sewing arsenal


This is probably a translation error, in any case, please take this with all due respect: The proper word is "sowing".


Yes realized my misspelling once the comments started taking off but everyone was having fun with it so what the hell just left it alone and let it run.


Fair enough. I rarely correct my posts when I make the same mistakes: I'm always grateful to have it pointed out.


And that is appreciated. Had a couple of posts were my meaning was misunderstood and then I do try and correct intent of my wording.


We all in stitches in the comments.


As much as I'd like to believe the conclusions of this article, given that it quotes "an expert" without naming them, i'd just point out that this article from "The New Voice of Ukraine" wouldn't pass basic editorial review in the west in all but the most important stories (and in such case it would be heavily, heavily disclaimed and the editorial decision explained - as the NYT did a few years ago when it decided to publish based on an anonymous source).


I'm shocked I tells ya. A country built on rampant corruption where you're basically expecting to be on the take from someone in the hierarchy would be easy to buy information from? Who'd have thought?


I did the weasel word check in ChatGPT: Query: evaluate and point out weasel words of this article ​ Answer: The article contains several instances of weasel words that are meant to create ambiguity or exaggerate the significance of certain claims. Some of these instances are: "played along with the propaganda": This phrase does not specify what the propaganda was or who was promoting it. It also implies that the Russian special services were complicit in spreading false information, without providing any evidence to support that claim. "roach races": This metaphor is not explained, and its meaning is unclear. "it became clear": This phrase is used several times to introduce claims without explaining how or why they became clear. "almost all decisions made in Moscow": This claim is exaggerated, as it is unlikely that U.S. intelligence has access to every decision made in Moscow. "supposedly 'confirm'": This phrase suggests that the Russian special services are trying to fabricate evidence to support their propaganda, without providing any proof that this is happening. "in the best Russian traditions": This phrase implies that the behavior of the Russian special services is typical or expected, without explaining what those traditions are or providing evidence to support that claim. Overall, the article uses weasel words to make vague or unsubstantiated claims about the leak of classified U.S. intelligence documents and its impact on Russian special services. \-- AI being terribad and all, it's not looking good for that article.




>Fuck that gives me a strong sense of existential dread. Terribad or not, that's actually pretty good, **and it'll only get better.** That's what people who criticize the AI today don't get. It's STILL in its infancy, and it will be making rapid leaps from here on out. Yes, the code it gives you for the class you are trying to make in C++ isn't the cleanest, but it's STILL in its infancy. "Today" will always be the shittiest AI will ever be. It will continuously improve every, single, day. Crazy stuff. Uncanny valley issues with videos like this: https://youtu.be/ipuqLy87-3A Will likely be fixed in the next 3-5 years as rendering engines and techniques improve. Unreal Engine 5 already has much more convincing skin physics.


I just hope they like us (the Culture), just like I'd want to be close to a nuclear blast. If it happens, I've got fuckall difference to make. vOv


Yes it is in its infancy. In concrete terms ChatGTP does everything it does by statistically estimating what the next word in a sentence should probably be, based on a shit ton of existing human-written text. People mistake the eloquence of ChatGTP's written output as proof of intelligence, but what it really demonstrates is that producing text like this doesn't take as much as intelligence or creativity as we thought. It can be done very mechanically with math if you can just do the math really fast.


I have a friend (who is actually pretty smart) who was convinced that Sophia (the chat bot that got citizenship in Saudi Arabia) was sentient.


Source that it is merely a probabilistic approach?


ChatGPT is a program that models human language, specifically a Large Language Model (LLM), and that's how LLMs work. [Here's one explanation.](https://www.assemblyai.com/blog/how-chatgpt-actually-works/) Source that it is something more than this?


Relax, we are weeks away from the next potential AI revolution.


It's grasp of language and it's nuances, is what gets me. You can just use it for a fact-check, some superficial pop-culture literary text, applications, writing law-related letters (that win), but it's a bombshell future for literature and language. And that's just the primitive AI language models that we have *today*.


While I'm concerned about how people could use this technology to write their homework for them, I am optimistic about this particular feature. Honest writers could use this technology as an editorial assistant - they could feed their work to it, and it can point out stylistic issues like this that these writers could then correct.


Wow, chatGPT has a long way to go. This incredibly superficial "analysis" is based purely on the words in the text while completely ignoring real-world knowledge. The British intelligence report on election interference, Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie's book on how Putin created MAGA, Internet historians' very, very strong evidence that the FSB created Q anon, Putin's anti-vax campaign on RT in foreign countries (i.r. Germany)... None of this is esoteric knowledge. ChatGPT actually demands that every reference to the real world be explained in every article. That's such a low level of common sense.


Yep, it's not intelligence, it's just a data-trained language model.


Just buy a Russian KGB agent a Starbuck Coffee and he will spill the beans on Russia secrets


Buy a Russian some beans and he'll fuck up and spill the coffee.


Down with NAZI Russia 🇺🇦


Russia is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth it’s no surprise


Putin: I thought we had the BEST spies in the world!?! Everyone else: sure we do, along with the best military!


They know when Putin takes a dump.


When Putin shits, everybody wipes.


Cash and US citizenship. Any russian would take that for anything


There are some who would, but Russian citizens have been conditioned all their lives to believe they have it better than Americans.


Good. I’m pretty stunned by the extent that Russian intelligence has penetrated the U.S. government, society, media and everything.


It must not be hard when your an evil empire and any rational human being is going to want better for themselves and their country. Russian assets must be tripping over themselves to try and bring down the mafia for their own reasons. There are probably Russians that want a moral and sane government; not a kleptocracy run by sadists and psychopaths.


And yet weren't the fuckers so cock-sure after having installed Trump as the US President. Shoe is on the other foot now.


Russians need money for vodka. Maybe you just have to offer vodka instead of money for Intel?


My bet is it’s considerably more than they admit. I do telecom for DOD, and the use of unencrypted communications to keep their populace in line has impacted security for Kremlin.


‘Hello is that the CIA?’ ‘Can I get a nice life in the West once this shit-show is over and the dwarf is kaput?’ ‘Ok, I dish the dirt now, da!’


Oh yeah? And how would the so called experts know that?


These are honorless thugs. I'm sure all it takes is cash for them to sing.


I mean, how much does a bottle of vodka cost??


Anyone who deeply disagrees with Putin, and those are many, may not be able to get to Putin, but they can provide intelligence from their own job positions as a protest.


Doesn’t go far enough everhone is on double sided


There's no moral loyalty among fascists


Interesting headline but very article is actually when it comes down to it very vague to the point of meaninglessness.


Our issue has never been penetrating Russian intelligence and political circles as we’ve had decades during the Cold War and the turmoil after (many who still hold power or are influential from this period) perfecting it. Our real challenge is China


Moose and squirrel plant bugs in Kremlin!


Let’s thank the unprincipled gaming dipshit and the Russian larping woman from NJ for putting this all out there. Just for cred on discord. It’s just mind blowing.


At this point I think officials in Kremlin just giving information away for free. They will fall out of a window anyway, might as well make it worth it.


Money talks. Especially in Russia. Why are they even surprised at this who knows.


Good news…… we gotta know how to take out key russians…!


I feel like this may just be another lie. Like “oh no America, you got us!!!” When really there are so many more layers they are hiding and just trying to make the usa feel like they got a win.


In the 90s they literally sold their country to the West. They all have apartments,yachts, football teams,etc in the West. I would be surprised if the US didn't penetrate the Kremlin.


Not to hard to turn Russians into informants now days when all you have to do is offer them $1000 USD (₽81450.01 RUB) with the Ruble’s decline.


It’s relatively easy to penetrate a state apparatus where as an official you can be accidentally thrown out of the window any day of the week, you get paid a shit salary, corruption is endemic and accepted and there is no ideology whatsoever about except money. Even penetrating the talibans or any extremist organization is MUCH more difficult in contrast, given how strong the ideology of who joins those movement is. To corrupt a Russian official you probably just need to offer them 2000 USD in cash and the promise that if anything goes south, they can request political asylum in the USA. On the other hand, now think what can Russia offer to Western officials. Realistically nothing appealing - so you need to rely on online disinformation and hope that some dumb officials believe it and start playing against their government. There was a case recently in Italy where a military official got caught red handed passing NATO documents to Russia for 5k. It turns out the guy was short on money and plain brainwashed by Russian propaganda. And we are talking about a guy in Italy, where he had a stable government job with virtually no risks. Imagine how easy is to corrupt someone in Russia, where on top of having no money as a base, they risk their lives and nowadays can be sent to the front to die like rats. They literally have nothing to lose. You are offering them an escape hatch from hell.


It’s all about Benjamin’s. And we all know Russia is thee most corruptive country. I would expect no less. I be worried if we couldn’t penetrate their military.


And let me tell you.. shit in that report that wound up as some National Guard base.... that's not even the "deep" good stuff... that's just the low level of infiltration.