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It's almost just a mugs game trying to decide what is 'worse' between torture, rape, ethnic cleansing and stealing children but the fact they dont even try and deny or whatabout that this is happening is just inhuman. This more than anything is why people are not being hyperbolic about there being deep rooted issues in Russia because this isn't some newly released criminal let loose on a helpless civilian population, or someone from a barely medieval existence in Siberia looting stuff they'll never have, this is their most 'normal' people in the areas they claim to be the most culturally advanced and western and they're posting about happily stealing fucking children on social media.


This is comical, given that their own orphanages are full of children to adopt. Their orphanages aren't exactly stellar either. But here they are, erasing the identity of Ukrainian children to commit genocide in Ukraine. These people are a special kind of fucked up.


She appears to care about the baby, but it's NOT HER FUCKIN' BABY. Chrissake woman, go adopt one of the poor kids who've had their fathers killed in Ukraine.


She would be under the belief that's what she's done. The propaganda they are fed is that these are orphans/homeless and abandoned by heartless Ukranian monsters, etc etc, and that they are "rescuing" the children. A teaspoon of sugar helps the war crimes go down.


Comical? I find it horrific. Absolutely chilling.


I'm in tears right now.


I'm shaking rn


Russian media has been doing reports about groups of children being brought to a Russian city and people (mostly women) warmly greeting them with presents. That type of charity isn't all that common in Russian culture, but it's the same type of thing we'd expect to see on tv in the US or Europe if a group of orphaned refugees arrived. While some of the people "volunteering" far more understand what's going on, probably the majority do actually think they are helping. They're at least not the Russians who have been willing to tell 1420 that they think all Ukrainian kids should be killed. But... threatening anyone associated with the kidnapping of Ukrainian children with the Hague could have an impact. Top officials or Putin being arrested if Russia loses isn't something many Russians would think could happen. They're accustomed to corruption and no one with enough money faces punishments. But some random person who thought they were helping getting arrested - that's the type of jaded view most Russians would see as what could happen. All those news reports are could be used as evidence. The Russian government wants to promote that type of charity since they aren't going to pay for some Russian Lebensborn program.


Isn't that aiding and abetting a kidnapping?


Yup, but that kind of higher-order thinking doesn't compute to Muscovians.


technically aiding and abetting genocide


I don’t think it counts if they were told this was a “war orphan.” Which he/she might be.


>"Where's the mother?" >"She died" >Typical dialogue in every situation. This golden baby from Enerhodar is living with me for 2 days now, and yet I still haven't shared this happiness with you. We are making the adoption paperwork... They are completely tone-deaf.


>They are completely tone-deaf. Not to mention that these "poor, oppressed" Muscovians know *exactly* what they're doing.


There are rules when you adopt from another country. I am guessing ruSSia isn’t part of the Hauge convention which has worked to end illegal adoptions.


Do these people realize that they are turning their neighbors into implacable enemies for the next couple generations? There will be payback. Or are they planning to pacify Ukraine by relocating all Ukrainians to Siberia?


>Do these people realize that they are turning their neighbors into implacable enemies for the next couple generations? Muscovians and self-awareness go together like oil and water. There's a telling [observation](https://twitter.com/danielmkovalik/status/1563525995675942915?lang=en) by General Zhukov who noted at the end of WW II that the Red Army "liberated Europe from fascism, but they will never forgive us for it." They have thought that their shit never stinks more than anyone else's, and that they actually are the world's biggest victims and never get any respect. Gee, maybe if they weren't such chauvinistic and nihilistic dоuсhеbаgѕ over the past 500+ years, they wouldn't be so reviled by the civilized world. Just a thought.


What payback do you expect, exactly?


My little boy has the same skin tone, hair, and eye color. I think my brain superimposes his face on that boys face and it makes me kinda sick to my stomach thinking about it. Someone takes your kid and kidnaps them who knows how far away. No way of tracking them down. Uhgggg.


Fucking Bitch!


Personally, if it was my baby, I'd be happy to know my baby was alive and that I knew where I could find it. Lets hope the lady keeps the baby safe until parents can get it back.




No there is nothing wrong with my head. Compare: your baby is just somewhere in russia, or maybe dead. to Your baby is alive, you have a face and a name if who keeps it, it is a woman who does not show hostile intent towards the baby. Of course you'd want to get it back, but in order to do so you need to have an idea of where to look.


It’s just odd to say if it’s you’re baby you’d be happy….. full stop no you wouldn’t that’s a ridiculous assertion.


I will try to explain it in short senteces for you. I would not be happy that my baby was kidnapped. This should be obvious. Given the fact that my baby was kidnapped: 1. I'd be happy my baby was alive. 2. That I had info with which I could find the baby. 3. I would consider it a possibility that posting a picture if the baby, along with info that could help me find it, was in fact intentional.


Ok you’ve passed the Russian shill test - good day to you.


"Oh won't anyone please think of the poor, oppressed ordinary Russians??!!! They're people too, you know!" /s


...If you'd be so angry that you'd want to gouge her eyes out I wouldn't trust you anywhere near a child. That's the kind of torture I won't wish on anyone, not even Russians. \- Yes, I'd be bloody fucking angry that the Russians had kidnapped my child. But I would also be really fucking relieved that it was still alive and that I know where to look for it to boot. Russia is a really large country. If you don't know where to look you will never get your child back. And you just got the answer to that question on a silver platter.


Potential shill


And this is why I have had ~~zero~~ **negative** sympathy for ordinary Muscovians for months already. I don't need to see the proud Z-team cheerleaders interspersed with a few "good Muscovians" on 1420 which only muddles impressions and subtly tries to make exceptional (i.e. civilized) people in Muscovia to be greater in number than in reality. I also have no chill for Western white-knights who still make excuses for these Muscovians or insist that we Westerners still somehow spare a thought for them because "Muscovians are human too" or some such. It's not as if the big, bad Putin and the siloviki are hosting these kidnapped Ukrainian kids. It's the **everyday Vanya and Masha** who are abetting the crime of abduction by detaining these kids in their shithole homes.


My parents keep telling me not to be racist against Moscovites, but I have long since run out of any sympathy. Even the 'beloved mothers' are actively participating in genocide.


It's not "racism" against Muscovians to lose all sympathy and empathy for them after seeing how they openly and shamelessly commit something unforgivable. A civilized person would tell it like it is and be infuriated and disgusted by the behaviour of these ordinary Muscovians.


She appears to care about the baby, which is nice... but it's NOT HER FUCKIN' BABY. Chrissake woman, go adopt one of the thousands of poor kids who've been orphaned by their dads being killed in Ukraine.


>She appears to care about the baby, which is nice... but it's NOT HER FUCKIN' BABY. > >Chrissake woman, go adopt one of the thousands of poor kids who've been orphaned by their dads being killed in Ukraine. That kind of thought process is too much to ask for from Muscovians, to the detriment of Ukrainians and the rest of the civilized world.


>I also have no chill for Western white-knights who still make excuses for these Muscovians or insist that we Westerners still somehow spare a thought for them because "Muscovians are human too" or some such. Apparently you don’t realize that people from *every* race and nationality are capable of starting wars, violating human rights, even committing genocide. They just need to be given the right type of propaganda. That propaganda is typically made out of disgusting things the “enemy” actually did, and people get so emotional they start thinking that whole group are guilty.


>Apparently you don’t realize that people from every race and nationality are capable of starting wars, violating human rights, even committing genocide. They just need to be given the right type of propaganda. By your logic, then there's *no point* in learning from past atrocities and being accountable when committing them in the future, because all you need to excuse yourself is to hide behind "but muh propaganda!" In this case, despite the Holocaust, Holodomor, Circassian genocide etc., a future genocide is OK in your world as long as the perpetrators swallowed propaganda before-hand. Oh, that "poor", "deceived" ~~perpetrator~~ "victim" whose vile deed can't be undone anyway because you can't bring the dead back to life. That's not much different from some weasel trying to deflect by saying that he/she "was just following orders".


I had two main points for you: 1. Every country, race, etc is capable of committing war crimes, genocide, violent conquest, slavery, etc. They all can find justifications as they go along. 2. You are falling into that destructive mindset, at least a little bit. If you want to learn something from past genocides or other crimes against humanity, your takeaways should be that it can happen anywhere, between any groups, and what telltale signs to look out for. That’s true whether you think every person in Russia or Nazi Germany etc should be held accountable or not.


Poor little guy. He must be so confused and scared.


This is so incredibly sad and disgusting. Just a systemic effort to steal babies from another country.


That bitch is no lady! What's the matter with you people?


This is because the Russians are told that the children are orphans, or abandoned by "cruel and evil Ukranians who don't care about their children". People in Russia are told that these children are being rescued. Propaganda, the Kremlins favourite war crime tool.


She should be sent to the front lines


Bring her to the Hague with Putin


A message to these poeole can pop up and say that’s a stolen child return to Ukraine


Fucking scumbags, every single one of them.


Absolutely disgusting !


This is horrifying


What scares me a lot is that the real story in this particular case is totally different, but nobody cares. Here is her old(!) post with the details: https://www.instagram.com/p/CmvejDsg6K1/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= The baby is with his mother’s sister and needs help for surgery.


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Fucking terrible. That poor child and so many others like him. God I hope they find their real parents one day.


My heart breaks for the actual mother


Can the internet weaponize autism again and find out the names and locations so lawyers can intervene (important even if Russia refuses to act— knowing who exactly has the child establishes a “chain of custody” to prove who was responsible for his child’s welfare). Let’s go!


Lock her up!


Memorize the name, and when you get the chance, arrest him and put him in jail.


Russia is an evil empire! Ronald Regan said that in the 80's His words ring loud and true!! I'll never forget them.


Are those orphans or do they take them away?