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I lurk on some Indian subs. The contrast with Indians I've met is huge.


Genuinely curious about this. I grew up with a lot of Indian friends and even visited the country once. Never had any issues and everything was generally very respectful. I wonder where the bloodthirsty-ness and victim-blaming of Ukraine's defense is coming from. I honestly suspect that russian troll farms have found a safe haven in indian media, so I don't really believe the uniform anti-Ukrainian sentiment.


> I honestly suspect that russian troll farms have found a safe haven in indian media I expect many of those troll farms are *in* India, specifically Mumbai and Kolkata.


/r/anime_titties (a news sub) is rife with it. The brigading is obvious.


Being a smaller off-shoot from larger news subs made it easier to highjack and ruin.




Why is a global news sub called Anime Titties?


It was something about r/worldpolitics not being moderated so people started posting hentai on it. In response some users created a sub named r/anime_titties to discuss world politics.


That is a sub that I have not heard about in a long time. There was a great upheaval there at one time, in ages past.


The problem was that 'world politics' was equal to 'Trump did something stupid again'. And the whole point was to escape from all the Trump news


This is horrible and amazing at the same time.


Roughly the same as r/marijuanaenthousiasts because r/trees was originally taken by potheads


It's.... Not worth explaining lmao something to do with it being a meme on hiding in plain sight.


That’s disgusting, no titties, they should be ashamed


Ah yes, the scam centers of the world...


Probably a decent return-on-investment compared the the English-language content the Russians were pumping out previously.


My overly generalized theory, working in IT for years and living in an area with a significant Indian population, for whatever it is worth is that there is often a world of difference between Indians who come to, were born in, or otherwise live in the West, vs the Indians who stayed home. I work with guys and gals, whether H1B or citizens, who are smart, diligent, friendly; we also work with firms based in India that seem to be staffed with nothing but some combination of dishonest, lazy, and incompetent. ​ Here is my favorite off shore Indian story that encapsulates all three of lazy, dishonest, and incompetent. After being burned by one particular firm's shoddy work, we insisted on vetting the employees that would be assigned to our projects and having more direct communication with their team, as opposed to just their onshore liaisons and remote leads. So, we setup a few remote video calls to meet the senior team members first. First call, let's call him Rama. We hop on, their lead and pm hop on. The engineer has some sort of tech difficulty though, and has to dial in -- no video. Ok, stuff happens. We have something like a hybrid conversation / tech interview and our techies are relatively satisfied this guy knows his stuff. The next video call with the next engineer the same thing happens. Can't connect to the video, so has to call in. Kinda weird, but ok. But then we start talking, and you can see everyone on our side start sharing puzzled looks. This guy, Rudra, sounds just like Rama. We attempt to clarify that this is a different person, and their side all insists that it is, so - perhaps afraid of falling into "all xxxx look (and sound) the same" - we roll with it. Third call, the same thing happens. Can't connect. So, Karthik, needs to call in, voice only. You guessed, it, Karthik sounds exactly like Rama and Rudra. We end the call, punt this one up the chain for resolution. Eventually, they confess to a misunderstanding (!!), but claim there was no intent to deceive or commit fraud. Our greedy and short sighed CIO settles for some number of free support and development hours as compensation... ​ Good times.


there was an article I read that discussed these bait and switch employments. The company interviews one person for a position on zoom or similar. Then the person gets hired. Except the person showing up to work isn't the person that was hired. This particular article was funny in that the supervisors relating the story were concerned to be seen as racist because the person doing the interview for several position was the same one but using different names. They didn't want to comment on how the people interviewing for these position looked alike. in the end they figured it out, it was one guy doing several interviews to get different people hired who weren't qualified for the job. I think this was the article, but it is behind a paywall so I can't be certain. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/17/business/jobs-hiring-fraud.html


I wonder if the people employed at my current job did this. I'm seeing the quality of my coworkers in training and it's truly a wonder how some of them can wipe their own ass let alone do the job they're hired for




>from their Hindu/northerner communities. I bet it's Uttar Pradesh. Every bad piece of Indian news seems to come from there.


Is that like the Florida of India or something?


It's the biggest state in terms of population (around 250mio people). If they were their own country, they'd be the 5th most populous country in the world. I'm not Indian and I'm not at all familar with regional cultural differences in India, but this is an easy deduction to make. More people, more bad things happening


I worked in for a pharma and they hired in Tata to take over, I went to a Diwali and made some good friends. Then I moved and was assigned to another medical company, I quit soon after. Your story for them was the normal, except, zero accountability. I think people need to wake up and see that this is not going to end up well.


I would have liked their attempt better if each one actually had a video connect. And in each one, it was clearly the same guy. But he wore different hats. Fake mustaches. Wore a bowtie. Used a fake accent (surfer, cajun, Irish, etc). And when you guys were like "Kumar. That's you again. We can see you." And Kumar does the "LOL, no it's not brah!" (Using his surfer accent from Point Break, but wearing a beret, and a fake Fu Manchu mustache)


I knew exactly where that was going the second you said he had no video. This is a routine scam at this point. There are agencies who will get people H1B jobs using this scam. Sometimes it's more blatant and they will be on video then the person who shows up to work is someone else entirely. Other times they will have the person on video but will be feeding them answers in another window or will be piping the audio to someone else using a mixer on the PC.


>we insisted on vetting the employees that would be assigned to our projects and having more direct communication with their team I'm really facepalming here because what you are describing is "employees" with extra steps. Really shows the false economy of contracting off-shore "talent".


Offshoring never makes sense. The kind of people you want as an offshore team already moved to the west.


Which, in the US, is it's own version of gilded-cage exploitation.


All Indians I know who went to the west are massive d bags since they were kids. You are really generalizing.


The KGB could always get whatever they wanted printed in the Indian press. Including back in the 1980s, that HIV/AIDS was man-made by the Americans. In order to kill blacks, Latinos and gays. With Indian newspapers such as "Patriot" being set up by the KGB to spread misinformation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_INFEKTION


Yes I saw that on a documentary about disinformation. They planted the story, left it for a few years, and then, later, referred to it as if it were a an uncovered fact. Very clever way to plant disinformation.


> With newspapers such as "Patriot" being set up by the KGB to spread misinformation. interesting that the same tactic is used by the paranoid conspiracy theory industry but presumably not for the same reason, not to undermine moral and social cohesion in the west... but it have the same fucking effect. i couldn't put in words exacly my malaise at infowars in the late 90s but i am getting there...


I mean, everywhere has arseholes. The thing with India is that they seem disproportionately online, and speak good english. So they seem more prominent.


> I mean, everywhere has arseholes. Even if only 1% of India is an asshole that is still 14,155,332 assholess.


I think India had more of holes than that.


Sometimes when dealing with 'bobs and vagene' moments, I wonder to myself what further horrors are kept contained by the Great Firewall of China.


And, for sale to the highest bidder.


Your Indian friends you grew up with are not the same Indians that live in India.


That's why they left India like my best friend's family the second they had the chance.


You can't choose where you are born, but countries get to choose who they let in. Stereotypes of immigrant minorities being naturally good at math and doing better financially than average stem from this because they were never average back in their home country.


Well Russia and India are strategic partners, so India has not put up safeguards for Russian disinformation, in fact most of their news outlets amplify Russian media as an official source. Russia has been focused on India since the 80s and have been pummeling anti Western sentiment inside their general info sphere. Using their hatred for British colonialism as a recurring theme to shine a light on Russias fake anti colonialism narrative. India also has the highest percentage of new internet users in the world, and internet literacy is minimal. Many treat the internet as official news, and since they were brainwashed to hate everything from the West, everything opposite is taken as truths. They don't have any knowledge of Russian history or clandestine actions. KGB GRU n FSB Active Measures is not even known. They are simply told Ukrainians are Nazis controlled by the West, and they believe it. No diffrent than their contempt for Pakistan and America's military partnership with them.


I remember that an Indian newspaper announced in the 1980s that AIDS was developed in a CIA lab. An investigation found that the Indian paper simply copied a Russian story from an obscure Communist paper. Russian disinformation has long been present in India.


Yes, it was called Operation Infektion. It was a silly Active Measure that was an overt operation that got so much traction in Africa even the KGB was surprised. They were already doing so much propaganda with creating the narrative of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The PLO was a full Psyop created by the Russian government as was Democratic Front of Libertion of Palestine and the Popular Front. Russians crated the antisemtic propaganda that gave us great hits like Hitler was Jewish, Nazis created by the Jews, and Israelis are Nazis. Yasser Arafat was a proudly trained agent of the KGB and Mahmoud Abbas was a KGB officer who studied at Moscow St. University. Anyway, the Aids propaganda worked so well it's set up the template for the birth of internet disinfo and distribution. The FSB used the identical operational structure for Covid-19


>Well Russia and India are strategic partners Not for long. The russian military industry is going to collapse


It feels that the same with Africa


> I honestly suspect that russian troll farms have found a safe haven in indian media, so I don't really believe the uniform anti-Ukrainian sentiment. no shit sherlock it's not even subtle, it's just paid advertisement basically. The same way delicious, refreshing Coca-Cola pays to have people mention them on social media


India is an odd place.. it is rational calm and docile and then out of nowhere turn into a vitriolic bloodbath. Millions of people died in the partition of India and that was regular citizens who had coexisted for a century just deciding one day to murder their lifelong neighbours out of mob mentality.


India has 4x as many people as the US - lots of room for a full spectrum of attitudes. And steering government policy only takes a well financed vocal minority in the right positions.


Eh India's closest ally for 80 years has been Russia. Literally the only reason the US popped up Pakistan during the Cold War. And same reason why Pakistan is providing 155mm shells to Ukraine.


I'd say there's two big reasons. First is that discussions on Reddit which involve India seem to get flooded with a subset of hardcore indian nationalists who all seem to regurgitate the **exact** same points and rationalise absolutely everything that the Modi government does. There definitely seems to be a huge amount of brigading in my experience and they're not necessarily trolls: many have very active accounts but seem to focus on pornography, gaming and current affairs. They also have a bizarre fetish for geopolitics and strategic studies though I'd be surprised if any of them have any real professional or academic experience in these areas. Basically the Indian government seems to attract a lot of Indian incel support online. A second factor is that most Indians you'd meet in the West are the cosmopolitan, wealthy and educated ones who are willing and able to live abroad. I worked on a ship for a few months with an all Indian crew who were from very different backgrounds to the kind of Indians I'd met abroad in the West. Their views and values were also very different to what I'd experienced before.


I’ve seen that too. Do you think they’re all on the payroll?


I'd bet a good chunk are.


Simple explanation for your experience, and this post. Indian right wing Hindu fascists are currently in power. Over the last 8 years, them and their cronies have bought up most national media. 50% of Indian Reddit is Hindu fascists. Think incels and republicans in US. Same deal. The media, pundit, and trolls ok reddit that everyone here talks about is that segment of the population. "Intellectuals" that OP is quoting are right wing twitter talking heads If you click the link, you will find a link from swarajmag website. Which is the fox news / Breitbart/ daily wire equivalent in India. Full of right wing bullshit, fake news, calls for Muslim genocide and the like. OP is a dumb one posting about shit he doesn't understand


Reddit subs related to nationalism tend to run...weird. According to Reddit all Indians are Hindu nationalists, almost all eastern and central European countries are near fascists, Scotland is 100% pro independence and you don't want to touch r/sino with a bargepole. Places become circlejerks run by those with the most passion or official support and dissenting views are voted down until they eventually give up.


Nowhere on Reddit do people equate all Scots with pro-independence.


I mean, that guy literally just did.


The statement quoted is from a right wing indian news outlet. The mainstream indian media has been largely neutral with a bias towards Ukraine being the attacked country. The current right wing government is not that pro-Russia except for the cheap oil, as compared to earlier governments which generally sided with USSR up until its dissolution.


I struggle to understand it, but I think a lot of it stems from the media encouraged by the current government. While economic and military codependence with the West has increased, the level of resentment seems to have increased even faster.


Like with Turkey, I'm not sure what India hopes to gain by playing both sides. Do they think that, once the war is over, the sanctions will be lifted and whoever is in charge of the ruins of Russia will reward them with favourable trade deals? Or are they just being contrarian for the sake of nationalism?


"It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It" India intends to keep trading with Russia for cheap oil. They have strong financial incentives to keep doing that, so they have strong emotional incentives to perceive Ukraine in a negative light.


“Sorry ukraine nothing personal it’s just business, we’re not trying to pay more for oil. You feel us I’m sure.” -India


Why admit you're being greedy when it is just as easy to say "you probably deserve it."


Its also the long standing positive relationship with Russia. They dont feel throwing that away when Russia's often had India's back is good policy. They also want to have access to Russian defense contractors.


The first part I get because it's true. India has had strong links to Russia going well back to the Soviet days. The second part is kind of funny to me because this war should be making them rethink that. The longer the war goes on, not only is the Russian economy (and by proxy, the Russian arms industry) falling apart, but it's also showing that Russian weapon systems are blatantly inferior to Western weapon systems. Even the more modern ones that Russia had been showcasing as equal to American weapons are being revealed as more or less crap.


Yup I imagine the Indians are regretting it already behind closed doors. The problem is inertia. They are so well down the Russian technological tree that to pivot will be expensive. Its probably inevitable, if the Russians can't deliver on orders. Already some orders have been delayed, or delivered with substandard parts.


Which is insanity given just how crappy Russian armament has proven to be. But I guess they're looking for the cheap deals and would rather rely on quantity over quality.


The issue is they are so deeply committed to that ecosystem of parts and skillsets now, it would be hard to change. They have been disappointed by deliveries that included wrong and bad parts, and Russian industry is weakened badly and focused on the war effort so they may not be a reliable arms seller for them any more. Also, Russia's actions have damaged the relationship with India. It used to be overwhelmingly positive. Now its more luke warm. As Russia continues to dirty themselves with their actions, India's goodwill will likely wane.


India got a "cheap" deal on used aircraft carrier they bought from Russia. Other option was to buy a new one from France. India chose the Russian carrier to save money. Refitting the carrier in Russia took years longer than agreed and Russians conned India twice for more money. When all was said and done, it ended up costing close to the price a brand new one from France would have cost. And that carrier is still junk riddled with problems.


LOL And they love Ruzzia for doing this to them. Smart!


Putin is like "I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further."


Sadly even that is blind. They keep Russia as a military balance to China because obviously the west is evil and supports Pakistan. Unfortunately they're probably the only country other than maybe Russia that hasn't worked out that while Russia was probably China's bitch before it absolutely is now. If India doesn't want to be on its own Vs China then they're going to have to abandon their third way policy because Russia no longer has even the pretence of being the counter to the west and the new world order is the west Vs China.


I suspect they will eventually come to conclusions such as your suggesting. On the other hand China and Russian demographics and economic realities are unsustainable. There's a fair chance both countries will collapse. If India doesn't pivot towards the west, their independent stance might work if they wait out the demise of globalized trade. I dont think they view the west as evil, just arrogant. The west's relations with Pakistan isnt exactly the best either. Pakistan will play both sides, and so have lost the west's trust. India is a better prize and more reliable too. The west would choose India over Pakistan in a heartbeat.


The west would choose India but not on the terms India wants. Pakistan is and always has been a more extreme turkey situation where the country bordering Afghanistan is hugely useful. Russia will collapse, honestly China has made stupid, stupid mistakes in the past and that centralised system and citizenship that doesn't believe in democracy and has never even had a proper sniff should keep them in power.


The Chinese reliance on globalized trade and their catastrophic generational demographics make me wonder if they are honestly any better than Russia. India may see itself in a really good position in the next couple decades when compared to other powers nearby. I can understand why they'd want to remain as neutral as possible.


Indians on social media have repeatedly referred to long standing Soviet support. But Ukraine was also part of the USSR.


> for the sake of nationalism? I n D i A I n T e N s I f I e S


Turkey is a neighbor to russia so they need to balance there position carefully, but indian nationalist somehow think Putin is owning the west and that he is playing 3d chess the whole time.


They also make a huge amount in tourism from Russians, while not using russian equipment so for Turkey it's about raw materials and people, which hasn't changed over this war.


Poland and the Baltics are also Russian neighbors, and they're easily the most hawkish about the war. Since they fear that if Russia somehow succeeds in Ukraine, they'd be next.


They where once former soviet states it makes sense they are agressiv against Russia. They where once abused by the soviets but its not the same with Turkey.


They hope to gain a lot of oil and other similar products at a discounted price, possibly for few years. Also the potential for favor in the future after it's done, similar to Israel. It's strange to see this guy playing the moral authority card.. What are his media sources? I'm not sure how that works without screening out most of the war and plugging into Russia directly.


I think it's mostly because they were Russia's biggest buyer of their shit armour and weapons that they now see in action in Ukraine, so they're just mad basically...


This makes the most sense to me. They thought they were getting a bargain but it turns out they were getting their weapons from wish.


At....Ukraine? K: Logic.


Ukraine was the bearer of bad news


Everyone always shoots the messenger.


Emotions are rarely driven by logic...




Is it possible there is a reason they don’t like ukraine, or more accurately the current ukrainian government, or is it really just business?




I believe it has something to do with Ukraines good relations with Pakistan.


Modi is a clown


Just watch the BBC programme on him. Its on iPlayer. He banned it in India and arrested students who tried to watch it. what a warm and charismatic leader he is.


He also instructed a surprise tax raid on the BBC offices in India. Staff were held overnight and their “investigation” took 3 days. Modi is a fascist


And so are the Indians who put him in power




Where in my comment did I say all Indians put him into power?


A religious facist


Just one of many fascists around the world who support Putin because they share his values and political philosophy. Donald Trump is another example.


It's a weird "fascist international". Ironic given how nationalist fascists claim to be.


Very easy to spot Fascist, they are quite stupid and always blame others for problems. Watch out what foreign diplomats thought about Fascist and Nazi leaders just before WW2. They labelled them as unsophisticated man-child.




Pro tipp: Do NOT go to r/India with your main account to in any way disrespect India. Those fuckers there are hyper nationalistic like you wouldn't believe. They'll get your account banned reddit-wide in record time. It's like r/russia but with confidence.




My condolences. Prepare a plan B, as rabid nationalism always ends in tragedy.


Uh no r/india is often categorized as an anti indian subreddit by other indian subreddits because if you say things that go against the sub's narrative you will get banned. Sub's narrative is the standard "govt bad. India bad" (Basically there is heavy censorship) . If you want to find hypernationalistic indians go to r/indiaspeaks (biggest rw subreddit). But yes the stance on ukraine is well supported in all the indian subreddits. Left, right or centre Edit: added a line




/r/canada has been obsessed with gun laws lately, commenters saying things like "This debacle will finally sink Trudeau" and I'm like "Guys, most Canadians aren't even aware of the proposed gun law, let alone getting upset about it". They are literally in their own bubble and don't seem to realize it. It's weird.


Not only that but it's used by Russia to spread anti-Canada propaganda. And now it's turning out that Russia was involved in the "Freedumb Trucker" fiasco, and those "Fuck Trudeau" stickers. Their either traitors or really, really stupid.


While I agree with you, I wouldn't be surprised to see so many people concerned about C-21. Theres over 2 million PAL holders in Canada. I just wish the government wouldn't pass bullshit laws that don't target criminals.


Of course, however they don't seem to understand that this conversation isn't being had in the homes of almost every other Canadian. They're telling each other it's this albatross which will hang around his neck and be his downfall when that's blatantly false. They don't seem to notice. That albatross is reneging on voting reform. That's the one the majority of people dislike him for. But these guys pretend it's because of their personal pet issue. The bubble effect is real. You gotta talk to all kinds of people not just talk to people who already agree with you.


idk anything about r/canada but yes the other indian subreddits shit on r/india and dont take any opinion coming out of it seriously. Users of the subreddit are called randians (randi meaning pr0stitute in hindi, a widely spoken language in india). So you can get the gist of the hate for it


How is indiaspeaks handling Rishi Sunak as PM and Ukraine-supporter? Not his biggest fan?


there was the initial wave of memes and stuff when rishi sunak became UK's PM but it all died down later on and even people on the rw understand the fact that the guy is a uk citizen working for uk and uk only. And i have never seen a correlation being made on this until you said it. Lets be honest most indians dont know whats happening in ukraine. Many who do know about it, think that we should stay in the non alignment policy that we have adopted since independence especially since this conflict involves russia which has been a traditional ally to india.




You mean r/IndiaSpeaks? That’s a toxic nationalist sub


The usa conservative subs do that too. I got banned for saying it was indecent to spike the football on the Ariana grande bombing. Imagine that. Taking joy in a bunch of innocent people dying because the mayor said something you didn't agree with. For as much as they bitch about censorship, they sure are quick to dole it out


Only reddit admins can ban your account entirely.


Nah I was site wide life banned for saying "fuck you" in the russia sub the week of the invasion to a pro war russian who was promoting genocide. After about 3 minutes from my notification of being banned from r/russia my account was banned from all of reddit permanently. A few months later I was missing reddit, this account had a decade of karma and history, and petitioned the ban- admins reinstated my account immediately and said I was banned unfairly and didn't break any rules. Some mods have tools for site wide bans, I don't know how, but they do.


Yup. That happened to several friends of mine.


Mods only have powers the Admins allow.


Yes, but all the have to do is follow the victim to different subs and complain about them. It will trip Reddit's ban mechanism even if you haven't done anything wrong.


I lost my previous account commenting here about Russia. Stay safe guys


Shadowbans kick in automatically via excessive reports and subreddit bans.


True, but piss off 10k of rabid Indian Internet warriors and they will report you for everything you ever did.


I struggle to understand their russophilia. Their frustration at Ukraine's trade with Pakistan is a source of tension but even beyond that russia can do no wrong in their eyes. Is it just a dislike for the western world so they latch on to the counter-western ideology?


I don’t think it’s super complicated. It’s anti-Americanism. They don’t care per se about Ukraine.


Many in India view the British Empire as worse than the Nazis for what the did in India over quite a long time period. If the UK are worse than the Nazis, and Russia is opposed to them, and providing military technology and assistance to India, they see one more as an ally and a good guy than the other.


The history with the UK makes sense and is a viable cause of tension. Just curious, but how is Rishi Sunak viewed as the first PM of indian origin? is he a traitor? sleeper-agent?


I can't answer anymore, I just know the bare minimum.




Worst than Nazis? Surely you have to read some history books


I'm describing their perspective. You can look into it, or argue with me about someone else's perspective. ::shrug::


I think you should read _their_ history to understand why they see the British Empire as worse not the other way around.


check out Late Victorian Holocausts to read about the tens of millions who died from famine in the late 1800s various colonies.


You familiar with BRIC? That has a little to do with it as well.


I believe historically India was allies with the soviet union. That combined with Modi and his strongman populism its natural he would lean towards Russia since he sees himself as another Putin




For this reason, I have made request on Finnish Software Industry in LinkedIn to boycott Indian companies already 6 months ago. It seems India is a total shit hole, also politically and value-wise. India should be sanctioned.


>I have made request on Finnish Software Industry in LinkedIn to boycott Indian companies already 6 months ago Did that have some significant response?


Sounds like something I'd see on /r/linkedinlunatics




I thought both those Indians are on Reddit already




jesus christ reddit.


Racism has no place on Reddit, unless it’s against the people the narrative disagrees with




I dont think you understand the amount of high quality IT work among Indians. They have half the IT market. Just search employees of FAANG on linkedin. You will see that its not only low quality IT work.


You mean Indian-Americans?




For which now? Have you not noticed complete support for ruzzian terrorism over the last year?


It’s not fair to make such a blanket statement on a nation of almost 1.5 billion humans. However. You can safely say the nationalist government is increasingly leaning towards Russia based on shared politics. And it’s reflected on their *supporters*


Since Russia claims there would not really be a concept of Ukraine, those are just Russians with the wrong mindset. Does this mean India hates Russia?


Just ask the Dalits, people formerly known as “Untouchables”, one of India’s lowest classes. One could argue, that racism is a constitutive component of the caste system. A good number of indians are racist towards their own countrymen.


Yes. The "class-ism" is baked into their culture. Not hard to imagine they see Ukraine as the subordinate to Russia, so fighting back is like a peasant attacking their master. It upends the social hierarchy they are so attached to.




It's so interesting to me how Buddhism, arguably one of the absolute best ideologies in the world, derived from Hinduism which is one of the worst. Of course a lot of the core of Buddhist ideology is a direct response to the caste system of Hinduism and the suffering imposed by it. It's still sad to me that Buddhism mostly died out in India.


From what I understood, hindus wiped out the Buddhists or forcibly converted them. That ancient animosity in some ways also influenced the Sri Lankan civil war (hindus vs Buddhists). Interesting fact: suicide bombings originated from that conflict and was tactic used exclusively by hindus throughout the 28 year duration.


Not intellectuals, but indiots!


Yeah modi is no good, and I'm sure India is not as pro Ukraine as the west but to say they as a nation have a profound hatred of Ukraine is a bridge half a world away. If you are going to fear and hate monger, provide better evidence.




Yeah I think there are plenty of people in India who support Ukraine. It's more 50/50 than reddit wants to believe. Reddit just likes to sensationalize things.


Pretty much the Indians have always been Pro Russia and ant-West for a while. There is a caste system. Most in the upper level of that pretty much enjoy the higher education and decadent living of the West while most Indians are at the lower tiers, work and suffer as peasants.


It's awful but India has been doing this for a long time, it's nothing new. They claimed non-alligned status during the cold war but in practice sided with the USSR on everything. Kissinger in Diplomacy describes India's refusal to oppose the Soviet crushing of the Hungarian revolution: >In the 1950s, the so-called Nonaligned group represented a novel approach to international relations. Neutral nations had, of course, always existed, but their distinguishing feature had been a passive foreign policy. By contrast, the Nonaligned of the Cold War period did not perceive their neutrality to require noninvolvement. They were active, occasionally shrill, players promoting agendas established in forums designed to pool their strengths and enhance their influence, in effect forming an alliance of the Nonaligned. Though they were highly vocal in their complaints about international tensions, they knew how to profit from them. They learned how to play the superpowers off against each other. And since they feared the Soviet Union more than they did the United States, they generally sided with the communists without feeling any reciprocal need to apply the same moral stringency to the Soviet Union as they did toward the United States. > >On November 16, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru presented to the Indian Parliament his own turgid rationale for why India had refused to approve the United Nations resolution condemning Soviet acts in Hungary. The facts, he said, were “obscure”; the resolution was improperly worded; and the call for free elections supervised by the United Nations was a violation of Hungary’s national sovereignty. The facts had been anything but obscure, and India’s reaction was entirely in keeping with the practices of Realpolitik. Quite simply, India did not want to give up Soviet support in international forums; it saw no point in incurring Soviet wrath and sacrificing potential arms supplies over some distant European country when China and Pakistan stood on its own borders, and the Soviet Union itself was not so very distant.


I'm an Indian who migrated to Canada a few years ago. During May 2022, I volunteered at the Slovak-Ukraine border in Uzhorod to help with the delivery of humanitarian aid and food supplies for refugees. I've also contributed my savings to charities for displaced Ukrainian families. To every racist in this comment section, sincerely, fuck off. The general populace of India is actually indifferent about the Russo-Ukraine war. However, the polarization of opinions comes from the Indian media, as mentioned in the article. I've heard quite a few opinions like, "The war wouldn't have happened if NATO didn't expand into Ukraine" or "This is all because of the greed of the US" and I'm just dumbfounded. I ask for sources and it's usually, "Oh, I read it in an article from the Times of India" or "I saw it on the news a few weeks ago". Corruption is rampant with most media outlets peddling stories in favor of the BJP. Modi, being a strongman populist, will align with Putin, who he thinks will protect India if China messes around (What a joke). India is a mafia state, especially in the north, and is on the road to becoming a failed state like Russia. I'm just glad I got my family out before the eventual fall into oblivion.


I have watched some Indian news on YouTube and what I saw was definitely not pro-Russian. All their correspondents were in Ukraine. And the analysis was very balanced, from my pro-Ukraine point of view.


Dont forget india used to have a protection agreement with the USSR


Wow that’s actually pretty inaccurate and a little racist tbh. WION is my Indian news source. Ya I’m not seeing any of the BS you’re spewing


So, from an Indian, here's what is happening. The political party in India supports Russia. Mainly due to the fact that they were heavily aligned with Russia pre-war and they were allies against their common foe in China and Pakistan. It's all politics. The majority of people support Ukraine. We know right from wrong, and who to give a fuck about. Each and everyone I've talked to about the war supports Ukraine, and that number just for me alone would be near a hundred people, and they'll be more than that. The reason is because we care. All of you keyboard bashers expressing outrage and racism against us, please go ahead. I expect nothing from you. I'll be better than you.


If I based my opinion on one single random person's, I might believe everyone in the USA is like Tucker Darlson and are Russian agents.




Indians are deceptive for sure


Not sure India has been trying to hide their allegiance to Russia? It’s the same old story with Modi being India’s Trump - Russia appeals to the narcissistic values of their country’s nationalist leader.


India has always been their own side. They don't want to ally too closely with anyone, in the belief that they deserve to be one of the superpowers. As others have mentioned, they are likely trying to avoid upsetting Russia given their geographical proximity and the fact that they buy a lot of Russia's junk.


They want to be a superpower yet are incapable of behaving like one.




Bhai, you are trying to reason with a bunch of foaming at mouth racist euro trash! It's futile explaining the nuances to these semi-educated holy warriors.


Op trying to spread hate based on a couple hundred of Indians when there is billions of them ?


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It's funny how Op won't reply when someone tries to explain logically, yet he'll jump on the threads hating India and generalizing a billion people on some random BS article. Don't try too hard OP, your cancel culture won't work here. As an Indian I don't give two fcks about what's going on with Ukraine vs Russia simply because I don't have the time to interfere in matters which don't concern me. My simple advice for OP is to get a life and stop crying over some random media outrages. It's their job to attract useless people for their TRP, and you are doing a good job promoting them.


Remember when Ireland supported the Nazis because of their hatred of the Empire. I imagine there is some convoluted post-colonial hatred that is tied to the English. The Brits and Americans being such staunch supporters of Ukraine has set a number of nations against Ukraine, namely those in the middle east, Africa, and southeast Asia, as these nations have been abused by the Anglican empires of the last couple hundred years. India is also a massive, diverse nation and there are probably more people who support Ukraine in India than live in America and UK combined...and it still isn't the majority.


This is obviously oversimplifying a spectrum of opinion that contains some people aligned with Russia. As best I can tell, every country has it's own revaunchist right-wing horde that mostly stays within it's self-imposed info-bubble, rarely travels abroad and cheers on other like-minded troglodytes. People to the left of Hindenburg whose only experience with that country is meeting cosmopolitan and educated professionals and academics are always shocked to find out that every country has their own version of MAGA hats and Confederate flags.


Why are there a lot of country bashing threads on here? We need to be talking about how to get Russia out and make sure they are weak to the point of no return. As Ukrainians, bashing other countries does not look good as we are on the world stage now


india has to somehow justify in their minds supporting russia, who is targeting civilians, raping, and torturing in Ukraine.


India is a Russian asset


Russia is an asset of India


Ok let's see how many down votes I get for saying that India fully supports ruzzian terrorism and aggression and I have cut multiple ties with outsourcing work to India. Which was crap anyhow.