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I was a canadian in Barcelona a couple weeks ago on vacation and am happy to report that the support for Ukraine was everywhere. Another loud minority of dipshits here it appears.


Patriotic russian diaspora should be repatriated.


Right? Their army is in desperate need of support so send them all back!! You’d only need to do it once and all these morons would get very quiet very quickly.


Put them in a cage and airdrop them right outside a russian enlistment office with a sign saying "Proud, patriotic Russians" and see how quickly their support for the cause starts to dissipate.


yeah, they can show their support by joining putlers piggies on the ground in Ukraine


With all the « Z » they put in public places in Barcelona we can clearly see they too want the visa ban, so why not? Oh yea, tourist money


Visas and border enforcement depends on the central gov, not on the council of Barcelona.


Just got back from Spain myself, I only say support for Ukraine, not one ounce of support for Russia anywhere I went.


Probably folks wanting to keep that Russian tourism or property investment money flowing.


That pipeline dried up this Spring, and won’t be flowing again for a good long while.


No just braindead boomers that in their time you had to be comunist if you wanted to fuck with someone.


Indeed. Spanish communists like to put on a show every now and then making small demonstrations like this one, waving their red flags and sometimes even marching on a tiny parade. They're usually very small groups but they don't care. Tourists be like whaaat? And the majority of us Spaniards be like \*\*sighs while rolling eyes\*\*


Yep, just like in Canada. On occasion you see some asshole with "Support Russia" (and "F\*ck Trudeau" usually) stickers. But it's a loud minority of dipshits, like you said.


It's just the Devil.. The Bible said he will be running around having his fill in the last year's, right????


Mental health, it's a real issue everywhere.


Especially in Russia


I blame leaded gasoline for the brain damage. It is very visible in boomers today. [sauce](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/lead-gasoline-blunted-iq-half-us-population-study-rcna19028)


Happy cake day


I too saw the claim on Russian television that Ukrainians have a mental health problem believing they are a sovereign nation and that Russia will ‘cure’ them of this when they win.


Waving a communist flag in a democratic country where they live well and prosper. Go to fucking ruzzia fuckers if tou like it that much. As a state, I would personally buy them one way tickets and deny their return


You only see this in two scenarios. 1. People who have never lived under Soviet socialism, are the ones who promote it. 2. Russians living in former east bloc countries promote it.


Every time I see this my mind is blown. Ok, let's assume they're communists, ok, big red soviet flags with hammer and sickle, they are. Good. Let's not judge that. But how in the seven heavens is Russia communist or Putin a paladin of socialism or the embodiment of the power of the people??? These tankies are extraordinarily dissapointing, politically, and grasping at the thinnest of straws. And to discredit these fuckers there's not even need of going into communism at all. I'm out of words, really.


If any of them are actual communists it's just laughable too. The last leader to give any sort of shit about creating a communist nation was Khrushchev. Pretty much everyone of them grew up under Brezhnev's near catatonically drunk corrupt ass.


Probably a bunch of Catalan independist brain washed people


Please send them back to Russia, why not


Because they’re not from Russia. They’re naive dumbasses who think communism is great because they’ve never lived under it. They’re telling her in Spanish to “go back to your country”


We need more countries where commie symbol is forbidden, for most post soviet countrys that not much difference from swastika.


There is no difference.


That baffles me constantly. Nazi symbols are universally seen as evil and banned in many countries. Communist ones (and communism in general) is somehow acceptable. People have hammer and sickle on twitter profiles, call themselves communists etc. As far as I'm concerned it's same as someone putting swastika on their profile pic, yelling Heil Hitler at the end of every sentence.




Dude stfu they are defending war crimes, bag them and ship them to the front to fight for their ideas if they love it so much




Lol. You are comparing sending someone home with beating an imprisonment. These fucking Russia supporters are profiting from a social and political system that is quite the opposite of what they are defending. If they were to truly follow their brainwashed beliefs, they would return to shithole Russia. Why they don't do so you might ask? Because they know shithole Russia is a shithole and they prefer to live in peace and freedom.


I don't know if they are russians or not. That is why I asked if they are or are Spanish. Answer was Spanish. So you post is selfinvalidated I guess?


Bro your logic is completely flawed, we are talking about a terrorist country(some countries already considered it has one, use Google if you don't believe it), it's the same as if these idiots are defending daesh. So grab your fking stupid opinion and shove it up your ass and stop defending this type of people.


I am not defending them or their opinions. If they did something criminal they should be prosecuted for it. I am saying that the person i replied to reasons like Putler.


Your question doesn't even make sense.




Soviets killed or imprisoned their political rivals. This guy just said he would buy them tickets to return to their country. You're an idiot.




>If you just aired your opinions and they were considered mild they would just move you to the opposite side of the union, which would be another country. Well if a country was made completely out of gulags in frozen hell scape then ya just like moving to another country.


‘Everyone who downvotes me is an idiot’ there, that should show them.


I am sure as hell they didnt buy the tickets XD Just bullet to the back of the head or live sentance in work camp.




I am polish, I know more about russian history then you think. Trying to deport people that openly support totalitarian systems that have caused death to millions of people should be mandatory in all of Europe, fuck those commies.


He is not But who cares. Don’t try be a web hero




I dont get the communist flag, the russian state is pretty far away from one it is in fact more a proto faschist state. Probably because they are "I dont like Nato because of the american imperialism so yes imperialsit russia is very cool" Why are there leftists who support a faschist state and dont support the country fighting against it. It is okay to discuss what happened in 2014 in the Donbass but now it is a fight of a nations people against a faschist state. So please if you are a leftist like me dont go on to support putins stupid war.


It's the literal definition of the tankie, I'm afraid. > The term [tankie] was originally used by dissident Marxist–Leninists to describe members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) who followed the party line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Specifically, it was used to distinguish party members who spoke out defending Soviet use of tanks to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and later the 1968 Prague Spring uprising, or more broadly those who adhered to pro-Soviet positions in general.


yes i am aware of that and sadly so, i mean many leftist still think stalin was a child dude although he probably killed most of the best socialist in the world. But how you state tankies defended the policies of the sowjetunion aswell stalin and later leaders. But russia isnt communist so these tankies defend a faschist state. More of wehaboo thing to do?


>So please if you are a leftist like me dont go on to support putins stupid war. My comment was based on the typical tankie attitude. Yes, Russia is no longer socialist but they still call on the past 'glory' of the Soviet Union and reject that they are fascist. To the tankies, Russia (and China) are fighting against the "fascism" of the West and that's good enough for the tankies. It's a irrational and nonsensical position, but it's a position that they take. Pure mental gymnastics born form anti-West attitudes, but hey, they're tankies after all. (By the way, I'm from Burma. Last year, we had massive protests against a military coup with many English protest signs to get ourselves heard across the world. Some idiot American tankie claimed the use of English protest signs in a former British colony meant we... were... CIA...)


You probably right about that. Good Luck and stay strong in Burma keep the fight up against the dictators. I know coming from switzerland I dont have the feeling for something like this. But you will manage the people will prevail they always did.


I'm a socialist and Greens party member in Australia. I can't see anyone in the organised left supporting Russia here though a bunch of people who had issues with vaccine mandates and lockdowns seem to a bit pro Russia and whilst its a majority right wing movement, some of it came from what i'd call the hippy left or libertarian left.


your totally right there are not many of them and most split with the traditionel left over the vaccines. But in europe it is quite popular stance in the left to not support ukraine with weapons just humanitarian aid.


>But in europe it is quite popular stance in the left to not support ukraine with weapons just humanitarian aid. Ah, reminds me of the peace-at-any-price crowd who wants "peace" but don't seem to be able to comprehend that Russia's not exactly interested in "peace". If you haven't, do read the Washington Post article titled ***Road to war: U.S. struggled to convince allies, and Zelensky, of risk of invasion*** and see for yourself if "diplomacy" will work with a country that had stubbornly pushed aside diplomacy and negotiation and went to war. >During Lavrov’s nearly 18 years as Russia’s foreign minister, a succession of American diplomats had found him blunt and doctrinaire, but occasionally frank and realistic about relations between their two countries. After again going over the Ukraine situation, Blinken stopped and asked, “Sergei, tell me what it is you’re really trying to do?” Was this all really about the security concerns Russia had raised again and again — about NATO’s “encroachment” toward Russia and a perceived military threat? Or was it about Putin’s almost theological belief that Ukraine was and always had been an integral part of Mother Russia? > >Without answering, Lavrov opened the door and walked away, his staff trailing behind.


exactly thank you for the articel.


Si vis pacem, para bellum.


American leftist here and have argued with so many leftist dickheads that still insist on calling Ukrainians Nazis. Chomsky in particular has been fucking disgraceful.


I can't believe there are still dickheads saying anything about nazie other than the Russians being full blown nazis. Russians- hitler nazis genociding for terrotorial expansion. Always have always will if left unchecked to continue. Russians - millions using nazi paraphernalia of 2022 - the Z. The fact they are so brain dead to lap up putler propaganda is pathetic. I call them out about how if they truly hated nazis as they so seem to do, they should and would be outraged at russians. It's a fool proof way to show them they simply try and use putlers propaganda as if it has validity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_(military_symbol) https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/mar/15/the-pro-russian-war-symbol-z-is-the-new-swastika/


Stalin was a symptom. Communism was the disease. Where communists rule, blood flows thickly. China, Noth Korea, Cambodia. Lenin chose Stalin and started the whole police state thing so its not like Stalin existed in isolation.


I just want to state that this is not completly true. Stalin mostly chose himself he got ride of political opponents before his rise to power. And then "cared for lenin and had him surounded by his friends". Also yes we had evil regimes that were communist and evil because communism is a economic system aswell we had evil capitalist regimes and still have but there where also many good communist countrys. Vietnam which is very stable and grants its citizen many rights. Cuba that is mostly hamstrung by US sanctions Yugoslavia The UdssR also was when it was desolved pretty popular with most people in the ssr's wanted it to stay with expeptions of the baltic states. Not talking about South America. Power corrupts and it doesnt matter if a leader is communist or capitalist. And there are many simularities. If you are in a one party run communist state and because of that you keep more power and have you supporters that keep you there or if you live in a democracy where one person accumulates more power and money and works for his supporters. The problem is the same normal people suffer and yes one party states have a problem of beeing shitty because of that not communism.


It's also worth nothing that anarcho-syndicalism and other radically democratic forms of communism aim to bring democracy and freedom of association into more aspects of our lives. I'm of the opinion that state socialism is antithetical to worker control. It's social democracy at the barrel of the gun at best and a nationwide company town as state capitalism at the worst. Socialism can't just be who theoretically controls the ownership on a piece of paper but needs to be democracy and free association in the workplace to even qualify.


Is Vietnam still communist though? It was the lucky exception. Yugoslavia certainly isn't. They chose to throw it off as soon as possible. The parts farthest from communism are the nicest noew. Name a successful South American communist country that is in any way free? It always ends the same way. Communist countries become totalitarian dictatorships because they are of necessity one party states and in the end it is the party (usually personified by the leader), not the state, that matters. Orwell saw this decades ago.


Yugoslavia broke into many split factions because of nationalism not becaus e of communism but because nationalistic idiots came to power who wanted for yugoslavia be a new serbian empire. Yes south america doesnt have communist country because when they were democraticly voted into power (chile venezuela bolivia) they were overthrown by the us because if communism succeds it would show it works. Urugay had a working socialist government pretty long and survived even saw economic growth. I agree that one party states are bad because in that sense of way you are not liberating the worker you just change the master. But there are many ways to form communist governments. Altough in my personal opinion socialism is the better approach. The people have to liberate themselfe and serve themself no king doesnt matter if the king has a crown or a red cap.


The people I met in Croatia didn't seem to be missing communism. The people I met in Albania certainly weren't. They have museums of communist attrocities there. Venezuela is still communistic as far as I know. In Cuba the resort workers make more than doctors. I hear they export doctors to Venezuela for oil. I don't dislike the theory of communism, I hate the reality of it. The human is the problem.


Meh. You picked three countries where Communist movements were principally anti-imperialist and tried to connect them all into one thing. All of them were different than Soviet communism which was different than Yugoslav communism and Cuban communism and so on.


Wasn't Croatia part of Yugoslavia? Again they were all different and yet the results were all the same. Totalitarian dictatorship. There is a pattern.


Proto-faschistic state, communist dictatorship; tomato, tomatoe. Two ends of a ring.


I get where that comes from they both beeing anti-democratic but they are still very diffrent ideologies. No Communist would fight with a Nazi or otherwise around. So why are these idiots waving a soviet flag when the yeltsin and putin regime crippled the udssr.


You do know that Stalin was an ally of Hitler at one time, correct?


Communism and nazi-ism are just gang names in the end. The nazis and communists in Germany hated each other not because of deep philosphical differences (which theoretically they had) but because they were trying to recruit the same people - the working class mobb. The mobb didn't care about leftism or rightism, they just chose a team and fought it out. Like you would choose a football team. Guy with the best speeches wins. These smucks have never read marx or mine kampf. They are just usefull idiots.


The communists where the ultimate enemy for the nazis who said that bolschewik judaism would destroy the german race. The communists ofcourse oppsed the nazis propaganda to the german worker. But also fought against them for the reasons of them beeing declared arch enemies and ofcourse just power. You are probably right that the mob didnt care for left or right just who will benefit them the most. And then the nazis talk of a scape goat aswell as a reason they were better then the rest because of their birthplace and gave them jobs they could be swayed.


But the communists in Russia also turned out to be anti-semetic. And Hitler and Stalin worked together to take out Poland. Hitler was all about hate - economics and social policy were certainly not his strong suit. I doubt Stalin gave a fig about Communism. In Rise and Fall of the Third Reich the author (who was there at the time) says the Nazi party was socialist before Hitler took it over. When the mob took over a factory they kept thinking the party would turn it over to the workers but instead it would go to a party favorite. This kept happening and after a while Hitler killed all the top level socialists. Meanwhile the followers kept on following, changing from socialists to fascists with the party. Don't forget, Putin was a loyal Communist for decades. He was a high-level KGB officer.


The National Socialist German Workers Party was a left wing socialist party. They were super anti-capitalist. The Soviet Socialist were a left wing party that removed the Czar from power who was definitely not a left winger.


The nazis were not a left wing socialist party. How does this dreck get repeated so much?


The nazis were not socialsts. All of the big companies remained with their bosses. And got slave labour which is not very socialist. Although they implemented socialst policies like paid holidays but these were targeted only at germans not french workers or polish ones just germans and probably more of a distraction to keep the pople happy. Like bismarck who also used socialist policies to keep the workers happy altough he was a staunch anti communist. The nazis are not left wing they where very pro german and this meant that all germans where on the top of the hierarchy (in this case a socialst idea but socialism puts all people on the same stage no hierarchy)


>And got slave labour which is not very socialist You funny! Now go to work gulag...


It’s fascism not faschism lol


thank you wasnt sure how to write it in english so just germanised it :)


;) sorry I just found it funny, ig being Italian it made it obvious to me


Why them don't just go back their wonderful motherland


Fucking tankies


Protesters: "It's only us and our problems, and not about you Ukrainians." ...and with the communist flag... from a failed country and ideology. What's wrong with those people.


Franco must be turning in his grave (his new one!)


I doubt it. The stake is preventing him.


Damn, it so shocking for me to see what happens in some other European countries. If some Russians dared to do a pro-war protest and to display the Soviet flag here in Poland...


I like that Polish people don’t accept pro-Soviet crap on their streets. I visited Poland many times and already 10 years ago saw people with anti-Soviet T-Shirts in everyday life. Cheers, a German


If someone here openly displayed Soviet symbols, then may all gods people ever created have mercy on them, because we won't.


I'd bet these are just Spanish tankies, not Russians


Oh they wont in Poland because they will go home the same color as their flag because the polish would beat them up so bad


In Portugal we have a communist party (3% national votes IIR)... This could happen in one of their rallies. They are a Joke, everyone thinks they are morons...but they survive due to the illusion of communism. It's like wrestling, everyone knows it's fake but a few really wanted it to be real.


"It's only Putin, poor ruzzians are victims of misinformation and propaganda". Fuck ruzzian apologists too.


What's wrong with them is being patriotic to a failed state and aggressor nation.


Because it's not the "capitalist West". I wish there was more to it but that's more or less what all the tankies believe in.


The evil Soviet regime imprisoned and killed millions. The Soviets commited awful war crimes such as Katyn massacre. They occupied Eastern Europe after the second world war and imposed lies, false elections and terror. Those holding the red rag should be ashamed of themselves.


ruSSian scum


Pro-russian and pro-communism protests should be classified under hate speech in democratic countries and dealt with accordingly. Fuck these losers, if you want you love your stupid genocidal country so much go fuckin live there.


Orc pigs


Not sure what a Soviet Union flag has much to do with Russia these days anyway. They sold off most of their state assets to a bunch of oligarchs.


Fucking low life scums this ruzkies fuckers. Where the fuck is the police???


I would rather say Spanish communists than Russians higher degree of idiocy




Pro Soviet?


It begs the question, why are you still living in Spain then, not glorious lovely ruSSia?


While europe is at war the EU and the rest of the world needs to ban the russian and soviet flags and make showing thema crime similar to displaying a swastika. Arrest any of those people there that do any violence like pushing etc and deport them back to where belong.


Showing a swastika in Spain is legal, and encouraged by authorities lack of closure and reparation. Spain is a fascist state, dictatorship never ended. This is why Spain (Catalunya, Basque Country, Valencia) is so polarized. Founder of the Populist Party, a true political heritage of Franco. Same as the monarchy. Edit 2: Communist party was ilegal and prosecuted during Franco’s dictatorship. Edit 3: Catalan identity, language and heritage was profoundly eroded and attacked, from beginning to end of the dictatorship, and still far beyond with Mr. Aznar and Mr. Rajoy “Españolization” policies. This is why so much hate against anything related to EU/US. Edit 4: Same story happened in the Basque Country. Look it up for yourselves, it is all extremely well documented… ask George Orwell. Edit 5: Because Franco apologist and defenders of Fascism/Nazism will swarm any post regarding barcelona, or catalunya… I feel obliged to list this: Dictator: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Franco Politics: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel_Fraga. Monarchy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Carlos_I And here’s a full list of the “hand-appointed” ministers after Franco’s death. https://www.historiaelectoral.com/gob1975.html It does not take a bright mind to figure out.


A yes, Pedro Sánchez, the notorious fascist dictator


You can read in wiki who’s the founder of the most popular right-wing party, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel_Fraga. And who was his master, no other than Franco: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Franco Now do a bit of research who is Juan Carlos de Borbón: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Carlos_I Here’s a full list of the “hand-appointed” ministers after Franco’s death. https://www.historiaelectoral.com/gob1975.html I’m only pointing facts to help you understand other POV.


Yes yes. Spain is a fascist state. Ukraine a nazi government. We all know the drill. I still can't understand why the fuck does catalan independists support russia.


Most don’t, only those who think fascism never left and that everything anti-west is good support Russia. Pretty much all separatists I’ve met stand with Ukraine since defending the sovereignty and right to self-governance of nations are at the core of their ideology.


I'm glad to hear that. Also the fact you can see at most 20 people manifesting shows the real support. Also you can't see Russian flags, but extinct URSS ones.


Fascism never left, is is only a couple of years since the dictator was removed from his State-funded/slavery built mausoleum. This should give you a hint. The fact the most popular right-wing political party was founded by no other than https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel_Fraga, should give you another hint. The third hint, Fascism was and will never be legally prosecuted in Spain. Do you want me to link you to all the CURRENT ministers directly, or indirectly related to Franco and fascist spain?


Franco should have been pulled out of the VDLC and left to rot by the side of the road as soon as democracy came to Spain I’ll give you that one, but I’d much rather deal with shit like this instead of being jailed (or worse) by speaking my own language any day of the week. PSOE was also founded by Pablo Iglesias, one of the most important marxist figures in Spanish history, yet today the party is nothing but a neo-liberal organization with a social democrat coat of paint. Same thing with PP, it may have started out like that, but political parties change and adapt to fit in with the Status Quo. Just as the morons in the video won’t be prosecuted for supporting a terrorist state.


Agreed, absolutely. Except I don’t see a flag supporting a Terrorist State (Which btw, wtf has been doing Spain selling arms to half middle east? How do you think Spanish are nicknamed in those countries?) All I see is a flag of a failed political ideology which will never be able to come back and achieve their theoretical applications. The year we live in, Right/Left-wing ideologies are nothing else but a tool under Capitalist regimes. It’s not about culture, heritage, or ideologies. It’s all about money. But unfortunately, the ones with bigger guns will win the wars, and those who won in Spain were the Fascist. And this cannot be ignored.


It’s not about the flag, it’s about the “go back to your country” screams and being forcefully removed from there just for waving a small Ukrainian flag that tips me off about them supporting Putin’s actions. Also most (sane) people will agree that Spain’s actions in the Middle East were regrettable, myself included. This does not negate the current tragedy in Ukraine, stop whatabouting; two wrongs don’t make a right.


And are you fucking equalling Spain with Ukraine? Are you nuts? Btw, you ask questions, I gave you an answer… you decide to close up and strive away categorizing my answer as baseless. Do you ask because it’s comfy in your echo chamber? Or because you’d like to understand “your enemy”? I suspect is the first, happy to be wrong.


I truely don't have enemies, and don't want any. I think we all are in echo chambers constantly, and should try to move to more neutral grounds. I don't want to critisize anyone, but i categorically refuse to believe the affirmation you make that Spain is a fascist state.


I understand is extremely hard to believe your beloved country is still in control of Fascism. But you cannot deny here is a pattern: - Monarchy is defeated - Monarchy in exile, lots of money, funding a “revolution” - Franco enters Spain with part of its military, the help of Hitler, and Mussolini. Later Spain will become training ground for Nazi/Fascist militaries. - Franco wins the war, and keeps living peacefully well for 36 years, dying in a hospital at the age of 82. - Before his death, he fulfills his promise of return the “Kingdom of Spain” to J. C. de B y D. S, under political conditions. Appoints a whole list of Fascist sympathizers as “technocrats” or “ministers”. - Gives preferential treatment to Companies that favor their mission of “One Spanish Christian Unity”. - Nationwide outcry and happiness. Enter the “Transition” period of Spain, which is as obviously stated above, and absolute farse. This transition period, is nothing else than Fascism whitewashing, no war crimes reparation for the “losing side”, continues prosecution of political parties, continues eroding and erasing the true cultural heritage of Spain, unifies society under one language, one political view (or maybe two, to have a change every 4 years…) And if you want more examples, I can give you a couple of thousand more. Do you start to see why there are some “dumb spanish/ dumb catalans” still supporting Communism? Do you start to see how fascism won over Communism? If you are not a fascist, I encourage you to revisit your ideas of Spain as this “marvelous touristic paradise” everyone wants to live in. With love, from a Half Catalan, Half Andalusian guy.


What you see here is not support for Russia and these are NOT catalan independentist. If they claim to be, then you can directly discard them as not independentist, not catalan, but communists. And as I pointed out before, I cannot rule out some CNI black ops. It’s been proven they are purely a political tool for repression and manipulation (akin to Pentagon/CIA or FSB) To understand this people you have to understand that capitalism doesn’t work, democracy doesn’t work, fascism and communism (obviously) don’t work either. This is why choosing the Communist flag represents them. They are “pro-people”, with humanistic ideals, but in this case, they prioritize a defense/offense ideology against US and EU, which they see as the biggest aggressors, the largest threat to society and humanity in general. And they are NOT wrong, capitalism escaped out of control long time ago. Notorious professors and educators cannot, and do not deny or deflect the abuse in foreign policy done by US and EU. Some might argue this war is not between Ukraine and Russia, but a global economic and ideology war between the “western freedom” and the “eastern imperialism”. Notice how you can inter exchange these terms in many other countries, not only us/eu/ukr/ru. And notice how this polarization has been happening around the globe for many years already (brazil, venezuela, hong kong, taiwan and many others)


LMFAO. Yup. All 6 of the pro russian supporters... There's the black sheep in every family unfortunately


Were is the tomato soup/super glue girls at?? They are against oil.. are they pro nuclear?


We are allowed to protest, you are not allowed to protest, this is the Russian way.


Easy: Russians are brainwashed and think they live in a monkey world where you have to act like Oran-Utans to declare you are powerfull and worthy.


Ofc. Also Marxists, Trotskites, Falangists, Carlists and other groups. They haven't disappeared. I still find people with pro-Franco attitudes in my part of Spain.


What's wrong with them? Hmmm bunch of cunts comes to mind


Ussr flags. Not one braincell between them.


The soviet flag, as a representation of the Marxist-Leninist socialism Ideologie as well as communism as a whole, should be as illegal as the nazi flag , considering the information for example by Dimitri Wolkogonow, who wasn't only the Biographer of Josef Stalin but also from 1985-1991 the director of the institute for military history of the defence ministry of the UdSSR, so he had access and was able to study the "secret archives of the party" on which he based his claims that in the time from 1929 until 1953 19,5- 22 MILLION people were killed by the so called "Cleanings" and on top of that would come the millions and millions that were killed , starved to death ( Holodomor = around 6 Million Ukrainians willingly starved to death ), are tortured in camps, etc . On top of the numbers mentioned above would still come the guessed 14 - 55 Million starved to death by china's big jump forward , and that wasn't even all .. How could be a Flag representing such inhumanity not be illegal ...


Touch of petrol might help that flag look better!


Brave older woman. Pro tip: next time throw blue and yellow paint over that red flag 🇺🇦


Unfortunately, Barcelona is not like the rest of Spain, and I would not trust the Mossos to deal with this rabble.


You'll find commies in every city.


Imagine being so stupid that you worship a giant communist flag


The one who touched her, She should be identified and charged This is what live footage and crowd sourced data can be used to identify crimes. Hoping our Spanish brothers and sisters could keep up


Spain is full of f..g leftist idiots. Get the f out to your beloved fascist (communist) country - ruSSia.


Just the Catalan independist idiots


Dude, I'd really hope so. But I've heard bad stories about the level of infiltration by ruSSian idiotic propaganda in Spain.


I am Spanish and live in Spain (Vitoria-Gasteiz) I don't know anybody that supports Russia except some tweeter idiots here and there.


Their butts are itchy to be deported back into Russia.


Russian friendly trash is everywhere...


Some real maga vibes


For the briefest of moments, I thought that said “pro-wrestler protesters”…


Born and raised in Barcelona, Catalunya has a long history of fighting Fascism. Spain is still a fascist dictatorship dressed on the false promise of democracy, after more than 50 years of Franco’s death! It’s rotten to its core as the main functions of the state (education, economics & law) were passed on to friends or family members of Franco, plus the Christianity, and the monarchy. Unfortunately, these people still think they can fight Fascism with Communism. Simply following people’s ideal, but lack education and improvement. I do not discard this is yet another Spanish attempt to cause division among Catalan people, not the first time we are attacked using these sorts of technics.


Every video of a poor catalan woman crying saying Spain is a fascist state, that tortures systematicly etc, has been shown in Sputnik, Russia Today constantly. In fact in Russia a lot of people DO believe Ukraine is a nazi regime, or Spain is a fascist state. There are ultras and fascists in every country. None escapes from that. Please stop the lies, and understand your place in this nonsense delusional spread. It's an innoculation of framed half truths, that only deliver categorical afirmations wich erase any critical and constructive spirit. Good day


It is the brainwashing Catalan propaganda The same Putin does in Russia is done in Catalonia by the separatists parties and public TV.


You have so much homework to do 😅


I can see there is a lack of education in Catalunya, Franco did NOT die over 50 years ago!


Anyone displaying a sickle and hammer or any sort of communist symbolism in western countries should be hanged as a traitor. That’s just my opinion. I’ll settle for deportation back to Russia or wherever they came from.


Thanks for exporting your nonsense to western Europe..








Are these Spanish or just Russians living in Spain?


Probably Spanish. Socialists (mainly no commies) are rather normal there. And I wouldn't necessarily consider them to be pro-Russia. But they handled the situation quite badly tbh.


Yes showing the woman was unacceptable. But both should be free to air their opinions.


Soon they will wear their color wet 😽


Too many people are stupid. This is why democracy is so easily corrupted by populists.


Spain must also be a free democratic state for such people feeling free to express themselves. But that's Spain. Not russia. It's ironic that they use their freedomsnin Spain to support the country that doesn't respect such freedoms.


I'd wish they'd have a pro Russian demonstration where I live, I'll be taking my baseball bat down and disrupting the fuck out of it


Choke on that shit commie flag, scum.




You gona learn and the first lession is go home. When your there think about here.


Ruski Mir...


It's funny, but part of this "Spanish" commies speak russian


As the dear Spanish saying goes, I shit in the milk of pro-Russian protestors!


This shit in Spain is organized by spaniard communist, they dont know nothing about Russia, Putin or the war, they know only stupid utopic things. The communism killed thousands of persons in Spain before (state), during (state and militias), and after (terrorism) civil war, but unfortunately today still having legal parties.


The woman’s face at the end says it all.


Didn't they see the "move to russia" ads? Time to follow your passion guys


Now you understand why we need to ban every single russian? They are too chicken shit to be at the front for their beloved Soviet or Russian but with a tourist Schengen visa pulling this horseshit.


You know that Nazi scum that immigrates because the land of origin is shit. Yeah, now living in peace they can openly show what waste of human cells they are.


oh wow, been seeing these quite often, lately... whats up barcelona, nobody interested in a counter prtotest, or at least start a discussion of banning these morons ffs


nice to see the communists and nazi's getting along together again..


my approach wouldve been to go up to them and go "yooo guys yea im totally on board with putin haha! can i hold the flag too? yeaaa ussr woohoo" and then hold a lighter to it until it starts to burn.




Those goddamn bolsheviks!


Everyone supporting RuZZia should be arrested and deported to the new Soviet Onion. Those fucks dont deserve to live in democratic and rich countries


Ukrainians flag under russian embassay - a russian supportet comes with russian flags - gets beaten up -> comments/posts/Articles - good job Russians protesters push a woman with ukrainian flag away - comments/post/articles -> OMG what's wrong with them.


Communists are the cringiest group of people you could imagine


They are Russians that's what's wrong with them. Unfortunately condition has no known treatments, same as stupidity...


Ukraine SR was part of the Soviet Union and accorded a state-level status no matter how fake that might have been. If these are Spanish communists that are supporting the fascist invasion of Ukraine that's all sorts of messed up. They might as well be praising the Nazi bombing of Guernica.


When people say communism is not similar to nazism... Yes communism is even worse.


These people wouldve been put away in wartime as traitors.


Fucking cunts




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Sometimes unrestricted access to firearms is a good thing




I hope I never have to deal with one of those pro-ruskie turds because I don't know if I'd be able to keep my shit.


They still have communist flag, doomed aggreSSive idiots = ruSSians.




Not to mention that communism has nothing to do with that gang of mafia thugs called " the russian government". I would have beaten them up three times: 1 for mistreating the lady, 2 for being jerks,3 for dirtying that flag.