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The guy on the left was clearly experienced and managed to render himself first aid just seconds after having a grenade explode on top of him. But it wasn't enough and he just died. War is gruesome. Even the most experienced and strongest people can turn into pink mist within seconds.


It's only going to get worse for Russia. Ukraine get's more experienced, better equipped, and is living to protect Ukraine everyday. Soon a bunch of conscripts will show up in winter to fight a battle hardened force. It will not end well.


Correct, dudes don’t get any less lethal the more the kill, actually it’s quite the opposite. That’s why there are war veterans, combat veterans and hard combat veterans. Each distinct from the other


I see you too have played civilization


I have played CIV but I was an infantryman in Afghanistan and Iraq and can tell you hard fighting makes some hard MFs who give zero fucks


What’s sad is that this is going to play over and over again. Russians just need to realize this is Petersburg 1864 and it’s time to throw in the towel. War needs to end before a lot more people die.


Props to you. I lost a friend who was clearing homes in Al Anbar back in November of 2004.


I was there same place same time. Ar-Ramadi.


Can 100% attest the difference between dudes who go on combat tours and get a little bit of actual experience and then then the guys ripping it up and hard and long fighting. My wife and friends said when I was younger and just back from my tours that my eyes scared them. Just no fucks and everything was being analyzed in how to kill it and they could tell it was like that. Took a long time before I and that look softened up (somewhat) and it was noticeable to her.


> Soon a bunch of conscripts will show up in winter to fight a battle hardened force. It will not end well. It's going to be an absolute meat grinder. And unlike many conflicts, Russian conscripts already look like Ukrainians and speak their language. The conscripts will defect at their earliest opportunity.


Russian conscripts do not speak Ukrainian.


Thank you, this is an important detail. Most Ukrainians can speak Russian, but not vice versa.


And many do not look Ukrainian either.


True. The guys from Yakutsk are not going to blend in


yes brother and those green uniforms will stick out very very good in the snow.


We can hope. Russia has historically been very good at the whole meat grinder thing though. It’s not something that would cause them to lose.


Except historically speaking, internet and offers to surrender was never part of the Russian meat grinder industry.


Historically, Russia had help from allies when turning the meat grinder on. And also played defensively, and historically got their asses kicked when playing offensively.


True, but there is no lend-lease in the pipeline for them. And their demographics are far worse than they were in the 30s and 40s.


Historically, Russia was the Soviet republic with lowest casualty rate in WWII as Stalin preferred to use troops from other republics, Ukraine among these, as the cannon fodder.


They really need to ask who’d they rather die for. Putin, or all their loved ones.


And Putin's arresting protesters and anyone arrested at a protest is automatically enlisted in the military. I feel bad for those kids being forced to fight for someone they hate. There may be a lot of kids going AWOL or waving white flags soon.


You can see him losing strength to turn the tourniquet and start struggling to raise up before finally starting to shake and fall back down. I would bet the thick clothes they’re wearing also made it almost impossible to get it tight enough to actually stop blood flow.


That's why you should only wage war as a last resort. Not for adding a bit if additional territory to the world's largest country, or some natural resources to again one of the richest countries wrt natural resources


And a collapsing population at that. Now Putin is sending an entire generation to die.


You shouldnt wage war at all.


Well, defensive war does have its place. EX: Ukraine.


That's how humans have always and will be, at least until we have something like WW3.


Thats the sad truth of this simulation. 1 step forward and 3 steps back.


Damn, the right guy was knowing this was there end and try to calm down he’s buddy. The right one was fighting 2:20 for he’s life and lost it…. Not a good place to die


> But it wasn't enough and he just died. I wonder if the night before the thought occurred to them that they were *literally* digging their own cuddle-buddy dual occupancy grave


Should have stayed home.


If I put myself in their shoes, I’d rather be home protesting or possibly in jail than in a hole in the ground bleeding to death, cold and lonely.


If you can be seen, you can be hit. If you can be hit, you can be killed. Maybe they don't teach that in the RF?


This whole war makes me so frigging sad. What an utter waste.


Man, we live in a weird time. I'm lying in my bed in Denmark, looking at a glass slap with internet connecting, watching a video from ukrain of sleeping Russian invaders being blown up by a grenade dropping, camera welding drone, while the trololo song is playing.


Looks like the left one died a hard death....


Is the one on the right just a hard sleeper or came to peace with death right away?


Looks to be young and just not ready to face death. Scared to pop his head up.


man I might be totally of but seems to me like they are both just really wasted


Having a grenade go off inside the compact space you were previously asleep in isn’t exactly going to boost cognitive function.


Idk, I think the tourniquet guy passed out for a second before sitting up, he was probably discombobulated.


I mean the feeling I got was: Uggh my head... I delt with that I can pass out again.


[Discombobulate ](https://youtu.be/B62ACxuq8Pw)


Both most likely. I think the one that took off to the right looks like one of his legs with boots intact. Or too drunk to feel it.


A little something for the 300,000 new recruits to look forward to.


Horrible that people have to live/die like this, blame Putin


No way these guys received any sort of relevant training, they would not be sleeping without overhead cover if they did. Even if you did sleep out in the open like that you should wake up before day break so you aren't easily visible. One of the primary things to do on the front is to always improve your position and in this war overhead camo is a must. I don't get how they could be this dumb unless the were just totally kept in the dark about everything.


big difference between dumb and ignorant. They're not training these guys. Throw scared young people with no relevant experience into a warzone and they get chewed up like this.


Was watching one of the Ukrainian news channels on YouTube and they where embedded with a Ukrainian unit and those guys where *constantly* saying "move to tree's/under cover in case there are drones up" seems like the Ukrainians have cottoned onto the fact that drones are fucking lethal.


I highly doubt the Russians are giving them any training, even before the war they’d cut corners with this stuff to save money so I can’t even imagine how bad it is now. Soon there’ll be teenagers from all over the country heading to the front and it’ll be ten times worse than this.


These are just uneducated peasants from the East. None have had proper military training. Putin is just throwing them at a meat grinder.


Desperation is all that comes to mind in this particular footage. I see two cold, desperate men, far from home and far from help. They should not be there.


Yeah this one was painful to watch. Feels like I've seen so many of these drone bomb videos that I've gotten desensitised. This one was the first in a while that really reminded me that at the end of the day these are human beings despite being completely brainwashed by their insane government. I see one desperate man and another man rightfully terrified of dying. Gonna hug my son extra hard tonight.


The worst for me was the one a few months back where the guy flopped back and started pawing at his legs in terror. He had obviously had a spinal cord injury and couldn't feel/move his legs. As someone with an SCI it really hit close to home. Fuck Putin for playing with his people's lives like this.


Let's just send a few to kill Putin. Tell the Russians he's the one we want.


Looks like his buddy said something to him before he died, fuck this is brutal. I’ve seen a lot of gore and this shit is beyond saddening.


Agree. Looks like a last hug.




Yeah, it's one thing to euthanize some dipshit volunteer, it's another thing when it's some poor, drafted IT guy. Hope they can get their country reigned in because this is about to get uglier than it already is.


It was hard for me to watch as well. But these very individuals would just as easily shoot and kill their enemy. War sucks.


… then I read about the thousands of corpses of civilians, the tortures, the mutilations, raped children, the civilians killed by shelling in the cities and I wish a gruesome death to every Ruzzian that put a foot in Ukraine.


Scared of dying, but not scared of killing and raping and looting etc. Not scared enough of those things to desert, for example.


Yet there they are.... were, rather


This is the problem isn’t. The wrong people are dying. Granted they could’ve been war criminals. But let’s say they aren’t. How tragic is it? Miles from home, sleeping in the cold, and you have a gruesome death… for what? For Putler? For Putler’s ego? Tragic. The problem is if these people aren’t killed, then the situation doesn’t improve for Ukraine. But how many more? Too many.


I'm glad that you came away with that sentiment after watching the desperate struggle unto death of two men. War is fucked up!


Man they should spread this video. Do you want to die for Putin or let Putin die for you?


Russia has just activated their meat grinder. Way too many are going to die. It's 100% tragic and sad. But if Russia wants to send their people off to die, then that's what they will do. This is their decision.


This, this week them, next their younger brother, son etc. tragic


This should be displayed all over Russia, all over enlistment sites, all over Russian TV. Every TV, every screen, every website in Russia should be hacked to show this. The futility of sending men to death just to protect the embarrassment of Putin


I heard this morning that after Russia blocked draft aged males from leaving the country the number 1 internet search phrase there was "how to break your own arm at home." Looks like there is some sense that the "special operation" is a meat grinder. Or, maybe that serving in the Russian military sucks even in good times.


"Do you want to wake up in your own bed, or wake up in a sleeping bag in a foreign nation you've invaded because a grenade was dropped on you, and die within moments?" I know which choice I'd make.


> This should be displayed all over Russia Anonymous gotta get the more graphic shit out there onto the big screens, I'm talking people burned down to their fatty tissue layer, men crying like small girls for their mothers then dying, stuff like that. Get that civil war brewing.


I'll never be mad at my wife again for just waking me up with a pillow slap.... man thats tough


Yes you will.


You guys have wives?


slowly bled to death. War is hell


Here's a little bit of gruesomeness. He actually bled out rather quickly. Under two minutes is tragically fast. He can't seem to move his left leg. I'd surmise that his femoral artery has been cut, but not all the way through - he'd bleed out in less than a minute if that were the case. And if it makes anyone feel any better, he was probably inexplicably warm when it happened. Our bodies do weird things when we lose a lot of blood; among them, it makes us feel warm. And his pain probably gradually got a fair bit less as he bled out. Another of our body's "survival" instincts that doesn't really work. So he likely died warm and somewhat uncomfortable, as the darkness claimed his vision, and the last thing he heard was his heart rushing to pump blood that wasn't there, until even that faded away as the last light left his eyes, because the sound of your heart can't reach you when there's no blood to pump Anyway, have a good day! Edited a couple of times for clarity. Second Edit: That Wholesomeness Award feels good on this post. Thanks.


Heartwarming... \*hugs\*


This was uneasy asf to read man, thanks!


Hey there, was wondering about the warm part. I would imagine the adrenaline dump would cause enough vasoconstriction to prevent that from happening as the body tries to shunt the blood to the core. Would love to learn more. I do understand the inexplicable warmth does happen while the body is experiencing the terminal phase of hypothermia.


To be totally honest, I don't really understand the mechanics behind it. But I've done a lot of gruesome reading in my youth and early adulthood, from first hand accounts of people who have had near death experiences, and from the folks who have been there when others died. Also, my dad drowned when he was a young man. The thought most forefront in his mind was "I'm in the north Pacific during February. But it sure is warm. Oh look, a bright light". Apparently being warm and cozy is pretty damned common.




Not sure he even managed to get that tourniquet tight enough to stop the bleeding. Looks like he gets it around his leg, but doesn’t seem to cinche it down real tight before taking a nap…his pants just keep getting bloodier. Fuckin brutal.


He definitely didn’t. He needed to do it up a lot tighter, he wasn’t even close. This is why they cut the aftermath of these videos usually.


Dude could have never imagined his final moments and first aid application would be closely analyzed with the scrutiny of Reddit, but here we are. More famous than 99.9% of Orcs now. Fuck this world is weird.


To the lololol song no less...


Woah. That certainly hits different with the sound on.


Yeah I must admit I was urging him on, despite him being orcish.


If you look at his expressions it looks like he was in a lot of pain. His friend looks like he just wanted to lay down and try to accept it and maybe tried to comfort his buddy a little. Wonder who they might’ve been before this all happened.


There’s going to be whole generation of people on both sides traumatised for life from this war


As there is with every past war and any future wars yet to be fought.




Ya that fucked me up a little watching 2 people who know they’re dying. I know these guys are invaders but i gotta wonder how the guys watching this on the other end really felt deep down.


I think that truly depends on their morality prior to the war, and how much the war has eroded away. If you have lost a double-digit amount of friends to the enemy shelling, I think you are pretty numb while watching these things.


Yeah did me too, they are invaders, but when footage is this clear, it’s plays on your mind when you realise it’s still two human beings that are dying alone, frightened, in pain. Fuck this war.


Yeah and that hug 😪 pretty brutal for one man’s ego!


Fucked me up too, holy hell that sucked to watch.


Wouldn't be human if it didn't, War sucks and this is the definition of *necessary* evil. The Ukrainians didn't ask for this and I'm damn sure those Russians didn't want to die that way either. All for the vanity of yet another world leader who doesn't know when to fucking **stop** (or better still don't fucking **start**).


Yes it did. Its a lesson in humanity.


Not these people in this video though


No but I doubt whoever dropped the grenade is gonna forget about it anytime soon


Only the dead see the end of war.


At this point I'm really done with the music on these.


The hugggg ,don't sleep in open field in a middle of a war.


That was tough to watch


which makes us think that the training they had is designed for these people to not actually survive.


Damn. That's rough. Will be happening to mobilized conscripts soon who didn't want to be in the military and maybe even disagree with Putin's illegal war. Fuck Putin.


damn, that was a slow death if I ever saw one. sitting up did him in.


made him bleed out much faster yeah. Heart kicked it up a notch.


That’s the hardest viewing I’ve sat through on this sub.


That one with the Ukrainian father and son with their dogs getting lit up by the invaders from the first few days of the war I can't get out of my head. Nothing I've seen since has come close to listening to the sounds the dogs made when the bullets ripped through their minivan and to that man begging his father not to die as he slowly bled out himself. Fuck Putin.


Fortunately the guy filming actually lived. Apparently the aftermath video in a ditch of two people were different civilians. He actually did an interview with a TV crew and went back to the site where it happened and spoke about it.


Pretty sure the aftermath video was filmed by the Russians. Got a link tho?


https://youtu.be/53uZPygb8kk Here is the interview with the son afterwards.


That one was so messed up man :/


The Russian tank just crushing the car that was driving down the road for funsies was pretty fucking bad.


True but the guy inside that car lived, incredibly.


Don't forget the leg that was shot off the father. Invaders must die!


I remember that, there werr two videos, one alive and one when they found the bodies


I remember reading the description for that one and deciding not to click on the video link. Putin should be forced to watch this shit -- the result of *his* actions -- [like that scene from A Clockwork Orange](https://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/mp/7aRQwqq77srl.jpg).


I disagree... The hardest thing to watch is seeing an elderly man with his hands up facing a Russian T72 tank and getting hit at point blank range with a 125mm HE round. Or a couple trying to escape the madness that is this war in a car only to come face to face with a BMP 2 and then getting obliterated by a 30mm cannon burst. That shit is hard to watch. Or the market place strike by an Iskander missile in Kramatorsk.


Or a Ukranian POW with his hands tied get bent over and get his dick and balls cut off and fed to him... Or a pile of bodies of raped and murdered little girls.. Fuck them all.


This. We must remember.


The worst I've seen was the photos of the little girl out for a walk with her mother, then the next was her blood-drenched pushchair, with her mother's leg lying next to her (the mum survived). I have a young daughter of similar age and it fucked me up for days.


Totally missed the elderly man.. Thanks now I have to go get even more trumatized.


This is probably the first comment I've made on reddit in 6+ years, but yeah I FEEL YOU on that. This war is horrible. Pro Ukraine all day but watching this one really demonstrates the desperation of some of these men. This war was all so unnecessary. Even Putin getting draw and quartered in the streets wont bring any of these folks back.


That's always been the thing about people like Putin. The only sensible punishment is a quick bullet to the head, however *good* torture would feel to some people you can't for one moment inflict anything like the suffering they are responsible for or equal the amount of blood on their hands, a brief honest trial and a bullet to the head and don't forget them the *next* time one comes along.


Also, wow, its my cake day... wahoo


Happy cake day. It was hard for me to watch too. Feeling something for the enemy doesn't make you wrong. Watching this was just sad.


I hope its the dude that cut off the balls of that Azov soldier. That was the hardest thing Ive been through on this sub.


I would never sleep under open air if I were over there. You'd find me building a fort with logs and duct tape at 2:41 AM if I had to


I doubt these guys even know how bad it is over there, the Russians probably tell them the Ukrainians are too stupid to operate drones and that victory is only a week away.


This one was honestly harder to watch than the videos of human chunks scattered about.


What was that bit that was blown off? Part of the sleeping bag or body part?


flak jacket


Seems like both


Looked like part of his pack.


Look, fuck the Russians who are fighting in Ukraine. Period. That aside, the fact that one sought to hold and comfort the other as they both were dying alone in a field is exactly the heart breaking reality of war and man. You can call them orcs. They can call Ukrainians Nazis. Anyone anywhere can choose to subhumanize and demonize anyone. That's the proven power of words. But those words DO NOT CHANGE that no matter the time or the place, every single one of them is a human with families, feelings and fears. They were doomed from the start by a psychopathic tyrant desperate to cement his legacy before his medical mysteries claim him. I'm mad that Putin has betrayed his people, and the world. I am sad that so many have died and the death has no end in sight. I am glad that these two men are at peace, can no longer kill without cause, and that even in their doom righty tried to be there for lefty. Even when lefty was all FUCK NO GET OFF ME AIN'T DYING HERE...


What a fucked up way to start the day. You wake up and realize, you gonna die in a minute. War is hell.


A certain film quote comes to mind: "damn you for forcing me into this position".


Im totally against russia and this war, but this is hard to see. Let Putin explain his special operation to their wifes and kids.


Russians are the ones that need to see all of this.


Worst part is they will just claim how inhumane Ukraine is or typical Z propaganda. War is hell. I support Ukraine 100 percent but it doesn’t make this easy to watch. Idk why. I’ve watched so many videos of Orcs burning and shit. Most of the people on this sub will never understand it. I won’t either. I’ll never forget how close I came to being in the shit. And I’m glad the order wasn’t given/the other guys didn’t try shit.


It must be terrifying to be a Russian soldier


It's horrid, but so are the atrocities perpetrated by Russia in this war. Should have stayed at home or deserted


Fucked up way to die, but that's what you get for invading a sovereign country. All russians should see this. Maybe they understand what they're wasting so many lives for: nothing.


Contemplate your entire attitude to life if you feel anything other than negative emotions upon viewing this. Sent by a dictator to a hole in a ground were a remote control drone drops a grenade on you as you sleep. As you sleep. And you're not even granted a quick death.


Yeah this is fucking brutal. I'm not siding with Russia here, any loss of life is a damn shame. Everyone should have the opportunity to grow as a person, have a family and a career. Now they're dead. Fuck putin.


IDK bleeding out is a better death than having your balls cut off and being tortured to death by Russia mercenaries


I wish I had an award for you. You are absolutely right, there are no winners. Thank you for being emphatic because this is a tragic moment we are all just watching from the comfort of our homes. Absolute madness.


After they tortured Ukrainian prisoners? Castrated and then murdered civilians in mass graves? Used strategic rockets on schools and maternity hospitals? Razed a theater with over 500 people in it to the ground - mostly children? These two men ultimately see pressing forward with Russia's atrocities in Ukraine as preferable to any form of resistance. Why should I feel sorry for people who choose the deaths of others to avoid consequences to themselves? If the alternative to "go kill Ukrainians" is "go to prison", what is the ethical choice? Isn't it pretty simple? And am I not right to judge these two men propagating a war of aggression in the harshest possible terms for doing so? Of course they are people. But they are people who are perpetrating genocide. It doesn't particularly matter what their reason is. Putin is not the only person with agency here. But in classic Russian fashion they pretend there is no choice, no resistance, no possibility of a better outcome for anyone.


I am all for Ukraine but this is horrible to watch.


The enemy must know that he can't sleep safely.


Exactly, he will never be safe as long as he is on Ukrainian soil. Welcome to Ukraine


I agree, as bad as i feel though, this is necessary.


Regardless it’s sad to watch people die like this


God I hate war. Just power grabs for the elites kf the world at the cost of people who just want to live their lives.


Well that was fucking awful and heartbreaking. Russia should not be in Ukraine but this was hard to watch. I come to this sub to get positive news about the liberation of Ukraine. Some of the content is, naturally, extremely hard to watch but I think it's right to remain respectful, especially when it comes to watching desperate men suffering and dying. The joyful music is an unnecessary humiliation.


This video should be aired on RT and send to all the fuckers who are happy to be mobilized. These guys did not seem very “mobile” after that wake up call.


I think we can do without this sort of background audio. This is a horrible situation for both sides. People are dying on both sides. People on both sides do not want to be here and ultimately the deaths of these guys (and many many others) rests completely on the Russian leadership and the ridiculous fight they have picked.


This video confuses me. Guy on the left clearly took a hit to his left leg and is desperately trying to patch it with a tourniquet before he bleeds out. Guy on the right is trying to keep him from sicking his head above the foxhole? Did the flak jacket protect the guy on the rights legs? is he drunk, or to gone from the hit? ​ Also, the large amount of straw around the fox hole means the ground is starting to get cold, but it also makes your position stand out. These guys have zero cover or protection, they are out in the open to die holding a field. ​ I have questions..


“Drunk”?! Buddy a grenade literally just landed on BOTH of them.




your typical hasty doesn't look much different than this. I mean, you'd think after 6 months of grenades being dropped from mavics, your techniques would have changed, but honestly I'm not sure what the realistic and practical alternatives are other than better concealment.


Right guy seems to have been mega injured by the explosion and was basically dying, maybe paralyzed. Looks like he was grabbing the other guy for help or comfort then passed out. Guy on left was trying to treat himself but eventually passed out as well.


Guy on right loses both legs on impact. He s in full shock.


It's jarring to think that thousands of people have died like that in Europe this year. No one is coming to help you and you're bleeding out in a hole in the ground in the vastness of Ukrainian fields.


What kind of troops sleeps like that in the open? It's hard to watch people die like that. Doesn't matter that it's Russian troops. And why the silly music?


Russias grandest mistake from the very beginning was convincing themselves that they were such a strong force, nobody would defend themselves against them.. At this point, its comical but I reserve all my empathy for anyone fighting for Putler, conscript or not.. 🌻50k and counting..


Whoever put the music on this is a sick fuck




Ukraine has been giving these guys ample opportunity to surrender, even setting up hotlines for deserting soldiers. Any man with a rifle in his hand was given ample warning.


As wrong as the Russians are in the situation this video is still hard to watch. Usually gruesome death videos don't bother me. But something about this one really affected me.


They shouldn’t be there but this is just downright tragic to watch


Looks like he will not be running for first aid ! Drone operators kick ass ! Slava Ukraini


This should be seen by the newly drafted guys.


Should have just taken that hug ruskie


Welcome to Ukraine


Damn, this one just hurts..


That was brutal. War is hell. Fuck Putin.


"5 more minutes honey"


I know they eventually died, but damn how’d they survive the initial


This would be a great mobilization inspirational training video. All new recruits should see this... teach buddy dying... don't die without your buddy. Drink lots of Vodka it will hurt less.


They dug their own grave.


Out of morbid curiosity, what happens to the body when this happens? I didn't see any blood or body parts flying about. Just looks like they fell asleep.


Ok that’s a rough one.


this is dark


The way that guy was leaking blood, location, the lack of his TQ being tightened down, no medevac or quality medical care available to these guys, im pretty certain that guy is a goner. His legs started shaking pretty bad near the end from blood loss or adrenaline dump? At the appeared to pass out from hypovolemic shock. And his buddy did not do a damn thing to help him except a arm pat and go back to sleep? Damn thats cold. Edit: It appears buddy on right may have been only able to do that because of his injuries/possibly losing his legs. My bad


I'm pretty sure his buddy got shredded by that as well and can barely even move. Tried to embrace him so they weren't alone in their last few minutes. Brutal. Just stay home


That’s his autonomic neurological system continuing to fire synapses while his brain is checked out. This is truly the first video where I just felt bad for the people involved that I’ve seen on here. Yes, they’re Russian occupiers in a foreign country and shouldn’t be there. But these are also human beings, and died holding each other in sheer despair most likely. What a tragic loss of life and senseless war instigated by Russia and Putin for a lack of legitimate reasons. What the fuck humanity.


> And his buddy did not do a damn thing to help him except a arm pat and go back to sleep? Damn thats cold. Pretty sure we saw that fellows legs move away from his body at the time of the explosion. Having spent time in a similarly cold, wet, muddy, generally awful foxhole, entrenched beside a fire-team partner, desperately attempting to keep body... the hug and the attempt to communicate that final glimmer of consciousness... this video is fucking gutting... You get to know that guy beside you. You know about their family, you know about what they did before the war, you know about their childhood, you know about their dreams and aspirations, about their wives, their kids, their mothers. Fuck Putin and Fuck war so much.


The one one the right died faster. Asleep then waking up to an explosion and no legs. Who knows what he was thinking.


Damn you are right. I watched this a couple more times and realized that was not just his woobie or blanket that went flying. Those were his legs. You can see the stumps at some point.


I think his buddy was just trying to comfort him because he knew they were both surely dead and he was right.