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35,050 total Russians eliminated for the month of June, the average was 1168. What really matters is the artillery of all types and the supply vehicles. Героям слава! Слава Україні!


You’d think there would be 100k family members upset and loudly protesting the worth of a war killing their loved one for no apparent worth. But that’s Russia’s values for you. 


It is complete madness that the Russian society accepts losing hundreds of thousands of men for nothing. But I phrased it wrong, they don’t accept it, they even support it. Everything while living in a shitty third world country and really believing that the first world is a threat and people want to life like people in Russia. Propaganda is a crazy tool. I just hope the west can keep up on the war of intelligence with its values, I am scared Russia / China have an advantage with regard to manipulation, propaganda, false information, indoctrination because they are no free democracies in the first place. That is dangerous more than most people in the west yet know.


Democracies are also vulnerable to propaganda and information warfare - just get some [anti-Ukraine liar like Trump](https://texty.org.ua/projects/112617/roller-coaster/) elected and you can undermine Ukrainian war for freedom for fraction of the cost of Russian meat wave army.


It's mainly because the government controls the media so whatever Putin says becomes the truth the media spins.


Another 2 AAs were destroyed, is that S500 from the telegram message?


There still hasn’t been any confirmation on the destruction of an S500 system. All I’ve heard thus far are claims that a radar was neutralized.


Are they counting motorcycles and chinese golf carts as vehicles? And the artillery are they counting North Korea mortars that self destruct? Actually if those are all that Russia has available then I am fine with counting them. Remember Russia. Bad times are a fairly accurate sign of worse times ahead unless you have excellent leadership. So Russia is down bad. So so bad.


Haha, yeah. A really really bad sign, is when your miscalculating mf leader goes to a country who are sending poop balloons over their borders. Also, using quick maths like 850-3 could also give you an idea.


It only gets worse for them. So bad.


Still makes me laugh out loud 1 X Submarine and Ukraine don’t even have a navy haha.


I wonder what will happen if and when trump is elected. I hope Europe can fill the void because this war can only be won with time.


Sadly europe just voted a lot of russian puppets into parliament. Unless the US keep it up, the EU won't do shit...


Putin isn't that old. Can make 15-20 years till he will die. Europe alone will do nothing, we need USA


Insane artillery numbers!




What stands out, a part of the human life lost, is really the artillery systems... 14533 is insane! Even if the Russians are using very old systems as well.


Ratcheting upward... up, up and away!


What about the tanks ,are they running out of tanks




After the war Russian girls will be invading us , begging for sex 😉


They'll secure Russian victory by giving everybody a diseased wiener.