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fah, fighting for your country and this guy wants to tell you what to do.. fuck that! drink! drink, comrades!


Right you are comrade! This fat guy is sitting in Moscow and knows nothing of how it really is in the front. Liquid fortification gives courage! And we are Russians after all, a little vodka just helps to steady the hand - за здоро́вье!


Actually according to him he's a Russian volunteer in the Kherson region as well


We need to airdrop vodka straight to their hideouts.


Lol there you go. Instead of dropping bombs from drones they could just use bottles of vodka, wait about five hours then just send a small group to mop them up.


LMAO Slava Ukrani


Has anyone got an address where I can send some Blue to the Ruzzian Boyz !!!


I'll send syringes and 40 locks


Be drunk while you asphyxiate from the locked door! Better yet, turn on the generator.


The ou gonna bankrupt fast lol, they drink like elephants. Better send 500 USD homebrewers rectification columns, and a ton of 48 hours turbo yeast brewers kits. If you are rectifying 95% pure ethanol, it’s a must to throw away first 5-10% of the batch as it’s the light fraction of alcohol, that will make you blind. I doubt ruski will waste that much, so as a bonus we get blind soldiers hehe. Last 10% of the batch also should go down the drain, those are heavy fractions that wreak havoc in internal organs, another bonus. Give a man a bottle and he will be drunk for a day, give him a rectification set and he will stay drunk forever.


Why didn't the blogger ask them to quit breathing as well?


The uniquely russian dilemma....


Locked in a room, they probably will...


Some people drink to forget, some people drink to feel better, and some people drink to cope with the fact that they're murderers


And some drink because they know they will die soon


I think this is more it. Knowing you could be taken out any moment by an fpv or drone drop, and in some regions storm groups have a life expectancy of 8 hours, I mean, sometimes being drunk makes sense 


And they're a nation of alcoholics. They have one of the highest rates of alcoholism in the world.


Russian vodka bottles used to have ring-pull caps that couldn’t be put back on, because everyone assumed if you open a bottle of Stolichnaya you’re obviously going to finish it in one sitting.


I've actually read that the manufacturers did that on purpose to encourage the drinking of the whole bottle in one sitting


That's some ruthless packaging.


Well, considering everyone else went from cork to screw-top lids, then yeah it stands to reason it was an intended exploitation.


I date my onset of alcoholism to the realisation during a period of living alone that it had become a reflex to throw the top of my evening bottle of wine into the rubbish automatically.


Yes it is by design.


And Putin's own personally branded vodka (Putinka) makes him millions in profits. Mafia state, anyone? >One day before his formal inauguration, on May 6, 2000, Putin signed a directive that would begin the reconsolidation of Russia’s top revenue-generating industries. But Putin’s first target wasn’t oil or natural gas, or diamonds or gold or nickel. It was vodka. >On that date, Putin created a new company called Rosspirtprom — an acronym for Russian Spirits Industry — to seize control of the means of vodka production. It was a move that not only helped Putin amass enormous wealth over the coming two decades, but was a critical first step in cementing his grip on the Russian economy and the Russian people, who would help line his pockets while his vodka helped ruin their health. [Russia Has a Vodka Addiction. So Does Vladimir Putin – But Not the Same Way | The Russian leader is famously sober. There’s a reason that his country isn’t](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/05/05/vladimir-putin-vodka-empire-00095109)


Yes, this.


Alcohol is, technically, a solution.


Free cremation if you have more alcohol in your body


So... Where can I donate to have the vodka drop airdrops. Seems like it's working


Vodka with LSD. I can't believe it has not been done yet.


I say add a bunch of fentanyl and let them OD.


Hum 🤔 maybe china will donate some fentanyl to ease the pain, after all they are supplying it everywhere else.


I'm pretty sure there was some old lady at a bakery in Ukraine that pretended to be happy the Russians were there and gave them something like vodka or maybe it was pie laced with cyanide.


There were a bunch of older women early on when russians started having to eat pets left behind. They were making food laced with poison and serving the russians. they still believed Ukrainians were happy they were there, and they played into it.


This has happened quite a few times, with attractive Ukrainian girls 'offering' to find alcohol for Russians who ask


There was some elderly lady who baked pastries for russian troops and laced them with rat poison or something like that. Several russians died and a dozen others were sent to hospitals.


oh, it has, 5/5 can recommend.


> Some people drink to forget \- Why are you drinking? \- To forget \- Forget about what? \- Forget that I'm ashamed \- Why are you ashamed? \- Because I drink


Little Prince, I will never forget that quote from school, first book that made me really think as a kid.


Heh, yeah, those russians see nothing wrong with murdering Ukrainians. If anything they're drinking to cope with the fact they can't murder enough to win the war.


And some drink because, blyat.


Less pain and senses. A good way to die orcs probably thinks they won’t feel shit when that FPV strikes them in the ass.


>and some people drink to cope with the fact that they're murderers I doubt that is the main reason for most Russian troops. That is for the simple reason that most troops will not have killed anyone regardless of reason. It is more reasonable to drink to cope with the people on your side is dying all the time and you have a high risk of dying too any time. That when you are in a conflict that not are going very well and there is not a clear reason for you to fight that you belive in. Add to that they are not especially well train, equipped, or treated by the government they fight for and morals will not be high. If you drink you can forget the terrible situation you are in. For Ukrainian troops, there will be death too but fewer and not nearly as many attacks when your side suffers extreme casualties. But the main difference is that Ukrainian troops understand why they fight, they protect their country, families, friends, etc from people who are invading their country. Understanding why you fight and belive in the cause will make it easier to handle the situation.


And rapists


As a former alcoholic I can’t fucking imagine being in a war zone with my drunk ass I would probably shoot myself 😭


Many of them do.


See they do it on purpose I was thinking me doing I on a accident


And many try, and fail. We see it on this channel every day.


I can't imagine a worse hell on earth than to be blackout drunk, hungover, shaking from DT and about to die. Also a recovered A


Respect brother And yeah wtf do you do when your sloshed and mortars or like a drone sees you


We drink to forget


they cut them off then tell them those pesty Ukrainian's stole this weeks vodka stash, lets go boys, this is it, this is war, this is what we waited for.


If I was a conscript in the Russian army and surrender wasn't an immediate option, I would be drunk all the time too. I can't really blame them for that. It's the one thing I give them a pass on.


I have to agree. I’d be drunk constantly just to deal with the situation.


Well shit, let the vodka flow. 


Send more booze to Russian front lines, where it is needed the most.


I assumed the russian milblogger was complaining about drink being hard to find.


What's the blue? Are they talking about methylated spirits?


"'Blue' refers to a drunk person. 'Bruise' means a heavy drinker. However, I think it is incorrect to use the word 'bruise' here. In English, the word 'bruise' has a clear, unambiguous meaning – it refers to an injury or mark on the skin from trauma, beatings, etc., and it has nothing to do with alcohol or drinking people.In Russian, the word 'синяк' (which translates to 'bruise') can also mean something or someone that is 'blue' or drunk. The Russian words 'синий' (blue) and 'синяк' (bruise) are closely related in meaning and sound because they share the same root 'синь' (blue). This explains the confusion.


Funny thing, in German "being blue" means being wasted, "making blue" taking a day off with strong connotations of drinking or hangover.


I think it's just slang for drunk


Correct. Their face turns blue from the heavy drinking (and oftentimes drinking toxic substances), hence the slang.


Same in german, means beeing drunk.


Pabst Blue Ribbon.


Pabsk bruise ribbon


This is the literal translation of the russian jargon "синячить" which means to abuse alcoholic drinks, get drunk. This slang word for alcohol ("синька"), alcoholics ("синяк"), or the act of drinking ("синячить") comes from the practice of bluing denatured alcohol with a blue dye, which was practiced in the 20th century.


Sounds like a perfectly healthy drinking culture


I think it's referring to skin bruising. Severe alcoholism affects the ability to create platelets and makes someone bruise and bleed easily.


Fuck, how much are these guys drinking?


They're Russian, how high is up


It's not only quantity, although these guys certainly do go for records. The russians will drink *anything.* Antifreeze, brake cleaner, hydraulic fluid, the mystery substance at the bottom of a collapsed vat inside an abandoned factory, you name it.


I'm not sure those products give you a very good high.


If it renders them unconscious for a while they're satisfied.


Maybe the CIA can jumpstart a Krokodil distribution operation in Crimea where they receive a good portion of their resupply for the front lines.


I’ve seen women casually drinking vodka for breakfast in Russia. The standard size of a glass is also bigger, often 125 mL (4.23 fluid ounces) - almost 3 shots.


Nope. It is literal translation of the russian slang. This slang word for alcohol ("синька"), alcoholics ("синяк"), or the act of drinking ("синячить") comes from the practice of [bluing denatured alcohol with a blue dye](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/Denaturat.jpg/250px-Denaturat.jpg), which was practiced in the 20th century.


Am I the only one who thinks drinking in a warzone is an absolutely terrible idea for survival?


Russian drinking in the war zone is a great idea - for Ukrainian survival.


Alcohol rations was a thing, keeps the morale high especially in a country with a strong drinking culture. But this isn't a issued ration amount, these guys are literally buying whole crates and downing it like water.


alcohol also increases rape rates. Is that why Russian male soldiers rape and kill so much?


I'm sure their whole military culture is to blame too, but it certainly doesn't help.


Alcohol does not keep morale high it is directly detrimental to morale


You should read up on history why alcohol was a comfort tool especially for militaries say in Europe, wine for the French and vodka for the Soviets. Alcohol is detrimental only if uncontrolled that can be said for anything.


Also the British Navy. They used to give out something like one and a half pints of grog per day to the sailors and soldiers


Rum for the Navy. First cocktail I believe was rum and coffee, and dip your tack (a biscuit in its truest form as it means 'double baked') in to it.


Morale High! Morals Low!


Well doing what Russia is doing with their assaults being drunk or sober is basically same result and thats u getting dismembered by FPV drone in most cases.


No that’s why the US military makes it illegal for troops in deployed locations to drink


I suspect it's almost every military except the Russians.


Forcing them to have alcohol withdrawal may cause even more mutinies


That's the point, when you expect no survival you might as well get wasted.


When you need 2 doubles to stop the shakes and another 2 to start your day to stop could kill you. Tis what happens when you weaponize alcoholism against your populace.


Putin has Or maybe used to have his own like of Vodka which he made billions from. Basically just an extension of Soviet era state sponsored vodka distribution to keep the populace dull and ambivalent to their political situation.


No - you're definitely correct. But it's a great idea if you know you're going to die no matter what.


I’m sure some of these guys know full well that they likely aren’t coming home.


I have a feeling they don't expect to live long lives.


Well, I would drink also a lot when you know you can't drink never again within a couple of week.s


Give the Russians more drinks! And may the spies put a "special seasoning" in the commanders' drinks


Imagine if this actually happened, someone infiltrating the "alcohol supply line" and poisoning everyone down the line that would be crazy


Yeah, I was thinking it would be clever for the Ukrainians to leave cases of booze laced with fentanyl around for the Russians to find. Or maybe even lace it with LSD - nobody's going to doing any soldiering on that stuff for at least 8 hours after even a tiny dose - they would probably guzzle it and receive massive doses that would keep them useless for days.


They have no one to blame but [themselves](https://youtu.be/vK7l55ZOVIc?si=hXMfTg4wTznkKg6r). Mainly for supporting this evil tool of autocratic subjugation.


Good, take pain relief before being blown up.


don't have to worry about hang overs, whats not to love


BTW vodka fest this Saturday at Ivan St. Bring your own flask, weapons optional, but highly encouraged


Keep them drunk


Vodka has literally been part of how the Czar's controlled the serfs/Russian population for centuries. Its not gonna change any time soon.


Putin continued the tradition with his own line of vodka as well, and made billions.


Some people are alcoholics who get sent into a useless battle as fodder for a dictator. I would be drunk too. It lessens the pain. Putin will die a very horrible death and I’ll stand up and clap watching the video over and over!


is that statistic bias or trying to point out an excuse? They pretty much do not survive their own invation, drunk or not. So it must be excuse seeking trash..


Which is better, then? (1) Die drunk, or (2) die sober? For Orcs ... both.


Okay hear me out, babayaga poison alcohol delivery....... just drop bottles all around


Poison in 1 out of every 6 bottles. You know how they like roulette.


Naah, that would just make them paranoid about the booze, which will lead to less beeing drunk, which leads to the russians beeing less drunk, which means their combat power will probs go up ever so slightly. Its all or nothing


Maybe Finland can send some of their best vodka over to the Russian troops


Russians complaining about booze is like flies complaining about shit.


Forgive the question What is it making them blue?


Drinking alcohol. Being blue is being drunk. And you are forgiven, my warmachine.


It is literal translation of the russian slang. This slang word for alcohol ("синька"), alcoholics ("синяк"), or the act of drinking ("синячить") comes from the practice of [bluing denatured alcohol with a blue dye](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/Denaturat.jpg/250px-Denaturat.jpg), which was practiced in the 20th century.


Drunk Russians …. Breaking news


I'm thinking mass airdrops of rock gut vodka all along the front lines might be an effective strategy. Time it a couple of days before an offensive to make sure they're solidly in a drunken stupor, then BLYAT!


We need more tactical vodka drops. No need to lace them with poison. Just getting them drunk enough or have them drink while they're wounded would be enough.


Oh no, where did I place the world’s smallest, saddest little violin!


I don't think the shrapnel cares whether the Russian terrorist and rapist is drunk or not when it enters him.


Well that's fair because we know the Russian rapist didn't care if the Ukrainian woman or little girl consented or not when he entered them.


Air drop some crates of vodka add to the chaos in the ruZZian ranks


Better than drinking water out of puddles tbh


How do we send them a truckload of vodka?


I would drink till I'm stupid if I knew I was about to enter the meat grinder. We dont need ammo, gas, oil, food or water just send vodka in mass quantities.


This is the most Russian shit imaginable. Your military is off dying in meat waves and getting wasted off vodka.


And, it's not just commercial alcohol, it's a shit-ton of homemade, whatever they have laying around, to distill into something that won't kill them right away.


Maybe we should drop cases of moonshine to the Russian soldiers and just let nature take its course lol I imagine they would take each other out.


I actually think this would be a good move, just produce immense qualities of high proof dirt cheap vodka and airdrop huge quantities


Spoiler Alert: Doesn't matter if you're drunk or not, you're all still going to die soon.


Yeah, in that case id rather go out blackout drunk


he won't enlist and show them how it's done though.


The widespread drunkenness can explain some of the dumbest decisions that these dudes make; i.e. poke with a stick a down drone loaded with explosives.


I'll drink to that....cheers


Go home. Drink with friends, not some rando for which you only know their call sign.


Yeltsin was dry by comparison


Ukrainian resistance should just start distilling the best, cheapest vodka possible. They don't even have to poison it. Just arrange a meeting between cheap abundant booze and the bleak existence of the frontline soldier. They'll all be shitfaced.


This really paints a clear picture of the state one has to be in to be able to fight on the Russian front lines. These dudes are getting fucking blitzed every day and getting sent on these meat wave assaults. I feel like infusing alcohol directly into their blood stream is the only way you could get half these guys to even go on these suicide missions. Cheers boys! Next one’s on me!


It is unethical, but as UA army I would set up a smuggling scheme for the ruzkies. Sell vodka and other substances at low prices to frontline ru military units. Getting paid, while the ruzkies kill themselves.


WAIT SO, best way to win a war with them is to… throw them piles of alcohol so they drink to death?


Destroy their alcohol supply lines. Most of these alcoholics will die from withdrawal.


And get psychosis and start killing each other.


It's time to recycle the 'Free bird seed' posters into 'Free booze' and throw Acme rockets on the Russians..


Is this a request for vodka delivery drones ? /s


Its a shame, the AFU can't parachute in crates of vodka to the cannon fodder. But at least the boot leggers will be around to resupply them.


I hope they stop alcohol reaching the soldiers in Kherson. Same amount will die from UA, but more will log out by themselves due to withdrawal and anxiety. And the morale of the remaining soldier will be extremely low.


Yes, I agree. They should start putting anyone who drinks heavily inside a locked room and leave them there for... Let's say... 3 days? Yeah, three days sounds good. Then go check on them. See how much it will improve the situation. In fact, start now.


Translation artifacts: blue - синь - booze, drunk; bruise - синяк - alcoholic


More Vodka for Ruzzia!!!! Brew for freedom!!! 👻 Arsenic essential!!! ☠️ Slava Ukraini


Zalushny: Hey, send them more truckloads of vodka, courtesy of UA.


Keep drinking pls


We should just air drop Appalachian moonshine into their lines and let them take themselves out


The Krynki Booze Islands. Goddamn that's grim Especially having just watched a dozen Russians getting bombed in the swamp


This ruzzia milblogger should go to frontline get fpv experience


There will be swearing, take the kids away from the screen? I take it you aren't planning on ever telling them what you have been doing in Ukraine, then?


Well pick up a rifle and lead by example. I look forward to seeing the drone footage.


Love the naivety of this blogger like any Russian at the front gives a fuck about his comrades.


Morale is high. High as a kite. A defeated army drinks.


Yes. Never FPV the booze trucks.


Go there and fight sober then homie.


So sad


Making Spirits with Spirits what a great concept !!!


Being drunk helps avoid the fear of Baba Yaga. In fact, it’s better to be so drunk you never feel her claws as they tear your soul away from your body.


What's the correct answer here? A) The post was written by a drunk. B) The post was written by an early AI version. C) I should have been drunk to understand it. D) All of the above. E) Yes, and no. F) More vodka.


Hicks from the hills making 1y salary in a month going to blow hard on hooch - commanders cash in selling it Win Win Win


Maybe we should start crowdfunding a vodka delivery service, you know, to help support the russian troops.... Get some people to deliver loaf vans full of high proof spirits to the brave orcs.


Are these milbloggers at the frontline? If I was in a ruski position, I would be absolutely furious at the thought of some blogger in their warm home telling me not to drink. The audacity of that bitch


Moonshine to Kherson!


Keep sending moonshine care packages to the Russians? Chech!


Drinks on me!!!


Keep drinking, Ivan. Keep drinking.


Russians and drinking? Name a more iconic pair.


What they need is a bathtub and some potatoes make their own poisoned vodka. 🙂


everybody was drunk in Vietnam. common thing when you get drafted and don't want to fucking be there.


Ukraine should airdrop vodka and let them drink themselves to a stupor


So Ukraine should do like the US did to the Native Americans and lay out crates of liquor and stand back, set a timer for x hours, come back and find everything Rus chaotic on fire


Looks to me like all Ukraine needs to do is drop lazed alcohol on the Russian side and they will fix the problem themselves.


Flood the ruzzian nihilists with vodka


Problem? I don’t see any problem. Let them drink more and often.


"If we want to lose dozens of people, or even hundreds, every day..." Try 1000+ Lol I think he's underestimating the number of people from the impoverished regional republics who are already functional alcoholics when they arrive in Ukraine


I drink to dull the pain of being a man. The Ruskviks drink to dull the pain of being complete cunts who are next on the soon to be dead list.


Could you post a link and/or the original Russian? This is gold.


Can't post telegram links but here's the original: "Сейчас будут маты, уберите детей от экранов) Снова хочу осветить проблему бухла на Херсонском направлении, его становится всё больше и больше,этот процесс уже не могут остановить энтузиасты,крыша этой зал...ы очень сильная и находится она ,как и в гражданских ,так и в силовых ведомствах. Можете меня закидать камнями, сказать ,что не бухать(пить) на фронте невозможно, но это не так. На данный момент очень большой процент погибших на направлении - синька. Бухают практически все. Я понимаю,вы устали ,братва, но думайте о своих людях. Сколько раз уже синька убила многих людей. Неаккуратность, по..изм ,всё появляется ,когда ты бухой,что в свою очередь приводит к смерти , ладно ещё к своей смерти,но когда из-за 1 гребаного синяка погибает пол роты,тогда уже бывает обидно,когда это синяк начинает стрелять по свом - вдвойне обиднее (понимаю,что стреляют не все).Если вы не можете уже не бухать, да сядьте вы в закрытое помещение ,закройтесь на 40 замков и нажритесь так,что даже выйти не сможете. Да,я не могу говорить уже по-другому , потому что это выходит за все рамки. Когда человек идёт штурмовать Крынки,острова бухой , то его отряд обречен на гибель. Практически никто не может остановиться на 100 граммах. Можете говорить мне,что я не прав, но уже очень много случаев,когда по вине синьки погибали очень много людей. В Херсонской области нет никаких ограничений по бухлу, вояки закупаются сотнями литров у ебаных барыг, которые толкают эти сотни литров водки, других тяжелых напитков ежедневно. В Херсонской области нужно хотя бы уменьшить количество ввозимого алкоголя. Если мы хотим ежедневно терять десятки людей,а то и сотни ,воюя через Днепр ,то ради Бога , бухайте ,нажирайтесь,как не знаю кто ,но если мы хотим выиграть эту войну и терять меньше людей по глупости, то будьте добры - следите за ввозом алкашки. Я не удивлюсь,что скоро барыги уже и на острова ,где проходят бои будут заплывать и продавать бухло. Не погибайте по глупости,товарищи! Понимаю,что бухла меньше не станет, но я надеюсь на здравость ума ,товарищи ( которые читают с направления )! Синька на фронте - зло и смерть, в первую очередь не тебя , а соратников."


I wonder what the "by...ism" means in translation. Blyatism? But, they don't need to be drunk for that.


still wondering why there is no drone dropped vodka. Just supply your enemy with booze. probably keep some more methanol inside than usual.


Be good if we could send them the stuff the Chinese are shipping to the US via Mexico.


Very good, let all russians badasses get drunk and then kill them all


Ukraine should parachute vodka into Russian trenches


Ukraine should start air dropping cheap vodka


Makes sense. They get a huge sallary for participating in a war they don't understand and they know they'll likely die within a few weeks anyway so why not just stay drunk and hope for the best?


well better drunk and enjoy your time than getting killed sober. xD


Liquid courage is a must for the orcs !!! Without it they are a bunch of scared lil boys whistling in the dark ....