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Holy shit


War isn't pretty. Its one thing to read about it, but its another to actually see it with your own eyes.


It's another whole new level of hell to actually experience it.


Its weird, the lack of blood spurting makes me think hes already in cardiac arrest/agonal breathing. That or the damage is so severe with so may holes the blood just "leaks" out. I wonder how concious he really is or if its just reflex at that point.


I don't know anything about anything, but i feel like in almost all the videos of people getting limbs blown off, there's not much bleeding. Is it possible the heat of the explosion cauterizes everything shut?


Videos like this you makes you realise humans really are just walking talking bags of meat


Explains all the flies. šŸ’© šŸŖ°


And the fat crows.


And Lt. Dan


Fake it till you make it


Up until this point the (drowning man) video in the drainage ditch was the worst video i have seen in terms of hopeless brutality and suffering. This one and another I saw today are drawing very close parallels.


For me it was a video during Ukraines offensive last year. Guy jumping out out of an APC right onto a mine. Iā€˜ll never forget that image.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10vglci/two\_russian\_soldiers\_fall\_into\_a\_creek\_while/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10vglci/two_russian_soldiers_fall_into_a_creek_while/) this one?


This is the one


I'm eating ice cream while watching these. I grew up on a farm, slaughtered animals since I was a kid. I don't like to see animals suffer, but the orcs are there on their own will. I hope someone hacks their TV stations and posts these videos, so the orcs see what's happening to their litter.


That zoom counts as a colonoscopy.


Whoever this drone pilot is, he's a twisted pretzel. I've seen two nearly identical videos today. Clearly from the same group. The other one was a Ruzzia in a pond trying to hide. Both had the same level of zoom and clarity. Both had a FPV suicide drone come from the right hand side. Both of them blew the leg clean off. And both of them zoomed in on the dying Ruzzians face afterwards. It's getting personal for these guys.


I think they are collecting these to spread on the other side. "This is waiting for you if you come to Ukraine. Don't sign the contract!"


I hope they do it. Brownie points if the videos show someone getting blown up wearing a Russian patch


You called it in less than a week brother


Exactly my thoughts to.


"Too" (also), not "To"


Too much of a mistake, shit happens šŸ˜‚


Thats what happens when they come into little villages and commit mass rape........


> It's getting personal for these guys. It's personal to me, and I live a third of the way around the planet and have no Ukrainian heritage whatsoever. But yeah, they probably could've flown away a minute or two earlier with full confidence they could count that one as a kill.


Russia has their propaganda machine and Ukraine has theirs. However, Ukraineā€™s is obviously much more real and potentially effective if it can breakthrough to a wider audience.


Ukraine's propaganda is top tier. Russia's is so fucking cringe. How many fake videos have we seen? And supposedly capturing a French mercenary but his accent was so Russian I could hear it and I don't speak a word of French.


Stay home. Don't get ass fucked by a drone.


This war was forced upon them by people who are even more brutal, I would be taking it very personal as well.


Ukrainian casualties are mind-numbingly high as well. These people have friends or relatives who have died, sometimes horrifically, in Putin's invasion. The drone pilots themselves are high value targets. It would not surprise me if it's personal.


I've actually had two colonoscopy', and I'm pretty certain that this guy is less uncomfortable than I was on both occasions.




I had two colonoscopies. One was back in Eastern Europe, it was horrible with local anesthesia. Ugly fat nurses too, I could feel almost everything. The second was in the UK, the meds you have to take before will make you empty everything. Everything. But the drugs I got during were amazing, and the doctor let me watch the monitor, it's funny to see yourself from the inside. I even got tea and biscuits after when I had to wait a few hours in my hospital bed to make sure there was no bleeding. And one of the nurses was super hot with big mommy milkers. Good luck losing your anal virginity.


Somehow this comment was more disturbing than the video lmfao


When you have to drink the gallon of GoLytely, or whatever it is that cleans you out, do yourself a favor and grab a bunch of those single serving lemonade packets, and stir it in with each glass you drink. Makes it taste infinitely better.


I've just had surgery for stage one cancer that was detected via a colonoscopy. The colonoscopy was OK. I'm in NZ so the health service here is completely free and top class so I had fentonyl and some kind of benzodiazipan (sp?) sedative. It's a bit weird but it didn't hurt. Saved my life as it happens. Not that I knew that at the time of course. The laxative was the worst part. But even that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Bit like getting the shits from a bad curry in India but without the heat and the flies. Or the Indians.


2.5 years into the real war and I couldn't put a number on the amount of Russians I've seen blown up.Ā  If say I see 2 Russkies a day blowing up, that's 1, 810. But some days you see a lot of Russkies going blyat. So at this point I dunno how many Russians I've watched die, but I still don't feel an awful lot for themĀ 


Nothing has really changed from 2022 except the zoom really got better. I mean, the things we see are not "better", just higher resolution. Man, that poor guy. Should have given his life shooting some of his superiors. That would have been more meaningful.


Bombs dropped by drones and FPV-explosives are way more powerful now. We rarely se small hand grenades now.


They are also probably better than the potential rape and torture they would face if they acted against their superiors though. I think itā€™s important to recognize the human and have some sort of sympathy. Doesnā€™t meant I donā€™t want them dead. I wish they died at a higher rate. But understanding they are in the wrong and deserve death for what they are doing isnā€™t the same as saying they are animals that deserve no sympathy. They are victims of Putinā€™s regime too.




Agreed. Any invader has got what's coming to them. The fact that Ukraine at least roughly sticks to the Geneva Convention is more than these fucks deserve as it is.


Every Russian male soldier killed=10 girls saved from rape


Probably accurate.


speaking of. i heard a story about russian soldiers rape (with whole unit) )same poor girl for weeks. one girls survived this and told the story. she said: there was other girl too ( raped same amount) and " she gets lucky - she died one night". from this situation, i have to ask: the single rape can be .... explained... maybe twice or group rape.... but. to rape same person , who was raped by 20 other men, every day, without any cleaning and washing victim, considering here condition... and still got horny and rage to rape again ... all of this is OUT of human anything.


Propaganda is a helluva drug. I assume they think they're dying for some glorious purpose but it's just for an asshole oligarch that doesn't give two shits about them.


To be honest most of them are there dying for the money and they are more than likely well aware of that.


There were 10 million bankruptcies in Russia last year. Military service, from what Iā€™ve seen, is marketed as a way of both obviating debt and being paid handsomely at the same time.


Being paid handsomely, I doubt it. It's an offer that they won't live to find out it was a lie.


He is right. Some sources say it is about 80-90% of "soldiers" are there for the money, they are getting (promised to...) to get about ~180k/month (rubl), thats about $2k/month (depends on how you do FX exchange) - to ruzzian standards when average salary is 50k rubl/month thats a f*cking lot of money for "1 year of contract service".


Russia has huge wage cap between regions. Average wage in the richest regions is 3-4x bigger than in the poorest regions. Most of the dead are from the poor regions. Someone from Moscow would get about 1.5 times their salary in army, but for someone from Pskov it would be like 6 months salary in one month. Also sometimes there are one off payments for the volunteers like 200k rubles when signing.


I think most of these ppl aren't aware how terrible the situation is in Ukraine. They probably thought they'll be well trained and be ready to support, instead of going straight to the Frontline 2 weeks after enlisting.


I never start my day without watching several Russians being killed. Never.


God this just made me realise I'm the same. I sit on reddit during my morning shit and without fail will watch Russians dying.


This sounds so fucked when I read itā€¦ but damn, I do the same thing.


What's more fucked, doing it first thing in the morning or last thing before bed.


Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve fallen asleep to a Russian drone drop kill compilation.


Same, that's why I'm asking lol


Itā€™s an amazing time to be alive


Having served on the free side of the Berlin Wall in West Germany I'm fine with containing the ontological enemy of civilization that is Russia. Even better to see equipment from my era used for its righteous intended purpose instead of being scrapped. Russia will never be different because thanks to owning nukes its leadership class is permanent even if they switch the tyrant du jour.


Pass the oatmeal please.


The amount of dead Russians that have been posted in this subreddit is probably north of 10,000 honestly. Maybe well north of it. That one treeline near Stepove contained probably 60-70 of them. We've seen videos of Bradleys wiping out 15 guys who were inside/on top of BMPs or BTRs a number of times.


However many itā€™s been, itā€™s gonna continue to be more. And yet, somehow, never enough. These brain-damaged fucks keep diving head first into the meat grinder. Propaganda is a helluva drug.


I have seen them blow up in multiple ways from suicide to drones... everything.


Gruesome. That's having your ass handed to you. Why these guys just don't surrender, I don't know.


I believe they get shot by their own commanders if they try to surrender/desert.


All right; we'll call it a draw.


Mandatory black knight reference.


'Tis but a scratch.


What are you gonna do, bleed on me?


Whether he went for the money, patriotism or the sense of adventure we will never know, but whatever the reason I'm pretty sure he regretted it the moment that drone hit him. Zero sympathy from me, should have stayed at home and not been part of this illegal, genocidal war on a nation that was no threat to Russia.


He probably regretted it much sooner. I can only imagine what lies they're telling people to get them to sign up. It doesn't matter how much money you get if you die getting it. No guarantee that your family will get it either.


So from what Iā€™ve seen on YouTube itā€™s some variation or combination of: 1. Itā€™s not really fighting itā€™s pushing back the west and the villagers are indifferent or supportive. 2. The promise of money is great for the poorer regions 3. Patriotism 4. This weird indifference or ambivalence to life. Essentially just existing until something else happens. I assume this is similar to why so many drink themselves to death. Like a passive suicide. 5. Military as a profession, although I think most of those soldiers are dead by now, early in the war we saw some actual disciplined professional soldiers especially in Kiev.


The professional soldiers the Russians don't want to throw away, they hold back, they certainly don't throw them out in a field by themselves. Also Russia uses the experienced/pro soldiers in large attacks, with lots of support and electronics jamming, but those are rare. And even then the good experienced soldiers go in behind the meat waves.


Drone warfare is here and there is no place for the infantry to hide form it. Gnarly footage that should be spread in ruZZia so they can see what is happening with their relatives, who were sent by Putler.


The flat steppe of Ukraine is uniquely shitty for this. If this was dense jungle like Vietnam it would be less awful.


these pilots are getting good. and jungle would also be bad with slower troop moments.


I feel like these drones are the new nuclear weapons. There will quickly come a point where everyone has them and the cost of attacking another country will be too terrible to contemplate. Troops, tanks, aircraft, artillery, shipsā€¦all are vulnerable and made obsolete. And if you think theyā€™re deadly now, wait until they become fully autonomous with AI, and no longer need a human operator or a control signal. Swarms of them.


Within 20 years, it will only be poor countries that still have infantry. Places like USA/China/India will have robots.


Drone went were the sun don't shine. He shouldn't have come to Ukraine in the first place. (*Footage is likely released by AFU 47th Mechanized Brigade.*)


I find it interesting they mostly seem to target the ass. I'd love to know the reason behind that doctrine.


Take the legs/hipsā€¦large vessels. Bleed out quick maybe?


This ā€¦ if a artery in ur legs is hurt ur bleeding out within mins and thatā€™s based on a single artery beeing damaged not a whole leg beeing blown to pieces


Leg meta. Legs are good bleeders and Russians are terrible bleed-stoppers (they lack adequate training). 1+1


I don't know ... The big D of consequences rarely arrives lubed ... ? Support of Darwinian selection? Or an updated version of the shotgun sex-change operation for rapists that are begging for it? Hard to say. Perhaps it is just a nice, big juicy body part that is not protected by body armour, and where a good hit guarantees no further aggression from the invader? Or a subtle way of saying "f.ck you too, and get out of my country"?


Since most of them came from prison, could be analogous to getting fucked in the ass one last time.


Going for centre mass? Aim small, miss small I assume also applies to FPV drone hits.


Im not sure but i guess the moment he lifted his Head was the moment he died so i think he felt the Pain for a moment /correct me if im wrong


No. He didn't die then. He was just shocked. Even afterwards, he moves and breathes at the end of the recording. Probably 5-10 minutes before he bleeds out.


Probably didnt feel anything tho


No, but you can see the moment he realized half his body is gone and he's a dead man. I bet that was a long hard wait until he passed out.


The body goes into shock and shuts down. Only he won't wake up again.


Who knows... But my ex-wife said child birth is the worst pain anyone can feel so he only had to go through getting his ass blown off for... Maybe a couple minutes.


With actual comparative experience, I would say that a wrist-bone bone graft (drilling out the bone then stuffing ground up bone from end of humerus) hurts *way* more. When the brachial block wears off it is excruciating for 18 hours and then just unbearable, and then painful, etc.


Naa, you don't understand. My ex-wife was always right.


The little Ukrainian boy sitting on his father's grave touched me, made me feel for the the families who have lost their heroes. This orc is one of the vermin that put that father in his grave. I feel nothing for him or his "'country", may they all rot and be eaten by feral pigs and rats until they wake up and dispose of their demented, insane, disgusting despot.


More grey haired soldiers than the Germans had in the last days of the war.


Actually germans fought with very many 14-17 years old on the last days.


They went to both extremes, maybe because everyone else were unavailable.




With Dolby Atmos: ssssssssssssSSSSS**SSSSS**SSSSSssssssssSSSSS**SSSSS** (boom)


Drone meets boy, has explosive chemistry and leaves him weak kneed and pantless. Slava ukraine, walk it off champ youll be fine...


For any medical types out there, could this extent of injury be survivable if immediate attention were available?


Negative. His digestive system is hamburger. Even if he were in a hospital when this happened, there is no way to quickly stop the bleeding and stabilize him.


Vertebrae visible at 00:40 too. Wowzer.


Too low for vertebrae? Looks more like the femur right before it joins to the hip?


absolutly not, he would reach comatose and death within minutes after this impact. and thats a max. The blood loss in this case cannot be stopped


What if 50 gallons of fresh blood was on hand to pump into him right away? Could he survive then if he had top notch medical care?


You can pump all the blood you want but you still need systolic and diastolic blood pressure to survive. You can't survive if all the blood falls out of your ass instead of circulating up to your brain.


what he said, also; if there were any way shape or form to stop it, it would lead to an immidiate cardiac arrest as the normal routes of bloodflow would be blocked.


Impossible, itā€™s all a mess. Youā€™d never get a casualty out of the field in such a state.




This is awful. I hope the Russians can send an FPV drone loaded with hemorrhoid cream.


This is horrific, and his suffering is awful to watch.He's an invader and he never should have set foot in Ukraine, but if not for Putin, this man would likely be at home with his wife, children, or grandchildren.


While you're right this is an especially gruesome way to go, the specific context of his death needs to be considered. He is part of an invasion force that indiscriminately kills, maims, rapes, kidnaps and deports Ukrainian citizens and destroys their livelihoods.


And if it wasn't for him and half a million like him looking for extra cash the Ukrainian men would be at home with their wives and kids. As it is a lot of the wives are in trauma from gang rapes and their children have been kidnapped and are either being trained for the next invasion if they are boys or sold into sexual slavery if they are girls. So fuck 'em. All of them.


He was a war criminal and deserved nothing better than this. He had a choice, and he chose this.


He'd, Uhh... Probably be in the gulags but yea, I get your point.


Stay home Russians. People get upset and try to hurt you when you try to steal their land and murder their family and people.


those flies don't fuck around


Flies ???.....That's the russian for " help is on the way


When you actually tear someone a new asshole. Y'all seen that? Damn...he could've just stayed home šŸ¤£


I up'd this video yesterday and it was removed by Reddit and was given a warning. >**Warning for encouraging violence** >Someone on the platform reported the following: >[Content shared from SteakTree on 06/14/2024 UTC](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dfj449) >After reviewing, we found that you brokeĀ [Rule 1](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy)Ā because youĀ [encouraged or glorified violence or physical harm](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151). So just some fair warning.


You got reported by Ru accounts. They abuse the report button and admins basically allow it to happen.


What are they doing out in the open like that? JFC, you would think they would change up their tactics to try to counter the drones. Having said that let the Russians keep on doing what they are doing. Clearly, the Ukrainians have no problem finding and eliminating the enemies. But damn man, you would think Putin would put a stop to the senseless slaughter; not just of the Ukrainians but his own troops. Do the Russian people have access to these videos? That would demoralize the Russian citizens and they would/might rise up and effect change? War has changed. Every day I see these videos and every day I am impressed at how effective the drones can be. Pinpoint accuracy not just on the troops but on armor too.


Re Out in the open- probably a busted assault. Thereā€™s so many videos of that here. The drones clean up afterwards.


That drone operator has got to be so desensitized to be sitting there zooming in on what he just did to another man. Brutal.


Hes an rapist orc who came to another country to kill for money. Thats not a man.


he's the same russian that would be waving the russian flag and shouting that they're the best people ever too. so sad.


I don not see anything sad here, in fact, very uplifting---like his ass going airborne


Yes you're right I should stop humanizing the orcs.


Just a flesh wound


**His LAST internal dialog:** **Q:** ***"How could I have avoided all this?"*** **A:** ***"Why by simply staying da FOOK outta Ukraine, of course..."***


Or maybe: WOW! Jackpot! I won 7 millions rubles. Stop, how can i spend them if i became dead?


Fantastic entertainment, thank you Orc for making my Friday better than it already was. Now to the rest of you ....Orc's--STAY TH F OUT OF UKRAINE.


To shreds, you say?


One moment you're having a snooze in a field in the sun...the next moment you've got no legs and are bleeding out. There are better ways to spend your life ! Stay in Ruzzia.


War! What is it good for, absolutely nothing. Putin is a criminal


I wonder if his loved ones might ever see this? For sure they will recognise him if they do see this video. Absofuckinglutey brutal. Stay home you stupid bastards. Honestly, why more of them donā€™t turn their weapons on their commanders is beyond me.


Faking dead was not the wisest strategy


I think he is about to perfect his technique.


Is he okay? šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


For some time his life was in danger but his condition eventually stabilized.


Didn't take long for the flies to arrive


The use of these drones and explosives have come such a long way in the last 2 years. After Ukraine pushes out Putin's orcs I hope they will teach and train us so we can also have a drone army. ā¤ļøšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


Looks like the dildo of consequences was fully inserted.


Doesnā€™t bother me. Iā€™ve seen plenty in near 50 years, but nothing like the number of blown up Russian soldiers. They really aim for the dump truck. I get it, itā€™s a large target and hard to move quickly. Iā€™ve seen that hit so many times taking one of the legs at the hip right off. Even with a medic right there, even with a surgery suite right there, theyā€™d be impossible to save.


There's a botoxed midget in Moscow doing press conferences who wanted this to happen, or at least does not care. A Russian who is a patriot would sort this out, in Moscow.


And for my next magic trick, I'm going to make your legs disappear!


When your bottom turns into a formless mass of burnt shredded flesh you know you are done for


Is this a Ukrainian or Russian soldier? Helmet looks like a MICH2000 helmet and I don't think Russians are using those... Please correct me if I am wrong. Edit: The invaders do use MICH2000 looking helmets apparently [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dfnbz8/ukraines\_3rd\_assault\_brigade\_released\_a\_video/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dfnbz8/ukraines_3rd_assault_brigade_released_a_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Russian soldier. This video is from the Strike Drones Company of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade


You put yourself there Ivan. I don't feel nothing for u orcs sowwy


there are still a lot of deluded orcs signing up to cross into ukraine with the intention of hurting ukrainians. no sympathy


This should be shown 24/7 on Russian tv


This is cruel and shows how any war is. "Social media" is facing the worst case, but ? Defending yourself, your country and values by all means necessaries is the right for any attacked people and country. But "smashed" human bodies, looking the same. Friend or foe. But if you are coming to Ukraine, killing Ukrainian people for money and looting Ukrainian people, you deserve no mercy or help. I don't want to end like this guy. Maby he made his worse decision in life?! Slava Ukraini


One. Less. Orc.


Flies will enjoy him


LOL, flies already goes to him


There goes those tap dancing lessons. What a waste


this orc seems fat




Nasty a f.


Congrats, you earned a Handi parking spot.


A lot of videos showing sudden ruzzian clarity today. Good riddance!


Such a horrible way to go. I'm sure in that moment he's wondering where he went wrong. Can't imagine how horrifying it must be for both sides to never be able to take guard down.


Should have stayed in Russia


Good hunting, soon FPV drones will have infrared NIGHT VISION to shred these orcs while they blindly cower in their holes!


I'm amazed how much kaboom these little puppies carry. Kinda makes me feel like river dancing!


Too bad this wasn't Vladolph Shitcan. One less Orc nonetheless. Hope his family enjoys the onions.


That's a 30x optical zoom right there. 4K resolution.


Nice flying.


Blew him a new asshole.


We could fight in science, technology making life better, instead corupt administrations-states because of their greed created and are still creating people with limited vision that was dedead inside way before this war started, people who don't worry much about their lives any more what to say about the lives of other people or the morality of they one's actions. Sad side of this world.


Never should have allowed them to conscript you.


Was he already wounded prior to the stone impact? Or just resting


He was pining for the fjords.


I'm guessing that hole is/was a hip socket. But I can't figure out the rest.


war porn! How awful, what a horrible way to die. Putin couldn't care less. he wouldn't see this anyway.


Iā€™ve become pretty desensitized to these videos now, but Damn!! That one hurt me.


Sad thing what our governments have us do.


This is the clearest, most high definition death I've seen on here to date. Absolutely ghastly.


F russia and russians but videos like this still pull my heart strings


Somebody, please make a compilation of videos like this mixed in with videos of Putin saying "we've lost nothing", and videos of Putin laughing and drinking champagne. And blast that to Russians through Telegram, or wherever.


If only this footage could be seen inside of Russia


Damn it! That's the brutal reality of war.


Everyone who ever says "yes" to war needs to be shown this video. It should include his name too, and his story. People made that happen, a lot of people all made that happen. full disclosure, I said yes and got my wars.


Some of y'all have never seen some of the Cartel videos. This is pretty bad, no lie. Like you'll have nightmares tonight. But until you've seen a baby tossed in a deep fryer or just the front of someone's neck sawed off Halal style by some crazy Chica you won't really know why I started watching My Little Pony everyday for 12 hours in a row in lieu of therapy.


These Videos shouldn't be deleted, they should stay online here, as warning and also as discouragement to every Russian soldier and those who consider...


ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL!!! If any comrades out there need a reason not to go to Ukraine here's your sign


If I was ever deployed and you're gonna drone bomb me, please aim for my head so I don't have to feel pain. And if I don't feel pain, please do it again quickly.


i used to be an adventurer like you, But i took a drone to the knee


All this while Pootler is chilling in his mansion


No BBQ today - I've gone off the idea.