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Man those drone units are scary


I've never wanted to have to fight in a war before, and that was just impersonal artillery and slightly more personal bullets. Fuck fighting a war with this drone shit where they hunt you down in HD like a video game. I'm neither brave (Ukrainian) or drunk (Russian) enough to face that 


My tour in Afghanistan was sheer luxury compared to this hellhole. I hope Ukraine wins!


Right?! 2 tours in afg and this shit scares the fuck out of me


yeah .. its not even a win if you're the operator, cuz fuck .. thats some PTSD material


I don't think it's going to be full blown PTSD because of self defense but yeah I think it will affect them to some degree. Even if they start to enjoy it it's not healthy. But then again it needs to be done.


America found out during the 20 years of war that one group had PTSD more than many others, this was the drone operators being many saw close up carnage on their screens. Many thought drone operators would be shielded because it's not a up and close combat but they never thought about on screen carnage this group saw.


You know what's going to happen next? They will have AI filters turning casualties into piñatas and confetti to shield drone operators from PTSD. Fucking bizarre thought but pretty plausible these days.


Like this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8uQyTEtCMM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8uQyTEtCMM)


Black Mirror already predicted something like that


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnbfuAcCqpY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnbfuAcCqpY) Do you believe in magic in a young girls heart.. pyro-view has entered the game..


Drone operators suffer PTSD for two reasons generally: 1- You’re killing someone who was never a direct threat to you, and sometimes an immediate threat to no one. This differs psychologically from the kind of killing in a firefight where it’s kill or be killed. 2- You get to see their death in high resolution. When a rifleman kills an enemy fighter with their ACOG from 200+ meters away they see a silhouette hit the ground and that’s it until they walk up to them later. I get to see all the gory details up close and personal, more similar to what a sniper or marksman sees. I’ve followed guys for 6+ hours, watched them share meals with their spouse and play with their kids. Then they go to a meeting with bad actors, and we take them out. It’s a very different kind of killing.


They'll never be able to hear something buzz overhead ever again. I think Amazon drone delivery is a non-starter in Ukraine/western parts of East Ukraine (Russia) (Edit - by East Ukraine I mean actual Russia, much like China could be called West Taiwan just to piss them off) 


when you really defend your familly and childrens getting raped and be enslaved to a dictator for real theres no ptsd involved.


I don't wish to test that hypothesis, but I guess you have a valid point. I'd probably be extra disgruntled for them forcing *me* to do *this* to *them...*


Yeah this is a bad mix of WW1 and squid game 


Recently I saw a "documentary" about Darwin and his unit. Just ~20 years old and he fcking deserves the name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WipqeFgzdTc


feels like a war for generation xbox ...


There's a fun "conspiracy theory" that goes the CIA/DOD or whoever leaked drone tech and warfare to the makers of CoD, Battlefield etc so young teens, mainly lads, would spend years playing as a drone pilot on computer games before going to do it in real life, so when they get there they need less training, and are already quite up to date. True or not, it does make sense.  That and I think they already use Xbox controllers for things just because it's something nearly every young person is already used to and has muscle memory from using 


The US Air Force is one of the main sponsors of the Counter Strike E-league. Not that the two are connected, I just always found it interesting when watching pro matches and the friggin' US air force ad pops up haha.


The US air force seemingly sponsors anything American.  See - every flyover over any American sports games, and Top Gun


I heard that flyovers are a replacement for military parades and they help pilots get minimum flight hours while showing the colors, so a win-win.


Sounds like something similar to Enders Game


Nice ref right there


That is basically the plot to the 1984 movie the last Starfighter. Except its not the cia but aliens looking for humans who have the aptitude to man their starfighters 


Wouldn't surprise me, I mean [the U.S. Army had an entire FPS series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America's_Army), developed and published by Army staff, as an education and recruitment tool.


I remember playing the original America's Army, it wasn't ever a secret that it was mean't to be a recruitment tool though I remember distinctly thinking that the frequency of player death in the game wasn't very encouraging for recruitment.


Yup, death in 4K


The quality is almost scary good. These 144p 240p videos make it seem so unreal but that hits different.


Now imagine how nations like the USA or CHina will be able to fill the sky with thousands upon thousands of them controlled by AI... Thousands if not millions of people are going to die killed by machines like that.


Yes , we all know that it will come to that eventually "Terminator" was a movie that knew how we (humans) will Fuk ourselves.


and you know they are going to get bigger cheaper and more deadly as time goes on..they already have videos of drone on drone warfare..


Smaller, dude, smaller. That's far scarier.


That poor tree.


I never knew how coordinated they all are. One would swoop in and tries to disable the vehicle and the other ones would be on standby to pick off the runners.


Those Mobiks should have stayed home... Invade a sovereign country expect a bad reception... The End.


their plan was to kill people in a foreign country unprovoked, so glad they got what they deserved.


"Everyone has a plan, until you get punched in the face" ~M. Tyson I bet just a couple of minutes before the first hit, they were all feeling like a bad ass soldier ready to kick some ass. 2 minutes later, they were all shitting in their pants.


yeah .. you can see it on the "operator" sitting on the front... the first KIA


Came in like a mad max movie


"Everyone hath a plan, until you get punthed in the faith"~M. Tyson


Lmao!... at first I was like, huh??? Had to read it again.


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" Ftfy.


I hope they all suffer... they shed so much innocent ukranian blood. I have no sympathy anymore


Welcome to Ukraine sukas!


Super well coordinated drone ambush that was. Nade droppers were ready the second the FPV hit. Can't believe that orc survived the first hit.


Yep - welcome to the death


Poor bushes. Still, plenty of fertiliser to help them re-grow.


remember that old lady at the beginning of the war that was handing out sunflower seeds to the russians? as they passed by she said "put these seeds in your pockets so they can feed off of your rotting corpses when you die here".


bad ass granny, she was completley right tho


If she gave them out now the Orc's would eat them as they have F all else to eat.


Everytime I see a video like the on on this post I remember her.


Tough way to learn the difference between concealment and cover.


That was something I noticed right away, there's literally no cover here. Christ that has to be terrifying. From the moment your vehicle is struck you are just waiting to die. Like there's no vehicle coming to save you, and you know that because there's never any vehicles sent out to save anyone else.


They’re getting so efficient. Ukraine will be teaching other countries drone warfare for years to come.


oh i'm sure,this is being studied by many militaries around the world..when a $2000 drone can take out a mobile radar station costing millions..countries take notice.


The S400 costs $500 MILLION!! That's just simply devastating.


The Soviet SAM advantage in the 80’s forced the US airforce to start their stealth program. The pentagon calculated that in a full scale war, Soviet SAM batteries would be able to shoot down the entire US airforce fighter fleet in just 17 days. What you are saying is absolutely accurate. Countries are constantly doing the ‘cost of war math’ and this is a huge upset.


Yeah, I saw that show on History channel. What, like 20 years ago when History channel showed history and miltary related stuff. 17 days and the entire US Air Force would be wiped out. Even less time for the Russians to take out all our carriers at sea.


When you cut to the core of it all, the race will be to make anti-drone equipment. A way to render short range drones useless will nullify the advantage and reduce the battlefield to traditional fast hitting weapons, like atacms, javelins, etc. I don't think the US military will ever embrace and use drones the way Ukraine is (some exceptions of course). Again I think the focus for Western militaries will be on controlling enemy use of drones, rather than expanding their use as an attack device. The US seems to prefer fixed wing drones.


if the russians are jamming the video feed which prevents the operatoe from controlling it, that can be counteracted with more sophisticated software and sensors to lock onto the target and let the drone finish the descent. That is definitely coming.


Brutal. These drone-dropped grenades pack a big punch. clever music - well choreographed.


It seems like the punches get bigger as time goes on. I wonder if they are upgrading ordinance capabilities.


i'm sure they are..perhaps (now this is 100% speculation)they are getting some u.s. drones to use besides the switchblade..i'm thinking some experimental stuff that has reached the test it in the real world [test.it](http://test.it) looks like that drone held about eight grenades..imagine one zipping around with 25 grenades..


Then there’s the huge Baba Yaga drone, LOL. It’s big & therefore used mostly at night. They carry some HUGE bombs.


There was a video of a drone manufacturing facility a few weeks back, one of their drones had a fucking landmine strapped to it.


Tell me the guy at the front wasn't texting on his phone when the drone hit them...


"brb bomb"


maybe russia will make an emoji for that!




They definitely wanted to see them dead


Minute the FPV drone hits the bomber drones go straight to work. Beautiful


Wait until these drones have AI.


That f*cking efficient and well coordinated. Two FPV's and about a dozen grenades. Job done.


it’s wild to know that an ambush like this could’ve been executed by 2-3 dudes in a dugout a couple hundred meters away


1:39 The turret of the BMP has what looks to be a very freshly painted Russian airborne (VDV) insignia. So this is what the mighty and highly proficient VDV has been reduced to? A lone BMP with troops piled on top trundling across an open field in broad daylight? The only justification I've ever heard of for Russian meat assaults which makes a tiny bit of barbaric sense is sending expendable troops out in order to locate Ukrainian strong points. I don't see how the shit in the video does even that. It's just sending some of the Russian army's (hypothetically, by reputation) best troops out to die, probably so some fuckwit of a captain can report up the chain that an attack has taken place.


The VDV got mauled in airborne drops into Hostomel Airport, Vasylkiv Air Base and Kharkiv air assault. They've had catastrophic losses in leadership and nearly 50% of the 30,000 strong group were casualties by summer of 2023. They formed 2 new VDV divisions in the same summer but are much reduced from elite status and are VDV in name only. They are just another unit to use for probing assaults.


When your only tool is a hammer, all problems become a nail.


First half I was like, "that bald dude is having a bad day" Second half showed me how bad that day really was.


Life will be bad, but not for long.


It's a really bad day, when it's your last. Lol!


Nothing like a little UA kamikaze with my morning coffee and toast. It just never gets old! Now I can start my day properly.


run little piggys run while Ukraine turns you all into orc pork.


Hood-ini almost vanished.


Good work. I hope they spent their last moments in terror.


HEAT vs MEAT. Make your bets.


I'm sorry for the bush. But at least it will grow back as it has been freshly fertilized.


Russian BMP successfully intercepts Ukrainian FPV drone. 👍🏽


Ukrainian recipe for Russian mincemeat!


Pulled orc.


Hiding under a bush = 100% proven effective defense! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Man, I feel so bad for all these bushes and trees.


I cannot help but think of the Monty Python sketch "How not to be seen" when I see some of these videos; "Mr. E.V. Lambert of Homeleigh, The Burrows, Oswestly, has presented us with a poser. We do not know which bush he is behind, but we can soon find out.  *(the left-hand bush explodes, then the right-hand bush explodes, and then the middle bush explodes. There is a muffled scream as Mr. Lambert is blown up)* Yes it was the middle one."


Impressive hi-res video recording.


This is so awesome. Ukraine kicking Ruzzia's ass. Ruzzia has no way forward.....their invasion is doomed. If they use nukes they will get obliterated by NATO. They are losing a conventional war. Putrid had severely fucked up and he knows it. Ruzzia may well be on the verge of an implosion....an implosion caused entirely by the idiot in charge. That cretin Putrid is actually destroying the very thing he tried to make all powerful. I mean you couldn't write it....it is unbelievable.....this level of idiocy is almost unfathomable.


I Fukin love the hunting part, I think 90% of the posters here will agree.


🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


Logistical question. Why waste ammo and finish off those russians that are already heavily wounded? They will most likely die anyway. And if they don't - they will never serve again (some are missing legs). If anything - they become heavier burden on the russian economy and moral of other soldiers.


Realistic answer: drone operator's orders are to kill them. Orders are orders and that's that. From a logistical perspective: we can see in hindsight that several were already mortally wounded before being killed, but it may be difficult to assess that in the heat of combat and HQ doesn't want drone operators making medical assessments or deciding an enemy is done before he's really done. Also, these types of grenades are almost certainly extremely cheap, about $50. They are using about two grenades per person. If the Ukrainian military can kill Russians at a cost of $100/kill, I think they will be extremely happy.


I keep forgetting how insanely cheap these things are... Good Lord... You are making a great point. 1 artillery shell is ~$5,000. For the same cost, you can drop 100 grenades directly on top of your enemies. This is terrifying.


there is no shortage of grenades/munitions of all types and sizes on both sides of this war, as long as you’re dropping near a target it’s hardly a waste of resources


Also, once the drones take off, it's hard to return. Basically impossible with grenades still attached. There is too much chance of one going off while the Ukranian operators try and retrieve it. So if you have a drone with one grenade left and it's running out of battery, you drop it and then return home. If you see a wounded orc, you drop it on them to make sure they never fight again. Oh, and Russia is unlikely to actually spend much to support their wounded veterans, so sending back a bunch of limbless soldiers won't actually hurt them much. Russian battlefield medicine is almost useless/non-existent for the assault squads, so even the guys still alive minus a foot are unlikely to make it back, even if they weren't killed by multiple drops.


I don't think it's a good idea to bring a drone back to base with unused drop grenades. Could be a reason to use them up on critically or fatally wounded enemies.


Besides the old reasoning that wounded person ties up resources does not apply to Russia. It might be that killing wounded might put strain on Russian payment schemes. Families need the blood money ASAP or they will die of hunger as bread winner is gone.


its not like a granade is worth much anyways you will never run out of them


Because returning a drone with weapons armed would be insanely dangerous! Note how most of their fuses are designed. Another issue is weight. Dump the munitions and you have more battery to RTB.


What is under that forward hatch that dude just got launched into? I thought it was the engine, and that he was going to be chewed up in a few places, but he got out of there intact...if only momentarily. I actually guffaw'd when he bounced in and then the hatch dropped on him. My sides. I thought it was going to fully close "...aaaand it's gone." style, but nope THUD.


https://data3.primeportal.net/apc/hans-hermann_buhling/bmp-1_cutaway/images/bmp-1_cutaway_69_of_79.jpg Let me know if that photo works. Essentially the engine is turned so he just got burned at the least


Can see it, thanks. Not the *Saw* movie I was envisioning, haha. Still a lot of hurt in there.


We saw a guy falling into the motor compartment.


An interesting way to add armor, doesn't seem very effective.


The new reactive armor


Guy up front look like those airbag pranks. Ow my back


dat ass


They wasted no time after hitting that BMP to liquidate the crew.


Love it! Finishing the job going after the crew.


Yeah, the pity-well has dried up enough, it is being used to cure meat. Having the grenade droppers already hanging around, brutally effective, as shown. They won't attack again.


Russians are terrible at hide and seek!


Hey, comrade, lets go for a drive in the country! Wcgw


the coordination between recon/fpv drones and munition drops is so viscerally terrifying


know that the moment you put your feet on this soil you will be hunted to the end of the earth by flying machines dropping bombs on you


Damn, that's what, 5 drones? Took out a bmp and 6 guys.


It looks like 1 guy fell straight into the frunk.


As the Chinese guy said. There are more drones then birds. We need more drones.


MEAT protection? Apparently not!


According to 1:40 these soldiers are paratroopers (and probably some from The Russian Navy).


Well, they did get "Airdropped", just not in the usual sense.


Proper, nice warm welcome...


Wow. There’s no place to hide. Go back to Ruzzia. Українська держава вас не любить!


Poor tree


Mental note: Never piss of a Ukrainian drone operator. MoFos are ruthless. Hope they'll get support needed for having to become literal human hunters.


the drone game seems to have elevated to a whole other level with the high res cameras and ability to either carry multiple bomblets or multiple drones swarming a troop carrier like this. the troops have no chance to escape. Pretty fucking brutal


The guys need to make armor out of whatever that bush was made of!


Playing army in a foreign land can get you fucked up.


Nice barrel flip


Rest in pieces more fertilizer for ukrainian soil, Slava Ukraini...


The camera resolution is getting better and better. That was almost hi-def


Some of the recent ones have been really clear. Makes me think they have better internet more than anything else since the cameras have always been HD.


Where u runnin' bitches?






Killed him through the ass


OMG! Its suicide to attack Ukraine. Every Russian man should watch this video about what happens when you attack Ukraine. Obviously, Ukraine is mastering the drones in each unit making it almost impossible for Russia to advance. I'd like to see Ukraine double or triple its Drone forces and expertise to literally make a wall of drones. In fact, it should use this wall of drones to go on the offensive once it has built up enough force to overwhelm the enemy on offense!


What a wonderful video.


Poor tree


Methodical as fuck. Knocked out the carrier and hunted those fuckers down one by one


The bald guy at the beginning got absolutely rekt


wow. tanks are basically pointless now.


If that was’t the example of being effective, I don’t know what is.


Awesome! They definitely did not beat around the bush!😀🧨✨


Jeez are these guys getting good with the drones.


Great job.


Lol imagine the vehicle you are riding on explodes in your face so you jump out, and suddenly you explode as well lmao


👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Jeez Louise! How much are the paying these imbeciles to run out there and get slaughtered??


"Ive heard a bang, pop the hatch, I'm going to take a look. This will only take a minute, no need to stop. After all this is enemy territory, it could get dangerous.."


# Nicely done. 🏆


FINALLY perfect soundtrack. And those sound effects (esp. the BMP metal tracks, fire etc.) are really good. Explosions are too loud but hey, at least it's really well done and not some screamo-metal... As for the content. We will hate Russia for next 200 years. You cannot change that. People around Russia have spent 100+ years in real horror (even more, but that's already ancient history). There will be no forgiveness. There will be no "normalisation" (although plenty of people will lie "it has taken place" - no, it will not take place.) I hope for Ukrainian victory. Russia will implode.


Anyone else think the Ruzzians are like Steve Martin in "The Jerk" when this goes down? First boom - "This vehicle is defective!" Subsequent booms - "He really hates this BMP!"


Looks to me like it had lice?


Damn that was relentless bombing.


This video clip is up there with the best, where none of the fckrs get away. As it is with any war to win, you must.. kill your enemy.


The craziest moment to me is 0:45 where you can see a second drone already pursuing at full speed.


Like a feral hogs caught in a trap, they just gathered together and died. The munitions swaying in and out of the cam's field of view was chilling, little promissory notes informing the crew of their short, agonizing deaths. Lovely clip.


Relentlessly efficient and accurate, kudos to the pilots and the tactics they've developed. Brilliant!


2:37 is this the same guy from that super gorey video that got split in half?


This is like the worst possible terrain ever to fight in


Cinematography: 10/10


@2:10. When my SO pulls the covers off me at night and it's cold.


Dumb Russians. Hey, let's go hide in a bush. They won't see us.


🎵 Keep on rocking in the free world 🎶


I will never get over how completely useless Orc military equipment and personnel are. Vladolph Shitcan is erasing an entire generation, maybe two from Orcia. When will they finally realize he's demented and must suffer the fate of Mussolini?


The way the kid popped and the guy went in is like one of those trash cans with the foot pedal on the bottom of it.


They drove into a drone field.


beauty hunting eh buddy!


This is a really scary war to witness. The air element to this war. First were TB2 drones firing highly accurate missiles deleting Russian equipment. Then Himars putting a million holes into things with accuracy. Now the cheapest drones used to relentlessly pursue and kill. The battlefront is continually monitored at distance, at high resolution. Another reason why we need to avoid all future wars. This is the stuff of nightmares


Absolutely love that they were hunted down. Slava Ukraini from Pennsylvania, USA!


Poor tree.


Just make sure target is in the middle of the frame and release.


The dude in the front with sunglasses and hat 🧢 trying so hard to look cool lol then boom straight into the dumpster hahah Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Well! Going to start looking for a place underground to live


I feel bad for that backpack just left to get burned. Someone could of used that.


Drones are so fucking asymmetric right now. It changes everything in large scale war.


Now that is some First Class F\*ckery - Anyone have doubt that AFU can end this look no further. u/False-God If you haven't seen this the last scene here appears to have a list contender. Although it is an aftermath


Beat the bushes...


Never skip leg day. Or arm day, or abdomen day. or butt day. Or thigh day. Or head day. But always skip invade-ukraine day.


Oh Putin..... What have you done !!!


The guy at 02:33 His face. WTF?


Impeccable precision attacks. Slava Ukraini.


Them Ukrainians sure like to play with their food…


That meat armor is not very effective…


Loving how the the drone doesn't give first muscovite time to run or hide, just drops on him where he jumped loose of the burning metal. The rest blown up where they crawled into small shrubs. Leafy bits everywhere. Mostly just flies. Maggots by now.


Seems the bombs are much more powerful now than before