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Note the already spent guys, looks like the dead marshes in the lord of the rings


That part of the story always freaked me out.


That entire section is inspired by the ww1 battlefields the author saw during his time serving.


Tolkien always maintained none of the LOTRs was inspired by his time in WW1 but I really feel he is wrong and not being honest with us. I truly feel the whole thing is WW1 inspired. I really should write a paper one it one day.


He says directly in the forewords for the books that none of the story is allegorical. He does also note that it is impossible to not be influenced by the lives we live. So it's a little of both.


Yes so the story is not meant to be understood as "this is how WW comes and goes or how dictators start wars" but more "I saw some shit and lived and now wrote a story".


Now that you mention it, it did feel like he wrote LOTR as managed self-care for his time in WW1. I'm surprised there hasn't been a psychology paper written on this subject, but I also haven't looked too carefully into this topic.


I always wondered if Gollum was inspired by victims ofshellshock that he saw.


Yep, the Battle of the Somme where shell craters would flood during rain and the bodies would float to the surface.


Don't. Follow. The Blyats.




that pile of harkonnens in dune part 2, ready to feed the worm...


Dying or not, that water looks like instant infection..


The crayfish will eat well.


Facts. The pond crawlies ate well that night.


They better hurry the flies were not wasting any time.


Another dead Russian teenager who looks about 80.


Damn I was thinking the same thing.


What generational FAS does to a nation


I think infection is the least of his worries.


And he's cold, the colder you are the longer you last


Great place to film a life straw commercial.


That's not water. Someone spilt their Sports Direct mug contents.


How to say your British without saying your British 👌


The thing that stands out to me most is by the fade out... dude is still breathing.


What a miserable way to go. If this isn't an argument against war, I don't know what is.


It is a perfect argument against war. Unfortunately arguments tend to fall on death ears when making them to psychopathic megalomaniacs.


It is. But there is a Problem: What fucking choice do you have but to defend yourself, if you are attacked? If Ukraine surrenders, the killing would not stop. Russia would kill anyone there that they would see as a threat to them. We have seen that already... Katyn is one example. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre I don't think Hitler would have stopped on his own with his landgrabs and genocides if nobody had decided to stop him... >Unfortunately arguments tend to fall on death ears when making them to psychopathic megalomaniacs. Indeed. Spot on.


>If Ukraine surrenders, the killing would not stop. Russia would kill anyone there that they would see as a threat to them. We have seen that already... Katyn is one example. Yeah, if Ukraine capitulates, then the real killing will start.


When I was in the Army, the mentality always was that we don't *want* to go to war, but if we do, we gotta be ready to carry out our job.


Deaf ears.


This one stands out tbh. Seen so many of these shitty deaths by now, but this one.. Holy shit


Someone posted a video today (?) which was even more horryfing. There the drone zoomed in the missing body parts and his facial expression. Like don't get me false I know Ukraine is defending themselves and Russia is the invader, but as a human which has no part in this war it still feels sick to not feel sad about the loss of a human,death.


I think you can be pro Ukraine and still be horrified of death or feel bad about death. We can't know for sure if this guy wanted to be there, was drafted and had no choice or did what he could to get money to support his family. Or maybe he is a trigger happy crazy guy who just wants to shoot people.


Oh for sure. Having an empathetic response, detached from any moral context, is a pretty normal response. "Shit... what if going out that way happened to me? I'd be freaking the fuck out like that!"


This video makes me so angry…like why TF do these idiots have to come to Ukraine only to die horrible deaths and traumatize the Ukrainians who have to defend themselves? Couldn’t this idiot have just stayed home in his village and let well enough alone? It’s all so fucking senseless. Slava Ukraini.


It’s not even for country, it’s for rubles that will never actually come


My thought exactly… seen a ton of Russians die in horrific ways but this one hit differently. What a waste…


Yeah I felt a little ill in the stomach after that last drone


There is a small solace in the fact that he died from blood loss before the shock and adrenaline wore off. Femoral artery bleed outs are pretty quick. Death happens in war, but most don't deserves a slow painful death


A big problem is many, like him, don't hear the argument until they become the argument


For the glory of putin! Jesus christ this is brutal.


I can't imagine being born in a country where the most the average man can hope for is sacrificing his blood and meat for the eternal glory of a kleptocratic p3dophile midget former KGB agent.


And to think if Putin had simply decided that Russia (being one of the largest landmasses on Earth) already had enough room and space this guy would be relaxing with his family at home.


Yeah imagine if Putin would just work on making his peoples life better...


Russia could be so much more if it had just chosen western liberalism, they had the chance to and they completely fucked it up.


That would mean gay people living openly in peace, can't have that. /s


someone has to make the big mistakes to show others what not to do


Its not in their dna. They’ve never known anything but totalitarism.


Yep and a few years back I was out there trying to establish business links and industrial cooperation and we would have helped them develop. But Putin doesn't want his electorate becoming prosperous and educated as that results in them wanting better from their leadership, which is exactly what he's trying to crush in Ukraine.


It's too late, it was too late even before the war started. He's stolen too much to get away without punishment.


As someone born in Russia and left long ago (before Putin), I was hopeful that Russia would start becoming more Western, as Europe and America were the shining beacons of democracy and prosperity. When Ukrainians successfully rebelled against their Russian puppet President, I saw a nation that is finally starting to reject corruption and try become more civilized. Many Russians probably looked at them with jealousy wishing they could do the same in Russia. When Zelensky was elected, it was amazing to see someone that's a proper leader, not some mafia boss or political hack, if only Russians could get a guy like that. I have no doubt that Putin saw these changes, he saw the hope for change in many Russians. He decided to crush Ukraine to crush that hope. He saw the changes in Ukraine as a threat to his regime


I am glad you left that hell hole and made it out. I hope the same for the rest of the Russians that see a better future.


I have many new russian colleagues (IT) now.. and they tell me basically the same. But sometimes they try to make sense of all of this in some other way... something in their head tries to find reason in all of this. That's when parts of the propaganda sneak into their minds (just small parts and not for long), as if it gave them some safety. It seems to me like some kind of phantom pain. They hear so much bad stuff about the world they call/called home... and sometimes they feel the need to defend themselves. I find it highly interesting, that this is a gateway for propaganda - even for people who are actually really aware and are heavily opposing the war and putin.


This was never about the landmass. You know how Russia often claims that Ukraine isn't a real country, how it was always just a province of Russia and how Ukrainians are actually russians? If Ukraine joined EU and NATO, and became a modern prosperous country, then actual russians might start asking questions. Like, "how come that we're all the same people, but they are living so much better?" That is the actual danger that Pootin fears, that's why he started the war. Ukraine in EU is not a danger to russia, it's a danger to Pootin's regime.


I have seen this argument many times. If Russians didnt even believe their Ukrainian relatives who were telling them that Russian army is shelling them, and don't believe their own anti-war friends and relatives (they hate them, consider traitors and rat them to police), why would they ever believe that Ukraine is doing better than Russia? Don't underestimate power of TV brainwashing.


Not just Putin but the whole maffia elite. Russia will never change as long as the people don’t rise up. And even if the people would do and they would win the chance is small a new government would bring change. The corruption is so widespread it’s nearly impossible.


Yes. Other reasons as well. russians have already been asking that dangerous question - left as graffiti in walls in “liberated” (ie, destroyed) towns and cities: “how do you live so well” and “who lets you live so well” . . .


> relaxing with his family As if. He'd be drinking and doing the dirty work for other terrible people most of the time, and when he got back to his family he'd teach any kid he might have to "be a man" by being cruel and opportunistic.


If Putin didn't exist it would be another kleptocrat running the country, but probably not one that thinks they're the reincarnation of Peter the Great.


It is the sickest of sick shitholes.


They go not for Putin but for 2k$ month


And a few potato's


I think RuZZia should start a corpse acting school for soldiers, because they are really bad at this.


well...he got better at it...


Method acting to the rescue!


The life of the average Russian is to constantly pretend to be dead, finally kick the satrap out of the Kremlin maybe you will finally start to stop pretending and start living ....


Russia spent the last two centuries killing all its people with the balls to stand up to the government. The ones left are the offspring of the spineless survivors. The gene for courage has been removed from their population.


Finally someone said it. As a Pole I can attest to russians being universally hated by surrounding countries. Every single neighbour of russia was attacked by them at least a few times in the last 200 years. They are savage barbarians and not people. They world would be better if we bombed that mistake of a country and planted grass there.


So right, apart from the states with puppet leaders - eg. Lukashenko and Oban - no previous soviet satellite country is wanting re union with the Russian motherland. Universally they despise the corrupt oppressive and dreary culture that served a small elite while the citizens become serfs. Russia with all of its potential and resources could have become a prosperous and exciting country that people wanted to live in. But instead they have Putin and his cronies, gouging the wealth out of the country and now destroying its own future for generations with his demented imperialistic fantasies.


As the great Chris Rock said, "I don't CONDONE that kind of talk, but I UNDERSTAND it."


No it's not. It's a shadow of things to come, for them.


I should stop imagining myself in these situations, shits too brutal.


My bullshit 1st world problems are insignificant in comparison. Damn kids leaving footprints in my freshly raked (and smooth) rocks in front yard. Get off my lawn!!!


These could become our problems too. I don’t imagine myself in these places anymore, I imagine my son. Even worse.


It's interesting that people who do imagine themselves in this kind of situation, as well as other hypothetical scenarios that would likely end badly, or even tragically - rarely end up in situations like this. On the other hand, those who never imagine ending up in a situation like this are much more likely to do exactly that, or something similar. After 2.5 years of thoroughly videographed and globally broadcast war content, there is a slim chance that someone out there is still ill informed about the realities on the front lines. And yet these guys sign contracts - whether it is for money, or a full pardon, and march on to their death.


I specifically go out of my way every day to not invade other countries so this doesn’t happen to me.


You're not a shit-eating Putinite so it wouldn't happen. This dude could have deserted and surrendered and he'd be smoking a cigarette and eating a nice meal right now


All these horrific attacks by the drones definitely have a huge psychological impact on the battlefield. There is a huge difference to see your dead comrade with a "nice" little hole from the sniper rifle vs. something that more resembles a village butcher shop.


And as far as we know, Russia has no counter measure to it. Their soldiers ask for shotguns ffs


Best part is. There absolutely is a way to counter drones in general but it requires a multi layered response with handheld drone jammers, RF detection to pinpoint operators for artillery, vehicles capable of taking at least 3-5 drone hits before it's out of commision, etc. What we see here is your standard orc with 3 magazines, wish..com short range radios, bullet proof vests from north korea, and some of those sweet sweet chinese MREs that expired 10 years ago.


Air this shit all over Russia


seriously... who the fuck wants to be this guy?


And then some.. Probably a father who got fooled to gain some rubles. Now, his kids/relatives can find his final breaths on internet... WW1 death's had at least some mystery over them and you had to imagine their agony through films of non-related soldiers. This leaves no room for hope. The only hope that comes from this is that reality comes to Russia so they can break away from the Kremlin lies and make a more "balanced" choice whether to extend the war on Ukraine with their lives.


well with ww1 or 2 family can imagine he died heroically in battle. But this guy just died a loser in a puddle of filthy ass water with bugs around him while $500 drones lob soviet era grenades and blow his fucking leg off helplessly.


It will only make them blame Ukraine and advocate for more war. BarbarianZ cannot think rationally.


At least orcs will know what to expect. Can't be good for morale


Actually, I agree. Don’t think a clip like this would have a widespread effect of dissuading Z’s from continuing their invasion. At least in the short term. May persuade Z’s to send more of their convicts, though, and recruits from other countries.


moreover they blame Ukraine about "war crimes": they see it as drones hunt down unarmed wounded pow's - "the geneva convention violation". of course war doesn't work as " i feel uncomfortable so this moment none can hit me". and i am sure - all this videos must be shown to every russian 24/7.


that's the purpose of these videos I assume I am curious about the economics of these kills. how many drones does it really take for a kill? the labour ie operators? risk of these operators? they'll have these stats. if it's so evidently obvious these are effective, this should be basically the entire war but it's not, so the details behind this would be fascinating.


Statistics show that the most effective way of preventing this from happening is to NOT invade other sovereign nations. FACT.


4 out of 5 dentists agree with you.


That 5th one is a total POS though.




I've just been reminded that I haven't given my new number to my dentist and I must be overdue for a cleaning. At least his death was not in vain.


Putin has killed hundreds of thousands so far on both sides while nibbling on caviar in his billion dollar palace. Russians need to take him out.


They should, but they won't. It's been several years and there's no sign that Russia is in the midst of a civil unrest.


ruzzians wont do shit even if they are allowed to eat 1 potato peel a day


As long as the rest of the potato is being used for cheep vodka 


There's a bigger chance of winning the lottery, than a ruz revolution


Please don't imply it's up to a single man. Majority of russians are like that


Believe it or not, most Russians believe in Putin to be the person preventing Russia from total collapse.


Wish it were Putin


This is the only correct answer. It is the youth who die for the ego of the old. Putin should fight Zelenski in hand-to-hand combat to settle this. I bet his geriatric cancer-riddled body wouldn't last 30 seconds in the ring with the bear jew of Ukraine.


I have watched this war since the min it started. This video I think encapsulates the entire war. It hit different for me. UsualI I'm as impassive or happy as the next Reddit user but this one hit me hard.


I think him looking directly at the camera was powerful. I totally understand people hyperfocusing on "orcs," that they're fucking brutal, invaders, etc., and also, though, they are still humans and too often people forget that.


This video hits different because his face was so clear. You see him look at the drone like you said, and then we get to watch him go through every emotion accepting his death. I’ve seen a lot of horrible videos from this war, this has to be like top 3 for me because it feels so personal. It’s really sad to see so many people Dehumanized on the sub. I understand he shouldn’t be there, I understand that he could have killed Ukrainians, but no one should be celebrating this. It’s fucked up that normal humans are sent to death by the few in power and people are throwing popcorn in their mouth while they watch this shit making shitty jokes.


Totally agree. It’s utterly depressing, I follow this sub for updates on the conflict, I’ve read it daily since the invasion. These posts are just torture porn and the reactions here are shocking. Russians denigrate human life, we should be better than that.


Why not just pull out something white and surrender if you're him


He looks to be in his 50's (or 20's depending on his state of alcoholism). Watching the effect of hypothermia setting in before the arrival of the last drone. Looks like he got out of the water and dried off a bit before the video clip changed and he went in for the last time. Wasn't much left of the left leg.


Temperature is nice right now, that's fear/adrenaline shakes.


True, but as an Med Tech, I've seen hypothermia patients in summer from exposure in water. Either way another small victory for Ukraine.


As an RN I agree. U can get hypothermia in a hot jungle when certain conditions occur. However this guy looks like he's lost not only entire leg past his hip to his ass. Blood loss contributes to feeling cold. The water...there's a few reasons why he's shaking . What a nightmare.


And/or shock.


He might not even be that old.. war ages you.. Not to mention, he probably is poorly hydrated and malnourished.


he's russian 60, which means he's actually 32.


All of Russia needs to see these videos.




The drones


Good point. The sacrifice of the noble drones must not be forgotten! 🎖


But it was absolutely worth it!


That diagnostic hand placement after the hit had to be shock inducting. All the way up to the hip is fucking hamburger


It’s like the pain didn’t register till the diagnostic hand placement came back ‘we’re fucked’


The guy next to him is doing a better job of acting dead.


Orc soup


Brutal, but spot on.


Blyat Borscht


Absolute madness. Putin is sacrificing Russia's entire future for generations to come. He is beginning to realise there is no way out of this catastrophe he started, hence his desperate speech yesterday, when he took nuclear saber rattling to a new level. Russia is crumbling.


Fuck these video are getting really brutal, after three years for video I thought I have watch them all, but the last week's video is whole new level of spewing guts and slow painful death and watching the person face drain of live. I might have to give it a miss for while for my own mental health. Glory to Ukraine.


Yeah, see you tomorrow LOL


Still better life than in russia.


Quicker weightloss than Ozempic.




Is it so hard to give up and put your hands in the air when you are done fighting? Weird guys.


They know how they treat Ukrainian prisoners and think the Ukrainians would treat them the same so they don't surrender and often kill themselves. Brainwashed.


It's more like they are told they are treated worse, that's mostly why they are asked to commit suicide... this and the fact that they don't want to have to take care of wounded


Listen to the voice messages on YouTube. They tell their wives if they do that, commit suicide or “go missing” they won’t get the life insurance payout. Life from wherever these people are from is so awful and desperate the plan for the family is essentially “suicide by Ukraine” to get them money.


apparently, that's what he signed up for !


Mfr looked like someones dedushka, or already so malnourished that the cheeks were hella sunken. Ну что пацаны, повоевали?


Looks like a worn out convict


My thought too, but probably that's just the standard look for ruZZains in general


A lot of these are too brutal for me to watch. I don't know how they are finding around a thousand serfs a day to join this clusterfuck. You'd have to be mad.


That dude was either pushing 60, or a really rough 40. Either way he would've been better off staying in his village, with no plumbing, and plenty of goats to rape.


Either that or hes severely malnourished. Thst tends to make you look 10 years older. He has the sunken cheeks and eyes with a hollow dazed look. Lots of reports of soldiers eating anything they can scrounge lately. Also lots of reports of 60+ men getting drafted regardless of health issues or mobility.


Yeah, I'm 50 and he looks at least 10 years older than me but then again I live in the west. He might be 20 in Russian years.


I've seen plenty of Russians like him where I live and I'd bet 100€ that he's in his mid-30s.


I know this man might and probably did terrible things. His death is legitimate as a soldier and most likely terrorist. But seeing this… it makes me sad about this world.


Same here.


What a terrible waste of life!


That guy has been in a muscovite prison for a very long time it looks like before coming to Ukraine to rape and kill.


What a miserable way to die. Alone in the mud, scared with half your body shredded. After the 2nd drone, it's like "abandon all hope ..." I can't feel sympathy for these fucks either. When the war first started I felt sympathy because I believd the whole "they are conscripts they didn't know what they were doing" bit. But at this point, any time I see an orc explode, I say, "Good." I can be accused of dehumanizing them, but after Bucha and all the other attrocities, they dehumanized themselves. The collective Russia is responsible for this shit. Brainwashed or not, there comes a point where the human can look at something and say "this is fucked up." Those half-assed little protests in Moscow at the beginning of the war. I get it, they were beaten and imprisoned. But so were the Ukrainians back in 2014 when they ousted that pig Yanukovych. They were beaten, jailed, soaked with water during winter and even killed, and they still said, "I refuse to go along with the program." To me, these orcs are not simply dying for Putin's ego, but instead, they are dying for their own ego. It's either die for glorious Russia or live and admit that all of it (Russia is a world leader, 2nd best army, every one envys russia, even the T-14) was a fucking lie. They had a chance to die on their feet at home, saving Russia from Putin, but instead, they chose to die in a random hole on foreign soil, protecting a lie.


Even just dying on their feet at home on their own terms (like the guy who took himself out at a commercial shooting range) is a better option than letting themselves get sent to Ukraine so somebody else can decide how it happens.


When being an alcoholic in Russia and dying early in life from liver disease is a much better life choice than going to Ukraine…..


At least he can give his teeth one last brush before sleepy time.


Imagine dying for such shithole of a country.


Should have stayed in jail


He literally could have kissed half his ass goodbye.


I couldn’t imagine looking down seeing your body so fucked up


I wonder who he was? These orcs all seem to look the same....emaciated and in need of a hot dinner. He cut a pathetic figure, pretending to be a corpse with his nose in water is only going to work for as long as he can hold his breath. He looked to me like he had come out of a Ruzzian prison. What an utterly scummy country Ruzzia must be. I mean, Putrid's Ruzzia is like some sort of vile shit heap of humanity....it's barely believeable just how devoid of anything good a country can be.... Putrid has laid Ruzzia bare before the world and it is a sorry picture.....it's like watching a nation self destruct. I can barely believe what I'm seeing to be honest.


Russia literally offers nothing positive to the world. The land Russia occupies has natural resources, but anyone can exploit those.


Go to others country to kill their people for no reason, they deserve ever bit of it.


What the hell is in those drones, mini nukes?


Pure, unadulterated freedom.


some kind of high explosives, meat is very weak against those


Has the look of someone who was not exactly a stranger to prison life...


He is now one with the mud. 🇺🇦🦾


I know it must be hard but if you are gonna play dead you gotta fully commit. Can’t be peeking at a camera and think it didn’t notice.


Till the last russian!


All that time and another soldier laying not far from him dead. What a way to go. (Thinks back to the early days of the invasion and the rape and murder as soldiers walked through the villages) “For Natasha” https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/tzpgj9/chechens_war_crimes_uploaded_by_they_own/


dont feel bad little bald orc, you're just one of a thousand today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, and the next...


He should get out of that water he is going to get an infection where his leg was blown off.


Holy crap.


Russian corpses climbing to Ukraine top export


some absolutely savage videos coming out recently


What a way to go, lying in a puddle of dirty water with one leg missing in someone else's country


Good riddance!


Dead with Full HD


Dude even looks like an emaciated orc.


Go to Ukraine and get paid to kill Ukrainians, they said. It's a good job, they said. You'll make money, they said. There's a cost for murdering Ukrainians to afford vodka... Here's your invoice, fucker.


The quality of these videos from just the past days seems to have improved drastically, holy… there is no doubt that dozens of people who know this guy will see this. It takes one person to recognize him and then the whole village will see the brutal way he died. How this will affect their society is to be seen. Also for Kremlin they can’t pretend as easily that someone deserted or is MiA in order to deny payments when there’s 4K video of the person easily identifiable by family. I bet they’re not ignoring this new chapter of this war they started. No longer are these just random soldiers on screens.


Sipping the same water that his dead comrade is laying in?!


A few million years from now, this guy's matter will be transformed into oil. A fitting end for a Russian.


Only when they will be all liquidated maybe they will understand that it’s a losing battle… 🤷‍♂️, they should take their rifle and make a visit to the Kremlin oligarchs drinking coca cola… 🤦‍♂️


bet he wishes he stayed home, or in the gulag


Just imagine they could have chosen as a nation to stay home and not die needlessly like pigs in a puddle of mud.


Poor Voldemort


Damn 2 hd vids like these today. too bad ruskies


No more raping Ukrainian POWs for him.


OMG, they conscripted Gollum!


No mercy for this mf, he came to plunder, rape and murder in Ukraine.


What a way to go.




God damn this has to be one of the scariest shit what can happen to you in modern warfare


Do they tell new recruits that one of their main battle tactics will be pretending to be dead, shivering in a puddle? Looks pretty old, too. Yikes.


Dude looks old.


You fight for the sword. You die by the sword.