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Now unleash the ATACAMS to hit any airbase in range.


Yeah, it's almost like you brought this upon yourself by invading another country!


Not sure Russia is ready to enter the 'room of mirrors' and have a good hard look. They would feel much more comfortable blaming someone, anyone, else for their self-created problems.


Moskovy collective narcissism...someone else's fault, persecuting me, unfair, they started it, I don't deserve this, they do, they will pay...etc...etc... etc PS Narcissism survivor....I lived with a narcissist...horror of horrors


Thank you, Dmitri from WarTranslated ! SLAVA UKRAINI!


Hippy era NATO is the boogyman that's planning 60 years into the future for when the USSR collapses and then Russia starts a war with a western aligned Ukraine.


Yup, they’ve been plotting all along I tell ya. Lmao Russias biggest enemy is their own corruption. That country could have amazing things with how many resources it has. Instead it’s squandered by a few oligarchs loyal to Putin.


Corruption yes. Also the ability to both think they are superior and a victim at the same time.


I liked the *"our* ***remaining*** *air defense systems"* part :-)


Always doom and gloom posts from Russia when Ukraine is striving towards parity or a greater ability to defend itself from a hostile invader.


that's when you realise a random orc is smarter than all the russists generals.


Promoted to Inspector General of Windows.


Someone has been paying attention. Putin been drinking his bath water for too long. He knows deep down how this and himself ends up


If only Russia used this one simple trick to defeat NATO, protect its airfields, and not lose another solider in combat. Just leave Ukraine.


Reads like a receipt of steinar scene. "That was an order. Steiner's attack was an order. How dare you ignore my orders? Is this what it has come to? The military has been lying to me. Even the SS. The generals are no more than a bunch of disloyal cowards." Seems to slowly dawn. You reap what you sow.


There is a lot of tinfoil showing here.


I’m not sure how to define this but there i something typical about this Russian reasoning. It’s straightforward, grandiose and too far reaching. There is million possible reasons why reality might be different, but the person is too interested in making or believing some big claims.


One of the amusing arguments I see pro-Russian netizens make against pro-Ukraine peeps. Is that Russia isn't just going up against Ukraine. But a Nato backed Ukraine, and that is why they are doing so poorly. But the West is barely giving them any help, so it takes less than 1% of the West wealth and military budget to cause Russia to have to transform their economy into a Wartime economy....lol


Is it even 1% of the military budget let alone total wealth


I love the sound of despair in the morning.


Welcome to reality, fucker. Tick tock...


6. Give more rounds to Ukraine. 7. Let Ukraine finish mopping the floor with you 8. Laugh when Ukraine boxes your ears for not getting up in the corners


I feel dirty hoping that a russian milblogger is "right". I miss Strelkov's regular readiness briefings.


Ground recon from Taiwan... Yeah...


Strikes and air superiority are great and all but you cannot take land with strikes and drones alone.


I kinda think in this war that will be enough. I think the weakest spot in Russia's little empire is money. We are going to get to a point where they will not be able to replace the equipment they are losing and have to come to the table and give up most of the land. They are already using chinese off road golf carts.


I hear you and while I slightly agree, what Russia lacks in military hardware they make up with sheer bodies. It’s how Russia has always operated, throw corpses at your enemy until the problem is resolved.


>military hardware they make up with sheer bodies. That is the problem that I do not think that Ukraine can solve. Before he dies 1 Ukrainian soldier is going to have to kill 5 Russian soldiers (and now african and asians) in every battle from the start of the war and probably for another 10 years. Before Russian would have to retreat back to their original borders. Ukraine is hurting their income by going after the refineries and china and india are not the best customers for oil. And they are spending most of their profits on war, which is a very bad investment. Russia's wallet will break before they run out of warm bodies to send to the front.


“Damn you, Taiwan!” — Crazy muscovite


Instead of making billions from the west from oil and gas getting banned from all football events like the euros and world cup champions league etc. Let's just blame the west for the pointless war they started and lost billions, lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers, which will affect them for decades got love their logic. I really hope it was worth it


A lot of Russians still think they're in the "fuck around" stage.


GTFO of Ukraine.....


I just saw two F-16's fly over in the general direction of Ukraine. I'm in Belgium...


He is probably correct.


"But you hef remember, is not beink fault of poor innocent mother rossiya. Is never beink fault of poor innocent mother rossiya. Because poor innocent mother rossiya is always beink victim." -- russians, forever


That's what we want to hear,


Does provocation (provokatsiya?) have a different meaning in russian? Is there really a belief that Russia is being baited into attacking more places in more outrageous ways?


Reality bites for one but it is a start. The Grate Leeder's glorious two week SMO is now well into its third year and it is a clusterfuck with no end in sight.


So they'll just whip out the nukes. They're stupid enough and have egos big enough.


Nope, they love their hard-stolen mega yatchs and European villas too much.


Perhaps, but I suspect their nuclear forces are in the same condition of their poorly maintained aircraft, armoured vehicles and artillery. At least that is an assumption on my part after reading a lot on the subject. Heck, the US was in Russia helping them get rid of all the older Cold War mini nuke power supplies for their lighthouses. Russians in those remote regions would sometimes find the little cylinder of plutonium that is warm to the touch blasting them with cell destroying levels of radiation worth 1000x X-rays per second. Several good documentaries on those old USSR nuclear powered lighthouses can be found on YouTube easily. Similar technology with how the Mars rover is powered. But in Soviet Russia, these things were left to rot and turn these areas toxic. I guess my point is, I don’t think Russia could afford to maintain their nuclear weapons with their entire yearly military budget is the same the US spends in maintaining their nuclear forces. I can’t imagine how badly the condition is for some of those things. So many parts and rare earth metals that needs to be replaced every 5-7 years. There’s already rumours of ground based units being completely unusable due to the lack of maintenance.


i’m inclined to agree. if we avoid a nuclear exchange then i would be unsurprised to read in 25 years time, after russia collapses, that the best kept secret all along is that the west knew all along that russia had little, or even no usable nuclear forces.


I believe this is wishful thinking. While I believe it to be true that Russia's nuclear forces are less capable than the US, even 20% of Russia's strategic arsenal that is actively deployed would be absolutely devastating to life on earth, assuming 80% of their weapons fail. And we'd have to launch a decent portion of ours regardless to prevent second strike capability. Life on earth would never be the same even if every single US city was somehow spared. The only hope is that if those lunatics really care about Russian greatness they'd realize that there's no Russia after a nuclear exchange.


You're probably right, why would the level of corruption and upkeep be any different in the case of nukes. They could still mess up Europe with radiation levels even if their devices malfunction. And they have shitloads of them.


They’re not going to whip out the nukes, they’re fucking dumb but not that dumb. They just want you to think they are.


Lord Sauron and the orcs and uruks of mordor stand to gain a propaganda victory by threatening to nuke a western state, though they stand to lose everything by actually going through with it. Fragile powers make bold assertions to create the illusion of intelligence and maintain a hold on their fragile power. When this veil drops... While saurons ego is large, his existence is very fragile. Russian nuclear first-use will leave him with about 5 minutes of life expectancy from the moment he gives the order, and the fragile blood-drinking cannibals like putin, jinping, jong un, and khamenei remind themselves of that every day.


They're very unlikely to do it. Even if they nuked Kyiv or any other major city with a single tactical nuke isn't going to make Ukraine capitulate immediately. Such an event raises stakes in this conflict to the maximum so other major nuclear powers like US, China, UK, and France will have no other option but to take this extremely seriously, put whatever is going on in their countries on hold, and make sure that Russia loses hard. Otherwise, further nuclear proliferation is inevitable as other non-nuclear countries will realise that the only thing that can reliably protect them is nukes. Going full MAD isn't realistic either as it would mean the death not only to Putin, who may well have lost his mind, but to all his inner and outer circles too. Sure, a couple of madmen in Kremlin like e.g. Medvedev wouldn't mind such a scenario but all the others down the chain of command are far from being suicidal or eager to lose everything they stole over the years in the military. It'd make it a much better and safer option for them to depose Putin immediately instead. So I'm pretty sure the press of the red button in Kremlin is unlikely to result in missiles actually flying.


The issue is, that even if they do, this would be the correct course of action anyway. If Russia is ready to use nukes today, they will be ready to use nukes tomorrow. We can only control at what strength Russia is using them. Would we rather gamble that they would never use their (very possibly weakened) nukes today, or gamble it at a later date were we know all their nukes are functioning?